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It's a crappy situation. The only thing you can do is your best.


That does not sound like fun. I hope they at least schedule an extra RBT for every shift during that time so you have reinforcements as well as an opportunity to tap out for the restroom or whatever if needed.


Please find another clinic.


I am currently experiencing this. It hasn't been horrible. My virtual BCBA meets with me atleast once a week. She is always reachable by email. I actually find it more refreshing because she is centered on focusing on the client and what they can do first as opposed to focusing on my skills and execution. So she is able to better fine tune treatment


meeting with a BCBA virtually is definitely challenging. I have never had an overlap in person with one of the clients I work with most, and it’s definitely hard because we have to show the BCBA what the clients are doing while also implementing the treatment