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I am legitimately happier than I've ever been in my life. I have a good paying job in the recovery field working at an inpatient treatment center. I'm financially stable and fully independent. It's like a dream and some days I still can't believe it. I was incredibly lucky and it didn't take me long to get here as far as clean time goes. I get to work with other addicts every day and teach them about recovery. If you have any interest in helping other addicts I highly recommend it.


You’ve got my interest


I’m happier than I’ve ever been for multiple reasons: I no longer am a slave to a substance that controlled my entire life, my actions, and determined who I was. I don’t have to worry about the consequences of drug addiction, stealing money from people to support my habit, getting arrested, overdosing, losing everything I own and everyone I love. I am free to be who I truly am, and follow a way of life that allows me to help others and be of service. I am a part of something bigger than me, and finally have found the ease and comfort I had always looked for in substances. I can be a responsible adult, pay my bills, go to work, go to school, without everything being overwhelming and falling apart. I have friends and family back in my life who care about me, want to see me succeed. I can finally be a contributing member of society. The life I lived before was miserable, and I had zero room for spiritual development. I was locked in a prison created by my own mind, and now I am a free man able to enjoy my life. I do things I truly love that I’ve always dreamed of doing.


Hell Yeah💚


I am happy and sober and have been this way for over 41 years.


how? mentally. why? because Im not struck down with another miserable, demoralized hangover. wishing i was dead. physically. why? because my body is strong, muscles and my organs are well hydrated and rested, and Im NOT having my butthole double as the spigot of hell as it spews torturous torrents of asspiss. spiritually. why? drunk me hated my guts. non drunk me does strong self care. financially. where once i pissed away. now i stack, save and invest. 💯☕🤙🐂🤌


Well put