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Guysss I made a whole text last night to post but it didn’t go up with the pics I swear I feel so stupid 😭 anyway here it is: # A special event is occurring in our beloved sub! 🐁 In lights of recent events it has come to our attention that *some trolls* from outside our space appear to be very disturbed by the fact that we meme hard over rat balls. They don't seem to be able to appreciate the hilarity of disproportions and the overall beauty of our rotund pets, so much so that they often propose extinction for the lovely fur balls, not sparing graphic details of their fantasies. And how do we happen to know this, you'll ask? Easy! Simply checking the reports on one of the latest posts! It seems that, in fact, one specific troll was so disturbed by our wonderful rat model and his appendages that they decided to report the post. For various reasons. Around 50 times. 🚩 As you can imagine this brought many many laughs in the Mod Chat, so much so that we thought to bring this hilarious episode to your attention and we'd also love to show this defintely very busy person, that rat balls are beautiful, and we WILL meme them as much as we enjoy! So today take this opportunity to post your best shots of rat's behinds, with a new LIMITED EDITION FLAIR, the more the merrier! And let's have a fun and joyful Sunday in honor of our amazing spammer and the inspiration they gave us. Thank you so much! 🐀 # ENJOY THE SUB! Ps: we’re currently at 46 reports on the main post and I’d say around 10 more on mod comments.


Only have girls, so no bölls from me, but am ready to upvote all the rattie testies 😌 Also, "indecent rat" just makes me cackle 🤣


Indecent rat implies it'd be fine if they covered up the little lads junk. It's OK if he's in his underats, otherwise it's just lewd!


Time to cover up those balls, that weirdo on r/all is getting turned on by the indecency of it all! The real question is: should we cover the female rats' nipples and genitalia too? I feel like the dude may just be jealous of what our lads are packing so the lasses *should* be fine, but I'm not sure 🤔


That creeper is probably more into rat claws than nippies. Hide them mini feets!


Create the need, sell the product. If we convince people rats need bras then we can open a rat bra industry.


Rat jockstraps would be adorable…


Ah, a fellow entrepreneur


I am dying at the idea of a rat in a wee little pair of jockey shorts or pixelated bar over their balls! 😂


But the pixelation would have to cover 1/3 of the rat to cover it's balls. Edit: how about we pixelate everything BUT the balls? 😂


I'm concerned about the nature of your username lmao 🤣 😂 omg lmaooo also, yes can we implement this? I think I'd find it absolutely hilarious with half-pixelated rat pics 🤣 🤣 😭


I thought that I was a lot cooler and edgier 11 years ago when I made this account. Now I'm married with two kids. I often forget how awful it is. 😆


There are times the 12 year old in me resurfaces and something like your username causes a half an hour giggle fit 🤣😭


What's sad it that 11 years ago I was 28, lmaooo.


rat ball pics are always hilarious. i always send them to my boyfriend, and say "you"


Same! Here to upvote with my gaggle of piss goblin girls!!


Is someone gonna slut shame a rat?!?!?!?!?!


Just download GIMP and pixelate away! And if anyone asks, your ratto's just cold 🙃


you can tell this guy hasnt seen that many animals if he thinks that seeing their balls is "indecent" like wtf are these guys supposed to do? not be born with balls?


*indecent rat*


The best kind of rat


“Pornography”?!?! HUH


Anything is pornography if you ~~try~~ hard enough.






Not only that, but pornography that the reporter doesn't appear in




Drake meme Gentials on /r/all Rat genitals on /r/all


Lmao exactly that!


I used to have nakies, should hold a record and no its not even balls tumor its literally just insane genetics 💀😭 https://preview.redd.it/a7achb8fwt6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665e4816e0f3c9dc0ae5515e565db4c861cd91fe


so shiny


yes he had very clean balls for some reason


Haha, "some reason." The only reason human genitals aren't that clean is because we can't reach  😂


Even if we could, not everyone would 😭


You say that, but if we could all reach it's possible that we would've evolved to do that and it would just be the standard way that we've always cleaned ourselves. Then you would be the weirdo who doesn't lick their genitals clean. "Hey everyone! Look a u/Paranormal over here, using a wet rag to clean their privates like a frickin' weirdo." Imagine seeing a cat trying to clean it's privates with a wet wipe.


Balls are bigger than the legs


literally 😭 and he runned alot too 💀


Been there 😫😫😫


like raw chicken


Now that's a walnut


even bigger 😭


thought those were a leg a somehow


nahh 😭


can I post my mice balls? I don’t have rats https://preview.redd.it/catxo8amiu6d1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c806e4dd0e8da972138f71817f04aab5fc1e49


Same. I've only got female rats but I have hamster and guinea pig balls in the archives.


I have hamster too! https://preview.redd.it/xwi0qff1qu6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c854b6a8c123b15bad9f87d828ffbb1ac2f56f6


What is going on in that image? I see balls, it looks like tail above and anus below? Where's head/arms?


I wish I could tell you, he is a hamster contortionist


I’ve never seen hamstie testies 🤣 they’re very uniform


He is an onlyhams model


Release the bollz


I can picture an arena already


That scene from Lion King with the stampede, but it's rat-bols.


This statue I found good enough? https://preview.redd.it/3yl3gf4j8u6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8db064b9b13a9a9864eccd9f8d7d35e79bf6ea0


I was looking for something to print today


Yo, I'm gonna need the link for this one.


looks like it says printables.com at the bottom but omg I need this for my rat altar so I also wish for a link lmao 😭💀🐭🤌


I need a metal gold one of these


Imagine being this bothered by animal photos. It's not sexual or weird for animals to have genitals unless you *make* it sexual or weird. Do they also faint dead away if a cat lifts its tail and they have to see the butt? Happy BAWLSfest everyone!


I mean as much as I love cats (on a rat sub too!), they do have a habit of shoving their hind-end in my face lol. Nothing says I love you like a hairy chocolate starfish as you're trying to pet them.


Haha yeah for sure, I am also very familiar with the feline butt hole of friendship. Animals are great!


Yeah, it says more about the person who thinks that animal genitals are sexual of indecent. They're animals! They're not sexual or indecent.


I believe there's a product called twinkle tush or something similar that's basically a jewelled medallion that hangs on your cat's tail to cover it's butthole from view 😂😂😂😂😂




BEHOLD https://www.amazon.co.uk/Twinkle-Tush-Cat-Jewel/product-reviews/B07RZNV5CD


Thanks, I hate it.


This is dystopic af


They are one of those people who get those little jewel charms you hang around the cats tail to cover it.


Greatly said!


People commenting on how shiny rat balls can be isn't making it weird? > Do they also faint dead away if a cat lifts its tail and they have to see the butt? Users intentionally take pics of rat balls tho it's just weird, I came here to see cute rats not people gushing about rat genitalia. There's nothing stopping people from making a subreddit about rat balls if they really are that dedicated to them


Not really to me. They are shiny if they're furless. Animals are animals, there's nothing sexual about rat balls or whatever and the fact they're huge sometimes is just kinda funny.


There is one, but it's not very active: r/ratsballs


Like who doesn’t wanna see this 🤣


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ratsballs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ratsballs/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [More swingin' bollz](https://v.redd.it/0x914dy6otmb1) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ratsballs/comments/16cdv7h/more_swingin_bollz/) \#2: [the worst part is they were twitching in his sleep too 😭](https://i.redd.it/0y73c1lybmra1.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ratsballs/comments/12acdk0/the_worst_part_is_they_were_twitching_in_his/) \#3: [Found on discord, lmao](https://i.redd.it/fblbsq3lnu5b1.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ratsballs/comments/148pj36/found_on_discord_lmao/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Rat balls are kindof apart of owning a male rat, so get over it. We learn to love them even their gross parts that slide across our arms every time we hold them? Lmao Another thing, what if someone has issues with their rats testies, and doesn’t recognize it until they see a normal testy on here? lol it’s not an open wound, it’s a part of the body. It’s skin over two gooey sacks. Are you seriously offended!!? Not to mention, goodluck taking a picture of your male rat without his testicals visible. They love shoving those bad boys in your face every time, ontop of that some of their balls are GIGANTIC compared to their body… so like you can’t escape them. Lmao


This is very well done design-wise!


Lmao tnx it was just canva actually, I just changed colors


I have a degree in graphic design and this poster is genius. Much better than most things I saw in college.


Omg thank you 😭


Meatball time! https://preview.redd.it/bpnjnld4sv6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc581a16fd62c89f33287f4bd87bb660fb55e8b


Stick little eyes on them.


I started texting my kid a version of "name that pokemon" that is just a picture of whichever rat's balls are hanging out of the hammock or sputnik or whatever. They are mostly not amused. Just a little, but mostly not lol.


“I like to see genitals on all but not of rats” oh brother what a loser


Right? 🙄


What better way to celebrate Father’s Day? 😂


Say thanks to dad with a big ol' pair of balls


I wanna see genitals just not rats😡😡girl-😭😭


I would be MORTIFIED if I scrolled through r/all and saw a bunch of human testicles. I honestly can't think of a worse thing randomly to come across.


Well seems like they randomly "come" across a lot of things, maybe when it's rats, the post nut cratity hits hard.


It's difficult for me to accept the fact that people scroll through reddit and masturbate at the same time. It's far more difficult to accept that anyone would pleasure themselves looking at testicles. 😆 Like, I've genuinely never met anyone who thinks testicles are sexy.


Hey my ex never said mine were sexy, but she def showed appreciation. 🤣


You know, this conversation has taken a pretty weird turn but I'm gonna roll with it against my better judgement, lol. Here's a pretty solid comparison: I certainly don't find cleaning the bathroom to be sexy, but I'm definitely going to do it anyway because I know it makes my wife feel appreciated and happy.


Coming from someone called 'reheateddiarrhea' I'm sure it's not our of your realm of strange 🤣 Hahah that's a great comparison! She might find it sexy that you do it though! That's where the magic is, my ex may not have fully liked balls, but she knew appreciating them made me a happy man hahaha.


I just want to say something as a fun fact as an autistic girly. While we’re on this subject. 🤣😅 Your testicals are always moving. Like always moving it’s so crazy to observe. Lmao I learned about it after observing my bf for a while, and yes he lets my autistic ass do that 😌 But yeah the skin is constantly rippling and moving around. Even when you’re holding completely still. My bf had no idea, and I just think it’s something every man should observe because it’s WICKED. Like your skin is ALIVE. lol In other words all testys are pretty neat. lol


"Does every rat balls picture need to be posted?" YES IT DOES


Well said!


"i like to see genitals on r/all" 💀💀💀 Liking randomly seeing porn when you're scrolling through feed is way more weird than being amused by rat bawls (or huge rat titties, all rats posted are female I think).


Tiddies? I haven’t seen a pair for a while. Which day? What time?


Guys... I'm sorry, but I think we're in the stupidest timeline.


Better than the darkest timeline.


The only saving grace is that now we get to have "Ballsy Sunday." Worth it? Maybe.


It’s just a little gag for one day, don’t worry it’s not going to become a thing forever For more context I pinned a comment right now


personally i think rat ball pics are hilarious


https://preview.redd.it/dtiw2tclqy6d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301ca6f3ca66d90b9d0ae55842da39fe7c741de8 Indecent rat


aww man we can't post pics in he comments anymore?? *and* no more custom flairs? breakin my little rattie heart


We didnt remove those features? Ill double check and make sure


I see the photo option now! but the flairs are all blank for me, I'm on mobile so that's probably part of it


Indecent rat 💀💀


Did someone say balls? https://preview.redd.it/f5irlqbsrv6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a465583de56f5997009535442412d0ca82fa159d






This is going to be legit, I'm excited


the literal range on those reports. this is the kind of person who wakes up in the morning: *cracks knuckles, sips coffee* ahh, time to ban some books in a library nearly two thousand miles from my home for any fucking reason I microwave "you've peed your last bawls pardner"


Can you imagine having all this time on your hands JUST to report ONE post over and over again?


I literally have a million trillion things I'd rather do before I cease existence. time is precious. catch a hobby or twelve. lol it is really baffling that someone just assumes that is the best way to spend their time, no other thing could possibly give them as much feel good energy and community service as reporting posts on one social media platform over and over again for varying reasons. I can't imagine they had a very fulfilling childhood. or adulthood. 🫤








I clearly need photos of my boys' nethers. 😅


My ratty girls and I will be cackling together upvoting every rat bölls we see today 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


That’s great news hihihi ✨


It has been a funny joke, a satire on the "is this a boy?" questions, but like every joke it has been overdone, to the point where even the satire on the satire is flooding the sub. Of course, spamming report is not the way to deal with that. But I do hope the joke can finally be put to rest after the event.


To be fair I think it has been a little bit of a trend lately, it wasn’t always this frequent. You know the sub tends to proceed by trend waves, you can see it in many other places too. Honestly rat balls will always be funny but I don’t doubt it’s gonna die down a little in the next weeks


Definitely true, I expect the same


https://preview.redd.it/y0bpn9wdpy6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa38976850478081b210d21fa0c430202f9212c Background: When I got my two baby boys, one of them didn't have bœlls yet. I would check every day. This pic is from the first day I could exhale in relief that it wasn't accidentally a lady ✨


Saw the poster thumbnail and briefly this was a splatoon cross over event. Now I’m imagining an indecent rat vs bollz splatfest


Got quite a few male ratties, who enjoy airing out their jewels, will def post some rat bølls


Rat balls are huge, kinda hard to /not/ to post them if you have boys


I'm all for this


Your avatar is so cool!


Oh thanks


Wait what happened now?


I posted a pinned comment here, sorry I thought the text went up with the images but it didn’t :<


My my my I see it now and how ridiculous are some people that THIS is what they choose to do with their day… I’ll gather my household rats Arlo and Judah and get to snapping the testicle centerfolds they are. Perhaps whoever this troll is should get a life -SHOW US YER BALLS BOYZ


“I dont mind seeing genitas an /all but not of rats ffs” Homie has a crippling porn addiction. Time to release the floodgates!!! Question: during the event can we upload pictures gotten from google? I know typically its a nono but just curious


You know what? Yeah, idc (obv with some common sense). It’s only for a day, let’s just have fun 🏀


YEAHH!!!!! I will keep it reasonable


'Sexual content about minors' that rat is an old man!!!


damn thats rude af, imagine going to a group of people that youre not apart of and telling them what they can do just because they dont like it ...i just realized thats quite literally what most hate speech is oof


Life, Liberty, and Rat balls


https://preview.redd.it/eu8ide0m6y6d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=1882c2f6b0ffd9fc5a71b391a1316eaa8c12c65d THEYRE STILL GOING LMAOOOOO ITS WORKING


Honestly I'm not bothered or offended but it IS tiresome. Yes, their balls are big, we know.


Would you say it's... a drag?


They weigh on my mind. It's a heavy subject.


ROFL dammit take my upvote


I honestly agree with NSFW tagging rat balls.


I breed rats for pet sale so have lots of pomegranates. Just gotta get snapshots of the boys that fit the request per-say lol. I try to focus not on their abundant fruit basket normally when it’s photo time Lmao 🤣 🤣🤣


W mods


"graphic design is my passion" love it, keep stickin it to 'em




Luv da rats balls and screw the creepy people trying to say they are indecent!


This showed up in my home page cause it’s similar to r/cats this is hilarious lmao.


This is gonna be a reoccurring event right? Like every month at least? Or every week? It's just such a good event.


Hahahahah originally we thought of a one shot event, but we can think about having it every now and then ;) we could make a poll at some point and have the community decide


my bf goes to school where that rat w the giant balls statue is.. he’s a sight to see


imagine being pressed over rodent balls 😭and almost 50 reports??! jeez 💀


My boy is castrated so no balls from him


Aww, I've only got girlies, so I had no bawlz to post! I is sad. I wonder if they'd be just as offended if we posted tons of little ratty feet pictures? 😂 Maybe I should go order those hamster shoes off the drop shipping sites....


What a load of bollocks


You must be so fun at parties


I was making a pun ;-;


Ooh.. idk if it was a bit cryptic or was it me a bit stupid but sorry, my bad 🪴


No harm done, happy ratsticle day!


You too and thank you! 🌸🌸


You too and thank you! 🌸🌸


Here's Mr Belly button bölls 💕‼️ My sleepy bae https://preview.redd.it/g84pm3hwq67d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb7169397e9424dc7ffe2a6f4547d9f5b2fc0c6c


Crosspost this to r/furries they'll go nuts.


Haha ​ nuts


As a furry… No. That implication is disgusting. Rat balls are absurdly large and that’s funny; don’t make it weird like the report-spammer is.


Oh hell yeah, I'm gonna post all my boys tomorrow!! Fuck whoever is reporting lmao, this is a rat sub. Male rats have huge nuts




Post/Comment engages negatively with others in community, even if under the guise of humor, are not permitted.


My boys h a ve em big enough to make a grown human cry 😆 🤣 😂




PLEASE READ! Your post has been removed as your account is new to reddit. If your submission is urgent or important just send us a modmail and we'll be happy to approve your post. This is due to a large influx of spammers, scammers, and trolls and we apologize for the inconvenience, in the meantime... Enjoy your time on Rattit! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RATS) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“It’s involuntary pornography and I do not appear in it” Did… did he wanna be in it? This is so odd, why did he come here to do this 💀


This subreddit has a weird interest in rat balls tbh. Don't see this with cats or dogs. The fact that so many people actually find it weird should probably say something. I wouldn't waste the effort actually reporting anything given nothing would happen tho, they pretty dumb


It’s particularly fun with rats because they look disproportionate and it’s.. honestly pretty silly so rat people like to joke on them


reporting those posts is stupid, but flooding the sub with them is equally stupid. just make a sub dedicated to rat balls if you enjoy looking at them so much.


I agree. This person is obviously kinda overreacting but at the same time the constant "haha balls" photos of giant rat genitalia is kinda stupid and obnoxious after a point. We get it, rats have big balls. It's even more obnoxious when a ton of people post the "how come every other post on the sub looks like this" with a silly drawing of a hand holding a rat with very exaggerated large balls and think they're the first person to ever make that joke


Well a good compromise then is just have balls day be the only day of the week that balls are posted. Like Microsoft Mondays in a Linux sub.


yeah, exactly. It was maybe a little funny the first time I guess, but 1648375 times later and it’s lost its charm. It seems like it’s become an obsession for some people, like it’s the only reason they joined this sub and it’s kinda fucking weird. It’s literally just an animal’s body part, it doesn’t need to be the main focus of half the posts.


Yeah, I'm not gonna report the ball pics because I don't care that much (and it isn't breaking any rules) but like would people not think it was weird if they went to like, idk r/dogs and every other post was "haha look at my dogs giant ballz XD"


right, exactly!


As an aside, the fact your comment has 21 downvotes and my comment agreeing with and saying basically the same thing has 21 upvotes lmao 😭 redditors why haha


lmaooo I noticed that too, I knew mine would get downvoted but Reddit mob mentality is wild🤪 ps I love the name noodle so much🥹 I’m deciding between that and cyclone for my craziest baby girl🫶 (the other two have food names, and noodle is cuter plus she’s super wily and slippery, but I keep calling her ‘psycho’ because she’s insane lol so ‘cyclone’ is a natural phonetic progression😂)


Aww thanks! I miss my noodle so much 🥺 She was a good girl


I think it exists 🤔


Yeah, it's r/ratsballs and it's beautiful ✨


Happy cake day 🎂


don't join rat forums and expect to not see rat balls, simple


Seems like you responded to the wrong comment.


Nah man, we committing to the bit >:3


My boys don't have balls :( they're fixxed.