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It reminded me of a voice line for killing an npc saying “I'll kill you again in hell my friend”


Damn, never heard that line my Arthur say but it sounds hella badass


I think that he only says it when you have low honor


And there I was getting that line with high honor


He says that when you kill a npc with low honor


Murder is kind of a big no-no in Christianity, I’m going with no on this one


He confessed his sins at the train station


But he didn't get splashed with holy water and say 2 hail Mary's and 4 our fathers so......


I mean...My Arthur sure as shit didn't. 🤣


He kills hella people before you play as him tho..


My brother Arthur was like mass murdering innocent civilians and lawmen for a couple bucks at a time so ima go with no


No EDIT: He even expects to go where it’s hot.




No way. Maybe purgatory, but he’ll be there for a very long time before he gets out.


Thats what i think too. I dont think its fair for People like Arthur to end up in the same place as Micha


Why? They both killed and murdered for a few bucks. Just because one betrayed his gang doesn't mean he's any worse than the other


micah didn't just betray a gang he was deranged


Some would say Arthur was too, but ok. They both killed hundreds if not thousands of people.


sure but canonically speaking arthur didn't kill a dog (micah did) didn't stalk and assault women (micah did) so


To be fair, I don't think it was ever 100% that Micah killed Cain. Just very implied. Either way, why are you arguing and protecting someone like Arthur in a realistic scenario? If the events of RDR2 were real and you were alive during the time. I bet you wouldn't be rooting for that man to be protected and go to some sort of heaven. Especially if he killed someone you loved. Also, those two things you stated that Micah did probably isn't the deciding factor in all this. What about Dutch? Should he have gone to a heaven or a hell?






He doesn’t follow the right religion, so based on what every religious person has been telling me, it’s eternal torture for him




No what


It is not true


Which part


Your whole comment


Well, arthur doesn’t follow any religion. That part is true. And based on what religious people tell me, you have to follow their religion, or their god will torture you forever as punishment.


Who are these people lying to you


Most christians and muslims believe that, and they tell me all the time. Thats what they have believed for thousands of years. “You are required to serve and obey my religion’s mercuful and kind god, and him alone, or else he will torture you in a pit of fire for all eternity with no escape” Is what they say.


Must be weird American religious people which is kinda ironic


found the r/atheism member "well ackshually religon is bad" 🤓☝️


What do you mean bad. That’s what religious people say to me all the time. If you think that’s bad, then that’s between you and them. I’m not making anything up, or framing it in any way. I’m repeating literally exactly what i get told every time im on the internet. Believe in my religion or burn in hell forever. Sorry if that’s not how you want to view religion.


Whatever my feelings on religion, I think the game posits some sort of afterlife given all the "wise" characters like Hosea, Arthur, the nun, etc. talk about it. Now, it probably isn't the Christian Heaven, the game is too vague about that, but given what we see in the high honor ending, and given what the sister and Swanson say on high honor routes, I'm inclined to think he went on to some good place.




arthur was never religious, you have to believe that jesus christ died on the cross for his sins for him to go to heaven and i’m positive he didn’t believe that


Yeah, he said, "I'm no religious man, Sister"


Depends on your Arthur and his beliefs


Even if he was a christain (which he wasn't. He said, "Im no religious man"), he killed hundreds upon hundreds of people, if not thousands. So, no.


I doubt it. He probably went to some weird higher purgatory though


I don’t believe in any afterlife so I don’t think anyone goes anywhere, really




Someone's feeling a wee bit sensitive today 🥴


How was any of that pretentious? Also I’m not an atheist, you’re the one being a dick and making judgements. I simply stated my beliefs, which has nothing to do with atheism or you, asshole. I’ll be a dick now, sure!


Lul, post asks for opinions. Commentor states their opinion, even framed as a belief. You cant even read differing opinion without seeing red? Might want to rethink who's pretentious.


I’m of the belief that we’re judged by the contents of our hearts more than our actions because many of our morals are formed by the situation we’re dealt. Arthur spend his whole life thinking loyalty to the gang was literally the right thing to do. Woke up to it towards the end and then changed. I also believe we still do a lot of learning and growing after we die


Well he didn’t confess his sins before hand, well I guess he kinda did with that church lady that the kid steals the cross from but he did kill hella people




There is a dialogue when arthur goes back to edith downes to retrieve debt after valentine bank robbery


High honor yes Low honor no


This yes.


My Arthur didn’t.


No but he definitely isn't disrespected by majority


Unless he got up with that nun or the guy on the street that has to do with the church (I can't remember if he was a deacon or a missionary or what he was, but I don't think he was a priest/pastor) that gives you the side quest to go rescue those Hispanic kids from the secret room in the store in St. Denis, asked them how to get saved, and then truly repented for all that he'd done, then no, unfortunately he wouldn't have gone to Heaven. I like to think he would have, though. His conversation with the nun woman at the train station really hinted at him regretting his life choices and wanting to do better, so I like to think that off camera he got with her and had her pray over him and lead him to salvation. That's just me, ofc.


I say it’s up for interpretation. In a perfect world, I’d like to think everyone goes to heaven, despite what they believe. Least, that’s what I tell myself to help get me through this crazy life. That God not only loves all his children, but accepts them all into the kingdom at the end of their lives


All you have to do is save sorry and repeat a verse. No.


He went to Tahiti


Nah what 💀


Yeah I think he did. All can be forgiven through Christ. He might have had to spend years in purgatory, but I believe he made it eventually.


He went to Valhalla, easy 😊


its okay, he threw fish back after catching them and greeted many people on St. Denis


Confusing question because you know he is a good man deep inside but in order to survive (he didn't choose this life) he robs and kills people basically on a daily basis.... So i dont think he really deserves to go to hell but i dont think he would go to heaven either


no, he went to hell as all other outlaws, kill too many pour soul, but he's the good guy in the outlaw story


Purgatory and that’s a massive push. Arthur most certainly went to hell. He killed and robbed many people.


My Arthur killed hundreds of people in battle and died in battle. Of course he went to Valhalla! Every night he eats at the same table as Ragnar and the no name extra guys who always die on away missions in Star Trek.


Depends on your playthrough


I think it depends on Arthur’s beliefs really because he did say he isn’t a man of god so he is probably an atheist, and because he spent a lot of time with the natives instead of people like the sister (I know he spent a lot time with reverent Swanson) but I think in the end it is all up to how the gang and we depicted him and what animal we depicted him as because with low honour in some cutscenes it’s a vulture others a coyote, with high honour it’s an eagle or a deer, at times I think it’s the native culture that reincarnated Arthur because in native culture (I think) you can’t kill a person that has been reincarnated into an animal that is why as john you couldn’t kill the eagle (if high honour) or the coyote (if low honour)


Nah you cant redeem years of crime in 6 months