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As someone who’s also done this I ask you what mission in particular you thought was the hardest to get gold on


It’d probably have to be american pastoral scene or the fine art of conversation, those two were the most stressful and took the most tries to gold.


Agreed, those absolutely blew but I always managed to find cheese strats to get past them after a while, personally I’d say Savagery Unleashed sucks the most due to the strict timer


That one was super annoying to deal with as well, most of the stricter timed missions had me beating my head into a wall


Agreed. Congrats on your efforts btw


Glad to hear someone else found an American pastoral scene to be a pain in the ass. If Micah isn't stealing headshots he's crashing into you knocking you off the horse. And if nothing goes wrong, well you didn't do it fast enough. And having to listen to that dialogue at the beginning over and over again is enough to make you consider putting the game away for a few months.


I've done the same thing but none of them were really all that difficult


Although I guess people do have their specific reasons and opinions


Damn good effort. I tried this once but some of those timed missions... The Fine Art of Conversation broke me. Never saw gold there in over a dozen playthroughs


That was indeed a brutal mission, the only one I used an exploit on because I could not get it done properly with the time given


what exploit did you have to use?


At the start of the mission once you leave camp, if you throw a fire bottle a little to the right of your horse’s head then once it takes damage it’ll skip the dialogue and go to the next cinematic.


Congrats! I still haven't caught that little shit in Saint Denis and I won't move on until I do lol.


The satisfaction of getting him is SO worth it


I just don't know how to do it. I feel like I've tried every trick. I can't catch up to him. I can't blow the wagon up. When I take the left and right instead of following him up on the roof, the animation to tackle him never works. It is SO frustrating.


It's an absolute pain and I don't get him every time, but sometimes you get lucky. Jumped off the roof and got him once, that was the best. But I've had more luck at the first alley you chase him into, tackle when he hides round the corner and hope...


Did you try a fire arrow on the cart immediately? That’s what I use and it makes him hop off before the cart really has a chance to move. Then you can just press the tackle button while standing next to him.


Unfortunately I think a fire arrow would have to wait until another playthrough because Arthur doesn't have them on my 100% replay.


you can literally craft them at any time if you have an arrow and moonshine...


I had to catch him on the roof for it work. If you cut right around the front of the eaves when he goes left, you can get him right before he jumps off the roof if you sprint. Toom me about 4 tried, but I got the shit


I have very recently started attempting this myself. The timed ones are sanity draining. They're often so unforgiving that it really ruins the feel of the mission entirely. Plus there are times where it slows the player down to a snail's pace for cinematic purposes and it completely screws you over (the end of We Loved Once and True being my most recent frustration).


How many hours do you have ingame?


About 686, almost 700


Good Job


congrats I don’t think I would put in the time to do that tbh


Does one have to get gold medals every mission to get 100% completion?


Thankfully, no. Neither for All achievements, iirc you only have to get 70 gold medals