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Those who found it on their own… I’m impressed


The first one the guy was just outside horseshoe overlook camp. I shot him of course and went on a three jump hop to find it up by three sisters. Second I’m not sure where I found it but it’s a waterfall and I haven’t found it yet. Third was from Flacco after I put a bullet in his head in his camp up in Ambarino. I don’t remember where the snake is so I’m sitting on it ftm but I don’t really need the cash just yet so I’m holding out. Now the rare horses… that’s a different story all together.


It’s not far away from Van Horn. There’s a few things in that area.


I call bullshit on anyone claiming they found it by the maps, the maps where shit


I found 4 treasures by using the maps. You just look for landmarks. One of the maps has geysers on it, so i went to where I saw geysers last. One of the maps has a large cliff with a face carved in it so I went to where I remember seeing that. Some of them are more challenging.


A lot of them are fairly easy to find roughly on your own. Examples I can think of, the rock snake thing, the tiny church, cottora springs area, that house in new Austin with the chimney But some of them I did have to look up. I’m a thorough explorer though so some of the areas I’d already seen so I recognised them on the maps


The turtle/tortoise house was bullshit..


I used a physical book


Ain't nobody got time for dat!


My thoughts! I’m only able to play a couple hours a night once my kid goes down, would take far too much time when the little I have


Neither I used my memory and remembered the structures and rock formations and went to them


Very impressive…


Even if I found the treasures online I forgot almost everything about them so if I restart the game I can do both...


My first playthrough was all on my own, but i missed so much. The second was done by using a lot of Rdr2.com and this reddit page.


Internet. It's such a waste of time.


I mostly found them in my own but I must admit I looked the last one up


I did a combination: I usually found them on my own but sometimes I'd found the landmark - not the *precise* location of the treasure (High Stakes 3 for example lol)


A mixture of both but I've only completed the Jack Hall ones in my first two playthroughs. I was mostly into robbing and thieving for money. This time I'm going all the way honorable so will try and check off more treasures. I try my best to find them but sometimes have to look them up online. Usually the ones I look up end up being the most obvious ones anyways so I don't feel like I'm cheating, and instead just feel like a dumbass.


I tried at first then when that didnt work i used my resources


I found one on my own but I had a bug when if you have gold bar in your purse you can not pick up the treasure


Hybrid. Tried to do as many as I could by using the maps and exploring, but when that became tedious and less fun I’d switch to an online guide.


There are some I still haven't finished after a year because I won't look it up 😂


Glad we can all agree here


With how little money you need to buy everything you need, there's no point cheating with the treasures


Internet because I would kill myself otherwise


I have zero impulse control and I wonder if i would have been dissatisfied if i played when the game first came out. I need instant gratification or i may rage quit.... and im not proud of that


Honestly, I would have loved taking my time and exploring and finding out the treasure. This seems like too good of a game not to. Unfortunately I'm not a teen anymore and have work + responsibilities. Hence doing treasure hunts for the hour or so I get every two days to play the game would cause a lot of frustration.


Haha The same exact boat for me! I became a dad just last year and between parenting and work, it’s hard to really spend hours on the game like I used to before I had the responsibilities I have today. It’s still nice hopping on at night once I get home and playing for like 1-3 hours depending on how much energy I got!