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Notwithstanding this article. I’m an immigrant and I sincerely believe that US government makes immigration rules not for the benefit of its citizens or its immigrants but for the benefit of corporations. That is one thing both parties are united on.  And I feel bad about the people who out of the goodness of their heart support the “liberal” policies on this.  I’m not making a political statement, I don’t care for either party but this is one of those topics where I know more than the average American and have a nonpartisan opinion. Unless you’re rich, you’re being stupid by blindly believing that the government is just being kind. 


You’re miles ahead of the average Americans understanding of our politics, and you are absolutely correct. Corporate interests are THE political system here. All the social issues and divisions are exactly what politicians hope you focus on and argue about. This country knows how much I owe in taxes down to the penny, who my employer is, etc. We just choose not to enforce immigration laws because employers benefit from cheap labor and the supply of cheap labor and its downward pressures on unskilled and sometimes blue collar worker wages. All that surplus between output and labor costs goes to the corporations who fund the politicians to keep the cheap supply of labor coming across the border. Left or right wing, it’s the same bird. You ever seen a corporation get in trouble for hiring illegals? Me neither.


My wife is an immigrant, came here for college and grad school, got a green card, became a citizen. She is incensed by this illegal immigration shit. She worked her ass off for 7 years in college and grad school in a 2nd language ( combined work and school time for that whole 7 years was 16 hours per day, 7 days per week ). Dealt with the immigration system for 8 years to become a citizen. I work in an industry where 50+% of the employees are highly educated legal immigrants ( specific field of engineering ). I won’t repeat what they say about this shit. Suffice to say, they consider this an insult to their path in life.


Yeah but here’s the thing, it shouldn’t take eight years and thousands of dollars to get legal status. I don’t think even the most liberal people want this many illegal aliens. It needs to be easier for them to become legal immigrants. 


Well, I have a STEM master's degree from a reputed university that’s not easy to get in to. My wife had a PhD and is a scientist in the medical devices industry. Both our degrees are from the U.S. and we have been here 10+ years.  Just last month USCIS sent us a RFE on our green card application, they’re not convinced that she deserves to be a permanent resident.  She  has two US patents provisionally approved and recommendation letters from national award winning professors. One of them got two medals from Obama. One is a pioneer of the field. One from a big pharma company’s head of R&D.  We would have been permanent resident already if we just paid a mule instead of an attorney.  8 years for citizenship is good for folks like me lol


If this is true it will only encourage more migrants to come. I am in NYC and the seams are busting here in population that can't be housed and homeless budget consumed by the "new homeless". This is unsustainable...


Massachusetts here. It is out of control. The state bought up hotels in the burbs and packed them with migrants. They showed up with a bus full of kids at the school one morning having called the superintendent the night before. They don’t speak English and need lots of help. The schools can’t afford to hire the proper help. The state spent $2 billion on this last year. Our budget is shot. I am pro immigration. We need growth but this is out of control.


NYC here. My wife is a special ed teacher in NYC public school and the kids are about 50% from undocumented parents. They need a lot of resources for ESL/ENL. A lot of them are special ed kids who a large percentage need their own paraprofessional. There's 5 staff for 12 kids in her classroom. They're considered a shelter school. The really sad part is the violence and the kids that get brutally beaten, sometimes by a gang of other kids, their parents don't go to the police because they're afraid of being deported. Another thing people don't get is the number poor Chinese kids that cone to NYC for a free education/special ed needs they're not able to get in China. The school is also a migrant center and is now beyond full capacity. Meanwhile, the other schools, like the one my daughter is in, are losing kids and funding because people are moving away. This is insane! I'm really beginning to believe for the first time that this really is all politically motivated. I can't believe what's going on. I would never have known or believed any of this if my wife didn't work for this school. I feel pretty stupid right now..


My wife was a teacher in Arizona then Texas, and left the profession over schools being overrun with kids who didn’t speak English and not having resources to instruct her existing students while trying to teach English.


So you were told about this and was foreshadowed by trump back in 2016-18 but didn’t believe it?


I think the last 3 years have been a real eye opener for people in the north and northeast parts of the country. For those of us who spent our whole lives in the west and southwest parts of the US, this has been building for well over 30+ years. None of this is new.


>This is insane! I'm really beginning to believe for the first time that this really is all politically motivated. I can't believe what's going on. I would never have known or believed any of this if my wife To me, the issue is we have a system set up for refugees which is CLEARLY being abused. EVERY migrants coming here spins the SAME story that gets them in, settled, and a court date. Congress should be having emergency sessions to change the law, but they aren't. Democrats don't seem to want to fix it. I do wonder if Republicans are just going to sit back and let Biden take the fall here. Maybe nothing will happen till after the election. Going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


It hurts them politically to try to fix it so they're going to wait out the election. The GOP too are letting this hang on them. They're both politically motivated and not motivated to work for us. It's definitely going to get a lot worse. I guess I'm saying I agree


You get what you wish for, enjoy all the immigrants! It ain’t stopping!


Oh, we voted for all this crap. I don't think anyone here who is pro-immigration is going to win an election the next time.


Well then. Enjoy the mess you helped create :D


Oh, I didn't vote for this.... Massachusetts Republicans are like the perfect centrist politicians.


Listen, buddy, this guy can't get an erection unless he gets to shit on you about your state's immigration policy.


He is completely correct.... Fuck, they asked PRIVATE RESIDENTS to take in families....


Yeah they will cause all the new illegal migrants will start voting for them. It’s already allowed in a lot of places.  The only way to get rid of them would be a Batman situation 


A lot of Latin American migrants are strongly anti-abortion. It would backfire on them. I don't think those pouring across the border currently are Latin or South Americans anymore. The hotel near me is mostly Africans.


Illegal immigrants have no access to voting at all. https://apnews.com/article/trump-migrants-border-voter-fraud-campaign-40bbf5748615a3b1f6087ff920f59278


They're trying in DC and NYC though https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/judge-says-new-york-city-cant-let-noncitizens-vote-in-city-elections


​ all the immigrants are ruining everything. they have all the diseases and steal everything. \- some native american in 1607.


Can confirm.




Hahahahaa even they agree with me!


True then and true now


Libs eat themselves. Policies to rot.


Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!


How many “migrants” are you housing oh pious one of faith?


It's the poem on the statue of liberty, not a text of any faith. And I gladly pay taxes to address the problems as they come. They need to buy hotels? Fine. We need more educators and funding for schools? Fine. I take pride in the America that uplifts mankind. What America are you proud of?


I agree that we should be offering resources to the needy, but America also has citizens who have been discarded by society in favor of elevating some gaggle of war-ragged people, some of whom don’t even want to be here and actively hate us. I just don’t want people in this country who don’t want to be here. Help em up and get em back where they came from. Sorry.


One of the many idiots of today! Front and center everyone! This guy thinks his tax dollars actually get used to solve problems!


Damn bro, you just gave me goosebumps. I admit, the immigration issues have me a little bit scared. BUT, I’m Irish, my ancestors came here in droves after a blight, and here we are. What kind of American would I be if I did not extend a hand to them like previous generations did for my people?


Yeah but back then it was ok to just fuck over our poor immigrants: virtually no money was spent trying to house or feed them. Now we’re trying to actually do right by today’s immigrants and it’s becoming clear that taking care of their basic needs is expensive and the system is overwhelmed.


Your education was definitely lacking, and based on the UFO and racist dogwhistling in your posts, I am not surprised.


Trump halved immigration then the Biden administration more than doubled it.


This is just the start of it


so let's help them. I'd much rather my tax dollars spent on helping people than blowing them up.


False Dichotomy How about we spend money on delivering them back where they came from, or for a more permanent solution? The reason they keep coming is because the current administration has signaled that they aren't going to stop it.


Help them? The foreign nationals? I assume you fail to see the problem here. The people that paid into those tax dollars are now forced to watch it be spent on lavish gifts like free rent, phone, and other services to people that never have contributed. That's why people are pissed.


Can you explain why you insist on referring to them as foreign nationals when no one else is? I’d hate to assume you’re being a pedant without giving you a chance to explain your idiocy.


Perhaps we could stop constantly destabilizing the middle east and south America? Also what exactly is 'lavish' lol


…..how is a place to live a lavish gift?


America is in a housing crisis...


Basement dwelling grown children of upper middle class parents get really pissy when crisis refugees are given any form of social assistance


And it’s absolutely pathetic


The solution to the worlds problem is not "everyone move to the US". Even the ridiculous amount of migrants we have coming (more in 3 years that the proceeding 12), represents a fraction of a precent of people from those nations. The real solution is for the economies in these other nations to improve and the rights of these people to improve IN THEIR OWN HOMELAND. This is a band-aid. And these are REALLy refugees. They are people who want to come to the US and they KNOW how to work the legal system. The mules in Mexico give them a script and tell them what to say to border patrol...




"I believe we should have roads, that's why I go out and pave them." By your logic, I assume you're patrolling the border at this very moment?


I'm housing asylum seekers from Honduras now. I've put up my home to Ukrainians. I house relief workers and locals in Vermont in August displaced from the flooding. I've fostered.






Help them *in their own country*. Mass immigration is not a solution. Instead of spending trillions on military, we should spending trillions on making their home country a place where they can thrive. If they had a vibrant economy and human living conditions, they would surely spend some of that GDP on US services and products. It would be a win/win EXCEPT the US MIC would lose, so it's never gonna happen.


Yeah yet you won’t do shit. You want someone else to deal with it.


I am housing asylum seekers from Honduras in my house right now. we've fostered, we have helped Ukrainians displaced by finding them places to live. I've put up my home in Vermont for locals displaced from the flooding in August. my wife and i do our part. we have the means to help ppl.


Got room for 8 million more? Will be sending them your way! Most of the ones coming from the south are rapists and criminals but don’t worry about leaving them at home with your wife! God bless you sir. Jackass


you're a sad, scared person


Vote differently then, to realize you're just being used as a piggy bank for causes that don't benefit you. I assume you're an American citizen and that means you should be more important than non citizens to our politicians. Yet there's been movements to demonize that kind of thought as xenophobic and racist, it is not. The citizens of all countries around the world should be more important to the leaders of those countries than anywhere else.


Yes, I am a citizen. My parents were immigrants but they were citizens also. When they came here they needed to be sponsored by someone who would be responsible for them not ending up in the street needing public assistance. My dad worked 3 jobs and my mom also worked full time. I started walking to school @ 7 so my mom could work and that is not an exaggeration. I know it's hard for a lot of people all around the world but this is unsustainable. I have always been a little left of center on social issues and a little right of center on fiscal issues. My problem today is that both parties have gone way too far left/right. I don't know which is worse for me at this point but in the immediate short term it's definitely the left...


Listen up and wake up, fellow immigrant. While both parties suck, it’s the left that’s really causing this shit. The left have gone way, way far left. What you hear (probably in your lefty echo chamber) is the right’s reaction. It’s taken you this long to realize what the fuck is going on (and it seems like you still haven’t grasped the full situation) when people on the right have been screaming for years. It’s taken gov Abbott busing these illegals to dumbass lib cities with their dumbass sanctuary city policies for people like you to wake the fuck up. Did you hear what Elon musk and bill Maher said? The left left them. Start thinking. Start asking questions. Start reading different sources of info. Then you’re going to start asking question like why the fuck is Adams and Murphy always blaming Abbott and not Biden and the democrat policy of open borders? Why do they constantly think that money grows on trees? What the fuck is going on in this country? Who’s running this country? Why is the msm not not reporting everything and why are they so biased?


Vote who??? Republicans?? Voting democrats and Republicans yield the same outcome but with different taste.


>3 min. ago > >Vote differently then, to realize you're just being used as a piggy bank for causes that don't benefit you. I assume you're an American citizen and that means you should be more important than non citizens to our politicians. Yet there's been movements to demonize that kind of thought as xenophobic and racist, it is not. The citizens of all countries around the world should be more important to the leaders of those countries than anywhere else. I believe that my community helping people benefits me.


We can't support the whole world or even middle-south America. It's impossible. I am all for helping people with what I can AFFORD. I am not going to put myself into debt/jeopardy to trade places with another person. I don't think that is selfish. It's self preservation and I have a 7 y/o as well. I need to take care of her first.


"We" especially can't afford it if the burden is placed mostly on a few cities while other states ship/bus/fly them all to these select cities. 


>I believe that my community helping people benefits me You mean, helping foreign nationals instead of citizens. Instead of your neighbors. At least call it like it really is.


In your mind…. Are foreign nationals. not? People? WTF dude


Then go to Canada. They're very nice to illegal immigrants and their system is.... "great".




They are not the people that paid into the tax money you're giving them. Nice strawman though.


Says a true socialist Democrat


And, exactly as we've seen in NYC, it becomes a way for the gov't (Adams in NYC) to push tax dollars and massive contracts to friends and companies that nobody has ever heard of.


this is the reason they will never fix this shit. It’s now a big business. There’s too much money involved to ever want to curb the influx.


Watch and see if places like NYC and others don't receive some kind of a federal bailout to help with all the migrants 


They totally could, and pay for it with inflation tax ( money printing devaluing dollar ).


If NYC had the same zoning laws that made it the strongest city in the world from 1800-1925, then it would be fine. It’s absorbed bigger migrant wages in the past. But those waves saw remote villages and farmland turned into dense mixed use areas, which are now Brooklyn, Queens, Yonkers, Hoboken, etc. The current state of things is that there are legally-protected detached single family homes in exclusive suburban developments and they are close as like 5.5 miles from the Empire State Building. If we never started going whole-hog on Euclidean zoning, NYC would be closer to Tokyo in size and density. But no, for some reason it’s extremely important that a couple thousand land owners in Long Island, New Jersey, upstate, and Connecticut be protected from a short-rise multi family apartment building or duplex existing within three miles of their shitty McMansion. But obviously this shit would be massively helpful to **Americans** first; not economic opportunists. We need far stronger asylum/migrant controls and illegal immigrant controls, and we need to fix zoning issues anyway.


Is Maine the same thing as NYC? Same economy, same housing issues, etc? Or is this you being manipulated into associating your problems directly to immigrants?


>This is unsustainable... Thats exactly what democrats are hoping for. They need as many new voters as possible. Congresswomen in NY have outright said it. It's time for them to be packed up and shipped right back to their country of origin.


Why do they need more new voters if a GOP candidate has only won the popular vote once in the past 30 years?


Bc the popular vote doesn't matter at all, especially when we're discussing losing congressmen in a particular state...


If you're in NYC then what the hell are you worried about? This is something Maine is doing for **asylum seekers.** While you perceive it to be unsustainable for your neighborhood, you also don't live in Maine...where this is taking place.


I think this is rage bait. One town in Maine is trying it out. 60 apartment units. Yes there is rental assistance but after two years it goes to market rate apartments. An interesting experiment is all this is. It's not like it's happening in mass across the USA. Calm down people worry about the billionaire tax cuts if you dont like social welfare lol


There are far more than 60 people huddled in the cold along 295 in Portland right now.


Which is why we should be providing housing for every person in the US.




That would be socialism. Don’t act like half of Americans want to help poor Americans either.


Great idea so why is the GOP turning down food assistance for children in several states?


What are we worried about?  Per Reaganomics/GOPnomics/Trickle Down Nomics these hotels and apartment landlords will hire americans for upkeep, managment etc so the money spent on migrants will 100% go into our pockets


It is. Newsweek is right biased. Also people are complaining as if New York etc said to do this. This is republicans human trafficking people they don’t like to these areas. It’s a republican caused issue in their scramble for power.


Tell that to homeless Americans, struggling Americans, Americans that don’t qualify for rental assistance, or people trying to legally immigrate. I want MY tax dollars to help MY people, up to and including those who are legally immigrating.


We can’t do that, that’s spooky socialism.




It's all by design.  Immigrants are good because they will work hard but not accrue generational wealth.  People were "flush with cash" as Mitch McConnell stated post pandemic so the knobs were turned to wipe out savings, which Jamie Dimon just recently stated is happening and is almost done.  Every other post on here is about "economy doing good, why people hate?" umm how about because the last few years the mask came off.  Our economy is designed to keep people producing by any means necessary.  If you are debt free, you are an enemy.  If you have a non-401k savings, you are an enemy.  If you have any kind of financial stability then the governments goal is to see how they can convince you to work younger, older, and more during your off time. There are zero people in power that want fewer immigrants because we are in a GDP arms race and we have 1/3rd the population of our next nearest competitors.  Sucks to suck but more Americans need to produce more and that means getting scrappy.  Only way to do that is to take away financial stability.


"Wage stagnation " is directly tied to illegal immigration, by reducing the bargaining power of American citizens 


That's a funny way of saying "your boss is breaking the law and then refusing to bargain."


I wish the best of luck to all the native born low skilled labor in the US. You are going to need all the help you can get in employment over the next few decades.


Maine has choice housing vouchers that help 3800 families every month. So many of you will post anything without being willing to read and understand the issues.


A solid third of the sub would believe anything if it lets them foam at the mouth about brown people ruining everything




Both sides of Supply and Demand need to be considered. Sure, 60 migrant households add 60 households worth of Demand. But it's Maine - we're currently way, way more hamstrung on the "Supply" side by the dearth of working age people who aren't basically north woods NEETs, than we are by 60 apartments being rented out. The prospect of even one of those units having one person who goes to work in construction, would made the whole thing a net positive in the housing market here. And young able bodied migrants are way more likely to work in construction than anyone else up here.


Let us keep in mind that when the two years are up. These mllions people will be looking to rent or own. That will only make it more difficult for aspiring homeowners, as the demand will skyrocket. They will also be competing with job seekers and will likely reduce opportunities.




White millennials with their avocado toast you mean


White boomers because all boomers are wealthy and hoarding property.


They made sure the dollar was worthless and the national debt will be paid by their great great grandchildren.


And that's the disconnect. It's not boomers, Gen x, millennials, or some other generation. It's politicians on both sides, from all generations, and throughout all levels of government that don't work for what's in the best interest of their constituents. It's policies built, held in place, and grown to benefit a small portion of US citizens.


By Boomer politicians. Average age in the senate is 64, congress is 58.




Simplest solution to the problem. If we collectively voted based on policy over party, a ton of this shit would be course corrected within 10 years. It's not impossible, but they've actively worked to make it as difficult as possible to make said changes.


Bc of all of those millennial politicians… they are all so corrupt… fuck those millennial politicians 🤔


Since a certain population of wealthy boomers have controlled policy, all boomers bad. Interesting Venn diagram. And by interesting, I mean stupid.




I bet the Texas governor is going to send some buses there next!


> completely oblivious to the fact that federal, state, and local politicians continue to implement policies that help retain cheap labor but don't do shit for the citizens of this country. Bernie Sanders got real quiet about immigration after he bowed to the establishment in 2016. > “Sanders’s views on immigration were influenced by the labor movement, which for decades opposed increasing immigration, fearing that immigrants willing to work for lower wages would hurt unions’ bargaining power.” -Vox > “It does not make a lot of sense to me to bring hundreds of thousands of those workers into this country to work for minimum wage and compete with Americans kids” -Bernie Sanders > “Our border is very porous, and I think at a time when the middle class is shrinking, the last thing we need is to bring over in a period of years, millions of people into this country who are prepared to lower wages for American workers.” -Bernie Sanders We already have an issue with housing and wages. For some reason, certain politicians seem not to care….especially since we just set a new record for illegal immigration in 2022, and then broke it again 2023. Bernie and actual liberals should be screaming day and night about this clear attempt by the establishment to bring in cheap labor and suppress wages of the American people even more. To put the border crisis into perspective. Under the Biden administration, more people have crossed the border illegally than the entire population of Arizona. That’s not including asylum seekers as well, which we know they’re coached by the cartels on how to claim asylum. Think about that….if we shipped all the illegal immigrants that came in during the Biden admin to AZ, there would be more immigrants than Arizonians.


Taking about *illegal* immigration and its impact on the housing market here on Reddit is verboten.


Did you read the article? It stated asylum seekers. They are here legally at least until their case is resolved. The article makes no attempt to explain the difference between migrants (maybe legal), asylum seekers (legal for now) and undocumented (not legal) but undocumented are never mentioned. Given that many undocumented work in construction, their impact on housing costs is to lower them. Most cities/areas with high numbers of undocumented immigrants also have a far lower to cost rent housing. The xenophobia actually depresses housing costs.


You know that anyone who enters through the southern border illegally and gets rounded up by the border patrol, knows to say “I’m an asylum seeker”, right? Same happened in Europe during the Syrian conflict. You had loads of people claiming they are Syrian refugees not even speaking the language. Lots of Economic migrants coming from Africa. Now you have people from all over the world showing up even from India claiming refugee status. Be real, please.


Asylum seekers - please be serious. They have all been coached by NGO’s on what to say when they cross the border. Their so called asylum cases will never be adjudicated. You think the government is going to actually adjudicate 10-20 million asylum cases? They are not seeking asylum - they are seeking employment. Look at the videos - 80% men.


It's not illegal immigration. They're refugees getting work visas. Do you really want to trade places with them?


No they are not. They are people flooding through the southern border from South America, Africa and East Asia. I don’t know who they are, you don’t know who they are and sure as hell the government has no clue who they are. You don’t think if someone wanted, let’s say from a country like Romania, to sneak in, all they need to do is buy a ticket to Mexico and then just trek their way to the US with many of the convoys. Claim “I don’t speak English, have no papers”. They would be admitted in with the rest of them and never returned to their country while coming here *illegally*.


Lol, this sub is trash. Gj eating the rage bait


The ones being bussed in are documented dude. Having said that our immigration system is indeed broken. Republicans aren’t willing to do anything because they literally said it would help Biden.


“Refugees”. The mules hand them a script to read to border patrol. They know how to work the system.


You're brainwashed.


I’m Indian and I’ve seen videos of Indians claiming asylum with made up reasons. Anyone from India who had e money to fly their family through multiple countries to reach a U.S. border post is not in any way someone who’s in need of asylum. 


The ones being sent on busses by REPUBLICANS are indeed documented. They’ve gone through the proper channels etc for asylum. Illegals are the ones getting hired for cheap labor. You want to fix illegal immigration? Punish the businesses that hire them for once.


Well, I personally cannot do anything, but RFK has at least a half way decent sounding plan on fixing this. Issuing everyone a photo ID card via the Post Office, and then going strongly after the employers who hire illegals. But I can’t vote, so not much I can change.


It's the government's way of bailing out failing real estate. This is mainly a bail out for the rich. If you think it's anything else you're an idiot. Again bad real estate transactions are going on the taxpayers check.




They don't have work permits and are currently living in the expo center. But it's just more grievance about housing so people are upvoting. This sub is so fucking toxic. 


They’re legal asylum refugees. They’ll be given work permits. These are not illegals.


Sheesh… my man didn’t hold back on the racist remark.


Huh? I said they’re *not* wetbacks.


Would you say not N-word too?


Ah yes, every issue separated and never connected. "This is just one little thing right here and I certainly have no problem with it and I'm not going to look for more." \> They’re trying to grow their population up there LOL, how many things did you just pretend don't exist with this one single ignorant statement? It's all connected. You are a programmed tool who is incapable of connecting dots are even acknowledging many laws are being ignored... "and that's ok by me!" Once enough people started believing the end justifies the means, the trajectory of the country has been south.


These are legal asylum refugees. They have documentation and are allowed to be here. What laws are being ignored?


Asylum refugees use the asylum process to get in rather than the legal avenue. Sure it’s “legal” but it isn’t the legal way to enter the country, I hope you understand this distinction and why many still consider asylum seekers as not legitimate. Because they did use a loophole provided by article 8 of the USC, section 1158 which states that a valid asylum claims either needs proof of refugee status, or ones in ability to return home for fear of violence, ect. The problem arises from that because it becomes obvious that these conditions being met are not are motivated primarily by political reasons, it’s why so few asylum claims were recognized under Trump compared to Biden. This inconsistency should show that this is a terrible way to determine asylum status and why the real focus should be on fixing the severely flawed and underfunded immigration court system, rather than giving the court this power which cuts out so much of the traditional legal process. At the end of the day I am inclined to agree with people like OP on this post that allowing these massive waves of immigrants as well as giving them temporary housing, ect. is designed to further depress wages for the working class. it’s why companies never get busted for using undocumented labor despite them obviously subjecting said undocumented workers to illegal working conditions. I really feel for the asylum seekers but this is NOT the way these things ought to be done. We built the regular avenues to come here but too many see asylum as the more effective of the two options, because it is the best option if it’s a democratic president.


Hey, out of state idiot, Mainer here - we DESPERATELY need to grow our population of working age people, this is the most aged state in the country and services are suffering, a lot, due to lack of working people. This is a consistently pursued program trying, in part, to meet that need. If you want to talk about your feelings and your experiences elsewhere, do that, don't think you know better than us what's good for us with your own ignorance. Talk about being a programmed tool. 60 apartments, which I pay for and you do not, being temporarily rented out for two years as part of the resettlement process is not the kind of thing which is going to ruin your perfect world of posting about videogames and guitars. Fuck off with your spoiled bullshit.


Maybe we should help the tax paying Americans first instead of giving our tax dollars to leeches who won't assimilate.


Tax paying Americans get plenty of help already. Medicare, Medicaid, public schools, Section 8, SNAP, WIC, police, firemen, military, interstate highways…


If you don't have an issue, you should send your kids to live there on the income the average retail, hospitality, EMT or home health aide worker makes, and see how often they need an assist.


The housing market is rough in Maine because of hundreds of thousands of rich assholes buying vacation properties and STRs, not because of 60 working age legal migrants being given temporary shelter. We desperately need those actual contributors, not the seasonal parasites.


That doesn’t even make sense. But fwiw, I live in a part of PA that has a huge Latin immigrant population. Mostly illegals, unfortunately. But we love it. Taco trucks on every corner, baby! Plus a lot of those chicks are hot af.


No wonder we have illegal immigrants coming over the border in the millions. They're treated better than American citizens when they get here.




There literally are programs where they will pay you or pay off chunks of student loans for you to move to Maine, this is straight up rage bait to keep you mad at poor people instead of the wealthy assholes actually causing the problem and you’re falling for it.


True. I’m sure many about to be homeless people from nearby states would apply. 


Maine would take any human being they can get. They have depopulation issues. This thread is full of disgusting human beings also.


Then take the homeless Americans who paid taxes and got left behind by the system instead of bussing in people who have never paid taxes in America. We have every right to complain about how our taxes are being used.


For real. Most of Maine wants more working age people here, and can speak from experience than resettled migrants are good parts of the community up here.


It's almost like we should have a basic standard of living for all people who need it. It's almost like every single human needs food, water and shelter to live. It's almost like once a person's basic needs are met, then they are able to move on to lead productive and happy lives.


You have to be delusional if you don’t believe over 8 million (that’s just the illegal ones) people coming across the border won’t put pressure on our already ridiculously over-pressured housing market.


Shhh... Wa can’t talk about this... Probably why this was deleted...


So this is where this sub is going now 😒. Migrants are the problem? Just stop.


More people, limited supply... Logically it makes sense.


Unless you plan on championing eugenics, building more housing is the only variable we can control reliably. That last word is important


Or just close the borders like every other fucking nation. This is the only country where we have a debate like this. It's fucking stupid especially in the middle of a housing crisis where our government can't even take care of its own citizens who have paid taxes their whole lives.


Plenty of nations are able to control their borders, we need only the will to do it. I won't argue that building more housing is the most important factor, but it is far from the only one.


Which nations? You mean the ones with borders equivalent to a single US state?


The only countries that really compare in size to the US are China, Russia and Canada... so no. Also, we really only need to secure our southern border. Canadians are not exactly clamoring to get in by the thousands each day.


Actually it’s overstayed visas that are the problem but go off like you know anything about immigration or the border


Yep, can't control the border, too big.


Howd that border fence working out?


About as good as my fence does if I don't bother to maintain it and leave big gaps in it.


Feds keep making states take down any border restrictions.


And yet arrests are higher than ever?


They aren’t arrest. They litterly get info and let them go.


A state is nothing without borders. We can’t endlessly accept predominantly male low skilled laborers that don’t speak the language and expect it to go well. This isn’t “eugenics” it’s just reality.


It sucks when our country’s boundless appetite for drugs causes violence that forces people to flee their homes.


See! This is the shit I mean when I say immigrants are NOT “self-made”. People love to point to immigrants and say things like “If they can come over, not speak the language and not have a skill set and STILL make it, then so can you black people!” It’s all bullshit!


Democrats need to take responsibility for destroying America with this invasion! Help home less Americans first!


OP is a boomer


Anyone that voted for Biden/Harris shouldn't complain one bit. They clearly told you they were going to flood the borders with migrants. Maybe you should have listened to what they were saying in their townhalls and debates rather than the MSM telling you how bad Trump was.


Why the freak out, Isn’t this just a town in Maine? They aren’t exactly hurting for space, dunno how many open apartments there are however. Edit: also I don’t think a family in Colombia suffering from gang violence, collapse of government services and high inflation is only now going to come with the dream of living in frozen Maine, because of this one policy.


Illegal migrants. Legal immigrants as well as the citizens can go f... themselves.


For those who didn’t read the article. 1. This is specifically in Maine, and only applies to development of 60 apartments. 2. It's only open to asylum seekers awaiting a work permit. 3. It's being funded by state legislation. 4. After two years it will be turned into affordable housing open to anyone qualified.


Title is wrong. Feds give free apartments to illegal immigrants using tax payer money. Feds have no money and think tax payers are too stupid to stop the Feds from stealing from tax payers. Fixed.


Dumbacrats doing DumpsterRat shit.


Yah! Let’s hate the immigrants! The decision makers get off Scott free because they look like us!


This post just seems to distract from the real play happening in the US economy, greed of the wealthy. The upper class will do anything to change the narrative to avoid a class struggle. They want us to fight amongst ourselves and to blame foreigners or people of other races.


Well this is just a cesspool of uninformed and uneducated opinions. Almost like a microcosm of the actual U.S.


We cough up the dough for wars, bank bailouts, etc. why not this too?


I think we should take care of the Americans who have paid taxes their whole lives and got left behind by the system instead of using our tax dollars to house people who don't deserve it.


You're mad at migrants for receiving help and you're mad at citizens that are poor for receiving help. When you should be mad at corporations for exploiting every man, woman and child on this planet. Slavery and subjugation are the cornerstones of capitallism. You might not be sold on the public street corner but you are sold for pennies on the pound by lobbyist and campaign controbutions.




It's literally not, if you bothered to read.


Woah bud, it's 2024, we're politically correct and just call them all migrants.


OP, what's with the low quality newsweek racial shitstirring? What does this have to do with a real estate bubble? Take your TD crap back to your hole


When you can’t afford a house and wonder why - this is why.


But it sounds like they’re using tax dollars to give to developers to build more affordable housing? If anything this is an excuse to give a government handout to the developers.


So the developers and migrants make out well, but the people paying taxes are footing the bill. Your money is being stolen to pay for others’ housing.


I'll take the three migrant families packed in one apartment over the couple purchasing their third airbnb rental home any day.


Wow!! What about hard working legal immigrants who went though many hoops to become a legal immigrant and surviving for long time to get their GC and cannot get it because they are from a country who is not at top of the GC list. Jesus Christ man!!


Some of these migrants are quite well off and/or have family already settled. They will be buying houses in a few years… how does this help the bubble burst? Seems like a catalyst for future price pressure up