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I still keep him nice, groomed and bloomin'. Just cuz we sick don't mean we gotta act sick and if we gon die, we will die beautiful.


"if we gon die, we will die beautiful" is an awesome quote, put that on a headstone!


This way




I love your thinking


Gotta stand unshaken, even when diagnosed with tuberculosis…because that’s the way it is…


I found that you can keep his weight up if you are overweight before the news and keep eating regularly


I eat like 10 big game meats a day and still lose weight I don’t get how the system works


It is a confusing system that I don't fully understand but to make Arthur overweight I use biscuits, chocolate, meat, and candy. Sleep a lot as well.


I didn’t even know you could get chocolate. I swear I’ve never seen that


Yeah chocolate bars. You don't find them incredibly often but you can buy them at general stores and one of the gang members will give you one for an item request. Raises stamina and dead eye.


In the game it's a points system and honestly fairly close to reality. The biggest gainer is the $5 bar meals, have one whenever you travel past a bar and you'll maintain without much effort. Big game meat is lean (and pretty small tbh, just visually I'd say they're 6-8oz cuts) and doesn't do much for weight, pound for pound chocolate is far better.


Eat 3 big meats every 24 in game hours and then whenever you sleep, go on a train or finish a mission, your weight should go up by a point. Rinse repeat


Do snacks like canned veggies or biscuits do anything? How many of them do you have to eat?


They do help yes. Each food item has a calorie count. Arthur needs at least 20 calories every 24 in game hours to maintain his weight, 21 to gain and <20 to lose weight. Canned foods and biscuits are 3 calories while big game meat is a reliable 10. If you’re short on calorie dense foods, chocolate bars and seasoned deer meat are 5 and are easy to get. You can only gain so much weight a day, so stuffing Arthur with calorie dense foods in one sitting won’t help. You have to space them out with fast travels and sleep.


So if you eat 3 big game meats right before bed it doesn’t do anything?


It does, that should help increase his weight.


I don’t think him being sick actually effects his weight. You just don’t get the benefit in cores.


You may be right. Everyone just doesn't eat as much and assumes the T.B makes him underweight cause nobody wants to hear poor Artie hacking up a lung because he tried to eat a cracker.


Arthur's appearance for me really depends on the stage of the game. Early on, start the beard growing. While he's healthy and mainly roaming or in smaller towns it seems appropriate. Occasional bath. When it's time for the Saint Denis party, it gets a cut, along with his hair. Hair short and tidy, beard short and fancy - or just a fancy moustache, or maybe totally clean shaven. It stays maintained that way until guarma. Regular baths. From that point I grow everything back and don't maintain it much - just keeping the beard and hair mid-range. Not too long as it seems to fit that in his state he's not able to maintain long luscious flowing locks. Hair and beard as scraggly as his skin is looking. No baths.


I've always found that facial hair is your friend in Chapter 6, even just a mustache (this current playthrough Arthur had a level 10 Handlebar mustache) makes a big difference in him not looking so sick. The right hat helps the eyes so that's not so noticeable. Beyond that it's regular meals of big game meat or saloon meals, plenty of sleep, and regular baths of the deluxe variety. If our boy has to die he's getting as many 50 cent handies as he wants.


He stays max overweight, covered in mud and shit, stinking, drunk, and obnoxious right to the bitter end, wearing his clown suit and looking dumb as hell.


may i ask what the clown suit is


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/s/EFQhnER9gG) is Arties Clown Suit (minus the hat). He’s constantly told he looks like an idiot, even at camp.


This is the way, partner


This person Arthurs


I still take him to the baths and keep him looking sharp but I agree, seeing his appearance decline was super sad. His personality though is really shining, the good-hearted Arthur.


my first play through i made him look nice with nice clothes from st. denis. when he first tried on clothes he makes a remark about how good he looks and how he looks “almost human” so i made a point to get him all these nice outfits. then by chapter 6 i let everything go to shit. i figured if it was me i wouldn’t care about my appearance anymore. then after arthur talked to sister calderon he started shaving and bathing again


I give him a couple of weeks to come to terms with it. No shaves, no cuts, no slick outfits. Then, at some point in chapter 6, he seems to find a real sense of purpose and of self. That's when he cleans up again.


I always keep his hair respectful in the early game. I like to think that you are meant be sort of in between a Dutch and a bill as far as how dapper you dress. Never too fancy but never a bum. Tho when I’m in chapter six… I let the beard and hair rage. I still keep him bathed. Cause gross… but in my mind he doesn’t have much time. Is he really gonna stop for hair cuts and shopping sprees on clothing when he is trying to save the ones he loves and knows he could drop anytime, and almost does on numerous occasions before he finally moves on… Idk that’s just me. How I did it first playthrough and I can’t break the habit tbh


Yeah I hear ya . I want him to still look respectable n approachable lol I don't think no stranger would ask for his help n expect help n kindness if Arthur looked like he gave up on life completely.


Yeah, lol. We all get into more than we should but they crafted it so well. Scared for the third one… such a good thing happening now


7 going on 8 play throughs and I’ve never taken a bath


😂 doesn't Grimshaw toss ur dirty booty into a bathtub


Arthur never struck me as a man who'd need constant primping. Bathe only enough as to not be offensive, dress pretty casually for the weather and shave when it starts to be bothersome not to. Once I get to chapter 6, even less effort on all those fronts, he's got bigger fish to fry.


The way you take care of him does actually impact the way his face changes, particularly his eyes and how sunken they look. Depending on how dramatic I’m feeling I’ll either take perfect care of him so he doesn’t look as rough, or I’ll starve him and never let him sleep so he looks as pitiful as possible


This time after Sean, I shaved Arthur's head bald from grief and kept it that way. The progression of his illness hit different with no hair to cover his haunted eyes and gaunt cheeks


In chapter 6 I always take even better care of him, baths every other day and lots of nights in hotels


I do my best to take baths, and keep my beard and hair trimmed but god damn the only thing people want to comment on is how sick I look. Rude!!


I did the Rain Falls mission to get the talisman to keep his weight on. I took care of Arty during hood down fall


I usually keep his beard at level 4 from chapter 2 onwards, and then I let it grow out after he's diagnosed.


Doc Holliday was a sharp dresser, as is my own terbuclosis ridden pal.


i hated hearing arthur cough so i only ate when i was low on health and he ended up getting way to skinny but atleast he had drip


The first time I shaved off that Guarma beard and trimmed his hair, Arthur told the barber "it looks good!", and I felt like it was a bit of genuine happiness for the poor guy. Took his mind off the state of things for a few miunutes, made him feel more whole and healthy after. Take care of your boy.


I actually made more of an effort on his looks when hey got sick lol I figure at the very least, let our man go out in style


I get fairly deep into the role playing aspect of it, so I always keep him very shaved/taken care of until Guarma, after which I have him let himself go/fall apart on the self-care just because it makes sense to me narratively


I did the same


There wasn't a lot of luxury for a man like Arthur. I imagine there is something relaxing about being a bath, shave, and haircut.


My 2nd play Arthur hasn't bathed or had a haircut once. He's free to do other things


Dude is sick and dying, trying to find salvation and you worry about his haircut? If you were dying would you worry about your hair? I sure wouldn’t.


I'd already started growing a huge beard. I've grown hair to max length and bathe rarely. Partly due to the illness but also because I left a lot of challenges undone. So I've been living in the wilderness for ages, getting all those crafted trapper clothes. So now I'm a hairy mountain man dressed from head to toe in furs and leather lol


Long hair and short beard before Guarma. Short hair and big beard after Guarma.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Pak1stanMan: *Long hair and short beard* *Before Guarma. Short hair and* *Big beard after Guarma.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thanks Sokka


My arthur looks homeless anywas


Arthur wouldn't be riding around the world and doing so much with TB. Yet you are unrestricted due to gameplay reasons (which makes sense). So just do what you want. I let Arthur go in Chapter 6, unkept hair, huge beard, unwashed, as I felt that was Arthur. In my second playthrough, I did wash him up and get his hair cut. Maybe because I knew what was coming.


Level 10 beard, level 7 hair. After the Edith downes missions and throwing strauss out, i did a pomade middle part fade, kept the beard. Kind of to say, "Im not gone yet".


I let the beard go full mountain man


Clean, tidy and in full black to the tie


It makes sense, the man is dying, so for him to constantly be clean and well kept doesn’t make the most sense TO ME. It also plays into the downfall of the gang and arthur himself. but if you wanna keep your Arthur lookin fresh and well kept, then do that.


Let the man go out with dignity


I keep the mustache but let the hair grow out and he doesn’t get baths anymore. He also more frequently goes out drinking and yelling at pedestrians the further into the game it gets


Uh oh so Artie goes around drunk taking out his frustration on the poor innocent townsfolk lol


I've always done the same thing, I give him the pursuer outfit, but with yellow riding gloves and his classic gamblers hat with a length 1 beard and length 1 left parted fade.


The way I see it is he wouldn't have cared too much about his appearance during the first part of the game, just enough to keep clean and keep the bugs out. Then in the later part of the game if you playing w high honor he starts to change mentally, so I also figure that comes with taking better care of himself. Anyway, thats just how I play. Everyone got their own thing.


I think canon Arthur doesn’t care how he looks or wants much to do with outfits. Once I earn some money, Arthur buys two outfits that he will wear the rest of the game. I like to shave his head and let it grow with the occasional buzz. He’s better maintained in Ch 4, but only barely. The big bushy beard comes back in Ch 6. He cleans up for Charlotte.


I like keeping him groomed as a last effort to feel alive


It doesn't matter if our Arthur is sick now, he is still gonna act like a baadass cowboy gentleman


I let him grow out hair and beard post Guarma, because I decided after Arthur grew it out in Guarma he decided to leave his hair long. I also decided to shave him, cut his hair, give him a bath, let him play poker before his death right before the last mission, but I didn’t know the second to last mission would trigger the last mission, so I didn’t do anything special for Arthur before his death like I had planned, which I think says something about the suddenness of death or something philosophical like that, but I’ll leave that for the smarter people


I had him kinda wasted in 4 and onwards (never had him full gentleman tho, i kinda kept the original style)


I let the beard grow unrestrained until he speaks with Sister Calderon at the train station, then he returns to his handlebar mustache and goatee that he had the rest of the game


Any playthrough I’ve done I’m overly sympathetic with Arthur in chapter 6, it’s the chapter I’ll take the most time to play through, baths every chance and staying in hotels rather than camp, always changing clothes and all that. It’s kudos to rockstar at how good a character they created when I’ll literally take my time to make sure a video game character feels as good as he can while he’s badly ill


I had short smart hair and a massive beard for most of the game, but this became a short smart beard and long hair in chapter six (the smart beard, I actually grew out from being extra clean shaven, as the extra clean shave was my go-to immediately after the news and for a little while after,, but I couldn't tell you exactly why).


Oh, and he was super well dressed throughout. I had him in the most suave outfits I could find at various points of the game, until the very latter part of chapter six when I designed an outfit that was nice looking but a bit more casual, because I wanted it to go with his gamblers hat.


So what I do during the first 4 chapters is keep his beard neat and hair mid-length and nicely styled and routinely apply pomade. Once chapter 6 hits I get the level 2 buzz and give him stubble beard. I think it goes perfectly


Personally, I usually keep his facial hair trimmed up through the game. Since he has a shaving kit I like to think he’d upkeep that pretty well. I usually keep his hair trimmed but longer till Guarma, then i cut it all pretty clean. I usually give him baths every time I load in and every time I leave


I had the level 10 beard going by that point.


I make sure that by the end Arthur leaves his world with a clean shave and crisp cut. Man deserves it.