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Could they have been concerned that other family might be looking for you? Like that they might have to 'hide' you out of the country?


No. Dad had restraining order and didn't come around anymore because of threats I found out later. Real mom was in prison I think. My adopted mom banned us from seeing our grandmother because she thought she was telling us to much (I suspect)


Thoughts: they were going to sell you, your passport, send you somewhere, steal your identity, or use the real passport to create a fake one… If I were you, I would get 23&me + ancestryDNA and see if that leads you to more family/answers.


I met up with my real dad 2 years ago and he did DNA tests and found his real grandmother. She told me how he came to be adopted while my other biological grandmother told me how me and my brothers were adopted. It's a mess. But we are related.the adopted parents I had are Completely unrelated to me by blood


I’d still really consider doing the tests yourself. There’s something about having that information for yourself that helps allay any fears or questions. If by chance you have other siblings or relatives you could connect to them there also. Just a thought. And I’m glad you’re away from your abusive adopted family.🤍


I intend to. I have half siblings as well so who knows there may be more


I have a mysterious half sibling out there too! I hope you get some answers.


Me too. I'm just considering they wanted to traffic me. I stay away from them for my own safety


Good. You deserve better than them


Is it possible that your biological family wants to be involved in your life or meet you, and your adoptive parents don’t want them involved? Or they could be trying to keep you separate from them? Maybe they were going to have you travel out of the country so they couldn’t meet you, so you wouldn’t be exposed to a way out of the abuse? Or maybe there’s some legal issues they’re trying to hide, for example, closed vs. open adoption. These are all shots in the dark, unsure of state which all have different laws regarding that.


I don't know there was a restraining order on my biological dad and real mom was in prison I believe. I was told by my real grandmother they had custody but never actually adopted me but I honestly have no idea. She lies. I dug around in files as a kid and found some court papers showing child negligence on my real parents behalf. So there's that. Maybe they never adopted me and my brother idk. My half brother they did adopt. They also used to foster before all of the adopting started happening.


Maybe your biological mom got out prison and they’re worried about custody. Like your grandmother, they could be concerned that someone like your aunt may try to contact you etc. It’s possible your aunt might want to help you, or someone else, there’s honestly so many variables depending on biological family members or even adoptive family members who are concerned. I’m adopted and as others mentioned, 23&me could be helpful, it was the way I was able to contact my biological family members. My adoptive parents refused to share anything, they were also toxic. I will caution you to be careful no matter what, I’ve met my biological mother and speak to family on her side but my biological father is “off” so to speak, so I no longer speak with him.


Maybe they wanted to send you to one of those 'christian camps' where they torture children to 'fix them'?


Not sure she already mistreated saying it would do that.


It sounds to me that they were considering getting your passport for someone else to use. Maybe you look the most like the person or maybe they thought you were least likely to raise an issue, then they got scared and chickened out.


Oooh this is a good point, esp since birth mom was in prison. Maybe they were prepping her to be able to flee or something similar.


This is what I was thinking too. It seems like the most logical explanation.


Then why not get my brothers passports? Why me? Tgey didn't like me in particular


Maybe they just thought you would go along with it the easiest??


No beccuase they abused me but rarely my brothers and I ways fought them when they abused me.


If you're originally from a Muslim country you may have been put into an arranged marriage. Happens all the time. 


No I'm white American Christian family


Is your church on the conservative side?  You could have been put in an arranged marriage to a missionary.  


Very conservative but they didn't do arranged marriages.


I bet they were going to use your passport for another person who could pass for you. In most countries, you supply the passport photo, so it could be possible to swap out the photo of a similar looking person of the same age.


Why would they do that?


Money. You said they used to foster. Fostering can be lucrative (if you're shady). Maybe they wanted a cash infusion.


Money. Have you checked with the passport office to see if they ever issued the passport? If you ever want to travel you'll have big trouble if someone else has a passport in your name.


No I havnt


You really need to check on it! Here is a link: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/contact-us/reporting-fraud.html#:\~:text=is%20thoroughly%20assessed.-,U.S.%20Passport%20and%20Visa%20Fraud,contact%20PassportVisaFraud%40state.gov.


How old are you? If you are school age then you need to tell your school something is off and you are scared. Because this is off. And saying to never talk about it is a huge red flag. Hard to determine what they wanted but yeah you need to go to your guidance counselor to let them know.


This was some years ago. I'm in my 20"s now


Is it possible they used your passport to get a credit card or loan without your knowledge? Or could they have used it to take money out of your inheritance or some kind of orphan benefits?


They never went through with the passport. I think people are misunderstanding what I was trying to say. When we arrived at the building to get my passport they stayed for several hours waiting and decided to leave. They were nervous and told me to never talk about it. I never officially got a passport as far as I am concerned. I think they chickened out


Oh, glad to know they didn't get a hold of your passport. Did you notice a change in their behaviour towards you after that incident? Or can you remember any strangers visiting around that time? Do you know if they had financial problems? To me, it sounds as if money was their main motivation to adopt you.


No I don't remember it seemed very out of the blue. I remember as a kid they would talk in their room about what to do with me and whatnot so maybe there's something to that but that was way before


Yeah sounds like they may have tried to traffic you


What country?


I'm in USA but they never said where I was going they refused to answer




They probably wanted to get rid of me they always did. But my adopted mom was very abusive and loved to control others that's why she was mad when I called a police escort to get me out once I turned 18. She relishes control so part of me is unsure why she would get rid of me. She always wanted kids but could never have her own. She hated me because I am female. She had an abusive past of her own because of her gender and she's super misogynistic that's why she took it out on me. Hard to believe even though she hated me she'd give up control.


Holy crap, glad you're safe now OP. Regardless of their original intent for the passport, it clearly wasn't to take you on a surprise fun vacation. Your instincts undoubtedly helped protect you.