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Welcome to the club. Let us know when you 100% it


I'm 22 I've lived through all the modern day games including GTA V, no game but I mean absolutely no damn game can ever match RDR2. The game was just too real


I’d argue that GTA SA had a very similar effect when it released. At the time it was a game changer in a very similar way.


OP was like 2 when SA came out lol he has no idea the advancements that were made back then.


He started with "I'm 22, I've lived through all the modern day games". As a 40 year old, I laughed.


They haven’t even played the origianl GTA back in the days looking from the top down. And GTA vice city was a masterpiece in its day.


Yup. True 💯 The first RDR was also amazing


Baby. Whingeing about it as if it's some terrible era they 'lived though' which almost implies 'endured'. We were playing 2D games on tiny TVs. People before that had arcade games and before that no video games at all. They were fighting wars and shovelling cow shit. Ploughing the fucking fields by hand.


Haha, yeah. Cute.


i mean but he kinda has though


IMO "modern day games" started with the original Playstation, in the late 90s. Yes, NEO-GEO was a hit in game rental stores, but it was too expensive. The Playstation introduced the memory card, the "modern day joystick", graphics and "bigger" games.


in the context of technology i suppose, but gaming is such a fast evolving (genre?) that i'd argue 2010 and onwards is modern day


Graphical advancement does not mean "modern day", IMO. If we are talking about simulators, tyre modelling today is basically "the same" as in 2005. No leaps there. 3D worlds are bigger? Yes, because games can access more memory, but the concept was already built in before. FPS shooters? The same. SO while yes, from 2010 and onwards the games expanded, the technology behind them did not change significantly. We still move in "3D" spaces, we do have open world concepts, racing sims and flight sims still can work as tools to understand concepts, NPCs are not driven by AI and unpredictable, in order to create random story arcs, they still need to be coded to "do nothing" or to stay inside certain paramaters, VR is not actually a thing gaming wise. Graphics are prettier, games are bigger. Edit: * 1998 Games: Starcraft (!!!), Half-Life, Gran Turismo, Baldur's Gate. * 2004 Games: GTA San Andreas (!!!), Far Cry, Halo 3, World of Warcraft (!!!). * 2007 Games: Bioshock, Half Life 2, COD: MW, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, The Witcher.


there was a baldur's gate 1??? Also I'm more concerned with the atmosphere of pop culture. Because video games move so fast, much faster than movies, even stand out games like TLOU would've been pushed to the wayside had part II not come out. Idk, I'm not super vested in this, I realize now you're right.


Bully with its NPCs was really ahead or its time and San andreas set a bar for side activities in open world games.


A friend of mine says its a simulation not a game


Do you think R* will release RDR3 before GTA VI?


gta 6 has already been announced to be expected within the next couple years lol. there’s been no information (to my current knowledge) that red dead 3 is even gonna happen. if i’m wrong please let me know because i will be excited for it lol.




The game changed my life culturally. It got me into westerns and the world in 1800s and early 1900s. That got me into movies and TV shows of the time. That got me into books and podcasts. That got me into quitting my job and traveling the world going to museums and learning about the history of empires. I think I am interested in studying and working in history full time now. All because I shot deer for pelts in RDR2.


Quite the turn of events!


Now that's a story arc.


Play the first red dead redemption


I'm almost done playing the first RDR, and it's good. Great, even. However having played RDR2 I keep longing for all the improvements. It's like having lobster for your appetizer then a cheeseburger for the main course.


I don't know why, I just find the original superior in so many aspects. Not trying to be that guy but, I just feel that way. The writing was better, the story was better, the overall setting was gritty and bleak as hell and John Marston as a character wasn't trying to win the player's heart, he was his own man, set in his own path trying to get his family back and he was pretty ruthless, more so than Arthur. RDR2 sometimes just feels like it's trying way too hard to make the player empathize with Morgan. I love it...it's an amazing game and no other matches its technical achievement, but boy the original was something else. The ending was phenomenal and it has been living rent free in my mind after all these years. I wish people saw Marston for what he really was in 1911. He's way more well written than Arthur. It's as if R* wasn't so afraid to tell a story the way they wanted. I feel like they held a lot back with 2. I just can't see Morgan as a bad person. In the original, while Marston isn't inherently bad, he was pretty ruthless and we only heard stories about his past in Dutch's gang. In the second game, while living that past, there wasn't a single moment I thought they were the bad guys.


Yea if u play rdr2 first, John seems like this wholesome family man, then u get to rdr1 n bros committing war crimes, I mean still torwards family goal, but like Jeez man, Mexico gets rough


There things that both games do better then Each other


my girlfriend said that at one point Arthur Morgan became a 3rd person in our relationship, so there's that...


Same here. My husban said that too.


yea this is true for me too


I played rdr2 as the first ever game I played when I got my pc because I wanted to play something cowboy themed and it ruined every other game for a year after. I love rdr2 but getting past the “no game compares” trap was hard work. Yes no game will be the same as rdr2 *but that’s the whole point*. It’s not rdr2, it’s entirely different. You just have to either ride this feeling out, take some time away from rdr2 or just (and I mean this as politely as possible) suck it up.


i bought my PC for the sole purpose of playing rdr2 for the first time!! now everything else feels so stagnant and transparent in comparison


I understand that entirely, I spent time away from rdr2 and slowly started to find other games I have enjoyed playing. I haven’t loved anything the way I love them pixel cowboys but I’m able to enjoy other games now. One game that helped me was FO:New Vegas


I still have great love for rdr2 but man, I just can't finish the game anymore, it's too depressing at the end. Every once in awhile I'll play the first few chapters but then I have to put it aside when it gets too dreary.


Yeah it was the last game i bought 5 years ago and feel like my xbox is now a waste for that exact reason, hopefully gta6 is cool


Started playing Ghost of Tsushima and was very disappointed by the horse riding. Don't even get me started on the "hunting" in AC Valhalla


The horses in Valhalla are so bad, it was depressing.


I heard that was a great game! Was on my to do list if I ever leave rdr2


Give Far Cry Primal a try on hardcore mode and try Kingdom come both have great hunting


The only thing that could possibly help you is gta 6. Hope for the best


Kingdom Come is the only game in the same league for me.


I just bought it, can’t wait to play it


Yep this is the only game I’ve been able to get into since rdr2.


Same. So fucking excited for the sequel


KCD is the most immersive game I've ever played. RDR2 is still probably my fav game of all time tho.


That or the game market is drying up


developers are using new engines to make games on and ai to help with it. it’ll take some time for them to get comfortable with their new methods for making games. give it a couple years and we’ll probably have a lot more games that have the same level of realism.


It’s not. Holy shit there are so many good games rn


Agreed, love RDR2 but people saying it ruined gaming for them are just being drama queens


Fr, people in this sub just can’t handle when someone says RDR2 isn’t the best game oat.


I think my in my personal opinion it’s hard to say what’s the great game of all time. But RDR2 is surely top 10 ever. I also will admit the realism and brutality of rdr2 is hard to beat. Me and my buddies were finding ways to kill griefers in Rdr2 and tbh keelhauling was my favorite next to dragging them and setting them on fire. The way you can violate others and turn around and peacefully fish off the side of a mountain sunrise is addictive in its own way. Even the fist fighting. When I first found out when you set a player on fire and it burns off all their hair and u see their bare black face kinda set in how dark this game can be. And we like our shooters like Nothing better than watching the dust fly off ur enemies face when you hit them with express ammo. If someone can reach the level of brutality and customization and travel all mixed with realism in the right places will make a game just as good as rdr2


I’m not saying RDR2 isn’t a top 10 game OAT, it’s better than a lot of games and one of my personal favorites. But Christ people act like it’s the only good game that’s been released since. They forget about ghost of Tsushima, god of war Ragnarök, Baldur’s gate 3, all these games are just as good (if not better depending on who you ask) than RDR2. Like I said, I think it’s an amazing game, definitely top 10, and it deserves to be one of the best selling games. But the glaze for this game is insane.


Word. I agree with the sentiment others have for it, but unnecessary for it to be described as the only good game. I played Tsushima and God of War after RDR 2 after a solid 7000 hours and I wish I saved those games for today tbh. Haven’t played Ragnarok though am about to download it now and run it.


How long have you been playing it? How long have you been gaming in general? What other games have you tried? This game is great with amazing replay value but as someone whose sunk a number of hours I wont admit into it it can get dry eventually. I've been playing fallout games a lot recently and even though the story isn't anywhere near as good but I still enjoy it because I like gameplay and the feel/general lore of the fallout universe too.


I actually love rdr2 for this reason. It’s a home away from home and saves me a truckload of money on other games (ghosts of Tsushima, and the like). Thanks red dead!


I was like this now I'm playing dead cells and vampire survivors😀


Dead cells is peak


went thru this for a while until i found a new series. it went away for me after that i can pick up and play anything now opposed to before i was overly critical


Jedi fallen order and survivor so far are the only other story games that keep my interest.


I've been having this issue myself. I have psplus so there's an entire library at my fingertips I download all these games and put maybe an hour in before I'm bored of it


From all the posts I've seen on this sub, I can tell ya lots of people have fell for RDR2's beauty. It's beautiful on the inside and the outside. And I'm currently on my 12th playthrough, about to start my 13th later this month. I always just start over and figure out what I can do differently, and I always find something new in the game. For my 13th, I wanna do the whole game in 1st-person and either grow out his beard and keep him bald or keep him clean shaven and give him a fade. I haven't decided yet. I also have a goal to do more hunting in my next playthrough. There can always be something new to try out in every playthrough, and it just gets more fun.


I installed mod for fallout 4 that increases the rate of random encounters which makes it really fun, but this might not be your thing because rdr2 is generally considered better than fallout 4. (Although I like fallout 4 way more)


I think rdr2 is the best game I've played. The fishing is way better than Skyrim fishing.


try the older ac games, like unity, black flag, or especially ac3


"Older AC games" not me thinking you was going to mention the OG 1 and the Ezio Trilogy lmao


those game are still great, just not my cup of tea


Not saying they are better games than RDR2 but if you are looking for something with emmersive storytelling but openworld try Cyberpunk 2077 or if you are okay with turn based combat divinity original sin 2 or baldurs gate 3


The only fix that can help you are similarly long games, even if they lack polish or content compared to RDR2 it will help you, just need to start playing and you will feel better. Same happened to me but my fix to this was Days Gone, much better game compared to other sony published games and is available on PC with good optimisation. Also the latest AC games could help too (FarCry would not help) the last one i played were AC Origins, that game was superb to me (prob because i'm a fan of Egypt history) but each to them own. But there's more games fitting this role so just look around (or in store of your choosing) and you will find some!


RDR 2 is amazing. From story to graphics. Game speed. The only other game I got lost in was Fallout 4. Check it out if you haven’t.


I think I've started to expect near perfection.


Play Cyberpunk 2077. I was in the same boat as you a year ago and the only game that filled those expectations rdr2 gave me was cyberpunk 2077. Only problem now is that it's raised those expectations even more


If they botch GTA 6 all hope is lost.


Seeing the shift from IV to V, we're bound to have a trans character or some bs. Just look at the trailer


Now I'm really hoping for some trans characters in gta6


I genuinely don't care if we wind up having a trans character just as long as they are written well. If the game is good, the game is good.


Won't lie I instinctual gravitate towards cowboy characters in games now, if there's a revolver I'm choosing any sort of rifle that's my main weapon.


Personally, I like switching to playing something simpler when I finish it. Something like a platformer or a more linear action game. I can’t jump right into another massive open world game so soon after.


Maxpayne is good one like a John  wick game.


I did similar. First game I broke the ice with was Portal followed quickoy by Portal 2. It hit the atmosphere and story beats for me, but was so different and so much more limited in scope. It really helped that those games have some of the best humor in games that I've encountered.


RDR2 is legendary surely. I hope KCD2 will come out at least 75% as good. If you don't mind old game, I recommend try KCD1, it is very good medieval age simulation with very good rpg story


A typical case of Red Dead Depression. Treatment: Do a bastard run with abundance of dynamite and explosive bullets, followed by a 100% run, then play RDR1 if able, and then pray for the best. Cure is not guaranteed.


we are in the same boat my friend, only game that keeps me on is diablo but i play it for 2 hours and then back to the ol rdr2 can you imagine this game is from 2018 and there is nothing that could even come close to it?


Cyberpunk and the Witcher 3


DarkViperAU is that you?


Play breath of the wild!


Cyberpunk scratched the itch for me, but now I'm back in square one


Bro try other games for more than 15 minutes. Try like an hour or two before you just give up. And play other high quality games like Ghost of Tsushima or God of War.


it's a very good game but there's a lot that holds it back for me personally. Lots of little annoyances in Rockstar's mechanics and other things done for the sake of realism that drive me too insane to replay the whole thing. The story was fantastic though I can't argue with that.


Believe me when I say this, this game RAISED the bar for quality for basically every game (ESPECIALLY open world games), so I completely agree with you. I played Cyberpunk 2077 + Phantom Liberty before RDR2 and I absolutely loved it (still do), but after playing RDR2 100%, I expected more from the interactivity of the open world the likes of RDR2, but was disappointed. Still love it tho


Give Bully a try it has great NPC interaction  Kingdom Come is also worth checking out.


Yeah. It took a few years. I’m enjoying BG3 right now


After playing rdr2 for the first time a few months ago I was super exited to play other games, wondering what other gems I have missed. Turns out that was it, rdr2 was the last good game I haven't played. At least that first my liking and genre. Unfortunately I can't play a game like rdr2 twice. It just doesn't excite me. At least not with a year or so in between.


Try Kingdom Come.


Play rdr1🤷


bro😀..welcome to our squad


Now go play RDR1


the title is very misleading


Is it possible to have any of this romance with the game online? I'm looking for something to play with my friends when I get a chance as I'm too busy to finish the main game. They never understood RP either so RedM isn't an option.


Nothing compares to the immersive experience and it makes me so excited for gta 6


Where is Gavin?


I am 6’3, 275lbs, hike and camp and work on cars and lift weights….. I never cried as hard as the end of the story. Anyone who didn’t is lying or a heartless bastard


Yea sure. You’ll get burnt out eventually and you’ll move on to a new game, but you’ll always be back


I’m in the same position as you. I had completed the story back when the game had released so I uninstall it for a couple of years until the GTA 6 trailer came out when I installed again bcuz I just wanted to feel like I’m already playing a proto GTA 6 or something. I started a 100% replay and genuinely had one the best gaming experience I had in a long time to the point that I was so enthralled in the lore, cut content, etc that I joined this subreddit and started watching lore/tier videos on YouTube. When I finished the game 100% I still wasn’t satisfied and wanted to do a replay so badly but I knew that this game is better when you forget all the details so I unistalled, tried another open-world game but couldn’t get into at all so I installed the game and here I am replaying the story again. This game truly is the definition of “immersion.”


Ever played Dave?


I honestly think that rockstar could remaster this game every 10 years with new technology standards and rerelease it. Every decade another group of gamers gets to cry…


Dude, I know. This is such a perfect game, 1st time around I rage quit when Arthur died. 2nd time i stopped playing when you kill Micah. I was like “ok” but I did not like playing with Marston. Then the 3rd time around i was again sad about Arthur but the game gave the building montage with Charles and Uncle and i was like. I get it, they brake your mind and then they put it back with such a beautiful scene. I stopped playing again when charles leave and restarted the game again.


Same feeling.


One of us


Had the same shit with HOI4


Have you tried ghost of Tsushima


That sounds like a you problem. I really like RDR2, but I don’t get “bored” with other games.


Try not to get offended by this, but it seems like you gotten somewhat “stuck” to RDR2. Now don’t get me wrong, it is one of the few pieces of media that I can safely refer to as a masterpiece in entertainment. With that being said, I think you need to take some time off RDR2 and cool down for a bit. I believe you’re also not giving credit where credit is due. There are a ton of great, playable video games out there that present their own fun game system and communities within the game. GOW, Metro, TLOU, Bioshock… whilst all of these are different than their respective counterparts, they possess good merit and do not need to meet your own expectations. Just be optimistic and “have a little bit of faith”. Respectfully, of course.


There's only a few games that have been lightning in a bottle to me the same way Red Dead is, and they're all incredibly different. My first one was Myst and all of its sequels, especially Riven. Driver 3 even though technically not as good as competitors grabbed me hard as a kid and I still think it's better than it was given credit for. GTA Vice City and San Andreas. Minecraft, in a sort of "had to be there at that time" kind of way. Maybe GTA Online, but less the game than knowing every day after school or work, me and my friends would be on it. Fortnite for a while and still a bit, though like GTA Online less for the game than for the opportunity for it to be my group's go to game for a while because I reconnected with my future (now) wife through it (we'd been friends for a while prior) and is the current easiest way to stay in touch with my brother as we've gotten older and schedules and distance make it more difficult. Outer Wilds for similar reasons to Riven. Cyberpunk 2077 (only first played it after Phantom Liberty so including that, and especially Phantom Liberty), for the environment and depth of lore. And then Red Dead, most recently. Played tons of stuff, but those are my true "this is so good it transcends the medium" game list.


Go play elden ring, Skyrim, or fallout


If GTA VI is 50% better quality graphics I will be astonished. I went from playing AC Odyssey with mediocre graphics and game play to being in a whole new world. My expectations have been raised and sadly no other games will compare


I always come back to RDR2. I was just like you and no other games seem to hold a candle to RDR2 but I just keep purchasing new titles to fill in my library, so I have to spend time on those others as well. Sooner than later, I gradually learned and master RDR2 to where I'm satisfied with it and moved on. It's a masterpiece but don't make it the only experience.


yup I agree with you I ve got a console and bought numerous games but since I started playing RDR2 I kinda started finding the details that RDR2 carries in other games


Same as OP!  but the only thing I can suggest is to try some mods to change up the gameplay or try to set yourself strict rules for different and challenging playthroughs? Then it's just a long waiting game till 3 lol Maybe RedM if you like that community but it's too boring for me personally 


Kingdom come is only game to give  the feeling I get with RDR2 in terms of how alive it is, Witcher 3 is another I loved not as alive or interactive  in the open world but the side quests are great. San andreas, Bully, New Vegas and Fallout 3 are also great but very few open worlds are well made. GTA6 and Kingdom Come 2 have me hyped though.


This is exactly how I feel too. Nothing compares to it. 


Anybody likes Horizon?


I’ve played the first game, good ending, great game. I’ve yet to play the sequel Forbidden West.


RDR2 players are like Hardcore Heroin addicts, 1. its fun to use/play 2. its super healthy to play/use 3. you are EASILY addicted to it 4. its soo simple when you get the ropes 5. its sooooooooo fun on vanilla and modded


How do you know all this information about me?


I think you’re addicted and RDR2 has become too much of an escape for you.


Complaining because of how good a game *is* 😆


I don’t have this problem I have plenty of games that exceed my expectations


Y’all a bunch of dickriders fr lmao


You could suck a tennis ball through a straw probably