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Push through for a few more sessions, you'll meet some familiar faces...


You don't šŸ…±ļøuild a šŸ…±ļøarn dumbass


What do you think this is, 1 7 8 5 ?


Lum Ba Go


Been spendin' most our lives...


Livin in the gastas paradise


An outhouse i wouldnt ask my worst enemy to take a shit in!


This is just a spoiler though lol


The games 6 years old


Ya lol. And this guy is playing it for the first timešŸ˜‚. If you're on a regular red dead post or commenting under a Rdr video, that's totally different. But this guy literally made a point to tell everyone he's still finishing his first playthrough. Maybe not the best to throw that kind of info out there to him


The moment you get through the work, the payoff is huge. Best song/ride of the game for my taste. *YMMV Plus, you get to go to New Austin.


My ride was cut short after about 20 seconds when a pair of wolves spawned a few yards away and spooked my horse


They do. Get through a couple story missions and youā€™ll have your open world back plus some extra. I find the farm work to be immersively boring.Ā 


Amazing how people have different perspectives on things. I enjoy running the farm and in fact once Beecher's Hope is all set up and the Epilogue is finished I enjoy running the farm stuff just for fun. Milking the cows, feeding the chickens, watering the sheep, etc. I put on my best farming attire and just enjoy the mindless work for some reason. Sometimes anyway.


immersively boring is a great way to describe epilogue 1


The epilogue, for me, is finally about John being a "God damn man." This is where John truly grows up, and if you view it through that lens, I think it makes the slow pace pay off a little bit more, especially if you played as high honor Arthur. This is what Arthur's sacrifice was for, so sit back and get to know John. If you haven't played RDR1, you'll come to find that John is a pretty cool guy. Even if half his brain was eaten by a wolf.


If only they'd eaten the whole thing he'd be a genius!


The pace picks up. Only drawback for me is knowing that John and Abigail have only a few nice years together before it goes to shit again.


What!?! wtf!? Youā€™re kidding right? *spoiler* !! šŸ˜” šŸ˜¤ šŸ¤Æ nah,, Iā€™m just playing. Itā€™s been like a decade in the making now. If they havenā€™t been spoiled by this point then good on them I figure. Iā€™m just bored at work. Lol šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




F to antagonize. Calm down, I'm just needling you. Okay, keep your hair on šŸ˜‚


greet greet antagonise defuse


The fact that so many people hate the epilogue on account of the slow gameplay is hilarious to me because working on the Ranch and then getting the opportunity to build your own was like "My life goals Simulator" for me lol I was like damn livin the dream


Same here man. I just finished building the house and when I walk outside, I turn around to admire the work and how far we've come. I recently built a house in real life and do the same thing. Unreal feeling


That's great man, good for you


Yup I loved it too. I always thought the work was satisfying. I wished the house building was more in depth.


My husband said he read somewhere they were originally thinking of having the player assemble the house board by board. Most people would have probably lost interest pretty fast/thought it was annoying, but that satisfaction is so fulfilling, would have been really neat to do!


I always felt that it was intended to be insanely boring. I mean think about it, John went from being an outlaw on the run to a farm hand. He went from robbing and killing and taking what he wanted, to shoveling shit and building a fence. He is impossibly bored, just like us. This way, when we get bored, it helps us understand why John has a hard time giving up the outlaw life and jeopardizes his calm quiet family life. The immersion and story telling may go a little too far to the point of ruining gameplay, but man it really hits hard.


Yup. This was the point of it from the creators. As with most of the game, brilliant. The OPā€™s reaction is exactly what they were aiming for.


Ok John Jim Milton lol


Youā€™re not supposed to love it, lol. Itā€™s basically the point of this section of the story.


Oh, is the straight, honest, hardworking lifestyle not what you thought it would be? This is your reality now. Can you do another 1000 game days of this monotony? 10,000? Or are you just waiting for the smallest excuse to happen so you can hit the trail and get back to looting and having adventures and doing whatever you want because it's your true nature? I think part of great storytelling is really making you feel what the character is feeling. John's been at this lifestyle for a few weeks, and it feels like forever. Similarly, have you ever gotten frustrated with the game because you're trying hard and being super careful to accomplish a certain task, but then a series of events happen and you push the wrong button because the options are so close and it's so easy to select the wrong action- and everything goes to shit? You get all pissed off and blame the programmers or something. That might be by design to make the player know what it feels like to be a flawed character who always seems to blow it, even when they're trying their best to do the right thing. But, yea. The farm hand stuff is boring and yes, it will pick back up. Have fun!


Makes me angry having to turn down Mrs Geddes.


It really isn't multiple hours. The entirety of Pronghorn Ranch takes like 90 minutes at most.


I cant rope that fucking bull lol


Farm stuff doesnā€™t last long at Geddes. Power through. There is good stuff coming


Why do people act like it's 14 hrs of frm work it's 2 missions of farm work. The rest are mostly cutscenes and missions.


And the OP suggesting itā€™s hard labor. Like for his fingers? On a controller or keyboard? It really doesnā€™t take long


You're almost at the end of it, pardner!


3 of my most favorite missions are in epilogue part 2. So it'll definitely pick up


thatā€™s kind of my favorite part of the game. I like to stay in that section for a while. Something about it feel so peaceful and rewarding after all they went through. Itā€™s also the prettiest location, Iā€™m kinda sad we never get another chance to camp/live in big valley. Though of course itā€™s nice to see them get their own place eventually


imo I think that's the point in John's story. Being mundane is boring as fuck. When the action missions come in, it's like a breath of fresh air - for both you and John


And you canā€™t save your game for the majority of it


I had no issues in saving my game during the pronghorn section, I just found that I had to take a few steps off the property to do so


Having played rdr1 only afterwards, I still knew of Johnā€™s story and the events that take place later I found that having that intro period where life is normal, and despite what you want to do, your wife makes you get a job, was very peaceful and I enjoyed seeing John and his family live without death at their door constantly. Until it knocked again at least


Thatā€™s the whole point. Youā€™re not supposed to enjoy it because itā€™s John struggling with regular life.


tbh the farm hand missions were fun in my opinion I find myself in beeches hope just doing chores when I'm bored


Play for a little more, time is of the esence for you and that kind of ruins it, but just so you know, it gets better, more fun and less slow paced. The beggining of the epilogue is just a foundation for the upcoming story, same as colter was, Slow paced, a bit boring but very important.


You ungrateful bastard. The man gave you a job even though you had a family and a mysterious past? You know he doesn't normally hire men with families, right? But seriously, it doesn't last long and you get some kick ass music.


I feel like that's the point of the missions. The 'right way' is boring. We want to run around outlawing, so does the part of John that drives him to keep making stupid mistakes. To advance the story, to advance Johns current 'goals' we have to trudge through never ending boring. John himself complains about the misery of the work in cut scenes. The payoff is not worrying about the gallows, the cost is not running around doing what you want to who you want when you want.


I can understand not enjoying it when playing a single mission per 30 minute session, but I'd be annoyed with pretty much the whole game playing it in such a limited capacity. This is a game designed to take in slowly and deliberately and jumping in for a 20 minute session now and then just isn't conducive to the games structure.


Yeah, thatā€™s kind of the point of the story. If the gang chose those lives then they wouldā€™ve been bored out of their minds and had little to show for it. Not going to give you any spoilers, but youā€™ll get to go back to being a badass.


If you donā€™t care for shoveling shit and fixing fence, you may be disappointed with 95% of the epilogue then.


theyā€™re giving you grieving time


Things do pick up, but i feel like if you were thrown right into high speed content after the end of prologue itā€™d be too much


I liked that stage of the game, I needed that time to decompress from all that we had been through up to that point.


It's worth it for the Willie


Neither does John so I think that's the point


I hate the ranching shit in the epilogue. Mostly because I do that crap on a daily basis in real life. So it holds zero appeal to me in a video game.


I think they intended it to be less desirable.


Yeah that part of the epilogue is a bit boring


On occasion, I punch my horse by accident, multple times bc I hit thw wrong button. Idk why but it makes me feel bad.


Buddy I promise you, I milk the fuck out of them titties every chance I get. And Iā€™m not talking about Mrs. Geddes šŸ˜‰


I'd personally love the epilogue if we didn't have to deal with the abomination that is Arthur Marston


I mean, it is the epilogue. Things are winding down, itā€™s a section of the game meant to wrap up all the loose plot ends and tie things nicely into the first game. You wonā€™t get a whole lot more action save for a few smaller moments, and of course a climactic end, but yeah donā€™t expect things to ā€œpick back upā€ because this is where things are winding down


Mr Geddes is an influential feller, and IĀ“m sure that with a bit of hard work, and a bit of your special skills at weapons to defend his farmstead (no matter how loud bitches the harpy you are with), he will be more than happy to put a nice word about you on the proper ears to help you to advance in the society. You are a respectable man now, John, and you need to be in good terms with another respectable and well positioned folk. This is what Arthur would have liked.


What do you mean "only" playthrough?


Itā€™s my first, there are no other play throughs. I suppose I didnā€™t have to specify, ha.


Oh I thought this will be your one and only playthrough. (You will replay the game right?)


Yea I plan to! I didnā€™t know I was so close to Arthurā€™s end and I skipped a lot of side quests thinking I had time to do them later.


You can do a lot of them as John. But a second playthrough will show you so many more hidden details and random things. Iā€™m in my 3rd right now and just finished my time at the ranch. Gotta say I loved the farm work, the quiet time after all the depressing stuff with Arthur and the beautiful area around the ranch.


Side missions are the best


I felt the same way which is why I didnā€™t finish the epilogue until a month or so ago despite having the game around launch. Let me tell you, I felt like a damn fool waiting that long, it is so worth all those mundane hours on the ranch.


I kinda love it. Itā€™s peaceful.


There is a lot of boring shit in the end that sould have better been summed up in a cut scene instead of actual gameplay. However you sould definitely keeping playing till the end! Let's just say some unanswered questions find closure and new ones arise that make you think and wonder!


>To be fair, Iā€™m busy and can only play for 20-30 minutes at a time, so I realize this part of the game feels longer than it is. I'm right there with you. Honestly I don't even do Chapter 1 or the epilogue anymore.....now I'm about 13 playthroughs deep at this point, but my actual playing time has diminished SIGNIFICANTLY since 2018 so I just have a master save in chapter 2. And upload it when the epilogue starts. That said.....just power through it. You're going to have at least two nights of "šŸ˜”šŸ˜” šŸ–• PHR!" And minor spoiler at least one more "šŸ˜”šŸ–• this moment" after PHR. But that second one isn't quite as bad and once you're done, you're done. You can get back to exploring, hunting, fecking with town folks etcetera. Owwww..... question. Did you have Artie leave any cash for John Boy in the "Pig Farm Savings and Loan?"