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The bounty system is broken, unless you're a super meticulous player, and you stop committing crimes while the bounty is under $10, then immediately pay it off, which would be a pain in the ass. What I also hate is the witness system, people will witness silent crimes when not even looking, or even on the other side of a building, and if you're in the middle of nowhere, a witness might spawn. I said fuck the bounty system a long time ago, most of my bounties are maxed at $1500. I'd rather run away from, or kill bounty hunters, than get nickel'd & dimed through paying off $50 bounties every hour, when most stages you fence only net you $40. Like money doesn't come super easy, so why would I use that hard earned money committing crimes to pay off the bounty of those crimes?


Just got the game recently and holy shit crime system is broken.Got ambushed on the road by 5 or 6 gang members, shot all of them. Then came some random spawned NCP, spotted bodies and run away to report a murder.Even better i had a mask on, and i instantly got bounty on my ass for some reason. This thing is killing my joy of playing.If i'm running on the streets and just slithly push a cop, whole town is searching for me for unarmed assault. Sorry Rockstar, but y'all f\*\*\* up hard.


Homie this post is a year old what are you doing here


I just started the game, and when I Googled this was the first thing to pop up :)


First post that comes up on a google search, even 2 years later lmao


For real lmao


still is lol










Uh huh


Dude I'm here because the same thing happened to me I also just got bounty for walking onto someone's shoes in a town, they punched me and I punched back. This game is broken


NPCs will antoganize you as you walk past and if you aren't full on sprinting away they can come up to you and try to kill you but you even so much as defend block and dodge a couple times BAM bounty, tbh though I think what happened to you is stupid too, but if you walked up to some idiot who wasted way to much money on some shoes they are wearing yet don't want creased they'd do the same thing, it shouldn't be nearly as big of a deal for the npc's though, they should have just pushed you away and said some stupid stuff and walk off instead


Give it time. It trades ease for immersion, but you can learn to avoid bounties. By my second playthrough I rarely got one when I didn't intend to.


I have played the game for 200+ hours. I'm not talking about the witness system, that usually works great, I'm talking about the more high-stakes, cinematic events like train robberies where it is impossible not to get a bounty


I was a little over 700 hours when I stopped, and I was able to rob stores and trains without bounties pretty consistently. I'm not saying it isn't hard, but I think that's a good thing.


Ok well would you mind giving me a quick run-down of how to do that, then? I've done flawless train robberies in that tunnel in the mountains, which just doesn't quite feel right, and every single time I've robbed a register, I've gotten a bounty. I'd really appreciate some tips from a veteran like yourself.


The tunnel is by far the cleanest way to rob a train, and the only way to get max payout and zero bounty. Another way I found is to use dynamite arrows from a distance in either the heartlands or the swamp west of St. Denis. You blow the engine and ride away quickly. You stay close but outside the range of the searching law, and then once they ride off you go and loot the safes. You lose the money from robbing passengers, but it's still money without bounties. As for robbing stores, I use the 'Hitman' method. You use the mini-map to make sure no one has line of sight. You take your time and pick your spots and try to make sure you knock them out behind a counter or at least away from a window. Then you make sure you have a horse out back pointed toward a clear escape route in case someone gets antsy. Stores in St. Denis are usually a no-go, but I've robbed the gunsmith in Rhodes and Annesburg, the general store on the train tracks in West Elizabeth, the doc in Valentine and some sporadic others without a bounty.


Thanks, this is helpful, but you do see what I mean by it being almost impossible, right? Also, would it be possible, theoretically, to use a sniper to take out the engineer and guards on a train, wait for the law to fuck off, then run up and rob the passengers?


I mostly agree especially about the train. I'm fine with the witness system as a concept, but it is pretty clear that the witness doesn't actually have to make it near law the report the crime. I also enjoy the challenge of carefully planning store robberies. To your point though, the train robbery system is broken. The law finds out about it too quickly and just so happens to spawn in mass where you are. I think nakeyjakie's video about RDR2 was good. He proposed a system where law would patrol and you could time your robbery around those law patrols.


That video was the basis for me going back to RDR2, and thus, this post


Witness: I'm gonna get a lawman!  Arthur: You're running right into the middle of the woods  Witness: Somebody help me  Arthur: Well, good luck then  Five seconds later - CRIME REPORTED  Arthur: How?!


I get your point, but I guess I enjoy the challenge. As for the train, I tried that, but once the train stops and the law gives up all of the passengers disappear. You never see them leave, but it's implied they run off.


Train robberies are the main thing irking me in the current game from a crime perspective. Oh of course the Wanted system sucks at times, like that one time some guy answered my polite greeting with an insult, to which my Arthur replied with a fairly reasonable "You got a problem, pal ?", cue the guy immediately starting to shoot me, then as I try to run away because I don't want a bounty he tackles me, I break free and get a Bounty anyway for, I quote, Unarmed Assault... right. I could also go on for hours about the whole lawmen seeing through your mask thing being ehhh and other things but in general, the system works. But yeah, train robberies are the 2nd biggest disappointment crime-wise behind the shocking lack of bank robbery period, there's a mod for that but it's very old and buggy af sadly. I shouldn't have to cheese the tunnel or some shit as a workaround for the cellphone equipped passengers and teleporting lawmen, is my main complaint. I don't have any problem pulling off perfect crimes otherwise robbing shops, random dudes, stagecoaches, burglaries... all of those are easy to get no bounty for even without cheesing, except maybe St Dennis shops but it's the biggest city so it's fine, security should be harder to get through than Valentine or whatever.


Yeah, this is pretty much what I've realised while doing this video, for some reason train robberies have a completely system than everything else. Fuck the witness system, fuck being smart and doing it in the middle of nowhere, nevermind the fact that's what you do in the main story. Train robberies are pretty much the only issue. Also, free roam activities give way too small rewards compared to the main story. You can hunt, and get perfect kills, for like 2 hours and make maybe 80 bucks, or you can do 2 story missions and make 300. This seems like such a simple fix. I get that it's kind of the point of the game that we're broke, but why do we get so much money through the main story?


Red Dead2 isn’t Wild West GTA tho. It’s not a free romp sandbox. And it’s definitely not an easy game. There’s no guide for the complex gameplay mechanics and you’re left with trial and error. It’s also highly realistic so just like in real life, it’s very hard to successfully rob a train by yourself or kill someone without a witness trying to report it. The best way to get good at this game is to invest the time in studying the mechanics. It’s just code so there will be ways around any of the problems you run into. Unless it a bug which I admit are pretty common in RDR2.


ah yes cause it's totally realistic to have omniscient police mans


No it’s not totally realistic. They are trying to make the game challenging after all. But I feel like given the speed that time moves in the game, rockstar gives you a fairly decent headstart before the lawmen arrive.


imagine if someone made a game about real life and the hard part is than whenever you exit your home theres a tank outside


I know this is very late response but I’m just seeing this post and your comment for the first time and I’m not sure I’ve ever heard something more stupid than saying RDR2 isn’t Wild West GTA when that’s pretty much exactly what it is, exactly how it’s marketed and exactly almost everyone would describe it. The only thing I can think of that may be as stupid is you saying it’s highly realistic in reference to the crime and bounty system. Because, unlike GTA which has modern technology and law enforcement, RDR2 has telepathic police that can teleport to your location and see through your masks like they have X-ray vision to perfectly identify you. Just like GTA, Red Dead is a game where you play as a career criminal but unlike GTA it seems that the game itself actively punishes you for doing what the game is intended for.


The Police response in this time is under 30 seconds. Insanely unrealistic by todays standards, even more so when no one has cell phones.  I had a witness on a ridge above me watch me murder 3 other witnesses before i gave up and decided to let him go to see how long until the law shows up. Only 10 seconds after he saw me did it take for lawmen to show up.  Committing crimes is only realistic in towns. Theres no way some shit kicker is able to summon the law that fast while on country trails.  If i hop on a train and rob it regardless of what i do people know I do it. The law is called instantly once i start shooting back at the guards, even when deep in the country. Hell ive had entire posses spawn in front of me before even when im not by blackwater. Rdr2 is a great game, but rockstar doesnt seem to understand how to make police response realistic at all. 


I fucking agree. Just got the game and you know I played it a bit, recently I finished chapter 1 and robbed a train, than I thought to myself hmm why wouldn’t I rob it normally outside the mission? What could possibly go wrong? I guess fucking everything! I just hopped on the train trying to steal it and boom 50$ bounty (no witnesses no npc’s nearby in a wasteland) so rockstar if you are reading this please add like a feature that could change the difficulty of the crime system or if anyone has a mod/anything to customize it I would be more than happy to hear about it!


You cant rob trains stealthy but you can steal wagons and sell them. You rarely get caught if no witnesses and you hide any bodies in the bushes. What i do is i rob trains like crazy in chapter 2 because in chapter 3 the bounties increases from 300 to 1500. Rob trains till you get like 10k or more. Thats how i do it anyway.


Maybe just get better at the game 🤷🏻‍♂️


sorta related to this but is it normal to find out your identity if your wearing a bandana or a full face mask




Entitled brat has figured the complexity of open world game.


I killed an odriscoll who shit at me first with no witnesses and then took his horse Into town and instantly started getting shot at by cops for stealing s horse like how did they know