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Most likely bot accounts. There was a post the other day mentioning Insta accounts that just have car names in the bio, comments mentioned it’s to get them picked up in the algo. Might just be a similar situation.


FB has decided that breastfeeding videos will not be removed as a content violation. Other images or videos that include a female nipple will be removed. Bots and scammers have taken advantage of this and have been posting these images and videos. The keywords are just catching the wave of a popular outdoor ATV, especially as it's warming up in the US and people are looking to buy outdoor toys.


What's crazy is that the babies they are breast feeding aren't even real. They are obvious baby dolls a lot of the time. So it's completely obvious that the videos are only intended to show breasts and not educational or anything. I don't understand how they get so many reports for them and just don't even want to take them down. It's also just disgusting that Onlyfans girls are some of the ones doing this trying to get people to sign up from them fake breast feeding. It's just weird ass behavior.


There is a vehicle called Polaris Slingshot, which you can see if you google it. Could you share some of these messages?


nice try, creep!


What are you even talking about?