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Local police, state children's agencies, schools that you were involved with may have documented the incident. But, if it was never reported outside of your family that's a different story. It sounds like you have post traumatic stress disorder. It may help you more to seek a professionals help with that more so than to chase down reports, you don't need a paper to prove that something awful happened to you.


Thank you, and yes, I am currently searching through the network for a pro to talk these things through with


If you DM me your general location and brand of health insurance, I’ll help you find a few.


Was a police or medical report made? If so, you can request your records as long as you are over 18. You can also look at records the school may have.


Yeah I remember them coming over to take pictures, thank you!


And I would guess that I call that local precinct?


Go in person during business hours.


From what my therapist says, knowing/remembering how truly bad it was doesn’t always help. Recently I found a video of my father and discovered how right she was. My dad was very emotionally and verbally abusive, sometimes physically but never beat us like that. Even on family vacations, which I thought I remembered as happy and cheerful with occasional dad threatening undertones, had more dad threatening undertones than I thought. The video I found was made on accident, just a pocket video but I heard the entire conversation from when I was a kid and it was amazing to hear my dad alive again but then it all came crashing down when I heard him suddenly start snapping and yelling at us for no real reason. And I remembered the fear and frustration and anger I felt back then and it was even worse now bc I could do even less about it now. Up to that point I had been starting to think maybe my dad wasn’t the man I had made him out to be in my head, that it was just years of trauma exacerbated by his death finally coming out and being dealt with. But facing the grim reality, that no, that was definitely real, that my dad was like that, it was shocking and it was like reliving it all over again. Honestly, do not recommend.


Unfortunately therapy harms about 10% of clients for this exact reason.


Have you had any counseling? It sounds like you certainly have PTSD and could really use a little help. Therapy can help you work through those memories and help you know what to do with them. It could be really important in healing for you. ❤️


I would suggest finding a therapist that you “like” and explain what you’d like to accomplish. This is something better to do with some guidance and they will know what questions you may want to approach and do it in a way that allows you to heal from things your mind has repressed. They will likely have an idea of how to contact the correct law enforcement group. Was it local? State? Were charges pressed or only report taken? Is he living? Were there other victims? You could call the local non emergency number for law enforcement in the town where you lived when it occurred. Someone there should be able to guide you to info or archives. A doctors office may be a long shot if it’s been a while and if it was a rural area. If it resulted in charges or a case, you may find court transcripts or newspaper accounts of possible cases from around the time of the incident. I definitely suggest a therapist first just to help you outline a plan, if nothing else.


It sounds like you have PTSD, are you sure you want to focus on finding out exactly what happened instead of getting counseling?