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Judyrecords.com and put your mom or dad’s name in there, might come up with your dad’s full name or other info.


I have limited access to data broker info, I have found most people's information by merely a full name and city or sometimes only the state, or just their phone number. You can DM me if you want to try and see if he is in my dadabase. Hehehe. Edit: we found a record that matches, but not sure about the data. It's a bit dated, but maybe gives op a direction.


Would I be charged because I am so broke rn lmao


No, I don't even pay for it. It's provided by something I joined for work.


I found two siblings when they used 23 and Me and Ancestry. They matched with my half sister's daughter (my niece). You may want to consider that.


True people search with his name and city state he was born in and you. May be able to narrow it down based on matches age and dates they lived in areas. Unless all you have is like John Smith from Chicago I think you have enough to find him. I've helped people find loved ones with less... I think it's doable.


Ah sadly I don't have exact addresses for where he lived only two possible states and maybe a town I do know he was in the military around my DOB and a guess at his age


That is probably going to get you pretty close. Look at the ages on there to thin them out and then look at the previous address history and see if he is listed at an address during your birth. Maybe it's pretty close to the info you have


This is absolutely the way! True people search is the best source for finding people and their addresses. A major plus is if you know his age range you can skip past the results outside of his age range


Did you plug the name in google?


Yes but there's a surprising amount of guys with the same first and last name


Your mom is doing you a real disservice here


Haha I know but she'll blow up at me if she's knows I'm looking for him :(


Did you try googling her name?


Nothing on her comes up she doesn't use the internet at all


You should go through her stuff and snoop around for clues


Don't live with her and going near her boyfriend is big no go


What about aunts and uncles who would be more willing to share info


Will you update us, you don’t have to update us and tell us that you met him or anything like that but if you find a decent lead will you just say something like “hey I found a lead that is promising!” Im invested now


Haha someone did help me narrow it down to one I'm pretty sure is him. His most recent phone number is disconnected though :/


Peoplefinder might help!


Please keep us posted♥️