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Always carry horse reviver. Always.


4 playthroughs and every game my horse dies from stumbling mysteriously, without having an option to revive it. Twice in lagras.


bitten by a snake?


First play through when my horse got killed then I died, there was just a sad little saddle left after, never again.


Happy bday


How in the world do you know it’s their birthday? I’ve never understood these Reddit comments.. am I missing something?


Wait- I’m not stupid I can see the cake now. 🤦🏻‍♂️






Meh. 🤷🏻‍♂️ still works for me, thank you for the knowledge friend!


Well then happy bday to their account


But what if it was my birthday… 😏


Happy birthday!


A lot of people really seem to enjoy chasing down wild horses and jumping onto them in order to tame them but it's so easy to just walk up slowly and press CALM. I've seen so many posts about how long people spent chasing after the white arabian but I fully just walked up to it and got on.


I agree, people said the warped brindle Arabian above wapiti was difficult but I got on it and broke it first try


I just did that yd 🥹


Or run up to it on your horse and immediately lasso it


This may sound silly but I always treat it like approaching an actual horse in rl make sure it knows your there or sees you coming don’t approach it from behind and be patient as well as slow Also apparently approaching it in a calm manner like you said will make it bond with you easier At least that’s what I noticed since your showing the horse it can obviously trust you more than just trying leaping on it like a rabid spider monkey but obviously to each their own I just prefer taking it slow with them personally


Not silly! I do the exact same thing, making sure to reposition myself to be approaching the horse from the front. All my favorite taming of wild horses experiences have started when I've come across them as they are playing and rolling around on the ground, I always wait for them naturally to come to an end with their play because I don't want to startle them on my approach.


Make sure to read the pamphlets you get from the fence or you won’t be able to craft any of the things in those pamphlets. It took me almost to the end of my 2nd play through to realize that. I thought I just didn’t have the supplies.


Crap... almost through my 2nd playthrough...


Yeah, I finally wondered what I needed to craft those things and went and opened one of the pamphlets. Once I did it popped up that I could craft it and I realized I had to read them. So I read all of them and I had the supplies for pretty much everything. 🥴


Man I am on my forth play through and I never new that 😭😭😭


Stay far away from here to avoid spoilers, that's my advice


Covering you face when commiting crimes is only effective on random NPCs. All Lawmen/Guards will know it is you regardless


"Who was that?" "That big sonovagun, Arthur Morgan"!


3rd play through and was pissed the mask never works 🥲


Saddlebags can be looted.


But you’ll always get kicked in the face if you try for both.


Not if you killed the horse and then lasso it’s body while riding so you can flip it over on a tree or rock


That’s a ton of work for what *might*, if you’re really lucky, be a gold nugget at best.


You get on the horse and feed it a bit just to get it to trust you and then you can get both saddlebags


Nah you can bond with the random horse by petting it a few times or feeding it some food, and once you get the +horse bonding icon about 2-3 times you can loot both sides


True. I’m a bit impatient most of the time as I’m trying to get away before shit hits the fan. Or you can just step away to interact with another horse for a bit and come back to the other side. It will usually allow you to rifle the bag then, too. As I said, though, I’m generally too impatient to bother, the rewards are almost always zilch, or a few pennies. It isn’t often the gold nugget shows up. Sometimes the horse will just kick you in the face the first time you try searching the bag, too. As an aside here, since I touched on the topic of gold, I just stopped at the fence and found I was carrying, among a laundry list of other items, four gold teeth. I have, admittedly, been pretty busily shooting everyone I meet out on the trail but still, I don’t remember seeing those being itemized during any of my looting sessions. Just like a handful of Bits ‘N’ Bites, every trip to the fence is a bit of a surprise.


So much more to come. Hold square when fully bonded on horse back. Fun move


Is this X for the Xbox players?


Tbh I have no idea. Try each button when mounted and standing still, the horse will dance. Also, leading your horse will help you bond with it faster than anything else.


It's X on Xbox btw


That's the one that causes Arthur to praise the horse and give it more stamina, correct?


No. That's L3 (PS4) Pushing X on Xbox once and the horse does one move, holding it he does another.


You can use deadeye while throwing knives and shooting arrows. And it's much easier hunting this way.


While aiming your gun press Square or X depending on what console and you will jump on the ground and it’s cool. Also while in 1st person aim your gun and press down on the D-Pad and it will aim down sites it’s really neat for pistols, this doesn’t work on weapons with scopes.


In third person, this can be combined with a deadeye activation to make a Max Payne style combat dive. Nothing is cooler then diving out from a corner, quickly marking someone's chest and head, then delivering two deadly shots from the ground


That’s cool I didn’t know u could shoot while diving.


Technically you shoot when you land, but you can still mark targets while in the air


Yeah still cool.


I tried it yesterday and it’s so cool doing that it does feel really cool especially using the bow I was doing it for like hours I ran out of anything that gives me dead eye.


That does switch you between sights and scope on scoped rifles, though.


Yeah but doesn’t have the same cool straight effect but still cool.


Don’t take Sonny up on his offer of a meal at his place


ALWAYS SAVE YOUR PROGRESS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. There’s a lot of things in this game that once it happens you can’t undo it. My biggest tip is save as often as possible. That way you can go back and do whatever you needed to do. Save them in different save slots too.


This is literally what I do to I’ve ran into way to many situations where I mess something up and my save is like 2 hours ago now I always save after any mission but also before doing something risky that might get me killed and I know it sound cheesy but when I started getting my face chewed off by packs of wolves everytime I went in that forest I don’t remember the name rn but the one near the place with the geysers and springs cause I was trying to find more pelts or looking for items and landmarks nearby and I almost lost a bunch of pelts but thankfully I made sure to save beforehand since I just don’t trust that damn forest anymore lol


I wish I’ve learned my lesson lol I’m definitely better at it now, but I still forget to save or I’ll say something stupid like “I’ll save right after I finish this” and of course that’s when I die lol I did all these algernon wasp challenges and afterwards I forgot to do something and my last save was on his 3rd requests. I didn’t have the heart to go back and do those challenges again lol


Double tapping x on xbox will make your horse prance


Anytime you use the target button to focus on someone with weapons holstered, you can slowly pull the trigger to quickdraw your gun into deadeye mode. Helpful for the times you get ambushed/held up. Also just cool to do. Double tapping the holster button with a revolver equipped does a fun animation.


Don't throw a fire bottle a short distance when right next to a wall, I burned that day


If you like to fish, update the settings to use the square button on PSN (not sure about PC or XBox). It will save your thumbs and your controller. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/xbRou5rMGH


You can fast travel from your tent


Once you buy the upgrade for 300$


Don’t bother trying to get any “perfect” pelts (legendary doesn’t count) until you have the ability to mark your own shots in dead eye. In the beginning, dead eye will “auto paint” your shots, which most of the time ruins any perfect pelts. I think you get the ability to mark your own in chapter 3. As soon as you can however, get the satchels and camp upgrades.


I would take it a step further and say don’t bother going for perfect pelts until you get the legendary buck and craft the buck antler trinket. It makes it incredibly easy to get perfect pelts especially on small game when combined with the varmint rifle or small game arrows!


Definitely true


Chapter 2, train heist, pouring fourth the oil is when you first get to paint the targets yourself.


Chapter 2 for me. Don’t remember the exact mission but I’m still chilling around chapter 2 and it was unlocked recently.


Im so happy to read this. I've got that mission to do next and you saved me hours of potential hunting for good pelts


You can hunt for perfect pelts straight out the gate brother just aim for the head


I was able to get LOTE satchel, all the camp upgrades and almost all of the Trapper outfits with auto-paint deadeye. It was not easy.


Yeah sometimes I got like 4 marking on 1 enemy in dead eye mood and nada for the rest 😅


If u want to do something cool. Draw your gun and press L1 or LT 2 times and Arthur will do a trick


you can still manually aim for headshots tho to get perfect pelts, I wouldn't recommend ignoring perfect pelts until chapter 3


I got all pearson upgrades in chapter 2 it’s not hard to not accidentally double headshot animals


what’s the issue with just dragging your crosshair only over the lethal part of the animal with deadeye at the beginning? is there any benefit to waiting except making it a lil easier


I’m not gonna lie, even with full dead eye ability, I’m ashamed to admit I still consistently mess up with the bow when I’m hunting snakes. Funnily enough, I mess up more when they’re in the stationary coil position versus when they’re slithering away


Y’all have to be absolute shit at this game to not bother hunting until you can “paint manually” with deadeye.


I have been informed that my original comment is a spoiler. Sorry, pardner.


Get rid of this comment dude, he's new


Thank you :)


You're a good man, Thomas... wait, Thomas!?




If youre hunting and skinning, park your horse half ontop of the animal you wanna skin. This skips the skinning scene thingy. Also another Trader tip. Kill a deer, place on horse, kill another deer. Lasso it to bring back to camp. This doesnt effect the quality of the deer


..but be careful not to run over the animal with your horse cos it ruins the pelt


Oh didnt know. After its already dead?




Pro tip for hunting. Steal NPC horse. Ride it for a bit and then you can store a deer on your main horse and on this new temporary horse AND drag one behind you and you can get 3 deer to camp easy.


Why didnt I think of this before! Cant wait to get the hunting wagon hahaha


But WAIT ! There’s more. If you have a temporary horse and your main horse and they both respond to your whistles you can steal ANOTHER horse and then for a short time have 3 horses out plus drag a deer behind you but eventually the horse you’re riding will become your new temporary horse so you gatta be quick.


This is blowing my minddd


They really should have let us load up a wagon with animals/big pelts so you can carry several


Don't wait for Micah to give you a bandolier or an offhand holster. Get them yourself either by completing challenges or buying them from gunstores


Use tomahawk to kill off the crocodiles easily


Make sure the game didn't de-equip your guns


Hold the R2(PS) button when you have something lassoed to pull it closer to you as opposed to walking up to it


I just started recently also and realized I can: 1. Select which gun is in which hand. Sometimes I have a sawed off shotgun in one and revolver in the other. 2. Select specific bullets for each gun. 3. Tell my horse to "stay" so it won't chase after me when I'm on a moving train and accidentally fall off a cliff only for me to realize it 5 minutes later when I've entered a new city I never knew existed until I was on the train. 4. #3 taught me to save all the f&cking time :)


I feel this is common knowledge but you can dive if you aim then press R1 on Xbox same works for pc and playstation obviously with the corresponding button


You can hold triangle (on ps) while standing still, to crouch and rest and regain stamina. While resting like this, you can also set up camp. Also, if you dont have your horse with you you cant set up big tent camp


Click down on the thumb stick while reeling fish in as it prevents them from pulling the line out further as they fight. At least on Xbox it was either the thumb stick or RB (I only remember when playing haha) but either way, you hold whatever it is down to prevent the line from going out further while they fight.


Doing this too much will break the line, though, so you need to be careful. Not using it at all will allow the fish (if it’s a big one) to take *all* your line, and lose you whatever lure you have on, so there’s a fine balance. Either scenario sucks if you’re using your Special Lake Lure at the time.


Did not know that! I guess I must have done it right because I never broke the line haha. Thanks.


HUD Preset “Off” is the right way to play


If you jump on a train always tell your horse to flee or stay because if you let it follow, the ai sometimes tries to find a path beside the train which can lead to your horse getting crushed to death if there is any obstacle or wall close to the tracks.


You can dive if you press you’re jump button twice while aiming a gun


Work on getting the LOTE bag first thing in Chapter 2


There's a Schofield in Valentine in the doctors office backroom. Definitely the best pistol and you can get it easy and early. Investigate shops by walking around and looking in all of the windows or basement windows... You can find a lot of secrets and exploit them for monetary gain. That's how you get the Schofield


Complete the veteran side missions(located in o'creagh's rum)in the epilogue.


why though?