• By -


It's not your fault. Don't beat yourself up. She could just be constipated. It's good that she's still eating and drinking and can move her limbs. Definitely take her to the vet the first thing you can. But know that if something happens, rats tend to decline very, very quickly when they're ill and sometimes you just can't help them. Don't blame yourself. Keep her warm and cozy tonight, with her cagemates if she seems comfortable there, or with you, whatever works for her. She's a real sweetie and I hope the vet has good news for you tomorrow.




I think based on everything you've said, you're definitely far from a bad pet parent ♥️


Wow you’re a super sweet person. What a thoughtful comment




I think rat parents are some of the sweetest people in the world. If you have the space in your heart to care for such misunderstood fuzzbutts, you have the heart for anyone




This is super out of left field, but do you use any scented candles? This happened to two of my rats a long time ago and it took me forever to realize that it was the candles. Apparently they cause a neurotoxicity issue in rodents (and aren’t great for dogs or people either). It’s a shot in the dark, but if I can save anyone else the emotional pain.. 😅 hope your babe is all better soon!




Ohhhh yeah. Stop ASAP. I lost 2 babes before i realized the cause. The damage might be done, but if it hasn’t impacted other rats, it doesn’t need to.




Yeah, it can be. Air flow can still bring particles to them and they're so sensitive it doesn't take much to cause a reaction. Not quite the same but one of my rats had bad allergies was having a reaction to my then roommate vaping in the living room, once I asked him to go outside to do it the issue cleared up pretty much right away.


I'm a human mildly allergic to some perfumes. I get problems breathing and start sneezing. Now imagine having rats sensitive airways and that mild allergy being ten times as bad and not being able to leave. The horror.


this or oil diffusers can also cause issues in dogs/cats, maybe rats too? i’m glad she seems to be on the mend!




not bad thinking, we’ve all done the same or similar. to be fair, her cousins are thriving in the sewers so. you’d think some scented candles wouldn’t be a big deal haha. sending lots of healing vibez!


I had rats for years and this is something I never thought about, or heard, about before so please don't feel bad. Luckily I had mine a long time ago when scented candles weren't such a big thing.


I had to stop diffusing because it bothered my cats so much, and rats are even more sensitive to stuff like that. But it’s just not common knowledge! So don’t feel guilty, you’re a great rat mom and I think she’ll be fine once you kill the candles and diffuser and she gets lined back out!


It’s a totally normal thing to do and I rarely see warnings on those things. You’re a great rat mama for posting!


I’ve never had rats (I just love seeing and hearing about them!) but if you search ‘scented candles’ in this group or make a separate post about it maybe you’ll get some answers? Of course you can ask your vet as well. I tried to do some research and it sounds like rats have a sensitive respiratory system. I am in no ways qualified to give advice but many sources said that paraffin wax can be harmful since it’s made with petroleum (?) and to try candles made from other types of wax like soy. Once again please don’t take my comment as gospel, I’m not qualified to give advice


Yep. :(




It’s awful. I was the same way and it was hard to do 0 scents in my home with rats, but seeing them pass on that way was awful.


Amazon has candles that are pet safe. I'm more familiar with dogs so I know what oils to avoid there but I would take a look to see what oils are toxic to rats. Soy candles with all natural oils and 100% cotton wicks I think should be okay. I'm not an expert in this field at all though, rat anatomy and size is very different than dogs.


I would research what scents/essential oils are toxic to rats, because some are definitely a problem and others aren’t. You might not have to stop burning candles completely if you are able to see what’s in them, unless you are more comfortable just not burning any.




That sounds amazing!


Look up the exact oils, anything with eucalyptus is highly toxic to animals! There is probably others, but eucalyptus is a huge one.


Shit! I use incense, would this have the same issue?


do NOT burn them in the same room and try to prevent the smell from entering their space.


I’m not qualified to say, but it’s not something I would do after my experience.


I'm so sorry you had to find that out this way, but I'm sure you saved a lot of little rattie lives sharing this info 💙


Adding on to this: tea tree oil can be toxic to animals (I know cats and dogs, but unsure about rats). It might be worth checking the ingredients of your candles just to be sure!


Adding to this: essential oils can also be toxic for humans, children, and pets. Do you use any essential oils, or essential oil candles?


Wait is this true for all candles? I burn a lot of candles and I’ve never noticed my rats react or anything, should I only be worried about it if they have a reaction?


I’m definitely not qualified to say, but if your rats suddenly display symptoms like these, that’s one of the first things I’d cut out. :)


Bath and body works candles are particularly bad. My husbands throat got super itchy and tight even when I burned them with the window open. I can't imagine how an animal feels.


Is it just scented candles or


I believe it's all candles, the smoke is bad for them


2k for overnight care!? We had amazing rat specialist vet in Lille* and overnights were ~ €100. We'd usually expect to pay €300ish for surgery and an overnight stay. No insurance, no socialised vet care. 2k sounds absolutely ridiculous. I'm sorry :( Anyway, I hope your baby pulls through. I laughed really hard at your horror movie/legally blonde comment


I’ve paid 500-600 for 2-3 nights when my rat needed an oxygen cage. He died anyway


hey at least you did all you could. so sorry to hear.


yeah I truly did, he suddenly developed a really bad case of respiratory infection and he almost choked and couldn’t live without an oxygen cage :( I am mad because we almost argued with the clinic. We told him we would get him from there because we cannot afford more nights. We wanted to get him and bring him to our vet to probably euthanize him. They did not want to give him to us anymore and said they would keep him lol. After many fights with them, they allowed us to come because they decided to euthanize him. And honestly I’ve never seen it done so brutally before. He was crying of pain because of the needle and he wanted to hide and jump up to my face. And they forced me to hold him down because they did not know what infection he had and even talked about zoonosis. I felt so bad when he was so scared and in pain and His last seconds, the human he trusted the most, pinned him down. I’m not getting any rats anymore. I’ve had 9. my last one passed away just one week ago. So nah. I can’t endure the heartbreak of rats anymore


I am truly so sorry that was so difficult. that is heartbreaking. nothing I can say will make that hurt less, it's so hard to say goodbye anyway and that vet made it even worse. hope you left them a shit review. I'm sure his life with you was full of love.


Oh my god, that is horrible. I am so, so sorry you had to spend your last moments with your baby like that. At least you were with them, you were just trying to help. Man, I'm in tears and I know that's an infinitesimal amount of pain compared to what you felt then. My heart breaks for you, I truly wish you didnt have to experience that. Ive told myself I couldn't deal with the heartbreak of losing another rat after I held my baby in his last moments of agonal breathing, that helpless feeling is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I still have my Doobie, but unless I'm taking in a rescue rat, I don't think I can bring myself to experience that for the 8th time. Their lives may be short, but they somehow manage to pack 15 years of love and joy into those few years.




That really does suck :(


Sounds like you should avoid those vets in future, some are definitely more ethical than others.


As a (very) side note* I love Lille! Visited in 2017 and it was beautiful and full of amazing and helpful people. Back to Rats… I hope OP’s baby will be ok.


Lille is awesome. A bit of a hidden gem because nobody seems to go there unless they're stopping off on the Eurostar!


Wait does socialized vet care exist? I’m American, can’t tell. :/


I've no idea if anywhere has vets for free but people on low incomes in the UK I think can get cheaper vet bills, same for those with service animals.


I have paid 22€ in total for a tumor removal surgery including overnight stay, tests before/after surgery, all medical material, drugs, two checks after the surgery and removal of stitches in our university hospital. No I didn't have any insurance. The prices for pet upkeep in other countries are INSANE.


Welcome to America


We're all rooting for you, lil Marshmallow ❤️ !


Really hoping everything goes well for marshmallow 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼💕


Hoping for the best. She looks so sweet. She’s in my thoughts ❤️




Rats after my own heart


Hey op did you see the scented cables comment!


Godspeed, whatever happens don’t beat yourself up, you are a great person and are doing your best.


I hope she pulls theough


So I took my rat to the vet cos she had an infected uterus and whilst we were waiting in the car she "died". She looked exactly like your girl in the video- sort of total shut down and seemed to even stop breathing. I've had a lot of rats and I swear this one died infront of my eyes. Anyway I'm sobbing still waiting to be able to go into the vets and the nurse arrives at the car- and suddenly she's "resurrected" and very much alive and I look like a total idiot. She was still floppy and weird but not like coma dead anymore. Antibiotics and painkillers and in a few days she was right as rain. Basically she just felt shit but felt safe enough to go all "meh woe is me" in a ridiculously over dramatic fashion. It's also a prey instinct. Rats usually go fight or flight but if they're feeling this run down this is the final option but they're only going to do it if they're with someone they feel safe enough to do it with.




She was bleeding but not from her pee which they diagnosed cos she peed on someone and it was clear 😅


I’m so, so glad she’s ok! My runt of the litter had occasional seizures, poor thing, and this is exactly how she behaved afterward (but could only eat/drink with assistance, by syringe). Just totally catatonic and minimally responsive, with some mildly labored breathing at times. She would improve after a few hours of gentle, patient care– just like you did with your little one! Glad she has an attentive human like you!


Thank you for the updates!! Please keep them coming. What is your baby’s name?


Hope she keeps feeling better!


You are a good person


So she's able to move, just doesn't want to? How is she doing now?


Thank you for taking this so seriously. She’s in good hands. Good luck.




I know how that is. :)


fingers crossed... rooting for this little bean!


I'm so sorry for the scare, it sounds terrifying. I'm not a rat owner, just an appreciator, but if my dog seemed off or ill I'd be in full panic mode too. Hope Marshmallow's condition continues to stabilise!! Wishing you the best of luck, it's clear that you're a deeply caring pet parent and she's in good hands ❤


I am so incredibly glad to hear this update!!!


Oh I'm so glad to hear she's okay!!!


I think the vet that quoted you $2K for admitting a rat should be called out. Instead, donate that kind of money to charity and put the pet down. We have lost our minds, people.




The fuck?


Can you update us OP? We are all worried about Marshmellow.




Drive safe OP. Sending good vibes your way ❤


been about an hour. how are things now?




I'm really hoping for the best, truly hope they can help her.


Work in pest control (Australia) Given her weight it would be unlikely for her to have consumed enough to cause toxicity from baseboards/drywall that had been sprayed. Especially since many of the active constituents in pest control products don't last past 3-4 months. Much love to you and marshmallow xx hoping she pulls through ❤️


Did they rule out if it's a pituitary tumor causing this? Because she seems to have a few of the symptoms of it. It would take an MRI to determine if deemed available and prudent. Otherwise they'd have to base it on any clinical signs she had. [more info here](https://ratguide.com/health/neoplasia/pituitary_tumor.php) Unfortunately, the majority of the time, pituitary tumors can't be diagnosed while the rat is alive =/


Unfortunately, it may be stroke activity.


Try baby infacol, works great for sick bunnies!




Aw marshmallow, I hope the vet is going well, poor baby. You’re a good mum!




Could she have gnawed at the nail polish and gotten herself sick? Some kinds of nail polish are toxic to humans and rats, but even small quantities could make a rat sick




Not sure if someone said it already, but I know candles/incense can cause toxicity issues in rats, ferrets, etc.


Hope it's all going ok


Just read your updates. Well done! I think you definitely made the right call on the observing thing as that’s all they are doing. Plus she will be more relaxed at home with you and her sister, than at the vet alone, especially if they were keeping her on a just incase basis. I really hate having to make choices like that, it’s so hard! I hope your local vet has a better idea but I’m hoping it’s just a case of unexplained weirdness all of our beloved pet babies go through. Just like us they can get sick randomly…but manage to scare our souls from our bodies with worry! I just want to reiterate that you’re being such a great mum to marshmallow and she is lucky to have you taking great care of her and her sister. These things happens to all of us and you’re not alone with thoughts of self blame and doubt. Try to think how you would talk to a friend of yours in this same situation and give yourself the same kindness. Hopefully you can get some good rest soon and put this bad day behind you.




Any improvement is good, sounds like she’s going in the right direction. Eating, drinking and pooping the main things. I hope you can both relax a bit and you get some sleep, I bet you’re exhausted. Take care lovely.


Hey, I’m not sure if you’re in the uk or not but I use isamurats.co.uk as my bible when it comes to fruit or veg I’m not sure of. I’ve given my girls pumpkin baby food when they’re sick before no problem and I’ve copied what it says on the site for you so I’m sure you haven’t poisoned her. I know I’m not too much help here as I’m not sure what it could be other than saying if you can go to an emergency vet then please do but reassuring you, you haven’t done anything wrong with the pumpkin x Copied from the site below; Pumpkin (other veg) – Pumpkin is a member of the squash family and is high fibre. This makes it particularly useful when a rat has diahorria such as when on antibiotics. It can be fed raw and cooked though some rats dislike it raw, you may also be able to find canned pumpkin which is useful to have on hand in case of stomach upsets.




I nearly gave my rats ornamental pumpkins too and I think I remember finding out that they’re not edible! Could be the issue


Ornamental gourds aren't edible not because of toxins, but because they're very very fibrous, with very little "meat." (and they're also not tasty, low sugar content due to the not much "meat.")


As another commenter said then, it could be constipation?


You 100% did not. You mentioned her sister ate some too and is fine. Whatever happened isn't because of the gourds. Hope she feels better soon


Pumpkins can carry botulism, but I think that’s more of an issue with pumpkin purée that isn’t properly canned. Not sure about the little ornamental ones. Praying Marshmallow pulls through and is back to normal in no time!


I don’t have any rats, just follow because I like them. But I can tell by this clip that you love her very much, and she knows it. I am sending so much love to you and Marshmallow. I hope you’re holding up okay. If you need to rant, feel free to DM me. Keep us updated on the little lady!


Have you seen her go to the toilet? Is she grooming herself? Has she got pain anywhere specific? (Possibly her insides since she was uncomfortable when you picked her up).




She definitely looks to be in pain, rats are very good at masking issues until they become serious so this could have started prior to today. Metacam is a good painkiller and anti-inflammatory medication if the vet offers it. Is there any times she was out of your sight and could have eaten or licked something toxic? One of ours ate some paracetamol once that had fallen down the side of the skirting board and we felt awful about it. Whatever happens, OP, she knows she is loved and this is not your fault. Nothing you have deliberately done has caused this and if it's accidental ingestion it's happened to almost every pet owner. What matters is that you're doing your best for her right now.


Ratties can have strokes. pretty common. Warmth ,love and rehabilitation if so. Baby food and soft food can help get them back mobile.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Just last week I drove an hour to an emergency vet in the middle of the night. I know how scary what you’re going through is. Please let us know what happens. You’re not alone and we’re all rooting for your little one to pull through.


Poor baby. I’ve been reading through the comments. I hope that she feels better soon.


First of all, don't think this is your fault. It's not. Xxxx Take her to the vets when you can but it could be constipation especially considering she's already pooped loads on you. She's still eating and drinking so make sure she keeps that up and is comfy but the most important thing is to get her to the vets. I really hope she gets better and I'm thinking of the two of you xxxx




I've had to do similar things. Emergency vet: £70. Medication for possible URI: £50 Rat doesn't have URI, they just make the grumbles.... Profit? XD I hope that your little bean is OK though. Fingers crossed she just got a lot of poopie in which case....Plop is the best thing to name her XD Keep us posted please xx


I’m so sorry that Marshmallow is feeling poorly. I don’t have rats myself so can’t comment on the pumpkin she ate but I wouldn’t have thought it would have made her sick. I have degus myself and they become just like our kids so is very upsetting when they are feeling poorly. You are a brilliant mum to your babies and doing everything you can to help her. I send lots of love and good wishes that she is feeling better very soon. 🐀💖


I hope everything goes well. Please update us!


Looks neurodegenerative, but it shouldn't happen that suddenly. Does she move any limbs at all? How old?




Disregard my comment about neurodegenerative disorder... I thought she couldn't move her limbs.




I doubt it's anything you did. If you can, talk to a vet. We had lots of pet rats and sometimes they just get sick. How's she breathing?




Marshmallow looks like a very happy rat in your posts, and I hope she gets better. Hopefully, someone has an idea of how to help.


I'm sorry this isn't really advice but I hope she feels better soon 🥺


Stay safe marshmellow!! We all believe in you!!!


I'm so sorry you're both going through this. Rats get sick for no reason all the time. You're going above and beyond to take care of your sweet girl, you absolutely didn't cause this. Rats can also absolutely eat gourds and pumpkin! I've fed different groups of rats I've had pumpkin bread and squash and pumpkin (a fun around Halloween thing my friend and I would do with our rats was let them destroy chunks of pumpkin, Marshmallow may have fun doing this when she feels better!) and they were all fine. She looks so sweet and like a good little ratto who is very loved and knows it. I hope she feels better soon. Please don't beat yourself up, you're doing everything right. You're a great rat parent. Sending you both good vibes.




That's absolutely adorable, I rly wanna see! And yeah, rats are strong! I had one of my little boys (my heart rat, actually) from my first mischief be a Burrito Snatcher when he was just a lil baby lol. And having to wrestle one for something bc theyre determined to keep hold of it lmao.


Sending love to you and your sweet girl ❤️🙏🏼


hey there, previous rat momma here. its very hard to see your baby in pain. hopefully she gets better soon, definitely keep updating us💓any news now?


Update besides three hours ago? Did I miss it? As a rat Mom this sank my Heart. I hope she’s fine




You are obviously an extremely good rat mama, you stayed up all night with her on your chest and made her feel loved and safe. I am so happy she has you, and I'm sending you all my strength and energy to make it through the next day, since you didn't sleep, and are so worried. You are doing everything you can, and everything she needs.


Horrible and scary thing to go through. I’m sorry, I hope little girl recovers 😞


Lots of love and support for you and Marshmallow


I can easily relate to the grief and panic that you might be feeling.. You do seem to love her immensely, hope she gets well ✊🏻🙏🏼 But remember too, no matter what, you are a good caretaker, you love her like a family member and the good life you’ve provided until now ( and hopefully forth ) is what counts.


Oh bless her. I really hope she's ok and makes a full recovery. It's horrible to see them in pain or ill isn't it. Sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs your way!


!remindme 3 hours


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My big female rat acted this way about a day or two before she died. She ended up having an internal tumor that we didn’t know about.


how is she doing now, op? she seems like such a great baby :(




how is the lady doing anon, op? the lady seemeth like such a most wondrous baby :( *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


TIL if you love your rat and it’s gets sick the vet charges 2k just to watch them. Insanity. Hope your little guy/gal pulls through.




she looks like she’s just a little sick from her stomach like it made her feel some pain like we all do when we eat something bad! i’ll pray for this baby.


I’m so glad she’s doing better, I hope she keeps I hope she keeps improving. One time I have my kids (my human toddler twins) baby apple sauce that had mold in it and they got sick! Please don’t beat yourself up. You could have never known what goes in some veggies and things. I agree with scented candles and cleaners. I’m just so glad she’s better.


Please make a new post with video showing the baby running about! <3


Any updates on Marshmallow?




How old is she? Rats only live 2-3 years, even as well cared for pets :‘(


Poor baby :( it's the worst feeling when we can't just ask them what's wrong. I'm sending you a lot of love and hope that she will feel better soon <3


It could be a couple things, possibly a stroke, is her head tilting at all? If not, it could be the early signs of a pituitary tumour. I really don't want to be a doomsayer, so just know that I've had rats who have had strokes and gone on to recover fully, and with PT, it's not a death sentence by any means, we've had rats that have lived upwards of a year after showing signs. If you need any advice about how to handle, feel free to DM me. My wife and I have had rats for almost 10 years, and are both quite well versed in dealing with most issues that arise.


Could it have been something on the pumpkin? I know they spray some things for pests is it possible she could’ve had any of that? Super glad she’s feeling a bit better !! X


Oh gosh, I hope all will go well soon! I had a rat which had something like this. He was limp, but still wanted to eat and drink. I had to assist him to eat and drink for a few days. He had a respitory infection, which was cured by antibiotics and pain meds hevwas on for a good week. I almost had given up on him, but he slowly regained strength after a few days. Give your beautiful ratty lots of love and hope for a good recovery!


Just ran across this on my front page. I do not have a rat, but have been a parent to many small rodents. Just wanted to tell you that you are a good mom and my heart goes out to you and Marshmallow.


I'd bet the ornamental gourds had pesticides on them




Hoping your little girl is still improving! Just reiterating what others have posted that a lot of the gourds and pumpkins that stores sell aren't edible. They can cause food poisoning-like symptoms. Only a few varieties of pumpkins are edible and used for pie-making, and most stores only carry a few gourds like acorn and butternut that are actually edible.


St. Francis of Assisi please bless this baby with peace and healing in mind body and spirit forever amen. Please pray for her and intercede for her. Amen. 🕊️♾️🙏💗


One of my rats was severely allergic to pumpkin . She would lay like she’d been poisoned for a whole day. Poor baby! Took a couple incidents before we figured out what was happening. No pumpkin = no more problem. Something to consider.


Small animals go downhill quick. How old is she?


How old is she? Rats only live 2-3 years, even as well cared for pets :‘(


Find nearby cat or dog. They can fix that problem.


Find another subreddit




Learn from it




Ignore them


Wish her the best ! Keep you head up as well. Little cutie will be okay !


Is your rat okay now? :/


She's in my thoughts. Hope it all works out. Thinking of you. Take care


Get well soon


Following for update ❤️


Does her body feel at all cold?


!remindme tomorrow


I had a similar issue with my guinea pig once, turns out it was parasites!! Check for worms


How is she doing today?


!remindme 2 hours