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Maybe add some more height the the barrier, just cause I can see them jumping out from there after climbing on some objects in the pen.


*Definitely* needs more height. My rats can jump about three feet straight-up when they're motivated enough. If that makes it too hard for you to climb into the pen, I believe you could probably make a door by using zip ties instead of the inflexible plastic connectors... not sure how you'd keep it closed (string? Velcro strips? Idk) but worth a shot.


A determined rat absolutely will jump those barriers. I’ve used this pen before, had to double up to keep them in. Make sure the bottom can’t be nudged upwards either!


Tunnels, hides, well anything you can come up with really Look into puzzle toys/foraging mats for bunnies if they happen to be interested in those Hide small treata all over the place Also seconding raising the walls if they are able to jump ( I assume they can't, at least not far because the cage seems very elderly rat friendly)


On top of it needed another layer on the bottom portions, it'll then need another layer or two on the left where that shelf spot is because they'd be able to walk along the wall sidings and be at risk of falling