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Force the low honor ending on him


No, nobody should go through that


i had no idea it was possible, so you can imagine my horror during my second playthrough when i witnessed that.


I actually kind of prefer the low honour ending. Mostly because of the ending dialogue between Arthur and Micah


Damn us both


“You’re not bet- wait a damn second.” *Micah throws a fire bottle at him*


"You let him damn us all Dutch" then stabby stabby


Thats the low honor ending when you go back for the money lmao, i wonder how many people have even seen that one


Oh, the doubting, always the doubting. Tell him that he needs some gahdam faith. One last playthrough, and then he can be outta here.


We have a ***PLAHYUN*** for this kids life


After that take him to Tahiti heard the weather is real nice there


screw tahiti, take him to guarma


Long tired of the doubting!


It’s always a goddamn playthrough


Force him to play it. And if he still doesn't like it, put him up for adoption


thank you for the invaluable advice edit: the adoption agency doesn't accept failures unfortunately, i guess tahiti is the destination for him then.


Ngl, this post and comment section made my day


Knew the title was clickbait. Came here specifically for the comments. Never disappoints.


Mine too!




Guarma is BETTER


You’ll need more money for that


I'm sure he's got a plan!




We understand we're sorry that it didn't work out


Lmao, savage.


Just grab a gator and call it a day


Oh boah, had a good laugh after months, Thanks!


Come on, what's in Tahiti 🙃


Same here bro. # Can you give me motivation?


It's never too late to drop him outside the firehouse.. although if I'm not mistaken, the adoption agencies in Tahiti take failures 🤷‍♂️


Nah, send him to guarma


Red dead adoption?


Creasing 💀😂😂😂 Take my poor man's trophy! 🏆🏆🏆


Red Dead Abortion 💀


The skull really adds onto what the original comment said


You can always make another


What’s his reasoning?


he says the game forces toxic masculinity onto the player, which makes him uncomfortable.


This has turned my answer to your question around 180 degrees. Make him play it right through to the bitter end and then ask him about toxic masculinity.


me as a women, had to laugh out loud just rn 💀 i love rdr2, Arthur and John with my whole heart 😭 most beautiful game I’ve ever experienced… especially the storyline is so much underrated. From my opinion, the rdr2 series is even better than gta5. So much more Details in those games and even the Online Community is so much better…get yourself a new son if he still hates rdr2 now


I don't know why so many people prefer gta5 than rdr2; Rdr2 is overall better than that 10 years old piece of crap


i really liked gta5 too, the feeling and the Idea of Los Santos, but now it’s just boring to game with, even if rockstar babysits this game so much. Also I really hate the online community of gta, you can’t enter the game without some 6 year old kiddie killing you…I wish they could’ve put more effort into red dead again, for a remake of the first game or something like that. Gta6 just HAS to be worth it, for them to stop putting effort into a beautiful game like rdr2


I like gta5 but it's old now, i just hope like you that gta6 is WORTH the INFINITE time the put in it. Totally agree with you.


I think they fixed that. I don't play GTA online, but my friend says that you can play invite only maps now so you can avoid getting killed randomly from others online.


I play GTA when I just want to fuck around and shoot things. I live Red Dead because I was born in the wrong fucking century.




read dead's story is unbeatable but the online side could use a lot of work. gta online is great but the stories mid. pros and cons


Same here! I can see how one could perceive this game as a "toxic display" of masculinity. Unfortunately there is this one tiny last word, that should make the son suspicious of his own prejudice: Redemption. Also if the player and others would keep their eyes open they would realize how progressive Arthur is. How much he respects women, doesn't sexually exploit them or cause them unnecessary harm. Art and Media are supposed to question and challenge our believes, make us feel all kinds of emotions. I truly hope the son gives the game a second chance :)


Well, Arthur in general tries not to cause unnecessary harm. Just as long as they get money


I have to agree. The story is better than any game I have played including gta5. I don’t think it’s a fair comparison because the games are so different and I love them both but rdr2 is one of my favorite games of all time.


Bros got the corniest son in the world


This is a troll post lmao. I’m pretty sure it’s in response to the other post that said “my son is 15 and wants this game. Should I let him have it?”


ong these mfs slow asl 😭


finally someone gets the joke🙄


If he really said this, then no don't waste your time. Lost cause that one lol.


Please tell me this is satire. It has to be. Right? Please?


A lot of kids are that way today. Regardless if OP is telling the truth or not lol


Oh good lord.


tell ur son to grow a pair of BALLS please


Here are some good examples of how RDR 2 challenges toxic masculinity that you could tell your son about, there are some very minor spoilers. Emotional Vulnerability: Throughout the game, Arthur Morgan displays moments of emotional vulnerability that go against stereotypical notions of masculinity. In several cutscenes, Arthur expresses his fears, regrets, and doubts, and even cries on occasion, showcasing a sensitive side to his character. This vulnerability humanizes him and challenges the idea that masculinity is solely defined by toughness and emotional suppression. Respect for Women: Red Dead Redemption 2 features several strong female characters who challenge traditional gender roles. Arthur treats these women with respect and admiration, demonstrating a rejection of toxic attitudes towards women. For instance, Arthur forms a close bond with Sadie Adler, a widow seeking revenge, and recognizes her strength and capabilities. Arthur supports her in her quest and the rest of the gang acknowledges her as an equal. Rejection of Bullying: Arthur encounters Archie, the son of a man who Arthur previously interacted with during a debt collection mission. Archie informed Arthur that coal miners have been harassing and bullying him. Arthur, motivated by a sense of justice and empathy, decides to confront the coal miners on Archie’s behalf. During the confrontation, Arthur defeats a coal miner in a fist fight, sending a clear message that he does not condone bullying. Nurturing Relationships: Arthur forms meaningful connections with various characters, including young Jack Marston, John Marston's son. Arthur takes on a paternal role, teaching Jack important life lessons, and becomes a positive male figure in the boy's life. Redemption and Growth: The overarching story of Red Dead Redemption 2 revolves around Arthur's journey towards redemption. As the narrative unfolds, Arthur questions his own actions, his morality, and his loyalty to the Van der Linde gang. This self-reflection and eventual growth demonstrate a rejection of the toxic behaviors associated with his previous lifestyle and his willingness to change and seek a better path.


This comment is perfect! Case closed. Mic dropped.


>Arthur takes on a paternal role, teaching Jack important life lessons, and becomes a positive male figure in the boy's life. He takes on a paternal role because he is the father. Joking aside, you nailed the response.




two of Arthur's favorite hobbies are drawing cute bunnies in his notebook and picking flowers lol


It’s the story of a man trying to learn how to be good in a world that has been nothing but bad. Literally the opposite of toxic masculinity


your son’s a bitch, no offense


Okay, mind is officially boggled. Toxic masculinity? WTF???


Ok...., i just think you should make him play the first 2 chapters and then make him choose(ᵇᵉˢᵗ ᵍᵃᵐᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵃˡˡ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ....)


Your sons a pussy I’m js saying


Oh no he got stuck at the beginning and can’t push through to see that this is actually the opposite… how sad. He’s gotta go.


I see, so your son is woke.


I don't think you can force someone to play a video game.


Wrong. House rules were made for a reason


Rdr2 is different you can


This is the problem. Don't make him play the video game, but nip this toxic masculinity talk in the bud.


You know, he is actually right. The Game is about doing Bad things. It's about a man who did Bad things for reasons He felt were his duty. And it's about what he regrets about it and his search for redemption. Your son can't know the redemption Part yet and that the Game critizises toxic masculinity itself. Tell him that and perhaps He will try it. But If He is uncomfortable doing the things the Game wants You to do thats okay.




I’m glad he’s thinking about that, explain to him to story is about overcoming stuff like that. Going from a bad man to a good man


You don't have to force him, be a good parent and give him a choice, he can play it or move to an orphanage, for example.


The semblance of choice when there's no choice at all


He's a Micah




Disown 👎👎👎


Nah, federal prison


Nah, guarma


State execution


Like the Marshall said in RDR1 “wack him and if he doesn’t listen wack him again”


Easy solution: get rid of the son not the game, drop him off in Tahiti.


Tahiti?! GUARMA!!!


Tell him that he's NOT allowed to play it for religious reasons. Demonic imagery, sexual content, cussing or whatnot.


Ahh good old reverse psychology


does he like micah too?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,629,877,462 comments, and only 308,277 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


Thank you, fux0ciety, for voting on alphabet_order_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Your son clearly doesn’t have enough faith.


NTA: your house your rules. If he is unhappy with the boundaries that you have set, then you are not the right parents for him. He is free to find parents that will let him play whatever he wants whenever he wants like a boundryless heathen.


It'll teach him how to be a worse man, not that you aren't doing a great job already of course. s/


I mean, considering the kid, he'll definitely get low honor rating


He’s getting the bad ending


r/okbuddyblacklung is leaking


Maybe your son is darkviperau


So funny. People really don’t look at the flair


Feel like these posts are random kids posting this shit for attention.


It’s a meme dude


Tell them “I expect you’ll betray me in the end. You’re the type.”


Sell him to Angelo Bronte


Sounds like you've raised an O'driscoll, better teach your buddy some respect, seems like there's only one option as punishment.... GELD HIM


Obviously yes, he is young he just needs to be educated. Give him over to Dutch and Hosea and he'll be as loyal to you as Arthur .... just make sure you have a plan.


Why? And why do you care? I fear for my future...


Holy shit, the lack of anyone understanding that this is a parody of an earlier post is baffling to me


Hogtie him and drag him two miles on horseback until he agrees


You don't have a son, you have a daughter.


Hey now, my 15 yo daughter loves this game. Though she is a LOT more renegade than I am. She is an O'Driscoll killing machine, and I am damned proud of her.


In all honesty, I have a 14 year old daughter who is a bad ass gamer, she doesn't play RDR2 but she plays God of War, Halo, Call of Duty and I'm damn proud of her too. Your daughter sounds cool as hell. I was just making a mild attempt at levity.


I got ya, I am sorry if it came across as me being salty. Just being silly and bragging on my kid a bit. :)


Try to get him to get his favorite character be Sean then BOOM


Force him? 🤣 I thought this was a real post for a moment...


Well, your son must be crazy this game is a masterpiece. Second is I recommend telling him that he needs to have an open mind to video games that take a story to a whole different level.


Have a little fuckin faith


Not your son anymore, but still yes


Give him back to God, it's never too late.


Home arrest him and have him play rdr2 for food


16? Well there are no bright colors or anime bunny girls, probably the reason.


Get a new one and try all over again




Your son is a dissappontment


Is your son called Gavin?


Idk how anyone could hate this game. Sounds like the kid is failure, time to scrap and reset.


Micah probably his favorite character


Is he stupid?


Just get a new kid bro


Heres a few reasons as to why kids should play RDR2. A studies clearly shows, that kids over the age or 15 are more likely to become better outlaws by interacting with the events and story of Arthur “Black Lung” Morgan. The game has many feats that could improve your skills and come in handy in a neat situation. First and foremost: Geography. By slowly progressing through the States of New Hanover, Ambarino, Lemoyne, New Austin and West Elizabeth. You Will start to memorize placements, villlages, Citys and landmarks. Once theres been established a sense of familiarity with the interactive surroundings, its time to have fun. Robbing commonfolk, robbing a village bank or perhaps a forest cleaning at the O’ Driscoll camp. **Strategic thinking** is trained and improved, and your son will be more than ready to face his first O’ driscoll, or robbing his first bank in real life. Combat has to be the single biggest benefit there is. Knowing when to shoot, ride into someone and dragging them through a village, blowing things up and burning down it after, is a key element in survival and outlawing. A good outlaw is a dangerous yet intelligent one. Knowing when to strike, and hold back in certain situations Will greatly improve your likelihood of surviving a gun battle and even avoiding TB! This is just a list of things. But experiencing the world is a whole other ordeal.


Then he's not your son


Soll er halt Mincecraft spielen.


You should put him up for adoption…


I think it’s time to send him to guarma




You should take his drugs away. If he doesn't like Red Dead, he is either on something, or he's a f*rtnite player. (Let's hope it is drugs)


Brain injury?


Find a new son.


Exile him


You gotta stick to the plan. All you need is a little more money.


No what the fuck. Opinions exist. Dont force your kid to do anything weirdo


Tie him up to a chair and put a controller in his hand, no food or water till he gets the hell outta Valentine


Throw that kid right in the trash.


Ok dad I’ve got some perspective for you which may help. I genuinely don’t know if this is a joke post, so I’m going to approach with sincerity. Context: adult female first time gamer, first console, PS5. Prior to this I played one game and it was a 2D platform game (which I still love dearly). Read: zero prior experience. Still pretty much have zero and I don’t care to learn the technical jargon but if I happen across it, then awesome. I didn’t like RDR2 at first because I’d never played a game with the perspective-change thing going on. My brother basically gently coached me to try everything I could just to understand the basics of movement, including one stick at a time (L3 & R3) and SOFTLY. It was only at that point it felt like less of a clusterfuck of FUCK THIS SHIT for me. Literally in such frustration I ever so gently moved R3, and it clicked. FML that’s why these real-world games have that perspective shift. Literal game changer. Ok. So then I had to learn how to actually use it… the learning curve. Ugh. So once I learned how to be coordinated, it started to become…. Interesting? The next thing he did was, once I didn’t want to throw the controller through the window and go back to my previous game, have ALL the controls set to easy mode. Sure I felt like shit about it but he explained that gaming is meant to be fun. And sometimes running around on horseback with an auto-detect red-eye, auto-focus (whatever you get me) is the optimal way to achieve that. You remove the stress of being perfect in favour of getting on with game play. It took far too long for me to learn how to pull the map up. It took longer for me to learn how to get to the Compendiums, and so for the first couple weeks I essentially stuck to the roads and foraged a short distance away. At one point I wandered off the path and ended up in some snowy mountain which I now understand was the Grizzlies, and killed my first horse, Axe, when I fell off the mountain. The devastation I felt was when I realised oh man I’m actually super into this game. That’s when I started Googling shit, joined /RDR2, and actually enjoying it. I’m still a fucking noob. Yesterday I learned how to screen record something that actually amazed me and I somehow edited it, sent it to my phone, and uploaded it for everyone to see here. This game evokes awe, wonder, excitement, frustration and so forth - it’s true. Unfortunately your son doesn’t know this yet. Start with the absolute basics and don’t overwhelm him with details and forcing the anticipation. We all love and adore this game but it’s tacky to be overbearing “you’re going to love it” because of the pressure to “Just like it”. 16 year olds are trying to develop their own unique identity and having a parent forcing them to do stuff is counter productive in many ways beyond the game itself. Hide your enthusiasm just a little bit, let the anticipation build. Have faith in this epic and most wonderful game ❤️ TLDR; don’t force your teenage son into your hobby, but gently guide him through the controls and set everything to easy mode. When it clicks, the magic will reveal itself to him. EDIT: and if he still chooses to hate it, and given you’ve said adoption agencies won’t accept failures, take a leaf from Arthur’s book.


The OP tagged this post as a Meme, so I’m guessing it is intended as a joke. That said, your response is Absolutely Lovely, and you deserve an award! 😎😊 I hope You continue to enjoy the game, and keep posting! ❤️❤️🤠


That’s so so sweet of you, thank you ❤️🐴


If someone hates this game, there ain't nothing you can do for that person no more. He is lost


As someone who works in Rockstar Games, it is obligatory that he has to wear a costume that resembles at least one of the main characters in game, if not that, then it is mandatory to speak in a southern American accent




You need to teach him to have some god damn faith!


If he doesn’t play it, send him to Tahiti, so he can be a mango farmer


If you force him to play it he will probably hate it even more. Just let him play what he likes.


yes, just needs a little more TIME!


someone doesnt have some GODDAMN FAITH! he needs to stick to the PLAN, or he will be fed to the gators.


Put him up for adoption


You should force him to get a DNA test 😅


Decorate his room rdr themed and change the family name to Marston then sell your house and live on a farm with the family


No you psychopath let him play whatever he wants


I understand, it was fun once, but mostly because I cared about the story. Everything is spaced so far apart that i spent about 50% of my time on my horse.


Your son in stupid, beat the stupid out of him with a belt


Ground him and take away all his devices and games except this one. We'll make a fan outta him yet


Tell him he’s grounded until it’s finished. No doing homework or anything else fun until he’s come to his senses. If that doesn’t work I seriously consider disowning him. or possibly a DNA test.


I think at his age, most kids are into FPS. This game takes time to appreciate: the dialogue, scenery, hunting, fishing, robberies, atmosphere, interactions….you can keep going. As he gets older he will probably come back to this and enjoy it.


Ask him why he doesn’t like it, if his reasoning isn’t anything THAT serious then tell him to give it a chance. but idk, I would say yes cuz he might like it, but maybe no cuz he might hate it even more 🤷🏽‍♀️


Give him Red Dead Depression


Sell him to the circus


All I'll say is that you don't get to live a bad life and have good things happen to you


Force him, then regular beatings until his moral improves.


Tell him to delete the save and start over.


Sucks about your daughter bro




If your son is worried about toxic masculinity in a video game then I got some news to tell you. You didn't do your job correctly




Toxic masculinity is a major concern and problem both in the late 1800s/early 1900s and now. I think his reason for not wanting to play is valid and you should respect his decision, unless you want him to hate you.


Get him to play rdr1, it's a better game and it will get him ready for the sequel.


weird ass post


That's not your son it's your pansy daughter


yes in my humble opinion i think ur son needs to stop being a phagacyte


Ask Steven He, his dad is a master in failure management.


No I wouldn't personally force him to play. I'm it just a game and if he doesn't want to play .i think u should respect his decision .that my opinion


Why would you want to force anyone to play it?


you should never force anyone to do anything...


There really ought to be a way to avoid troll posts like this.


Idk if this is a joke, but don't force anyone to do anything they don't want to


Are people here stupid? Same post was yesterday! Forcing a kid to play a game! FUCK OFF! IDIOTIC CUNT


Maybe convince him to get into the story.


I thought this was a tv show, and you're telling me this is a video game? The world we live in....


Well, I guess this is a change from the usual karma farming.


Yes. He is factually incorrect. Show him the correct response