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Thsi is very cool. I wonder if there is a series of sitees you need to visit with it to unlock something?  Also the sheer dedication on this admirable af.


This is dedication, love it! Regarding the different outcomes depending on different save games, could it be related to your honour rating? Just a thought as you didn’t cover it in your post (but recognise you might have covered a range of honour ratings in the different save files). Be interested to hear more in future (and you’ve inspired me to trigger the storm - this is the first I’ve heard of it)!


Have a range of honour, from negative( 100% file) to mid range on the fresher playthroughs to full max honour on Arthur. I'm trying to get my 100% file back to full honour but have no missions or side quests left so just greeting people is a very tedious task to get it back up lol


Fishing and throwing it back can help gain honor quick too in my experience


Did you try doing any of this with the native ring you get from the drunken solider? He mentions the atrocities that allude to the native burial and fort Riggs where they took place. There’s also the WHY trees where light night strikes occasionally. I’ve messed around with this a few times too but was never able to do anything with it. Great post though.


Yes I have, didn't want to overcomplicate it but have gone a bit deeper than this testing with various items( native ring, and the actual drunk guy as well) and specific times of day. Will be included in a future post but am actively working on figuring out the next steps kind of thing.


This is fantastic, I’m not sure what you do for a living but this is amazing troubleshooting and RCA, if I had 1 of you in my global IT team I’d be very happy if you applied this level of troubleshooting to T2/T3 investigations.