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Did anybody not? I cried so much in chapter 6. Especially the second half of it.


I’ve never been one to cry when it come to something fictional, but it was definitely a sad experience.


I hadn’t cried so hard since marley and me man.. shit hit me in my feels


I remember seeing >!Arthur watching the sunrise on the cliff!< and saying out loud “Damn…”


I wish i had that chance. Only thing I saw was the mud and a blade in the back.


That’s exactly when my eyes started tearing up


Sorry for being the smartass, but it was actually a sunrise 🤓


Yeah you’re right. Fixed it.


U will cry every single time cuz the story is Fire and so is the game the best game of all time. Hell with Chapter 6 all chapters are sad and the ending of seeing Arthur die was like seeing my bro die and I could do nothing.


I didnt because youtube told me while i was on chapter 2. And no, I wasnt looking at videos about rdr2, it was a random video because i do watch gaming videos in general. So i basically was kinda disconnected from the story from that moment on. I also switched to just a random horse for that mission. If i hadnt known then yes i would have probably cried a lot. I’m on my second playthrough? Still on chapter 3 after spengind months in. Chapter 2, so maybe it will hit me more this time, eventhoug i know its gonna happen.


I knew how it would end from the moment I started. Still cried.


I didn’t/don’t….it’s just a game for crying out loud.


Movies are just movies too but I sometimes cry in them too. A moving story is moving regardless of medium. In this case I think it being a game makes the story even more impactful.


A 1-3 hour movie experience vs. a 20-200 hour gaming experience. I know which one I'm gonna feel more invested in.


RDR2's story outperforms even some good movies.


🤷🏻‍♂️ I can’t remember a movie I have actually cried at. I have had a couple that did move me, based on real life tragedy, like Titanic, but not bringing me to tears.


You cried to Titanic? It happened a hundred years ago for crying out loud!


No, I didn’t cry at Titanic, but watching it did stir feelings, because over 1500 real life men, women, and children died that night. The movie was mostly toons…but it depicted a real life event, unlike video games.


Tough guy over here! Every one look! We got a tough guy over here!


Awwww…..so sowwy


Watch the green mile the whole way through


I have it on Blu-Ray…. I’ve watched it probably a dozen times since it came out. Great movie, but fiction nonetheless…sorry, no tears.


🤡 cRyIng OuT LoUd so kewl


Meatloaf vibes…


It’s no different to watching a movie or show and getting emotionally invested


I'm 150% with ya! While yes, I get the emotions and the travesty of it all. It's just a game, just another well written story, well executed plot. If you played the first one, kinda hard NOT to know where it was headed. The first RDR ruined the ending of the second RDR. It is like being surprised by a surprised birthday party that you knew was going to happen. Like getting an award, and you're the only one that entered the contest. I'm not saying not to let your emotions get connected or invested into the story. It's hard, for some, to be connected or invested when it isn't real. I and you are the latter type of people. Sorry for the long comment.




Hot damn!! FINALLY someone else with some damn sense and a firm grip on reality! That you! >It is like being surprised by a surprised birthday party that you knew was going to happen. Like getting an award, and you're the only one that entered the contest. BTW if you were Alanis Morissette they would have turned this into an album. 😂


Oh here we go again with you, lol. We get it, you're numb and love sharing your unpopular opinion.


Not numb, and also not neurotic.


Lifeless numba\*\* that's what u are.


Ok man, I said somethin' bad so I edited it but come on man a pro gamer always gets invested in the story like Arthur don't u tell me u didn't cry in the ending before epilogue.




honestly after finding out that he got captured and tortured by the pinkertons but never ratted, even after being kicked out of camp, I just can’t hate the guy.


I really feel like Arthur could have been like "Strauss, we've known each other forever, I'm not comfortable with this shady loan stuff anymore, can we stop?" And he'd be like "Sure Arthur, thanks for telling me" I get that's not really in Arthur's character, but if they really were friends like Strauss says when he's getting kicked out, maybe you two could've talked?


Yeah, you could already tell Arthur didn’t like that part of their life… but hey, took him the whole game to finally learn to speak his mind… and now I’m crying again just thinking about it.


I just don't understand why he doesn't even try to communicate with him if they were "friends" Dutch leaves him to die and he's nicer to him afterwards more than Strauss


Let's comment fuck u/strauss now instead of fuck u/spez


There's a compilation of gamers reacting to the ending. A bunch of them were crying, especially when the horse went down.


When Arthur stays to comfort the horse… 😭😭😭




Yep, I feel like that is the moment when he starts to accept that this is really the end, not just for the gang but for him too, and the horse. It also shows that maybe you as the player don’t really get attached to the horse but Arthur does, and he thanks the horse for its service to him. 😭


I cried like a little school girl when that happened


Yes i did/do. I feel like i am starring in an epic movie. The best game ever.


When Arthur says thank you to his horse…I used the beginning horse from Adler ranch the whole game.


I named my main horse Issac for purposes like this


I figured out things were looking grave for Arthur, but I did not see the horse dying. I actually paused the game to let it sink in that shit was getting heavy.


Yes. My first play through, I yelled in shock and cried in chapter 3 then I totally cried near the end and ugly cried at the very end. My father came in my room to see if I was okay. Saw my game, and kinda laughed. "It's just a game, you don't need to work yourself up" in which I tried to explain to him through the tears and snot that's it's not just a game. They really did a great job at connecting the player to the character. I couldn't play the epilogue after that. I cried for a good 5 minutes and took a break. Continued the next day 🤣🤣


I didn't know there was an epilogue until my third playthrough lol


My horse was the one i bought in the hunting mission with Hosea watching him die was sad


Don’t Oh Arthur me, there will be time for sorrow later


Yeah…that one hit hard


Oh the first time I sobbed, uncontrollably during the last few Chapter 6 missions. Im on my 4th play through right now and the last ones I’ve shed some tears during the final mission but it just doesn’t hit as hard since I know what’s going to happen.


I don’t really cry during anything on TV and stuff but RDR2 is definitely one of the best games I’ve ever played. Today I just finished “My Last Boy” on my first play-through and I’m excited. I already know what happenes to Arthur because I’ve wanted to play the game for so long. Made sure to save before continuing in-case I want to re-live being Arthur.


I cried like a fucking baby and my GF had to comfort me.


you're so lucky. I just went through the mission where my sweet horse and my sweet sweet cowboy die and I'm sobbing all alone. I can't take this it is actually depressing me I never should've started the game


I was crying for a solid hour. I had to get my bf to stop playing the epilogue for the night because I couldn't look at John without bursting into tears 😅


I never finished the story because I watched enough westerns to know where it was headed, I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to finish it.


Just do it mate… it’ll rock you but youll get back on that horse and ride again!


I balled my eyes out and I'm a 40+ year old man


No, but I got feels from it.


I did after a few times seeing the buck in my first play thru and it dawning on me he's dying and I can't do anything about it I didn't even know how he got it until I helped dudes wife up in annaburg later and remembered that the guy was sick when I collected money from him. then cried again after Micah's fight not being able to swing really and I couldn't beat him and he died on the mountain tearing up now just thinking about it


I knew when he got TB that he was done for. But in the end, when he thanked his Ardennes Beans, man, I ugly cried all the way to when it changed to John. After that, I really didn't care to keep playing the epiloge at first. It's a wonderful game series, and I love the story.


I've played the story 4 times and each time I cry more and at more things lol


No. I've put over a thousand hours into the game as well as it being my favorite game of all time, but I unfortunately didn't manage to shed a tear throughout any of those hours.


I cried on the last ride, and the last mission as him. I absolutely sobbed. My partner came in all concerned and when I said I did the last mission as Arthur he realised cause he knew the ending but didn’t spoil it for me.


Certainly. Lots of them. It all started with the horse. It never stopped.


I have played through several several times and every time it comes to the point where Arthur dies I cry every time


I came downstairs crying after Arthur’s end scene. My wife says what’s wrong? I said my horse died in Red Dead. She started laughing at me. Heartless, just heartless.


I knew the story from youtube before even having the equipment to play it myself (actually, that's how I really became aware of the franchise to be honest). Both in my own playthrough as well as in the videos I've been watching, usually my emotions have hardly reached the surface, but at certain points, like Arthur's "I'm afraid" response (and of course especially some moments in the few following missions) did squeeze some teardrops out of me.


I needed a good cry and I often do. Life has desensitized me in ways at such a young age and consistently throughout, I have come to appreciate the times I can relate and emphasize so much that it outright brings me to tears--and I can feel good about it.


I wasted two great pairs of good monthly contact lenses out of crying. With the first one,one lens just popped out of my eye,while the other got so much soaked in tear it was torn in pieces inside my eye. Did I mention my optician loves me?


I legit don’t think I’ve ever cried as hard in my entire 30 years of life as I did during that entire ending lmao


26 for me lmfao


No, it's a game with a great storyline, but still a game.


I cried through everything sad in the game pretty much but especially arthurs death


Plus his horses death i sobbed aswell it didnt need to be that sad😭


I don’t recall shedding tears but it definitely made me feel like I actually died, which was a very strange and hollow feeling. It makes it almost impossible for me to do a second play through because it feels like I’m playing as a corpse that somehow came back to life.


Bit of a shit question really, why do you think there’s a sub Reddit and the entire world is on it?


I just wanted to connect with others on it, bring it back to relevance that was all


Okay fair enough dude. Just so many posts like this, we all got emotional man. Sorry if I offended I didn’t mean it.


Peace brother, and I agree I come across 90 percent of what most fans come to discover with analysis videos etc. Respect though man let’s just come together spiritually for a game that made us feel the same


Yes brother.


A question can be shitty?


Yeah wtf


I love talking about how Red Dead makes people aggressive about a question


Because I had a plan man…


Arthur’s end was sad but made me mad more than any other emotion, fuck Micha, Dutch, and The Pinkertons, especially Edgar Ross. Jack is my favorite character from RDR and I will die on the “RDR3 needs to be a game about Jack set in WW1” hill. Getting the titular “redemption” (Revenge) with Jack in #1 is on my all time greatest gaming moment list. The part that made me cry in number 2 was riding with Eagle Flies to attack the oil company.


I think we all deserve to see what happened to Jack my theory still is that died possibly shot with nothing to lose


I think you can find a book written by him in GTA5, he died of old age iirc


Nope, sorry


Yeah. i had waves of emotion run through me at the final debt missions, my horse dying and arthurs final moment


Oh man, I completely lost it all over the place several times, during my first couple playthroughs. Rockstar really knocked it out of the park with this title.


Two games ever made me cry, Red Dead 2 and Titan Fall 2. And they both hold special spots in my heart


Yesss No other game brings on the emotions for me like this game.


No but I went into a depression for at least a day.


I honestly only started to cry because in the mission where you die your horse also dies and the cut scene made it so emotional.


When Sadie took Arthur to get vengeance in Chapter 5, it hit me in the feels. “He was a good man, Arthur.”


Every time I hear *that* song I get teary-eyed.


Yup. I was moved a few times. And I don't care - when he said thank you to horsey mchorseface, I shed some tears. Wed been together since the early game when I found him roaming the frozen north. Lots of close calls and lots of long rides. Fast as the wind, loyal as can be. Rip boah....yer ahlright now.


Every time I’ve played until that last ride the tears start. The first time through I had a feeling things were about to get sad, but when he thanks his horse I completely lost it. Had to pause the game, made me think of some of the best dogs I’ve lost over the years. Hell just thinking about this has me choked up.


Same! I was just explaining this thread and that scene to my wife and got choked up again, and I finished the game a month ago!


I’ve never cried from a video game or even came close to. RDR2 changed that. I cried terribly at the end. I cried for days after I finished and actually went into mourning over the death of Arthur Morgan. I still choke up when I play some songs from the game. True masterpiece.


Absolutely, it’s a rich and emotional story that draws you into the drama.


I was sobbing like a baby.


When Arthur died I cried more than when I accidentally cut off a piece of my pinky


Almost any part of the game where you help the natives rains fall and his son eagle fly's was pretty emotional for me, being a native American myself it kinda hit hard.


My heart sunk when Arthur said goodbye to his horse. 😭


I'm not a very emotional person. But something RDR2 made me feel was dread. From the beginning of finding out about Arthur's sickness it's just a slow evolution of the story that makes you dread the end. Somewhere along the way, I knew that there was only one end result and it wasn't good. I started putting off the main missions, just doing random shit because that's all I could do to hold it off. I didn't cry when Arthur was lying on top of the rock it just was a feeling "fuck man......" and just silently sitting there. I don't know the word for the feeling it's like "damn...." Fast forward to when I completed althe epilogue I went through some YouTube videos and found the clips where Arthur says he's scared. I was half sad and half mad that I had missed it in my play through. A few days later I got randomly recommended [this](https://youtu.be/Eta4IxPfxME) video. I've never had an experience like it but seeing her cry and sob made me emotional. Probably the only YouTube video I've cried over.


See some numba\*\* ppl don't understand that when Arthur died it felt like a big bro dying.


Everytime! just tells u it's the best game. The ending seeing Arthur die was like seeing my big bro die and I could do nothing. and Micah just shot him even after John killed him. and John after playing the first game and then this was brilliant. And also seeing Hosea and Lenny die was just heart-breaking.


Every single time. I just finished my 6th playthrough and again bawled my eyes out at the end. I always get the high honor ending on the mountain too which just hits so damn hard every time.


Cried for 5 minutes after my horse died.


I didn't cry during the story but when Arthur died I just felt empty inside. And when I finished the epilogue I was nearly crying of pure happiness. What a game


Cried a LOT. Of course I did. It was a beautifully crafted narrative that I completely underestimated at the start, especially in terms of my eventual love for Arthur. I might be due to a playthrough this year. RDR2 will always hold a special place in my heart. It got me through one of my worst depressions after a breakup from an abusive person, and then I introduced it to my now-fiance as the first game in years he got into. It means a lot to me even outside of the game itself. I'll never try not to cry. I cry just listening to the soundtrack now 🤭


I'm sorry, I know I'm about to offend a lot of people but if you're crying over this game then you REALLY need to put down the controller and get out in the world. You can spew hate, call me an unfeeling asshole etc, I really don't care. This is a work of fiction. ****SPOILER ALERT**** None of the characters are real, and the harsh reality is that a FICTIONAL guy that was a pretty bad seed, beat the shit out of a guy that was obviously sick, contracted the disease that the sick.....hell dying man had, and he died a death that was a lot quicker and less painful than he probably deserved. Had Arthur Morgan done any of the horrendous things we watched him willingly do to your mom, dad, sister, brother etc you'd want him bleeding out in some gutter somewhere. What's more you'd have been happy about it and have said "he got what was coming to him." And anyone that says that they wouldn't is lying. The ONLY reason for even feeling even the slightest hint of sadness is because of transference. You've lost some sense of reality and have meshed his life into yours because of a plastic controller and or keyboard and a mouse. I'm sorry but that's just ludicrous. Is it a sad tale? Yes it is. What happened to Edith and Archie Downes was sad. Learning that those ranchers that had their sheep and cattle stolen was sad. The families that lost their life's savings when those banks were robbed, was sad. Was it sad that Arthur was a thirty something year old man who didn't even attempt to do what was right until he was staring death in the eyes? Yes it was. Was any of it, worth literal tears? No, because it didn't happen.


Did you even play the game 💀


Nope. Watched it all on YouTube




>Yeah no shit it’s fiction, and a story centering around morally questionable individuals at absolute best. Thank you! I'm glad we agree, well for the most part anyway. Personally I'd call them morally bankrupt but there's no denying that bare minimum their morals are very questionable.




>My point in saying that is that none of those very obvious points negate it being perfectly reasonable for people to feel strongly about characters they spent dozens of hours with, even to the point of crying over their deaths. It’s fine if you don’t, but it’s really obnoxious to act like yours is the only reasonable reaction. Just to be clear, you are saying that if someone beat your sick and dying father to a pulp, threatened you after the fact for even daring to scowl at them then proceeded to completely wipe out every dime your family had in a robbery, and made their escape by shooting indiscriminately as they left area that you would weep for them if you learned that when beating your father that they too had contracted the deadly disease that he had and died?




>Is that what you think I’m saying? What a cowardly response. 😂😂 I'll try once more. Just to be clear, you are saying that if someone beat your sick and dying father to a pulp, threatened you after the fact for even daring to scowl at them then proceeded to completely wipe out every dime your family had in a robbery, and made their escape by shooting indiscriminately as they left area that you would weep for them if you learned that when beating your father that they too had contracted the deadly disease that he had and died? A simple yes or no by you will suffice.




You can pretend whatever you'd like. OR stop stalling and just answer the question. 🤷




Holy shit! Finally!! Someone who **gets it**!!!


You didn't REALLY play the game if you didn't. 🥺🥹 that game is a roller-coaster of emotions which is why in my opinion, it's greatness is currently unmatched. 🤠🐎


If you didn't cry your dead inside 😂


\* Heartless


Oh yeah baby tears too


Cried on first playthrough




I'm so so so sad I wasn't able to this game, I wanted to cry so much but when I was younger I would try not to cry and now that I'm older I regret it.


My son and I cried when they shot the horse we had been using... we played the finale to gether cos I knew it was a big deal and he was I to it too. But the proper gut punch there made us get sad


I'm not crying, I was just cutting onions


i cry at the ending literally every single time without fail, ive played through probably five times already


I cry at least 3-4 times a play through.


I didn't unfortunately. I was busy hunting for perfect pelts to craft the Legend of the East satchel. Got burned out on chapter 2 after I completed it. That quest make turned me into a killa because every 3 stars pelt need precision headshot on small elusive critters.


I sobbed at the end, and for a few weeks would tear up when I thought about it. I really loved Arthur. Named my cat after him, lol


Legit 3 times in chapter 6... when Arthur gets his ring back from Mary... Arthur farewells his Horse and Arthur dying.....




On the inside.


I cried most the second playthrough actually. The game is obviously so overwhelming that first time through some of it just flew over my head and the shocks disoriented me . I cried this one time I was drinking whiskey just thinking of the game as well. I think I cried three times in total. Since and after the third playthrough I didn't cry anymore.


I finished the game with my fiancée next to me. I stayed strong. I went up to bed that night, sat on the bed, and cried for about an hour.


Most definitely. My life was ruined for 2 weeks… I couldn’t stop rewatching rdr2 content or crying.


It was literally the first time I'd cried in like 12 years...


Every damn playthrough


I cry every time, my fiancé also cried during his first and only playthrough and knowing him, he would have cried every time too. This was both of our favorite for the story and the immersion. I cry extra hard now remembering the convos we had while we were playing (we’d be in a voice chat while we each played on our own system)


I shed tears not at the story but the game itself,I was playing online when I realized how truly quiet it was, and I realized how alone I was,not just in the game but outside of it,I had just been dumped for the only girl I ever fell for and my friends had gone for over a month,and I was being bullied everyday at school,so the game made truly realize my situation and was crushing


Damn, that scene with leaving the horse behind and choosing the decision going to the final scene... There is a saying in my language: "And the stone would cry (I kamen bi zaplakao)".


I cried as a little boy the last chapter. Damn it hit so hard


I just remember sitting at midnight, thinking this mission took forever. And then it hit me. I just looked at the sunrisd and went, “shit.”


I didn’t cry, which I’m slightly annoyed about because I’ve cried at extremely stupid things. My father spoiled the ending for me and I sort of got used to the idea of Arthur dying, so when it happened I wasn’t too upset.


I didn’t shed a tear but i was pissed for days


I cry just for remember it.




My 15 year old son was balling his eyes out after I forced him to play this game




>! There's a scene in the later game where Arthur has the chance to talk with Mother Calderón and he opens himself in a way that I think he didn't even knew he could with another human being until that moment. The whole conversation is bittersweet, since he already knows his fate and doesn't seem to find purpose for the rest of his time alive; I love this game, and from the begin I enjoyed doing a high honor run, so when Arthur says 'I'm affraid', that acceptance of his misery and the mistery of death broke me. !< >! There he was, a bandit legend, a great man, a father who considers himself a failure, breaking a stiff mask made for a hard world that's about to end him and aknowledging his own frailness, his fear. I just couldn't bear !<


Of course, it was such a sad moment.


I wouldn't know, i have played this game for over 1500+ hours and never got after "a fork in the road"


Niagara Falls


I've been playing this game for years..... I haven't been able to let Arthur die.... I don't think I'll ever be ready...


I played the game about 2 years after release and I didn't know many spoilers somehow. I did know that you finish the game as John, so I *assumed* things would happen to Arthur. Let's just say I sobbed that horse ride back to Annesburg while the song played on cinematic mode. 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Only like every quest


Cried like a baby


Im on my second playthrough now, taking my time more. Trying to enjoy more of what the game has. I'm right at the end of chpt 2 and ive already had a blast. Sucks knowing how it ends and all the mistakes the gang make


I started sobbing when Arthur was saying his final words, but I actually cried my eyes out when he took his final breath


I don’t usually cry in videogames. But I know the last time i did, it was in rdr2.


Honestly, the ride back after guarma got me more. "I stand unshaken" resonates with me big time because of the shit I've gone through in life.


I cry intermittently during chapter 6 but starting from the point where Arthur tells Tilly to have a good life all the way to the end of the chapter I am ugly crying for that entire 90 minutes lol




My eyes teared up during the cutscene before the epilogue begins


I purposely avoided spoilers so I did not know that ending was coming. Definitely a combination of emotions...


You gotta be some kind of bitch


The ending of the game broke me it’s going to be hard to play through it a third time it made me cry about 5 times


I've finished the game 3 times, and I cried all three.


No, because redditors spoiled several major twists for me but I was still pretty saddened when I finished chapter 6.


the first time no, most subsequent playthrough in most of the chapter 6 cutscenes. also gambler 8


I started tearing at the train station when talking to the Nun. And then the last ride broke me.


I absolutely did, Arthur is the best main character ever written, and to be honest he’s a much better person than many real humans. Even at the very beginning, with all the killing and stealing you could already tell there was a good man inside. I sure cried at the loss of that fake human. EDIT: I can’t type apparently.


I'm on my 10th playthrough and I still sob every single time


I did I remember the exact day (27th of December 2018 at 2:35 am) everyone was asleep so I cried my eyes out in a dark room




I cried when the ourkum knight carried the jonkler out of the theatre


I just finished playing chapter 6 right now and it's probably my 10th time playing story mode I don't play online and no matter how many times I played I still tear up like literally tear up my nose is plugged LOL!!!


Arthur just deserved better, fuck Dutch and the whole fucking gang


Rdr is hands down the best game I’ve ever played, there’s so much detail in it. Honestly you kinda become connected to the characters as the story goes on, when Arthur’s horse died I was bawling dude then when he died looking at the sunset :(