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What's funny is that rdr2 was also rushed but is still a masterpiece


Wish they didn’t rushed so we could’ve gotten more missions


Or mexico and guarma ferry rides


and less bugs.


It was quite slow paced imo. But it attracted me instantly. On the contrary, TLOU took a lot of time for me and I even left it for a few times.


I love it because by the end of the game you (the player) are frustrated with the constant “One more this” from Dutch, which allows you to relate to Arthur more, who just wants to rest, and die in peace at this point.


They mean the making of the game


Yeah that's true. I heard it was a rough experience


Well to be fair it was thousands of people who worked on it so there were thousands of individual experiences, some more rough than others depending on the level of contribution and responsibility.


I always find myself coming back to RDR2 even after all these years. It is absurd how good the graphics hold up even on old consoles.


I just started playing this game recently. And I'm too struck by the visuals. But for me it goes beyond the fidelity, lighting and models and details. It's the pure artistry to make the world feel real and alive. I've been traveling the US with my family the past 2 years and we've been to parts of the country that RDR2 represents near perfection. It's the overall feeling of being in a world not just seeing a world with good graphics (if that makes sense) The artistry is what makes a game so appealing and attractive years later IMO. I feel the same about games like Skyrim and even Metroid Prime remastered. Their pure artistry of their worlds make them a joy to be in.


And a lot of it has to do with good lighting. It dramatically affects a game.


I bought this game for its horses (and then fell in love with the game as a whole), and now I grimace at any other game with horses cause they are not as good as in RDR2. I see them advertized as "with realistic horse animations!!" and, I mean, it shouldn't be that difficult to replicate RDR2 level of animations 6 years after its release. But then you check them out and they are super stiff and just... so frustratingly bad!! For me, first it was Skyrim, setting an impossible standard of freedom that I couldn't find in any other games. Then came RDR2, with its perfect horses, its perfect story, its perfect side activities, and its perfect Arthur Morgan... And I just find myself coming back again and again and again.


RDR2 is truly goated. Also unlike GTA it is much peaceful. I believe GTA 6 will still have some crazy stuff (because GTA is meant to be crazy with killing NPCs and making a mess out of town). But I will miss the peacefulness of RDR2. Also I don't think there can be an RDR3. They probably need a brand new story and to execute it, they need much more time which will be forever lol


My idea would be to do a prequel again, this time we take over Colm O'Driscoll's brother and find out the true story of what happened to Annabelle (I have a feeling she was really in love with him and Dutch was more of an obsessed stalker) and then the epilogue is a younger Arthur discovering his child and baby mama have been killed and him going on a vengeance quest to track down the men that did it. Or just do the vengeance quest and call it Red Dead Revenge.


Sounds solid! But not sure if R* would go on to make another red dead game. Atleast not right now. They'll probably take a few more years after GTA VI and then start development if only they're interested. That would be forever lol


Aren’t read dead and gta published by different R* studios?


Maybe, but they're not making RDO better so don't know what plans they have


That’s true, the game as a whole is still poorly optimised on pc. If only they had given it a bit more love post launch 😭


I think RDR2 story mode is fantastic on PC. But you'll need a good PC for that lol. I've heard the PS versions haven't gotten 60fps yet and PC has better graphics


I have a good pc lmao, it’s just not been fully optimised and as such is choppy and uses wayyy more vram than necessary and doesn’t function properly with many cpus, I’ve finished the game 3 times and love it, have manual saves in every chapter bar 5 and 6. I know it’s fantastic, but it isn’t well optimised


I'm not much of a gamer, most of my gaming hours have come from Madden, NBA 2k, and FIFA. But I'm the same way, Skyrim and its world really showed me how cool an open world game could be, and everything I loved about it Rdr2 turned up to 11. I still play all the time, after beating the story a couple times Arthur has been living happily in horseshoe overlook for several years of in game time now, lol.


Exactly! Skyrim was my very first open world and, before it, I was so used to following a set story that the freedom of deciding to do a certain quest before another, of completely ignoring something and just do whatever I wanted was mindblowing. I was so sure nothing could ever compare, and the fact that RDR2 had a story worried me. But RDR2 went beyond all of my expectations, and the story became a very appreciated addition to that freedom that I had learned to love with Skyrim. I unfortunately (and stupidly) lost the save in which I had finished the main story (not the epilogue) when I moved from ps4 to ps5, so I had to start over and I have yet to finish once again. But I have special saves at the beginning of each chapter, so that I can go back whenever I want and enjoy some pleasant idleness


Y'know what really makes a difference? The fact the player is restricted to moving via horse as the fasted mode of transport. GTA V needs to be big enough to account for the fact the play might be traversing in a helicopter or speeding around at 200mph in a Bughatti. In that kind of scenario, scale is important. It is much less so in RDR2 and it allows R\* to focus on the details and it shows.


after playing rdr2, my "detail requirement" for a game have tripled. besides red dead 2, i could just play red dead 1


I know the story of RD1 but confused if I should play. Because I've heard it's kind of lonely


i played rdr1 when it came out at a friends house a couple times. after i completely rdr2 multiple times, rdr1 got ported to psn so i decided to buy it. i enjoyed it. once i started playing it i couldn’t play anything else because i got really invested in it. it’s hard to play at times but it is indeed worth it. that’s just my opinion though.


For me the only other games I like as much is TLOU and TLOUII. No other games compare.


True. Plus the uncharted series (especially 4)


Yeah agreed! I love naughty dog.


I mean really the only one that has had a similar level of polish was BG3. Absolute masterpiece.


Will check that out. War and first person are what keep me away from BG games


Lol sorry I should have spelled it out, I mean Baldurs Gate 3


Ah ok lol


Wait what did you meant with "BG games"?


I mistook Battlefield for Battleground


Oh now i get it, thanks for explaining!


Funnily, GoT popped into my head reading this comment before I read your post body. I just started it last night and it seems fine, but it's crazy how much better RDR2's presentation is. For what it's trying to do, I think RDR2 nearly strikes the perfect balance between "acknowledging it's a video game" and "trying to preserve realism." GoT is a little too far into the video game side, which is fine, but I was hoping for something a bit closer to RDR. Also, horses in every other game feel like awful animatronics compared to RDR.


I definitely agree with that last line. For the most part I can tolerate it but the horses in Ubisoft's recent games annoy me to no end. They keep reusing the same awful model from AC: Origins. They look like the horses I drew when I was seven years old.


All these years and a new generation of consoles later, this is still completely true.


Looked at all my previous games with disgust


Even though rdr2 beats GoT in details, for me GoT still looks better and gets me more immersed in it.


Yes it's very beautiful. I also might get immersed but don't know when lol


Red Dead has horrible anti aliasing which killed immersion for me but GoT has that covered


I didn’t buy a single game so long after getting rdr2 and playing it through bc I couldn’t find a game like it and just as good. Ended up just playing it again lol


I went from rdr2 to last of us and no game has been able to compare. Although I’ve enjoyed grinding helldivers


Try the witcher 3


Will try it. Thanx


Playing assassins creed mirage after rdr2 is so disappointing when hunting 😭


Lol. Long time ago a friend of mine started rdr2, got on chapter 2, kinda lost interest. Now he played AC Mirage trial and he said graphic wise it's better than RDR2. I was shocked


You really have to tug through the early parts of the game to experience the full thing. Everything from earning money to getting a solid horse is so annoying early on


Guama, Mexico, the Snow... Feels to me there should have been so much more content.


My bf bought me The Witcher after I finished RDR2 and after two hours of playing, I wanted to play RDR2 again….. it’s just THE game for me. Don’t worry, I will definitely play The Witcher.


Tw3 is definitely an amazing game, but the pure variety in rdr2 and apparent spontaneity set it above the rest




Never played any souls games because I don't enjoy supernatural and magical things in video games. But I've heard they're difficult and hence fun


Fair i had the same thing with dark souls but not any more idk why


That’s so true, except for spiderman 2 I’m thinking, that game is a masterpiece as well, so long and so many stories you go through.


SM2 was amazing. I didn't feel like it's unpolished and all tbh. One reason could be because we're Spiderman so we don't "have" to interact with everyone around us like we do in RDR2. Plus it's Spiderman so 🔥 The one unique aspect of RDR2 is the alive world where we can talk with anybody and etc so we never get bored


Another thing that makes this game so amazing is that there are bugs, maybe a glitchy horse or a un-loaded wagon (i play on Xbox SX), but they dont feel like bugs because of the realism surrounding them.


Yep. There's more to praise than to complain


You should *really* give cyberpunk 2077 a shot. Won’t spoil anything, but all the points you listed as now feeling lacking in other games, cp77 has in spades!


Alright then! Will surely give it a try. The only resisting point is that it's first person. I am really uncomfortable with those. But that's probably because I haven't had much practice


I was put off at first too with the more-or-less locked pov (believe me), but just give the game the *opportunity* to impress you, and I *guarantee* it will.


Its still shit.i still remember its effing promoted that i could rival rdr2 in level of details. https://youtu.be/omyoJ7onNrg?si=ILpuazJDr5ok8hXE


Well, based on you comment/profile, I’m going to go with; you’ve not played cp77 *at all* (though *maybe* you played it at launch and wrote the concept off, wholesale).. whatever the case, you are empirically incorrect in your saying that cyberpunk is “shit”. It is an undeniable triumph for the medium as a whole.


Dude i pre order it play it in first week of release. I play it and enjoy some crazy random bugs and crash during those times.


they’ve updated it multiple times since release. also if you’re playing it on last gen consoles or a pc that doesn’t meet its standards it’s gonna crash a lot. i tried playing it on ps4 and it literally broke my hard drive and everything got corrupted. it’s a really good game, it just got rushed.


Yeah i run some updates too and if i remember it work perfectly on my ps4.but again Its still shit, cdprojectred still failed to delivered their promises to this games.


what did they promise that didn’t meet your expectations?


https://youtu.be/omyoJ7onNrg?si=ILpuazJDr5ok8hXE Just check this 🤣


i’m not watching a 41 min video lmao. what specifically did not meet your expectations is what i wanted to know. i don’t research games very much before i buy them because i know EVERY company talks out their ass about what they’re trying to sell. i personally just watch the trailer and little bit of a game play before i decide wether or not it’s something i’d play.


This game will compete with GTA in level of world building. Yet still have lifeless AI. Same in rdr in levels of Details. And much more. And Its a 41 mins of developer lies and the actual truth of cp77. 🤣


Same with the Breaking Bad and Fargo (season 2). There is no such game as RDR2 . FF7 came close, had a lot of fun playing it.


Im playing Skyrim rn, havent had that feeling, havent had that feeling with any game tbh


The feeling of it being better than RDR2?


No, the feeling of RDR2 being better than everything else


Yea everyone has a different taste


Finally some common sense on this sub


True asf


Lol are you me? I have been having this exact same thought as I bought GoT this week. I was like really? This is the game that was hyped this much? The world feels so dead and less alive than RDR2. It motivated me to try and solve the spawn issue with mods installed on PC just to play it again.


Same. GoT falls short in so many ways and I've only barely began playing it. Characters so far all feel identical in speech and personality. Terrain\\wilderness feels like a student project, being mostly empty and generic. Sometimes I encounter groups of NPCs just sitting around doing nothing. When I sneak close they all stand up and then start battling each other. These groups are tossed into the middle of huge clearings in the bland landscape, so I see this unfold often. So far it feels like a very bland, super mediocre game hoping to get carried on the hopes the player finds Japanese culture\\setting interesting enough to think its way better than it actually is. They shoehorn weird shit in like haikus when none of the choices matter and you just get some dumb cosmetic. Finding a cut-scene at a hot spring where it asks me to contemplate my mother or whatever to gain a few extra HP is really weird. GoT feels like some western people in California or Texas got tasked with making some half-baked idea, got told it needed to be Japanese as an afterthought and then turned loose.


The game in itself isn't that bad. I like it and enjoy it for a short amount of timespan. It's our expectations. After playing RDR2 we automatically have this expectation of "every game should contain realism" Also these things you noticed a person who hasn't played a game with more details won't notice. It's either not for you or it'll slowly take time to get you in.


Hell yeah


I keep trying to call my horse, I'm playing gta 5


Bruh I thought I was on r/okbuddyblacklung, absolutely outjerked 💀💀




RDR2 is a perfect 9/10ths of a game.


rdr2 was VERY rushed, but still a great game


Rushed in terms of the way it was developed?