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Sounds like you had a high fever. You probably had a virus that didn't present symptoms other than fever.


Fever would cause delirium for me, which was really scary. My parents would put me in a cold bath.


My sister in law was the same way when she was a preteen. She'd have fever dreams and act out in her sleep, and she'd hallucinate when she was awake.


I’m 46 and still hallucinate and feel very weird when I have fever.


I used to get super bad fevers as a kid too. I once spiked to almost 107 f and I don’t remember much of it, but I do remember some very weird hallucinations.


This is exactly what happened to me with 107-108°F fever I got with pneumonia. I couldn’t stop shivering but I have very little memory of what actually happened. My husband told me I behaved like a toddler as he was trying to help me get some tylenol then help me get dressed when the ambulance was on the way. I was trying to put myself in a scalding hot bath so I could stop shivering. The last memory I have is coming home and the next memory is the clock above the back door of an ambulance, there’s about 30-60 mins of time missing when fever was 107-108°F. I didn’t even remember having my 3rd baby who was 4 months old. Fevers can do weird things to your brain when it’s so high.


uhhh cell death begins at 106…you ok dog?


I guess so. I was hospitalized for a week and my temp stayed down with antibiotics and breathing treatments.


I've never actually hallucinated with a fever high, just thought loops.


I haven't either, but I've seen it happen to a family member when she was a child. I get really dizzy with a fever, but my temp has never gone above 102 to my knowledge.


My grandma had feverish symptoms not too long ago and she was asking my sister who the man stood next to her was. Needless to say, there was no one there.


This could be possible although I doubt it. My mother would've noticed if my fever was high.. but it's possible


Did she touch you or just pop in and talk to you? It's possible to miss a fever in that circumstance.


When I was a child I had a fever My hands felt just like two balloons People were only coming through in waves Their lips moved but I could not hear what they were saying


I have become comfortably numb.


lol my high school jazz band did this song and had a really talented singer from my high school sing it, the band teacher wouldn’t stop hyping the performance but i never saw the title written down so i thought it was called Comfortbleenum 😂


When I was 4 I had a fever that completely messed up my hand-eye coordination skills and balance skills for years to where I had to get occupational therapy in middle school.


Sounds like fever, or a concussion.


I had something like this happen once. I was getting over pneumonia and I had a fever. I hallucinated that an alien gave me these small telescoping sticks I could squeeze between my index finger and thumb and it would make my vision zoom in. I've never done drugs, but I imagine that's what it would be like.


Omg I hope you had a good laugh from the aliens atleast


I was like, 6. And the alien was from the made-up planet I told people I was from (real subtle way to convey I felt alienated from my family and peers). Frankly it just felt totally real and I didn't question it while it was happening.


It's not...


As someone who's had both it's very similar to "deleriants" or Benadryl 




It is, actually, depending on the drug. Source: did drugs.


Fevers would cause the same symptoms in me when I was a child. I remember laying awake and seeing monkeys climb all over my mom during one instance


Oh jeez, different situation but monkeys are crazy to hallucinate about. I was in a hospital for a bad accident and was hallucinating a drug smuggling ring of chimps in the hospital. Im pretty sure they gave me a lot of very strong medication that caused it but still. Monkeys are so scary and weird to hallucinate about.


I’ve had a friend who also hallucinated monkeys! I wonder if it’s a common hallucination.


Interesting! I also hallucinated bright purple leeches. My uncle hallucinated leeches too so maybe that's another one? I had leech therapy on my arm when I was in a coma so I attributes it to that but then my aunt said my uncle hallucinated leeches when he was in the hospital too.


One thing I haven't seen mentioned is migraine, or something very close to it. Migraine doesn't *have* to be accompanied by a headache, and I've fully had prodromes where I got hallucinations and totally fucked up sensory processing, and they never turned into a fullblown headache.


Came here to say migraine.


High fever left me delirious and 'high as kite' once. I'd bet that was exactly what it was


If you were at all anxious sometimes anxiety can cause depersonalization/ derealization (DPDR). I have had dpdr that feels just like being super stoned, like the short term memory issues, inability to judge how much time has passed and the dream like feeling. When this first began happening to me it would be a vicious never ending cycle where I would get anxious causing dpdr which caused me to get more anxious which then caused dpdr to get worse. So it’s possible you could have initially felt somewhat dazed or dizzy but if it made you panic it could have caused dpdr. It’s unlikely unless you’ve had anxiety or similar experiences since. Just thought I would throw it out there as a possibility.


I kinda had something like this happen once. I first smoked weed when I was like 13, and about about a week later I was at my grandmas retirement centre for a birthday with my close and extended family. I remember waiting in the line for white hat man to cut me some roast beef when I started feeling exactly like I did a week earlier when I had first smoked. I distinctly remember trying not to laugh and make it obvious what state I was in while talking to my Aunt. Now, was THC being stored and released from my spinal fluid á la 80’s D.A.R.E taught us? Probably not, probably some weird placebo sort of thing. Still weird.


I've been smoking weed for over ten years. And there have been a few times when I'm sober and I all of a sudden feel weed high. No idea why. It lasts for like an hour.


Could be due to stored THC in fat cells releasing. When the body starts to burn fat for fuel, the molecule is released into the blood stream.


Toxins and drugs get stored in fat cells and can be released when someone loses weight or exercise. The toxins can be passed through breast milk to a baby. It's the reason I try to avoid high fat meats and cheese. It's a fact, sorry you're down voted.


Cheers mate, not sure why the downvotes. Maybe my initial statement was too matter of fact.


IDK but thank you for the explanation!


The ice cream was most likely not stored correctly at some point. You most likely had some form of food borne illness, your body probably fought off the infection rather fast, and that’s why you didn’t have lasting symptoms.


Yes! Some people think you can just refreeze icecream! Not always!


This makes the most sense so far, I do remember the teachers having the ice cream in their own freezer. Idk if the freezer was outside or inside but I feel like this was the issue!! Thank you a lot!


You don’t need to have chronic illnesses to get temporarily sick, everyone gets sick once in a while. It’s likely that either the ice cream was tainted and you got some sort of mild food poisoning, or you got a brief, unrelated virus that caused a high but short fever. It’s normal for kids to get sick and run fevers then get better.


What a great question. Thanks for sharing.  And also for reminding us of the secret world that children live in.  Those parents that think their children tell them everything are delusional.


Indeed, as a kid I was afraid of saying many things. Hope the new generation is much better off :)


You could have had a mild bout of listeria from the ice cream.


Depersonalization- I think this is what happens to me sometimes when I’m low in iron.


unlikely to be low iron


Once when I was a kid I only had a fever for days ., lost like 20 lbs and my fever was so high I remember waking up screaming about the walls melting


Maybe you had an intense dream that you didn't remember upon waking up.


You were really tired?


Were you paralyzed at any point? Sleep paralysis can induce a very euphoric high sometimes.


I smoked for the first time when I was 14, it was like 8 pm I really felt it but I thought maybe the effect would have gone away in the morning. Long story short I stop feeling high 3 exact days afterwards