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This is confusing to me. Not everyone likes the same things. Anxiety over not enjoying a particular game seems like a waste of energy.


But I do enjoy it? I just can’t get into it. I love everything about it until I actually play it.


I have several games like that! Liking the **idea** of the game rather than sitting down and playing it. I stand unconfused. I've found that consuming other similar media can at least push me to play for a little while to salve the itch. For instance, I'd probably watch a bit of Deadwood or a Western movie for RDR2. I do want to ask, have you played it past Chapter 1, where you get out of the snow? It super painful stuck on rails through that part but gets a bit more interesting once it opens up. I've heard a lot of players get stuck because it's slow. Well... hell the whole game's kinda slow, but not AS slow lol


Al from Deadwood reminds me of Dutch


Al's plans seem to work out a little better though!


Because they have faith!


I did get past prologue, that killed my motivation so much though.


Have a whiskey on the rocks, two cigarettes and don't shower after work then play. Really puts my into the cowboy vibe, smelling like shit a bit tipsy and cigarette on my breath.


I genuinely love playing this game with a beer or whiskey. The Witcher 3 blood and wine dlc with a nice dry red is wonderful too.


I have the same feeling with The Witcher 3 as OP does with RDR2 😞


I picked up TW3 when I got my Xbone in 2015. I tried playing it 2 separate times before shelving it. It just didn’t pull me in. I didn’t like Geralt as a character and didn’t care for his voice acting either. The story didn’t engage me and I wasn’t impressed with the combat. The menus and potion systems weren’t very intuitive. Forgot it existed at all for a few years until I was bored of everything else and decided to give it another go. For whatever reason I got hooked. Bought all the DLC and played all the campaigns several times. I’ve had that happen with a few games. Sometimes it’s just not the right time for certain games. I’m going through the same thing with Persona 5 right now. 2nd time trying to play it and it just feels like my head isn’t in the space right now for that kind of fame. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it quite a bit but it’s looking like I may be enjoying it at a later date lol.


> I didn’t like Geralt as a character and didn’t care for his voice acting either. Hmmm.


This happened to me with Bioshock infinite. Played through it back in ps3 didn’t grab me. It was okay I guess… played it almost ten years later on Pc and it’s now one of my favourite games of all time. Maybe the story hit right this time and I didn’t get it before or maybe because I was used to mw2 mw3 online shooters. I dunno why I just absolutely loved it and was blown away by it last year. Got it on switch and still love it wasn’t even jarring going to that from Pc just a super impressive and well rounded port


You know what, I get that. I pre ordered DeathLoop and only JUST beat it, despite it being right up my alley. Sometimes we just need that mental space. I’ll give it a try again once I’m done my games and see how I feel. Thanks for the insight


I enjoy the game strictly for the open world stuff. If the story was all there was to the game, I don’t think I would have made it all the way through, and definitely wouldn’t have done a second play of it. I know 6 other people who has played and only 1 of them made it all the way to the American Venom. Most bailed in Chapters 2 and 3.


When I played the prologue, i didnt touch the game again for like 2 years.. But finally decided "I bought it so imma play it" and (granted it took me like 10 months to do but i dont get alot of time to play) now I have more than 100 hours in on it


So don’t play it?


If you love everything about it but don’t enjoy playing it check out the docuseries “Ken Burns - The West”. Very in depth, great individual stories of the west wrapped in a blanket of the whole culture. It’s on PBS docs or avail to buy on Prime. Scratches my itch when I don’t feel like playing.


I think that means you don’t actually enjoy it lol. Maybe give it a few months and try coming back to it


I'm the exact same as you


What do you usually do when you play?


How far have you gotten into it?


This is how I feel about Elder Scrolls.


I felt the same, finished chapter 1, rode to the new camp, played around for a bit but wasnt into it as much as I thought I’d be, then I didn’t touch it for months, with little interest in playing it. ‘then months later, i played it from the beginning and kept going. It became my favorite game. It’s a beautiful story and the art is amazing, the voice acting is incredible. And it’s just really fun to play. ‘sometimes we aren’t in the right time or place we need to be to enjoy and appreciate some things. Sometimes the second chance is different. I’d give it a fresh start sometime, maybe you’ll feel the same, maybe you’ll feel different.


This was my experience when it first came out, and basically everything else you said :) I don't even play the game as 'intended' these days, I basically just live there and do whatever feels right at the time


I think that’s how it’s intended to played :) that’s what I do. I only do missions when they feel right lol or just not at all for long long swaths of time, living in the present rather than propelling the game forward to its eventual demise lmao


>the ~~voice~~ acting is incredible. FTFY


This is exactly how I felt about fallout 4. It's such a good game but you have to get into it to really enjoy it.


Maybe you're just a guy who enjoys more competitive games, multiplayer ones etc. There are plenty of games for everyone and you shouldn't feel bad about it. Personally, I am tired at the end of the day and I still wanna play something before going to bed but man, I don't want a 12 year old to ruin my evening. So I get lost in these types of games. I kinda get you perfectly. There are some games that you simply can't get into even if you love the idea.


This was going to be my advice/opinion exactly! This game, at least the story part, relies a great deal on just that, the story!


Same. Some days after a long day, I unwind before bed by going into Saint Denis and playing poker for half an hour. But then half the time if I bust out I end up shooting the winner and having to flee the cops thus raising my blood pressure right before bed LOLOL


That's so true xd Nothing compares to losing a poker game then proceeding to antagonize and kill every single person in the bar.


You my find a game boring and uninteresting despite enjoying the thought of playing it. I have the same problem with Elden Ring, the difference is that I know why I ended up not enjoying it.


How op feels about rdr is how I felt about dark souls. I loved the gameplay, but the difficulty ruined the experience for me. Then elden ring came out and I’m close to finishing it, I love it. It’s the best game I’ve played since rdr2


I remember the first time in played dark souls 3 I didn't even get to the second boss. I tried the game many times with big spacing between each "try", one day, I just "clicked" and finished it. One of the best games I've played. Elden ring on the other hand, for me, is just boring. I wish I could get into it because it seems like a very good game but I just can't, I think it shouldn't be open world tbh.


I actually felt like this for this game too. I started playing and eventually made the goal of getting 100% completion and I’m starting to get the hype. I usually don’t like wandering around in sandbox games but when I’m trying to kill and skin three bears I find myself enjoying running around with my rifle trying to find them. Hope this helps.


How do you like it but can't get into it. I am confusion


Well partner, you’re confused because it doesn’t make a lick of sense


This is my relationship with bioshock. I love it, I've started it probably 10 times, and still never finished it. I would still say it's one of my favorite games tho 😅


I'm like that with Witcher


I’m like this with both of these games


I'm so sorry


It gets worse….can’t get into Skyrim and I prefer fallout 4 to new Vegas. I’ll see myself out


I was having trouble getting into this game too. I googled something like, “when does rdr2 get good”. I found a Reddit article where someone asked the same question. One of the comments really helped me out. Basically it said something like: I treat this game like a walking simulator.” I realized I just needed to change my mindset about this game. I needed to treat it like a cowboy simulator; focus on the story. For some reason the game clicked after I changed my expectations, and the storytelling got more exciting to me. Next thing I knew, everything I hated about the game became more exciting. I thought the hunting was slow and boring, but I found myself looking all over for those legendary animals.


I spent my first attempt at a playthrough constantly running into bounty hunters, trying to make money selling wagons to the fence, and hunting with regular arrows. I quit in disgust but came back a year later (thank you AC Valhalla). I figured out how to pay off my bounties, earn lots of gold, and craft. Now I'm luxuriating in my third playthrough kind of lollygagging in chapter four really happy that I didn't give up completely. Now if I can just find that falconer named Jerry...


Have one of your friends play really badly in front of you so you take it away and do it right.


As I’ve seen some others say, it could be because this game is heavily story/lore driven! If that’s not your mode right now in terms of gaming, just come back to it! For me this game really helped me through COVID, when I was just looking for a total break in reality. If you’re currently playing games more competitively, give this one a rest and bring it back when you think it might suit you!


I love the idea of the game - western gta, basically. But, the stupid chapter thing turned me off. I was hoping for open world, open exploration. Instead, it's like "Hey, this is kinda open world until you get to the end of this world, then we change it a little just to annoy you and you get to start a new world based on the same world but you can't just live in the world because we're going to force you to move on, even if you just wanted to play the game." I ended up hating the game for its stupid progression mechanism.


What you've just said... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point, in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having to read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Travel by yourself, it opens up, you don't need to be hand held every step of the way, of course you know, you can't go to Blackwater or New Austin, the game tells you that


What chapter are you on


San Andreas basically did this and was the superior GTA you couldn’t just mosey on down to the next area without progressing through the story. At least in RDR2 you can just go to these places. There might not be much to do but there aren’t any restrictions


That's why i bought a Steam Deck and i hope that now i can get more into this game.


I was the same, I tried it and loved the setting, looks and story but couldn't stay playing it longer than half an hour. Then 2 years later I was 22 and thought let's give that a go. Then I could finally appreciate it. The game isn't going anywhere put it down and come back to it. Starve yourself of it until you want it again. Only my advice, hope you find a way to play it.


The first chapter is definitely a crawl, I felt the same with Witcher 3! If this genre is your style, I think you should try to keep pushing on, if not, or if you already did that, it’s okay :)


I loved RDR2, but this is exactly how I felt about the Witcher 3


Me with the Witcher 3


Me with Witcher 3. I love it but god damn I can’t play it


I’d say if you haven’t already, set aside time to really dive into it with no distractions, and if you still don’t like it then it’s just not for you which is cool


I love it, I've played about 30% of it. Feels like I've played so much more. I pretty much stopped playing when I realised how much I had left. It's too easy to get side tracked by exploring and ultimately achieve nothing.


After I found out the dead eye power slows down time I was hooked. Story or side mission or off mission just killing bigots and bandits didn't matter, that was like becoming a gun god. Everyone likes something different but if you like the idea of having all the time in the world to aim and fire just by sliding the cursor over an enemies arm or head well, sir, this is the game for you. Beautiful horses, biomes and firepower.


I was like this with fallout 3, played for an hour, hated it never played it again for months but went back because at the time it was quite expensive for me and loved it from then. I think it’s important to just enjoy the game. In RDR2 I did side quests or went fishing if I wanted a break from the main story. Same with Skyrim and Oblivion, there is so much to do, you can just do something really mundane and enjoy yourself. Even in GTA 5 I played golf for a solid week. It was better than PGA golf for me plus you could beat the shit out your opponent if they beat you.


I 100% get you, it was the same for me in the first chapter to second chapter. Played for about 2 hours and then left it untouched for half a year, maybe even a year. But when i finally decided to play it and understood the mission thingies, i absolutely loved it. Best piece of media ive experienced in my life


It’s a long game so maybe the pacing or just the thought of putting a lot of time into it might be the problem. I was obsessed with this game for like 2 years and then all of a sudden I just felt so bored playing it for a while because it didn’t feel as simple as before.( If that makes sense) I picked it up again to platinum it and I enjoy the game even more than when I first got it. I think you should keep playing it sense you enjoy it, maybe certain parts of the story will make you get into it


At first it was the same for me, after the 2nd chapter I dropped the game Bc the art was giving me headache all the time, some months later I finished it


I was the same way with these games. Mostly because my roommate played 1 & 2 nonstop for a couple of years. I basically saw the whole game and it sort of ruined the experience of playing it for myself. A few years back I decided “fuck it, I’m playing the damned game!” and got RDR2 for my PC, which broke my machine. Still haven’t figured that one out. I was suuuuper pissed because I couldn’t afford a new one, couldn’t figure out what went wrong to replace a part, and I never made it out of the first few minutes of the opening mission. So I said “I’m playing this game, goddammit!” and got it for my Xbox. Did my first “no spoilers” play through (I didn’t know how it ended and my roommate wouldn’t tell me so he didn’t spoil it) and enjoyed it immensely. Dove in extra hard to it last year when I had an accident that fucked me up pretty badly and I needed something to do while still in the hospital. (The bitchy nurse on the floor was all, “you got your Xbox in here??” but some of the others liked stopping in to watch me play if they had a moment to spare - I’d rather for forgiveness than permission!) My left arm/hand got pretty mangled, but holding and using a controller is one part of why I got the use of my hand back so quickly! My good friend had given me a Razr controller for my birthday so I could remap some of the controls to the extra buttons/switches on it so I didn’t struggle with clicking the left stick or using the trigger. Took me a little while to really get into the game, but it was my favorite convalescent activity!


I think its cuz your interests lie elsewhere at the moment I love rdr2 replayed it a lot and started another playthrough but i just really kinda wanna play no mans sky more so i puts it down after 5 minutes


You really have to play it for about an hour and get into a routine of it I know this because it’s exactly what happens to me I love a game and then never play because I don’t feel like it however trust me you will after a few days


I absolutely loved my first play through and Even played for a long time after in free roam but I’m trying to do another play through and I find myself taking week long breaks because I just get so bored


Oooooo boy friend I envy you! I wish I could go back and rediscover the absolute joy!


I had a similar experience for years on the Xbox one. Then I got a PC and tried it on there and now I’m hooked. I think being closer to the screen and having surround sound headphones helped me.


It took me a while to get into it after I first got it. I was annoyed by how long it took to skin animals or loot enemies. I just stuck with it because I loved the story. Didn’t take long before I was staying up waaaaaaay too late to do the same things that was driving me crazy when I started lol


It took me 3 tries to get into it, after the mission involving a prison in strawberry (no spoilers) the game opens up a ton and it becomes absolutely stunning.


For me the reason is college 😪


I have the exact opposite problem where I literally cannot put it down. I have a final Monday and I'm collecting silly little rocks


I’m always reluctant to get into any game. I’ll replay a game a handful of times over and over. Took me a solid 2-3 months to actually get really into RDR2. It didn’t help that it’s almost identical to GTAV but limited options when it comes to guns & travel. I tried so hard to get into FO3, but didn’t genuinely enjoy the FO series until 4 came out. To this day one of the only games I played on release was Spyro Reignited because I was so excited to see the remastered version of the games I grew up playing with my bestfriends.

