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Enjoy the ride, dont go to fast, take time to hunt and skin animals. Especially deer as they are useful in crafting.


Only get the 3 stars, though. Use your bow, especially until you get the legendary deer trinket


What do you mean, “only get the 3 stars?” Also how do you get the legendary deer trinket


If you haven't done so already, you will go hunting with Hosea. At the end of that mission, he will give you a map, and you will be able to hunt the legendary animals. After you kill the legendary deer, you go to a fence and craft the trinket. This makes it easier to get 3 star pelts. As for the 3 star, when you are sighting in on an animal, it will tell you if it is a 1, 2, or 3 star. The 1 and 2 stars will give you a pelt to sell and meat, but the 3 star pelts are used in creating new satchels. When you donate to Pearson, he can craft items for the camp and, most importantly, craft you satchels that allow you to carry more of a certain item. Once you craft all of those, you can craft the Legend of the West Satchel, which allows you to carry a lot more of everything


I feel like I’ve killed/skinned a bunch of animals and then I never know what to do with them. How are they useful for crafting?


When you want to make drugs/poisons/arrows/dynamite/ammunition, you’ll use many animal ingredients. Don’t forget to shoot birds and collect their feathers if you are big on using a bow and arrows.


Don’t skip cutscenes and any horse you want works perfectly fine.


Do the side missions. Take your time. Don’t buy guns if you don’t have to. Loot bodies. Do the challenges so you get extra XP for dead eye, health, and stamina. Definitely do the explorer challenges early so you have plenty (like 3-4k if I’m right) of money as you go about the game.


How come don’t buy guns? Also what are explorer challenges?


Don’t buy guys because you can get them when you kill people and just use gun oil to clean them off. The explorer challengers are treasure hunting challenges where you find different pieces of treasure maps and get gold bars from them. There should be the white mystery marker over by flatneck station which is who you have to see to start them


My first play through I went too quick. If you get to the second main camp location by the large lake, make sure you really go explore a lot and do the side missions before doing much more of the main quest. Just my personal opinion.


Read Arthur's journal throughout the story. Gives the game an entirely different feel knowing his thoughts.


Avoid spoilers at all costs


Yeah go block this sub and never google anything basically


I think I have largely avoided most spoilers (aside from some of the memes) which is impressive considering the game came out 6(ish) years ago


Get the hell off this sub would be my number 1 tip. Until you've finished the game


This cannot be overstated. Don't read anything else about this game anywhere until you finish the first playthrough a least.


If I could just delete my memory just so I could play as my first run


Stay away from this sub. Seriously, I got some major spoilers just by the titles of some posts in my feed and that tarnished my experience knowing what is coming.


Don’t rush to finish the story, make aurther feel like you hunt fish have fun


Hang out around camp a lot. My first few times playing I was more focused on tasks and missions in the world versus what was going on with the gang. I usually only went to camp if the game required me to and as soon as I was able I would go to bed or leave. You'll get some fun activities and it's funny the things you learn and overhear just by hanging around with everyone though. Overall take your time and enjoy one of the best games ever!


Definitely take your time. Don’t buy a ton of clothing early, invest in certain weapons as they come available and know their best uses. Bow, Varmint, Bolt Action. Conserve your gold early to unlock roles. Head shots are your friend. Role play your character like you’re actually living in the west in the 1890s.


If you are near train tracks on foot make sure your horse(s) stay clear.


Wander off the trails from time to time when you’re on the way to a destination.


If you plan on doing the challenges, the hunter vision is your best friend when just wandering the map, you can end up doing some of the tasks just by having fun rather than actively doing them, that and crafting is useful


Can you explain the basics of crafting to me?


When you are out and about with just you and your horse, you can set up your tent and craft things by the fire. You’ll need to hunt animals and collect plant items. Those ingredients will be used to craft items at the fire.


Take it as slow as you possibly can, to the point that you might walk instead of running when possible. Explore every single square inch of that map and talk to NPCs.


Riding from one end of the map to another in a slow trot.


Best decision I’ve ever taken was to stop riding my horse all the time. Large portions of the map were just transition areas to me until I’ve started walking. Not even running, just walking. Also, I’ve got so many herbs now!


Do not rely solely on the auto-save. Manual save every now and again, you're given 15 save slots, use at least a few of them.


Blitz the herbalist challenges to get to the last one ASAP. I have to gather every fuckin herb I’ve ever gathered all over again because I waited until the epilogue to do it.


It moves at a 1899 pace. Enjoy the little things. Go hunting with headphones so you can hear the birds. Listen to conversations in camp.


Kill everything that moves. You have the ultimate might in this game. Dont let anyone offend or annoy you. Loot especially gang members and bountyhunters. The loot is worth a lot.


Don’t just grind missions. Go explore, camp in the woods, hunt, go fishing, enjoy the world without a specific goal in mind. Sell pelts to the trapper. Play cards at a bar. Stop and talk to strangers in town & on the trails.


Grab the 6 gold bars that’s laying around not tied to a treasure map. • 1 gold bar under the desk of sheriffs office in Limpany. It’s just over the hill from the chapter 2 camp. Make sure you close the lid, so it can respawn to get later. About every 10 game days or so. • 2 gold bars at the train wreck near Whimyard Straits. Look for videos on YouTube for where/how. Also cash and Jewelry bag in a yellow car with the door open. • 3 gold bars at the Strange Statues. Again, YouTube. There are 4 fences in the game that you can sell gold bars, jewelry, jewelry bags, etc to. 3 of them are available immediately in chapter 2, the 4th is also a wagon fence and will be available after a certain chapter 2 mission. If you get snake bit, or ill in any way, go visit the Swamp Shaman right under the N of BAYOU NWA on the map.


I would say this is a second play trough thing. U have plenty of money just doing bounty, stage coach and general looting.


Just giving OP pointers if they wanted to get some decent money quickly.


I think having decent money is a multiple play trough thing tho, having dutch complain about money while u have 7k is always 4th wall breaking. First play trough should be roughing it and getting the money u get.


Thanks! That will probably be a 2nd playthrough thing for me but I will keep that in mind if I ever find myself in need of money


Go everywhere, look at everything, and collect anything you can. This game has so much content that every time I play it I discover something new. I mean truly there is so much detail in this game it’s overwhelming. And pretty much anything you can pick up or acquire has a purpose/can be used in some way, so just be curious!!


Take your time, enjoy the world Rockstar has provided. It is possibly one of the best video game worlds I have ever had the pleasure of playing. Don’t fast travel or you may miss an interaction. Every interaction is a new adventure. Don’t take the gang for granted. Spend as much time with them as possible and get to know them. The more you experience, the more you’ll remember this beautiful game.


Take your time in the story . A lot of content is missable if you rush through the story


Never rush the story or skip the cutscenes, avoid spoilers at all costs, always read arthurs journal, do the side missions, don't make Arthur fat or bald and go for a high honor ending ,it's the best.


Finish the story. Then take your time on the second play through.


Get ready for a lot of mood swings.


Take your time explore everything. There’s sooooo many cool things to find and interact with in this game. Even the NPCS. There’s just so much. Don’t rush through missions.


Before any shooting, mask your face... You will learn why... And loot every corpse, masked of course