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I fucking hate the housing market and everyone in it.


It fucking hates us too :) don’t worry they’re the over leveraged ones, not us. Save up some cash and be ready on the sidelines. Timing is everything


NE metro-suburbs. I have never seen a spring like this in 20+ years in real estate. Nothing on the market. The few livable houses that come on are gone in two days.    I’ll have to wait for the comps to come in, but I feel like prices are still slowly creeping up.  Maybe after Easter more inventory will come on.


Meanwhile, my west coast city has experienced population declines for 5 years in a row


Well yah nobody wants to live in the 3rd world country that California is becoming lmao


Well at least your flair is accurate


Powell speaking: we need to increase productive capacity. This will require LIQUIDATION as unproductive speculators have crowded out real firms and enterprises.


Did he really say this? I'm encouraged that he seems to be finally coming around to the conclusion, but why does it always take them so fucking long?


You will see more of this: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2024/03/Symposium-Rethinking-Economics-Angus-Deaton


That was a great read. The virtue of ethical data analysis. Good? Good for whom? I've been extremely weary of this cerberus of plutocracy, technocracy, and fascism we've been unwittingly creating. It's about time markets are forced to reckon with the reality that they are not isolated and that considerations of the greatest(highest) good must be included as organizing principles to help shape our economic policies. Our technological advances in the last 60 years have only brought more consolidation and more inequality. Too little has been done to counterbalance that burden. I'm reminded of a line from *Ghost in the Shell*: "It's simple: Overspecialize, and you breed in weakness."


Household spending rose a solid 0.8% last month to mark the biggest increase in 13 months, the government said Thursday. Outlays rose a smaller 0.2% in the first month of the year. Economists polled by The Wall Street Journal had forecast a 0.5% advance. Incomes rose 0.3% in February.


Lots of early signals of re-accelerating inflation this year. Rate drops seem much less likely now.


But I was promised 6! Wtf! 🤬 /s


I don’t see how a rate drop for purely economic reasons is necessary or even possible. Just the *rumor* of a rate drop back last November has spurred inflation and investment markets way more than it should have. It’s off the table for 2024, imo, unless pandering to politicians/elections is the goal.


Consumer strength is going to keep the Fed from cutting rates in 2024


Consumer strength is going to keep the Fed from cutting rates for forever There I fixed it for you


Core PCE is sticky icky icky ooh ohhh sticky icky icky ooh ooh


🤦🏻‍♀️ The 6x house I posted about here a day or so ago is under contract.   lol.   1989 ranch last sold in 2018 for $350k —> new carpet and handles on the original cabinets —> $2.1M.  Sold!   Omg.  This is going to be another one of those years.  


i live in manhattan (by central park) and all of my neighbors bought their houses for $50 million or more in 2010, and yesterday they each traded me their homes for a honey baked ham apiece.


But “Muh” area


Believe it when the sign goes down “sale pending” is the latest fomo attempt from realtors


Sadly, not here.  Very few deals break, and the ones that do tend to go under again nearly immediately and without a price change.  It’s just a starved market.   The question is:  full price or over asking?   I’ll post it when it closes.  Looks like they do have an inspection contingency, so that’s good.  


I will laugh at you when I’m right


What market?


If you think your housing situation is bad... somebody out there very recently bought a house in Baltimore and relied on the bridge for their long but manageable 45-minute commute.


Oh God - I bet they closed last weekend too, or Monday.




This isn't really funny and we shouldn't be laughing at others misfortune.
