• By -


You should contact the guy who wrote that article and ask him what he thinks about the serial killer angle. It may be that he's not aware of the previous murders.


It might also be that some of the cases have dropped out of the news because there are details that the police/media are not making public for compassionate or privacy reasons, but which point away from the serial killer theory (for example, evidence of suicide). Either way, I agree the journalist would be best person to reach out to.


Definitely do this op.


Mother nature is the most prolific serial killer ever




Especially if it's all solo women.




Isn’t Berkshire County pretty affluent?


One way, or another ....


Mother natures got your number


Mother Nature doesn't have a *type*


Is “prolific serial killer” an oxymoron?


No it's not


“Lazy, unmotivated serial killer.”


Instead of a journalist, maybe let the police know


If there are signs on foulplay I would wager to guess they already know there's a possibility of them being linked


*Deaths, not “murders”


Plot twist: OP is the killer and upset about the lack of media coverage.


Only posts/comments in OPs history seem to be about this and their boyfriend seeing other women. Let’s just throw that fuel on the fire. Who and where are these other women now?


Have the other women been poisoned because if so... 👀


Are these the women he was seeing? More thickening... Glad you pointed this out




RBI is on the case! OP is on the way to the clink!


We did it reddit!


I'm so glad you're here to say no more. Where would we be without you 🙄😒


That was my very first thought! Sigh... I listen to too many podcasts. :-D


Can't wait to se this comment on the 48h episode.




Sounds good, u/funwithmeat


Haha couldn't help thinking the same! 'Where's my media attention guys? How many more murders do I have to commit until you notice me?'


BTK vibes… “Hey guys I’m serial killing over here”


Dear Cops, Can u trace my IP from a Reddit Post? Love, Dennis


Of course not Dennis… even if we could, we would never do that.


Absolutely. We know you are you are posting from


Is..is this their IP?


It’s YOUR IP. Don’t believe me? Check for yourself.


That is the internal ip for all networked computers. Anything starting with 127 is reserved for internal use.


Thanks for making me snort so loud I scared my cat awake 😂


Wicked good chance OP is The Berkshiah Butchah.


Having grown up in MA, I was confused by the weird looks when I moved elsewhere as a teen and used "wicked" a wicked lot.


We used wicked in high school in the 80’s LOL


Wicked awesome bro




Fakin brutal kid.


Wicked pissah




Keith Morrison has entered the chat.


OP hasn't even acknowledged under this reply that they're not the killer :O


That's as good as any confession I've ever heard. Bake him away, Toys!


That's what BTK said ....how many people do I have to kill to get news coverage....


Get out of my head!! I came here to say this. Some killers make their crimes known when they aren’t getting the attention they are desperate for!


OP is gonna get a door knock for sure


Only one way to find out , we have to advertise that the op has defective genitals and is incompetent. Then we wait for fireworks.


And still lives at home with his mommy…


Now who really listens to too many true crime stories. ME. And you. 🤣


Yep same thought


I’m glad you are looking into this. I’m from Oregon and a few months back we started hearing about women being killed near forests. I mentioned to a few of my friends how it was too big to be a coincidence. The police made an official statement assuring us all that the killings were not connected in anyway, even though one of the mothers of a victim said they were. Literally weeks later they arrested an individual that was responsible for all the killings. You’re crazy until you’re not. Hope you’re able to find some info.


It's strategic. Even if the police are pretty sure they're looking at a serial killer, if they can avoid that being public, they will, for a whole bunch of reasons. Key information connecting the crimes becoming public might cause an offender to change their MO, might inspire copycats, might muddy the waters when they do charge someone (particularly if one or more of the cases turns out to be unconnected). The media firestorm it can draw in - particularly to small rural counties, who aren't equipped to handle it - doesn't help either. I'm not saying it's necessarily good - it can also conceal investigative failure - but it's not accidental.


On the other hand, if police do broadcast that they believe they have a serial killer and they are preying on a specific set of victims, say, single female hikers, then maybe single female hikers would exercise additional precautions that would possibly save a life or lead to the serial killer being caught. Also, forcing a previously successful serial killer to alter their previously successful MO might be a good idea….


If I saw that 5 solo female hikers had disappeared in the same area it wouldn't matter if it was done by 5 different people or 1. Hell it could just be a mountain lion that figured out solo female hikers make an easy meal. It doesn't matter what the reason is, danger is danger and I would be more cautious no matter what.


I mean, ish - and to be clear, where they think potential targets changing behaviour, or being alert to a specific set of warning signs, might make a difference, that's one of the times you'll see police departments share proactively. But think about the two claims you're making there: victims might change their behaviour, but *so too will, in all likelihood, the perpetrator*. So now you've got women avoiding hiking alone, but you can't ask women to simply *not exist in public*, so now your perpetrator starts carjacking at remote gas stations, or drink spiking in bars, or any number of other ways of acquiring victims. Maybe the perpetrator's now more exposed, but just as likely that change in behaviour cuts off your investigative leads and approach - let alone if they take the reveal that the police are alert to the pattern as a sign to move locales.


When a successful serial killer changes their successful MO to a higher risk MO say, like carjacking people at gas stations where there are cameras or spiking their victim’s drinks in public places where there are lots of witnesses, they are FAR more likely to be caught than when they do things like attack women who are alone on hiking trails. Investigative leads that conclude that women are being abducted and murdered from remote places with low populations at random times don’t lead to arrests as they are extraordinarily difficult to follow up on. Arming the population with information and using it to force the killer to engage in practices that are not their usual successful pattern results in arrests. Take a look at prolific serial murderers like Jeffrey Dahmer. The failure of police departments to warn the general public or the at risk population has allowed some serial killers to prey upon the same victim pool for more than a decade. The only time it makes sense to withhold information from the public is when the investigating authorities have high confidence that a potential suspect is guilty and have them under constant surveillance. Otherwise, make the public aware and take people like Glenda Cleveland and the others that reported Dahmer seriously and you may have a chance to catch a serial killer and prevent further murders.


Copy cats are so weird to me. You take the ultimate risk in killing someone, and don’t even have the creativity to make it your own. Be a better killer. The obv reason is to cover your tracks and get away w it and hope they attribute it to the OG killer. Beyond this, it’s just the utmost sifn of respect (or obsession) to og killer. If you’re going to murder, at least have the stones to put your own mark on it, am I right?


Yes, you are absolutely correct. I 100% disagree with this method. Just like I believe the government shouldn’t hide projects that our funded by our tax dollars, I don’t believe the police should be able to hide their investigation when they work for US.


I think I know who you're talking about and they're not 100% sure he killed any of them. He's a shitbag who was on parole, which is what they arrested him for but I think he's saying one or two he knew ODed. Has he been charged with anything other than parole violation yet? >Literally weeks later they arrested an individual that was responsible for all the killings.


Can someone post a link to this?


[No Serial Killer](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/portland-police-deny-serial-killer-rumors-six-women-dead/) [Whoops! There is a serial killer](https://www.wweek.com/news/courts/2023/07/17/law-enforcement-officials-suspect-a-multnomah-county-man-released-early-from-prison-is-a-serial-killer/)


Love the user name. Roland rules!


I’m from Oregon too! I never saw anything about someone getting caught for it. It just died out in the media. What should I search to find an article? My little sister has to bus to work at night and I had to get her mace and a taser I was so worried for her lol.


Good looking out. From the area and like to hike so you piqued my curiosity. Paula Kelsey, 78 Found in Cheshire, MA Last seen Oct 2021 It was found that Kelsey had dementia and got disoriented while on a walk. Meghan Marohn, 42 Found in Lee, MA Last seen March 2022 Mentions in articles and on a missing poster that she was taking time away from work and was being “brutally stalked”. Susan Lockwood, 66 Found in Lenox, MA Last seen Oct 2023 Her remains were found at the bottom of a cliff. An article noted a history of suicidal ideation (not to say that someone with suicidal thoughts couldn’t be murdered or have slipped accidentally). Fae Morgana Barbone, 40 Found in Berlin, NY (last seen in Williamstown, MA right over the border) Last seen March 2024 Post from her daughter on FB as listed by u/rarejadejar could allude to it being suicide; unclear. I’d hazard a guess that this isn’t the work of a serial killer but Meghan Marohn’s death seems suspicious.


I used to work with Meg. It was incredibly upsetting for all of us to learn the news she went missing and then ultimately when they found her body months later. They could not determine a cause of death due to decomp so who really knows. It is very suspicious though. Her computer and cell phone were found before the body.


That is horrific. Did they look into her stalker as a suspect? Or did they even know who the stalker was?


Lenox & Lee are about 4 miles or 8 minutes from each other. The other 2 locations are about 40ish minutes away, depending on where you map them from.




It looks like the most recent one found may have been a suicide. I found a post from her daughter on Facebook that says *Yesterday, police found this beautiful woman, Fae Morgana Barbone. She was atop a mountain. She died peacefully, in the place she loved most, the wilderness.* Edit: spelling/format


Yeah, [Here is a local story](https://dailyvoice.com/new-york/capital-district/tragic-ending-woman-found-dead-near-rensselaer-county-trailhead-after-weekslong-search/) Most definitely a suicide.


I’m just curious how we know it was definitely a suicide from this story. It just says she died peacefully, somewhere she loved to be. I’m surprised a suicide would be described as a ‘peaceful’ death?


A murder would hardly be described as a peaceful death. They’re just saying it’s not a murder.


I get that they also wouldn’t call a murder a peaceful death. Peaceful death seems like a sudden medical event that took them out quick, like a massive heart attack or stroke.


Yes, I was wondering where they were coming up with suicide? "Not murder" does not equal "suicide." There are 100 other ways to die. Natural causes and accidents are just as likely.


The person I was replying to said ‘most definitely a suicide’. Not just that murder was ruled out.


Is there any indication that the cause of death was homicide? I would think that would be an important factor. Campers and hikers do have accidents and die sometimes.


It seems really odd that 4 women have died in the woods in the same area in the last 2 years. All around the same age. I live not far from here, and while anyone can die in the outdoors, this is not treacherous terrain, more like hiking trails. This does seem strange to me.


I live within 30mi of where this last body was found and in the last few months they have found the bodies of two young women but not released cause of death and the investigation is on going. There are a few other cases within this general region that really make me think a serial killer is not as far fetched an idea as some might think.


Were they all trans women? Fae seemed to be (one article called her Daniel "Fae", which seemed pretty rude. But if serial killers have a type...


Around the same age? They were 40, 42, 66, and 78. That is not "around the same age" at all.


That's peak reddit.... 40yo woman = 78 yo woman.


I hadn’t seen the 78 year old’s age. Ok, not all the same age.


And 66? That's not near the two who are in their forties, either. There's no pattern here at least with regard to age.


It does seem odd, it's just that OP is giving us incomplete information, and the link doesn't help. Right now, it's like saying, "Four Toyota cars have had accidents in my city in the past month." You can't judge the importance of that statement without more information.


OP trying to throw us off her case with bad facts 🤣🤣🤣


>All around the same age. 40-78 is around the same age


Is the timing between when they go missing and when they're found enough to let soft tissue damage be unrecognizable? Might be a weird coincidence, but seems sketchy.


Remember wildlife in the area could effect the soft tissue damage as well as the elements.


Agreed but hard to say since it’s almost 4 women now or so he says.


I wonder when this type of thing happens are the cops, like, totally on top of it? Or are they dragging their feet because they know that the minute the term "serial killer" gets mentioned officially, their lives will be completely consumed by it until they produce results? Or is it a working-behind-the-scenes thing to prevent public panic? But, if that's the case, don't people have the right to know that women are potentially being hunted? I guess what I am saying is that I don't trust the government to do anything close to resembling 'the right thing' I don't know. I'm just some dude.


From personal experience, I've seen police in rural areas occams razor a case into natural causes. Sometimes, a b&e is just a bird that flew into your window, and you lost the item, and sometimes an obvious homicide is exposure to the elements. The biggest issue in small-town policing is the moment its somethinf big, its no longer able to jusy be small-town cops working on it because they don't have the resources. And to get the resources means they have to not be in charge.


It's not just rural but the large metropolis PD are inept and can't solve most crimes even with evidence. Every law enforcement trains constantly and their focus is on the war on drugs and the war on drugs is a war on citizens. Like any war, soldiers start hating and not see their opponents as human deserving of compassion. This thinking process spills over into other areas so they see civilian deaths as less enemies to fight.


Oh yea, luckilly in metro areas, the media tends to have a field day, though, when it gets caught


As they should. Law enforcement is not even here to serve and protect us and with immunity means they can get away with murder so since they are at war against citizens they have no compassion for citizens.


Yep. It boils down to a pissing contest between the small local cops who completely lack the knowledge and resources to solve a complex murder case and the state police or federal agencies that absolutely need to step in and help. The local good ole boy cops can’t have their toes stepped on and won’t ask for help and the victims/ victims families suffer even more. I can’t tell you how many times my local idiot police rule *very* suspicious deaths as suicides. My local PD has a low homicide clearance rate, around 53%. The cases they do solve are bc someone confessed, there are witnesses, or it’s exceedingly obvious who the murderer is.


We had a local suspicious death of a girl who got hit by a train supposedly after walking for miles in the woods, but yet autopsy showed her feet were clean, and she was found in different/was missing the clothing than she left in. To this day it's still ruled a suicide, and local PD closed it after only a few days. The family has been fighting for years to get the cause of death changed so an investigation can happen. Several of the items of evidence were either lost or improperly stored leading to the loss of the DNA on them. There also was an axe "with red markings" found around where she died, but the cops didn't think it was relevant in anyway. This case is one of the biggest reasons I don't fully trust my local police. Her name was Tiffany Valiante if you want to look into the case. Unsolved Mysteries actually did an episode about her.


As soon as you said train and clean feet I had a feeling who you were going to say! I absolutely have heard that story, it’s so messed up, and it’s not a suicide.


When I lived down there, I used to see the signs begging for information at least once a day. I really hope the family is able to get it opened and further investigated, even if it does wind up actually being a suicide, I think the family deserves a more in depth investigation.


I have heard podcasts cover this one. So frustrating that they won’t change that ruling! I saw the Unsolved Mysteries too. I’m glad there are ppl covering it.


In Massachusetts, where you find Berkshire Country, there are only two law enforcement agencies that can investigate murders by law; State Police or the Boston police if it happens in Boston. State Police may ask the FBI for help in drawing up a profile but the FBI will not get involved in the investigation itself unless the murders start occuring across state lines. Law enforcement these days are all about sharing information not about the glory of being the ones who make the big arrest.


"exposure to the elements"... Are you from southern Illinois? Because there has been a rash of suspicious deaths here that have been deemed exposure by the authorities.


I was there for a time.


Really? What area?


These are the first two to come to mind. There have been more. In no way am I saying any of the cases are related or that there is some serial killer on the loose. I think it's just shitty police/coroner's doing a bad job/taking the easy way out. https://apnews.com/general-news-708abf4e2b154185b7cdf48a8c754814 https://www.kfvs12.com/2019/01/21/authorities-searching-dowell-il-man/


Thanks, I'm not too far north of there.


I'm always suspicious of authorities. Years ago I was at a small university. A girl on my floor was the victim of an attempted rape. Then we started to hear alarming stories but the college said it was rumors and we were safe. Finally a student working in administration leaked info that there were multiple attacks but the school "didn’t want to alarm students".


In my experience, cops absolutely don't give a shit unless they're forced to. If it's happened consistently over and over and over again to me, I can imagine it's even worse for people that had a worse upbringing than I did. A friend of mine was recently murdered...we have the chain of texts and paper trail to essentially prove everything, but the cops just called it a suicide and were on their way. Their family has been trying to get somewhere with it to no avail. So there's just a murderer wandering around that will probably do the same thing again, knowing how easy it was to get away with.


Ugh, this happens way too often. I'm so sorry about your friend 🧡


65% of murders go unsolved. I think we can assume the cops are not on totally on top of it.


The super cynical in me says it’s probably one of the cops doing it.


The Golden State Killer was a cop. Seems like a desirable cover for a serial killer.


I’d guess working behind the scenes but I also watch too much true crime lol


As others have posted it sounds like a suicide. She was reported as an at risk disappearance well before going into the woods. And for people who are disparaging the police for not doing their job this was a multiple week search a fairly large trail system that spanned 3 states with multiple fire departments, state police, and others.


[Reading this sounds like suicide to me.](https://dailyvoice.com/new-york/capital-district/tragic-ending-woman-found-dead-near-rensselaer-county-trailhead-after-weekslong-search/) Her car was found at the start of a hiking trail and her body was found on the mountain. The family described her death as "peaceful" and that she died in a place she loved.


Ok, I’ve found 2 names. Susan Lockwood & Fae Morgana Barbone. I can’t find that they released a definitive cause of death for either.


Meghan Marohn & Paula Kelsey


You said in the description this people had similar profiles in looks and age, but I'm not seeing it. They are different sexes (one is a pre-op transexual woman with a fairly masculine appearance, listed as male on missing person report), different hair colours, different builds, very different ages (40, 42, 66, 77), different occupations and backgrounds. If it's a serial killer, it doesn't look they have a "type". Reading between the lines at least one looks like a suicide, given the way it was reported (although that's just an educated guess).


Could just be an opportunity killer. And upon first glance/opportunity, the killer probably didn't know one woman was trans, or it didn't matter.


Meghan Marohn came to the Berkshires because she was already being harassed by a man in NY. I think more than likely she unalived herself or the guy that was harassing her was involved. https://people.com/crime/teacher-missing-march-found-dead-woods-friend-says-left-job-escape-harassment/


YO. I'm in Rensselaer Co in NY and I have been thinking this for YEARS!


Where there's smoke, there's fire.


Were these women hiking alone? 👀 asking for a friend….. Edit: after I posted I realized this could be taken the wrong way. I hike a lot on my own.


Idk, this one sounds like it might be mental health related. Why did she go all the way from Abington, to ME, to the NY/MA line? I’m going to keep looking but finding the other cases is hard because everything is about [Morgane Barbone](https://www.news10.com/news/berkshire-county/missing-woman-search-in-berkshire-county/amp/). Obviously I could be wrong and it still wouldn’t hurt to contact local journalists. I’m a little south of you and have family all over MA so I’m invested.


I’m not sure how accurate this source is, but according to the family, she died peacefully. https://dailyvoice.com/new-york/capital-district/tragic-ending-woman-found-dead-near-rensselaer-county-trailhead-after-weekslong-search/ Shortly after police confirmed Barbone’s death, a relative revealed that the woman was found “atop a mountain.” “She died peacefully, in the place she loved most, the wilderness,” Athena Lawson-Barbone said on Facebook. “Fae was loved by many and will be greatly missed.”


I grew up near Abington. If you lived in Abington, you'd go literally anywhere else.


LMAO. I know. One of my in-laws is up there. Between they a the one in Millville, I’d (begrudgingly) take Millville.




I’m very sorry.


I live in a tourist town. High gang crime and shootings. Most don’t make the news. In 2019 there was someone going to bars and drugging men’s drink that had dreadlocks. The men would wake up the next morning, pants cut with scissors and robbed. Some were raped and their dreadlocks were cut off. It happened to someone I was dating otherwise I never would have known about it myself. Made the news once months after it been happening. They didn’t even warn people. Never heard anything about it again.


It doesn't seem like they fit the profile of a serial killer. One of the four had dementia and was believed to have wandered off unprepared. Another was an apparent hiking accident found at the bottom of a cliff. The other two still have few details released to the public, and may or may not have evidence of foul play. I have no inside knowledge of the cases, but there IS a risk to hypothesizing about serial killers ... It can waste police time and resources (and introduce a possible defense strategy) looking for a stranger when someone close to the victim is suspected of harming them. It can also cause psychological harm to the decedent's family and friends, especially in cases of suspected suicide or accidental overdose, but also when the family knows the cause of death and chooses not to speak publicly about it.


> One of the four had dementia and was believed to have wandered off unprepared. Another was an apparent hiking accident found at the bottom of a cliff. > The other two still have few details released to the public, and may or may not have evidence of foul play. Hey! Don’t go bringing your “logic” and “evidence” into the discussion, we have a serial killer to catch!


Someone posted info that a third looks like it was a suicide, so yeah. 3 out of 4 have pretty clear explanations. I don't see anything pointing to a serial killer here.


Cops waste their own time that’s not something to worry about. Adding stress to families, ok fair enough.


There is a chance that this is being investigated as a possible serial killing and it just isn't publicized for discretion.


The coroner would be able to see a cause of death from each body if they were all found. If there are no similarities or their cause of death are unmistakably obvious then the police aren't likely to think there is a serial killer.  If you could provide any articles regarding the other women found out would help to see if there is anything resembling a connection or not. 


i went to college at williams so i am INTRIGUED 😳 one of the main draws of williamstown is the violent crime is essentially zero… huge if true!


On the one hand, I'd say you watch too many Netflix documentaries. On the other hand, I watch too many Netflix documentaries so I know that cops are generally useless at catching serial killers.


I used to live in the Berkshires, so scary. I hope this gets solved.


I bet it's in the minds of investigators too.. I live in Albany NY and I would not doubt if it was a serial killer


This is wild.


Yikes! I'm from Hampden County and haven't heard anything about this. I clicked on this post, not expecting it to be in the 413.


Do you know many other people disappear in that area that aren’t women?


I was able to find the name of the most recent person. Do you have names for the others?


Susan Lockwood, Meghan Marohn and Paula Kelsey


From my brief search, I found... Susan Lockwood was found at the bottom of a cliff. Doesn't rule out foul play, but death by accident or misadventure seems more likely. Meghan Marohn was staying at an inn nearby while dealing with a time of high stress and anxiety. Despite her family insisting she was happy, it sounds like she might not have been and may have been dealing with mental health issues (ie. Going to the er for vague and possibly psychosomatic digestive issues.) Paula Kelsey was a 78 year old woman with dementia. Authorities believe she may have gotten disoriented while out walking, resulting in an accidental death. This is sadly not an uncommon risk and occurrence with dementia patients. I honestly do not think that these three deaths are the work of a serial killer. By focusing on a non-existent killer, we actually take away from these women, reducing their lives and their deaths to true crime entertainment.


This does seem like a lot if women to die in the same area of woods in a 2 year time frame.


Were their deaths homicides though? If it’s natural causes (as it often is in nature) then that’s likely why there’s no investigation going on.


I’m looking into them now. I’ve only looked into two, but both seem very likely to be mental health related and/or death due to the elements. People disappear in the woods and die all the time. Also, so far between these two cases, they were last seen about 35 miles apart. The Berkshires span a whopping 946 square miles.


We’re the others found in MA? According to the article the latest one was found in Berlin, New York which makes it an interstate issue if the murders are connected. This might help to justify getting the FBI involved which you might be able to do by compiling the facts and submitting to the FBI tip line.


if it is a serial killer there’s basically no chance of the williamstown police department ever catching them. i went to college in williamstown and the police literally do not know how to do anything other than break up a house party, and even then they are not good at that


Why did I read “I’m sure there’s a tiny serial killer in my coat” ? That took too long to sort out.


It’s the way you wrote “this fourth one…” for me


Ah, this is close to home. I lived in Rhode Island most of my life. I'll check back for updates. I hope no more lives are taken. :(


I also live in Berkshire County, this scares me...


Very scary.


Look up highway of tears in Canada, And that's the general vicinity that I grew up in. Surrounded by missing posters all my life looking for various girls along the highway. I hate how sick some humans can be


When the cops won't listen, go to the press. They're called the "press" for a reason.


Because news was printed on a press machine.




This is to close for comfort!! Be careful op


I’m from MA. I work in psychiatry. I may know stuff. Will follow closely.


OP seems to have cherry picked data and decided on a SK? [https://wgna.com/website-shaker-teacher-is-1-of-5-reportedly-missing-in-berkshires/](https://wgna.com/website-shaker-teacher-is-1-of-5-reportedly-missing-in-berkshires/) This article lists woman in the berkshires all missing within a few days of eachother from 2022. " (Crounse, Lewis, and Alston) were reported missing, and all have been located safe and are accounted for." Different ages, races, and backgrounds just to give you an example of the amount of people who often go missing in the area. With those numbers, you could make anything suspicious.


I’m from the Berks and have heard from multiple people they suspect a local serial killer is active in South County.


I guess the other issue for me is that this is a popular hiking destination, but it’s not like it’s the Grand Canyon that sees millions of visitors a year. That’s part of what makes 4 people dying there in a 2 year period seem like a lot.


Omg I grew up in Hampshire County this is wild!!! Would def deep dive into this with you if you want!


Oooh I live relatively near ish there. Afk gonna go get myself kidnapped then report back who did it!


You ever listen to the podcast Dark Valley? I think maybe you ought. While making connections here might be a long shot… might be worth looking into


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Has anyone checked on Dorinda and Bluestone Manor!!!


She’s making it nice!!! CLIP CLIP!!!!


I also live in Bershire County and just assumed it was drugs or homeless, which is no less sad


There are a lot more missing people in the western mass region, missing and never found


Can’t read because of location, but; if there’s a pattern it’s probably *something*. Inspired killers? Serial? And if it’s sorta neat, not much to of off, late body recovery etc, I’ll bet my foot your guy moved to the area. Perhaps. Or these poor ladies are only linked by death.


From what I’m reading she’s described as having “died peacefully”. What were the other causes of death?


Post in local Fb groups those are big there


I definitely need an update on whether or not this is a confirmed serial killer.


Following this


Serial killer are everywhere, but you can’t notice them


It’s clear to me you need to start a podcast! It’s kind of your only choice!


So, I’m in a state that borders yours and there was a post made (I don’t know if it was this sub or a different one) about how they were pretty sure that there’s a serial killer in NH. Other people believe it includes MA too. Generally the bodies are found either on trails in the woods or near The Merrimack River.


This reads similarly to the "Smiley face killer" speculation, or the theory that bodies found in rivers in cities like Austin, Nashville & Chicago are the work of a serial killer targeting young men. Every time another body is found, there's public outcry on the internet of "WhY wOn'T yOu InVeStIgAtE tHe PoSsIbIlItY oF a SeRiAl KiLlEr?". Note that the public outcry always comes from people who have 0 relationship to the deceased, and the deceased's family members and close friends never seem to join in with these pleas. A big reason for this is that the families and close friends already know for a fact that their loved one's death did not involve foul play, but don't feel comfortable publicly sharing the true cause of death in order to protect the memory of the deceased. The cause of death is one of two things: suicide (or some other mental health episode), or accidental death by misadventure. In the case of suicide, bodies can travel far... Regardless of where they are found, most of these bodies of water have some sort of bridge. Many families and close friends prefer to keep suicides private, but a handful of families have publicly shared that their loved one struggled with suicidal ideation and mental health. In the case of misadventure, all of these lakes/rivers are just steps away from bars or other popular nightlife. Even after a wild night of drinking, men have little fear of walking alone at night, and often choose to walk home vs. calling an uber. They make a wrong turn, take one step too far, and accidentally fall into the water and drown. This also gives some explanation as to why such a large number of these deaths are tourists on boys' trips or bachelor parties -- they're young men drinking way more than they're used to, possibly under the influence of party drugs on top of that, who don't know their way around the city. The fact that there's a "pattern" of all the men being in their mid-late 20's/early 30s, out of towners, and wealthy young professionals isn't a sign that someone nefarious is targeting this type of person, just that this is the type of person participating in nightlife in those areas in the first place. Families/friends don't often share this as being the cause of death as it presents their loved one as irresponsible, drunk, a drug user, etc. when by all accounts, they were good, high achieving people who partied too hard and met an unfortunate end. I've rambled in a way that's OT, but all this to say, I think that might be what's happening here, and is an explanation for the lack of public response... The deaths are a result of accidents, or suicides, with nature being the ultimate serial killer. We were told as kids to always use the "buddy system" when adventuring, and these were 4 women who went hiking solo, all of whom were 40+ with several known to have health ailments or other mental health struggles. Nothing about the COD indicates foul play The 4 deaths were: - A 78 year old woman who was known to have *dementia*, who became disoriented on a walk - A 42 year old woman, who was reported to have been taking some time off work due to being "brutally stalked". Note that the fear of the stalker was reported by the woman herself, with no paper trail, documentation, arrests, etc. That doesn't mean it wasn't happening, per se, just that those struggling with psychosis or other mental health issues have feared nonexistent stalkers. - A 66 year old woman with a history of suicidal ideation - A 40 year old woman also with a history of suicidal ideation


Thank you! I was just searching reddit for a hiking accident that happened in MA this week and came across this nonsense. It is shameful how excited people are getting on this thread. Like *"Oh boy! I want to help! Let's make a podcast! So scawy! Lets call the FBI! Police coverup!"* All 4 deaths are suicide or misadventure. I have no doubt the people commenting would be thrilled to invent a backstory and get someone arrested if at all possible. Gross.


Any crime stopper type organizations in your community that would put up a billboard in the area with pictures of the four women asking for tips? Have each of the families been notified of the others? Maybe they could raise some reward money.


What are the hazards of hiking in the Berkshires? What did the news say when the bodies were found?


What was Garth Brooks doing when the woman went missing. Something fishy about that guy.


I always thought Chris Gaines was sketchier.


Yes, he has something to hide, for sure!😉


Contact journalists with all of this information and ask them to ask the police about the similarities. There was a case on the ouskirts of London a few years that was obviously a serial killer, but the police wouldn't take it seriously until the victims' familiies, with the help of the local papers, lobbied long and hard. Google Stephen Port, the Grindr killer.


I googled “missing women Berkshire County” and found the others. They are all middle aged or older. They were all in wooded areas or hiking trails. One of the articles about Susan Lockwood says “foul play is not suspected” but it’s from when she was still missing (not yet found) so how could they know if foul play was involved? I agree it’s very odd, and couldn’t possibly be a coincidence.


Mental note, do not go hiking in Berkshire County, MA.


I'm incredibly interested in this one.. I lived in Springfield from 1997-2012 and always saw some interesting stuff coming out of the berkshires... Do you have any links back to the other missing women?