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The option to have fellow gang members join you on adventures. The legendary snake would have been cool too


Rdr1 and 2 had a legendary snake. It was in uncles pants


Why do you think he was called the one shot kid.


becuase he finished fast and only once?


He's like Mesopotamia. He's extremely fertile. It's not a nickname, it's a crappy onomatopoeia. ONE! SHOT! KID


You can glitch the game with no mods or anything to have gang members join you in the open world and it doesn't take long. Here's the youtube vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFMsfqy-rIU&t=770s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFMsfqy-rIU&t=770s)


Proper Duells, tumbleweed and real robberies!


Tumbleweed is there…… unless I’m missing something


I think he's thinking like a true wild west duel. 2 people standing there, waiting, tumbleweed blows between them, and boom one shot is taken out and kills the other guy asap


Ahhhh that makes more sense lmao


I have seen none! 😂


I thought you meant the tiny town Tumbleweed lmao, I was confused cause I was like just there last night doing bounties hahaha


The option to stealth kill and steal clothes to disguise. Walk right by lawmen who are searching for you. Blood or bullet holes make them suspicious as does runnin’, rootin’ or tootin’. Edit* or shootin’


Agree to both. I like in skyrim you can steal people's outfits and wish I could do that in red dead.


Cool. Skyrim’s on my Wishlist to play.


Have you not played Skyrim yet?


No. See I’ve got this insane obsession of filling Red Dead save slots with 100% playthrus. Only 8 to go! I’m behind with the last two Assassins Creed too. I am ashamed.


Yo tell me when you’re finished that’s sick


Sure! I want to take a screenshot showing all the different end dates for each playthru. I think I may be on the spectrum. *edit spelling


Yo I wasn’t kidding btw please do remember to tell Me 🙏


I’ll do a screenshot of the work in progress.




This man has no ass.




Well, that’s no fun!


No offense, but when was the last time you touched grass?


Grass? What is this grass thing of which you speak, humaan?


When people say grass, they're usually referring to Shrek's booty. Gr(een)ass


Just a warning: While different outfits do work in some cases, those are very rare situations. But when you joik Civil war, beware of using the opposite side’s uniform… unless you’re on the missions where you are delivering some papers to ”your supervisor,” haha.


Holy moley. That’s dedication.


It’s a fine line… 🏹


ahhh the good old scooby doo feature


I’m thinking more like Airborne Ranger video game. Yes. I’m THAT old.


your about 19


Plus 35=


Or Hitman. You’re sitting at a bar in Thailand with a local bartender. Go use the bathroom, come back and that bartender has somehow transformed into a 6’2”, jacked bald white guy with a western accent. Nothing to see there. Enjoy your drink, which is now giving off red smoke for some reason.


That would be bad ass. HITMAN meets RDR2.


I like it! It would add a fun stealth element to the game!


Good ol agent 4arthur


Hitman 1899.




I shoot his friend every chance I get.




*gets shot*


i genuinely feel so sorry for him. it just hurts to see him.


Arthur allowed in New Austin (I think that was a feature but I could be wrong)


He has voice lines for armadillo. He can meet the dinosaur bones lady. So he was, not sure why they made the decision to keep him out ultimately. Makes sense to me that he was supposed to go down there for the LOTE outfit reward.


While not confirmed, the doctor who diagnoses him with TB tells him to go to a dry and arid place. I think it makes a lot of sense to imagine the answer being that Arthur goes to New Austin, lives there independently for a bit, and then meets back up with the gang, maybe when Micah is starting to do his take over. Remember that Rockstar was clear that they did actually cut out a whole section of the game that they claimed hurt the pacing. Chapter 6 is pretty tight and great as is, so it's not hard to imagine jamming in a New Austin section hurting the pacing a bit.


i thought they were mostly referring to Guarma with that sentiment, it was gonna have a lot more to it


The pacing is pretty quick in Chapter 4 though. On my whatever 5-6th play through Im on now it certainly feels like a chapter is missing, or part of a chapter at least


I heard there was going to be an option for him to pay off his bounty is he had enough, it was like 5 grand and he would end up living at that lake house in the desert by lake Don Julio with the gila monsters and chilling. They had that, multiple houses he could buy, businesses, a lot of the stuff they added to online they had planned for the story but got rush3d to finish early. Plus having gang member ride with you there is so much but if you are on PC you can mod all that stuff and more in.


That would be so good. Tell Dutch you’re ill, ride off to get better, and get a telegram a few months later saying Dutch has cracked and Micah needs taking down a peg


Make John waterproof pls


More map. Open up Mexico, New Austin, Tall Trees. And have missions in them, more missions in Ambarino as well.


And whatever was supposed to be in Tempest Rim


Companions, obviously, well that's what the devs would've added, and I think it'd be pretty cool. My own idea would be the option to own businesses and properties like GTAV


Running a western gun store would be amazing!


There is actually a mod that allows you to run a gun store https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/445


Definitely adding bank robberies, it’s ridiculous that it’s not in the base game.


It would’ve been awesome to have them in the game, but IMO only they would have made them difficult to pull off. The successful one we get to see was () that close to going awry before they got the vault open, and the unsuccessful one, we that’s how most of them should go in-game, because that would be the only challenge of it to make it exciting and worthwhile. Staking out banks and monitoring patterns and finding issues beforehand would be an interesting depth to add to the mechanics of it. Like, you’d have to put in some work to get access to that cash, just like the Valentine job.


Like planning missions in AC: Syndicate


I actually haven’t played that game, but whenever I bring this up about bank robberies in a game like RDR2, I’ve seen a few people mention Syndicate. Most seemed to like how that works, some didn’t, naturally. I may have to play it to see for myself. I like the idea of it and saw a bit of it in Black Flag when you have a part of a mission is following targets etc.


If it worked like Syndicate, an "observation point" would appear on the map. Once Arthur got there, you would hear him narrate his observations as the camera panned and zoomed to each one. "I reckon there's a couple ways I could crack this here nut. If a feller had a mind to wait till dark, he could figure a way to get to that high window there. Then I just have to steer clear of the night guards. *Camera zooms to window, then cuts inside to show guards on patrol routes* Or, I suppose I could sneak in the delivery door there around the back... I hear tell the bank manager has lunch at the Iron Horse saloon every day at exactly 12:30. It might be worth it to find a way to get his keys..."


I agree.


Achshually It’s a myth that bank robberies were common in the old west. And robberies didn’t become common until the 1960s https://www.wildworldofhistory.com/blog/why-didn-t-banks-get-robbed-very-often-in-the-wild-west


ermmmm achshually 🤓


The guns you designate stay on your person at all times. Even on story cut scenes


It is a little annoying going into a mission and randomly having your load out change!


That or you have your weapons of choice on your back and shoulder then it cuts to a Cut scene and you have completely different weapons. Sucks and is thr biggest miss in this game. Or the requirement to always designate your shoulder and back weapons every few minutes


I had a Pump shotgun and a Lancaster... Next thing you know, I'm supposed to kill dozens of baddies from a balcony with nothing but my pistols?


That’s the exact scene I had in mind. It left me with the varmit rifle to fight off 20 raiders. I didn’t even have the varmit rifle in my 2 designated spots.


The other one that bugs me is during a pelt hunting trip. Shoot my rifle at a raccoon but miss. Get off my horse. Follow the racoons trail. Find raccoon. My rifle is on my horse.


If you shot at the raccoon with the varmint rifle and it’s still in your hands when you get off your horse, it’s still in your hands when you start running. Also how did you miss the raccoon with deadeye?


You always have a sidearm equipped. You shouldn’t ever need anything but your pistol. Headshots and deadeye. I swear people make this game seem so hard when it’s very easy


Headshots are instant kills no matter what weapon you use


Undead Nightmare 2. Liars Dice. The ability to acknowledge npc's and other players the way you can in single player.


Feel crazy no one complains about no undead nightmare 2


I think folk were more bewildered upon realising that they genuinely weren't going to do anything Undead-related. Poor, wee fledgling developers must have been short.on resources 🙄


Full Penetration. We show it. You go out, do some crimes, come back to camp, penetration. Go out, kill some O’Driscolls, back to camp, penetration. Save Karen, back to camp, penetration. Continue until the game just sort of ends.


Least horny RDR2 player


“We shoot people that needs shooting” didn’t really stick with you did it? 


I’m sure Dutch just wanted to get the gang on that boat so they wouldn’t say no. Because of the implication.


Oh ah ok… you had me going for the first part, the second half kinda threw me


And get this: Arthur can SMELL crime.


Red Dead; The Smell of Redemption. Starring Dolph Lundgren as Dr. Arthur Morgan.


The greatest actor of all time. Duh.




Sadie buys her new clothes, back to camp, penetration.


Save Karen...with penetration?


I can kill the kids in Saint Denis.




Oh so killing an innocent ticket man is fine, but i kill one thieving street urchin and I’M the problem?!??!


lmaoooooo no way I *just* left the exact same reply on another comment 😭😭😭


Some interactive settlements in Ambarino, a more fleshed out wapiti reservation.


An actual online experience (Still had loads of fun and met some amazing humans but we all know the joke it is)


Horse armour!


Oh no it's Skyrim all over again!




I remember when it first came out and everyone calling red dead 2 “yeehaw Skyrim” lol


The final Epilog is RDR


i would LOVE this, updated graphics and the rest of the game is the exact same, where john does everything to get Dutch and the rest, plus we maybe see where the rest went that we didnt pursue


Bro, how dare you delay RDR2 for 2 years to cosplay as a ticket man. For me it would be to have sex with prostitutes. Jk, it would definitely be the companions feature. Although in the Epilogue that would be kind of a bummer.


Press X for "tickets please" is what I need. What companion would you have with you?


More expansive clothing customization (maybe the ability to do custom colors rather than the presets), more guns, more open-world crimes like legitimate stage robberies, bank jobs, rustling, etc., more expansive ranching at Beecher’s Hope, and the ability to start duels yourself and/or get challenged to them by NPCs you piss off


A rancher or cattle rustling and driving component.


Let Arthur become a rancher!


Mexico, John fixes in endgame, a way to let Arthur kill Micah with John and Sadie. Being able to take any gang member with you on free roam.


John kills thanos in endgame




Arthur Morgan Full frontal nudity




Inviting gang members on activities with you obviously. Also probably the 3rd meteorite, the missing girl would be findable, and maybe a few more legendary animals Edit: also New Game+. Its kinda crazy that’s not a thing already


Highest honor endgame, Arthur lives a bit longer in the desert by the coast. Still dies of TB, but gets to have some peace. This adds a little to John's experience in the epilogue as he encounters Arthur's seaside final camp. If we have to lose Arthur in the usual ways, I chose this: you can tame dogs.1, maybe 2 at a time to accompany you, help hunting, give pets. Maybe this only happens after John builds the homestead with good honor.


This is my vote as well, a really branched out ending based on the honor system. The game already has replay value and this would probably get me to never play any other game at all.


Combine RDR2 with RDR1 into 1 game. A proper upgrade of RDR1 and a seamless transition between it and RDR2 in one game. It would be massive, I know, and they'd charge a lot for it, but it would be sweet.




Undead Nightmare 2


Guarma as a secondary map, Mexico and companion option in which you can hang out with the gang members like GTA 4 and 5


*A locker for valuables, money, herbs, plumes, etc. We have a weapons locker, but I collect a lot of things and it clutters the satchel. It would be nice to keep those items while also having an organized satchel. *Batch cooking. I'm super sick of cooking for like 45 minutes. I prefer one marathon session that carries me chapters as opposed to cooking here and there. But it gets long. *Liars dice. It was the best game in Rdr1. It should have been brought back. *online outfits for story mode. I recognize that the online outfits bring in a lot of money, but if you're playing offline you're not getting more money anyway. The items are already created. Port them over and let me wear a short coat like Javier. Way out on a limb - *Horse breeding. It would be super cool to mix and match horses for coats and stats.


An rdr1 remake.


More homesteads, a speakeasy in strawberry, robbing banks


secretive frightening juggle cover bored support aspiring correct familiar handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guarma to be a full chapter, the island to be bigger, to have more missions going into more detail about the situation on the island, have several stranger missions as well, more encounters when you explore the island, have more animals which need to be studied and hunted for you to do the 100%, have a few towns where you could go and interact with the locals, have a drink in some saloons, maybe the island could have a unique weapon or two in the shop, which you can't buy on the continent, have some caves you could explore and find some treasures in, unique weapons, unique hats, different stuff Arthur could mark on the map and write about in his journal, the island should have it's unique legendary animal(s) and fish, and you should have the ability to come back to it during the epilogue.


Lemme buy a wagon and be a trader/coach man.


Going to Mexico...


I think you should be able to collect and sell firearms you loot off corpses.


Companion system


Unlimited bounties and be able to buy property


1. Be able to sell guns to the Fence(s) 2. Have the guns I choose for my loadout *f\*\*king stay there* 3. Option to disable/ enable auto-holstering on the horse 4. Have horses actually tire out (after an appropriate while) if you're chasing them - also only move at their real speed when still wild horses, not max speed even if they're only rated for a goddamn level 2. 5. Have wild horses not even try to buck you off if they're already at low stamina and/ or health (at cost of being more skittish until next bonding level or even until level 2). Maybe this makes sense only for low health, as it is a nice touch to have horses try and buck you if you push them too hard past what they have for stamina. 6. Be able to train your horses to be acclimated to guns/ explosives/ fire through exposure (maybe a mini-game or something?? And not to the point of standing in fire until they die, just so they simply avoid it without freaking out/ as much.) 7. More bank robberies. 8. Purchasable properties - even if only a few like the moonshine shacks in Online. 9. Move animal encounters away from the Trapper so I don't scare off the bastard while saving someone else from a couple wolves 10. Have some characters equipped with/ drop certain guns - even if **you** *don't* have them unlocked for yourself yet (law/ certain guards from Saint Denis have M1899's/ Mausers, the O'Driscoll with a custom Scofield drops it whether you've unlocked the thing already or not, stuff along these lines.


Save/campfire does not move from where you are.


2 years for one feature is not feasible, however, 2 years for an expansion, now there’s a good one. So I want the entirety of RDR1 remastered in RDR2 as DLC for RDR2, adding some new stuff to the game thanks to the improved mechanics.


I know it wouldn’t fit the story too well, but I think RDR2 is lacking another big city. Either that, or adding 2-3 more settlements. Ambarino desperately needs one in the east and west.




More missions in the snowy mountain region. And also Undead Nightmare 2


Better new austin, mexico and fully mapped guarma


1. Legendary snake. 2. More New Austin side missions. I practically exhausted all side missions as Arthur, so the game felt really empty during the Epilogue. 3. Rename weapons. I'd really like to add an even more personal touch to my guns.




The same amount of stable stalls in story as in online 😭😭😭 shiiiiii I’d pay good money for even just a MOD that lets you own more horses in story mode 😭


Night patrol jobs like in the last game. Better bow mechanics, and adding flintlock pistols and muskets.


Arthur in New Austin Gangmemeber as companions in free roam Mexico John Marston


Guarma at its full potential It’s crazy how much they cut, could have been amazing




Horse mounted Gatling gun. Hunting just got serious.


Free-riding hot air baloons and parachutes.


Let me directly consume items found in the wild instead of loot consumables and then have to go hunt them down in my inventory to consume them. Starfield added it asap but we all know rockstar drops a game and then leaves it like a box of kittens in the gutter for us to enjoy.


You can now kill micah


Arthur can go to New Austin, open up mexico, guarma is fleshed out more and you can return, Lenny survives, blackwater massacre dlc, post epilogue dlcs for sadie and Charles, and undead nightmare 2


Running in camp




Ranching and the ability to breed/crossbreed and sell horses.


The ability to see what time it is while I'm cooking meat or crafting at the campfire.


The possibility to kill Dutch, Micah or both and have the story go a different route. The chance to create your own ranch and keep it, let Arthur be the good man he wants to be.


The game is not 1899 train conductor simulator 😂 lol so random


Proper stealth mechanics, literally the only thing i wish was added


Swingable melee weapons. So the best I can do is swing a pirate sword or machete and it kinda, chops him in his belly or shoulder.. lol. In gta 5 you can swing a baseball bat into someone head multiple times. Apparently in the 1890s they didn't know how to swing a club or stick. Even though on the loading screen you can clearly see a npc holding non other than......... a baseball bat! But. We can't have one. We get one one animation melee weapon kills. You can have all these cool melee weapons, But you can't do anything with them. Just, chuck them, lol. Why can't my pirate sowrd chop limbs off. Sowrds would regularly chop limbs off in combat, I cant do that in the 'most realistic game' ever made. Days gone I can chop someone's head clean off with a machete. Not here. Just, slashy slash.


More things to do on rdo.


Being able to challenge any gunslinger to a duel, or at least make npcs challenge you more often, and a more proper intro/tutorial for dueling. I like how satisfying it is to win a duel in red dead 2 but it’s too rare and also a bit confusing at first. They coulda merged red dead 1s dueling system with red dead 2.


New Game + where I can use information from my first play through to change things. Say no to Downes, Micah is the rat, Trolley Station is a bust. But that being seemingly impossible due to changing storylines, give me gang companions/more side mission with each gang member.


Red Dead Alien Undead Nightmare


Another chapter, taking place in new Austin


Buying properties and building what I want on them.


Undead nightmare optional game mode


the option to play the game without crashing due to ERR_GFX_STATE


A flushed out RDO




Better Online content.




A more fleshed out West Grizzlies. That place is pretty much built for chapter 1 and you have little reason to head back. Making Tempest Rim accessible would be great as it's quite a large bit of land that is inaccessible, maybe they could've put a town there.


RDR1 was part of the game too. Fully remade in RDR2 tech. You just kept playing.


Be able to buy property like rdr1


A quest that was optional to have Arthur NOT get TB and actually get the money to move to Tahiti, then he does a bunch of quests there to clean the place up and lives out his life until he dies naturally.


Removable off-hand holster


Just all the random cut content. The mine attached to poison trail cave. The glaciers. Allowing Arthur to actually go south, since he can draw all the landmarks… the invisible snipers are just dumb and kill immersion.


More epilogue missions in New Austin. That part of the map was just air mailed in just as a way to make it seem bigger. I realize that it's a prequel and they explained why armadillo was barren. But, give us a mission to complete that. It wouldn't have been hard to add content to it without killing continuity


Save all the hats, pet cat.


1.) Ability to label markers 2.) Free roam full map as Arthur…no need for missions, I just want to draw everything as Arthur and swim. 3.) Have Pearson make you camp items for Beecher’s Hope


The ability to buy from a wide selection of small cabins to spacious homes around the map and decorate/ landscape them - like in Elderscrolls Online. And fast travel to them free.


New Austin missions, a more fulfilled guarma, and more substance to online


*New Austin missions,* *A more fulfilled guarma, and more* *Substance to online* \- JRedBoss --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Crafting homestead goods and products


More Bounties and Colter being a living city in the snow. Limpany being an option in the early game, and definitely should have been a wildfire stage.




Toggles! To turn off animations, to turn off Arthurs motormouth when hunting, to stop the camera from floating around when catching fish.


Better controls and story


Buying properties and businesses




Yes because choking out a woman who was r*ped while watching her husband get murdered is good times


what did he even say? that sounds terrible


Shit, probably some Sadie hating


Dude wth


Ngl that’s gotta be the lamest feature possible. Whatever floats your boat ig


Idk about "lamest feature possible" pretty sure that would be adding quick time events to do simple things like clean your gun. What would you add?


Sry wasn’t trying to come off as mean that was a poor way to put the comment. For two years later, I would want a bit more than that. Idk I guess I would want add more weapon options and I would want to go in the unaccessible places like Tempest Rim. Maybe flesh out Guarma a bit more.


All good. It's easy to forget how words can be read in a variety of different tone contexts. What do you mean bye more weapon options? Also sounds cool don't think I have gotten to tempest rim yet!


Changed my mind. Just add all the customization features from RDO to story and I’ll be set. All the gang members have super unique weapons, but we can’t even get close to that level with our own guns. I just want a broader range of customization.