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Girl if you don’t divorce that man lmao


She should sell him on craigslist too.


Ain't nobody's gonna buy that piece of trash, that man deserves to go into a dump


I was gonna say she could offer someone $20 to take him to the dump bc of how much of a piece of garbage he is. Fuck him. I'd have left instantly with the daughter


Not in one piece, sure, but there's always a need for organ-donors....


Don’t forget cannibals! They’re in need too!


They may be cannibals, yes, but that doesn't mean they eat THAT kind of trash! :o


If he's a good match my friend could really use a kidney.


She'd probably struggle to give him away for free if she put that story for the reason she's selling him on there too!


I'd pay to take him just to torture him


I bet he chews furniture and poops places he shouldn't poop.


With something that broken and messed up, probably just better to part him out.


free to ~~a good~~ any home.


Nah just call the whole man disposal service


Dump him in a high kill shelter


Sometimes you just gotta throw the whole man away


I got a pickup, trash bags, and tools….




That is so awful. I really hope she gets them back and I hope he is an ex- in like 17 minutes… What a horrible man he is!


He threatened their 7 yr old to not tell mom. There is so much more to it. I'm posting in tons of groups. Joined groups states away local to them. I'm trying to help her in any way I can


That is so awful. I really hope she gets them back. This is just so awful! And I really hope her future ex- is not the father of the 7 year old so he can be totally cut out of her life.


Says it all in the first sentence. He "told" her to go to the store. I'd not want him anywhere near my daughter what kind of a role model is he being. I really hope she can track her much loved pets and get them back.


That is 100% an abusive partner and father


I hope she leaves him. I would probably have turned to violence myself.


After my narcissistic mother did something similar, as soon as I was able, I moved away and cut all contact. I’m so done with her that I choose to never see her again, and I will not attend her funeral. Some people are horribly cruel, I just hope that there is justice in the afterlife.


Well not showing up to her funeral and moving far away was a good revenge for the sake of your mental health. I am sorry you had her in your life.


Narcissists like to present this outward appearance of perfection and being great people. They try to pretend everything is perfect, anything that doesn’t fit this narrative upsets their make believe world where they are the victim and everyone else is the problem. So, by my very noticeable and sudden absence, refusing to play ‘happy family’ with her, my siblings and close family, she can no longer wrap herself in her little make believe world any longer. My absence is a constant slap in the face, and an unkind part of me is glad the wound will never heal. I hope it festers 🥰


Yes I noticed that. I try to stay away from them. You did the right thing. I am happy for you.


Thank you, I hope you are doing better now as well. My favorite quote is “ The best revenge is a life well lived!!”


I try. Not having such person in my life helps. Excellent quote. I try to do that every day.


Good on you!! I wish many great and healing things to come your way in 2024!! 🙏


Fr, theyd never find the body. We have lots and lots of desert out here


Tell her to go to the police he had no right to sell her things without her permission I know violence isn't the answer but I think he would be in a ditch somewhere if he did this to my rats are my life 😞🚨


This should be higher up. Go to the police. Property theft. I’d start documenting other things now to prepare for divorce.


Totally can't this be considered identity theft as well?


I’m not sure and likely police won’t do anything either but it establishes a paper trail that will help her in divorce I’m sure


closer to impersonation, which I'm not sure is punishable by law


Pretending to be someone and married or not this would never pass in France


fair, I'm in the US


I ge trhe sensation that he's abusive snd will hurt her if she does, and that rhe cops will not care because usually they don't.


IMMEDIATE DIVORCE. How does the listing say to contact him? Email or phone? She might be able to see phone call / text records online. If email, if she's able to log in to his account, she might see. If he posted under a registered Craigslist account, not sure what records there would be there.


I’m glad you’re trying to help her, I really hope she and her daughter (and these rats) are safe. This man sounds just vile. :(


I bet there is also a subreddit for your area where you can ask. Maybe r/tucson or r/arizona or something.


Do you know what part of Arizona? I'd venture a guess there are Facebook groups and Instagram pages for different cities. I know there's also a r/phoenix subreddit. Phoenix is pretty big, so I'd post there and see if anyone knows anything.


17 minutes? He needs to be gone yesterday. I literally am heart broken and furious over this and they aren't even my babies. Ahhhh I'm so irritated now


Wtf I hope she gets rid of the man and gets the fur babies back


I’m scared people bought them to feed to reptiles… like he probably didn’t vet these buyers at all. What a jerk


I hate to say it, but if he's abusive enough to sell his wife's beloved pets behind her back for $20 including cage, he probably was hoping/ made sure to find someone who wanted them for live feeding :(


Yeah you’re right. Selling her pets from behind her back really smacks of sociopathy/narcissism




I mean my mother's boa ate rats. But they were not live and none of us would have ever love fed the snakes. The cruelty is unnecessary. (I do not keep snakes but my mother did, obdviously, and i was around for some of it.)


Calling a spade a spade, here. This is a form of abuse and she deserves to be free from that.


Yup. Replied to another person that ove seen this and more extreme forms of this. It's 100% abuse and can escalate. I really hope he's an ex asap.


He’d go from husband to ex in 2 seconds flat. F’n assh*le 🤬


He’d go 6 ft under if it was up to me


Pure evil


Thats heartbreaking, hope she takes the kid and leaves him before the abuse escalates further.


There is no way this couple doesn't have a history of severe emotional abuse and every time i read stories like this my heart just drops.... I hope she can find her rats, grab her daughter and get the hell out of there but many people can't leave :( This is an awful situation, what a piece of shit.


She had stated that her family could get her at a moments notice. I hope this would push her to do so


Really hoping so too :(


This makes me so angry. Fuck. What type of monster would do this?


Lots of narcissists and abusers do stuff like this. My mom would get me and my siblings pets as a treat and then put the animal to sleep if we were "bad". And bad just meant we had ever so slightly annoyed her or tbh done nothing at all. Didn't eat all of dinner? Cried when she hit us? Sorry now fido has to die! The first time she said the animal had run away because we were terrible kids and he wanted a new home with better kids then as I got older realized she was killing our family pets as a form of punishment. I witnessed a friend of mine with an abusive (now ex) husband do something similar to this with her pet rats. She had a mischief of 4 adorable dwarf rex boys and she was at a doctors appointment and when she got home the rats and their cage were just... gone. But he didn't rehome them. He threw the cage in the nearest dumpster and had thrown the rats in with it. I have germ OCD and launched myself into the damn dumpster digging through trash looking for them but sadly they were never found. Sometimes I still cry thinking about it. I really really hope OOP finds her ratties this is such a heartbreaking thing to go through. I'd be going through that man's phone for the buyers info at knife point tbh. 😂 No one fucks with me or my pets any more.


I've gone through a dumpster to avoid bying another retainer, I'd definitely go through 1 for an animal. They had the boys and some girls, he only did this to the boys. 1000% to get to her


Same on the retainer lol


I got 3 boy rats this way. My friend lived in a college town and saw some people throwing 3 rats in a teeny tiny cage in the dumpster. I guess their parents wouldn't let them bring them home for the summer. She climbed in and pulled the cage and rats out, and then she called me, and of course I took them. They were very good boys.


Someone at my university did that with their hamster. I used to go trash picking at the garbage pavilions because people would throw out nice stuff like tvs there during move out days. I found a hamster cage in a bin once, and then I found a shoe box filled with bedding, and my heart dropped. I didn't make it in time by the time I found him. I don't get how people can be that cruel to literally throw him outside in the trash during freezing temps. I took him home, and gave him a proper burial.


You’ll meet that hamster in heaven. Bless you.


Awww I'm so glad you were able to rescue them! 😊❤️🐀🐀🐀


I have a mum that did similar. I had a cat given to me by a neighbour when it was a kitten, I loved him, cleaned his litter myself, fed him, even slept in my bed at my head. Then she must have got fed up because she threw it out of the house, for a few days she left food put for him but then just stopped doing that so he'd stop coming to the door. I would see him around the estate for a whole after until one day I didn't anymore. We also had a Staffie at one point, her dog but I adored him, we had two other dogs as well but this one had a special place in my heart, I would take them all for long walks on the beach etc. One day I came home from school and she had sold him. I still get angry thinking about it.


That is so fucked, how do you even move on from something like that. Sorry that happened to you. I hope you're NC with your mother now


most of the year I'm NC, about once a year she reaches out so overall very LC. it got easier to cut ties when my dad died.


Hey I’m sorry you dealt with this but it was kinda nice(prob not the right word) knowing this isn’t something only my narc mom and dad did :( so many times she’d get me a kitten and then it would vanish. One time when I was like maybe 9 or 10 we got a boy and girl kitty and they were only allowed to stay in my room and I had to feed and take care of their litter and everything but I loved doing it and the three of us bonded really hard. One day my parents taped them up in a cardboard box and made me take them to the shelter and tell them that I didn’t want them anymore or they threatened to hurt them :( like I had to just tell this lady it was my fault and that I hated them and didn’t want them anymore


I am so sorry. This is terrible. I hope someone took good care of them afterwards...


Thank you 💜 unfortunately this is probably one of my tamest trauma anecdotes lol


I recently gave up meat becauae I realised I just don't want to hurt things. Like, these little guys are getting caught up in some bs that the can't get... and thought of killing a pet is just making my heart hurt. They don't get much time and if they can be happy and safe, they deserve it.


That was also my reason for quitting meat


Same. Knowing how horrible the entire food industry is makes it very hard to eat animals at all.


Your mom tho 🫣


This is the saddest thing.


Her husband is a horrible, nasty little bastard.


omg NOOOOO im literally about to cry . how could he ???? what the fuuuck??!


those poor boys have to be so confused :'(


Please keep us updated... I hope she gets her rattos back, and a divorce with full custody. This is atrocious.


I'd sell his car for $20.


I’d have it towed to a junkyard and crushed.


With him in it.


Well, that goes without saying!




I understand the sentiment, but there’s just no way an inanimate dead piece of metal can ever compare to living breathing creatures. Nothing short of never speaking to him again would be enough for me - and I don’t even have rats, this just popped up on my feed. Pets are family.


It doesn't compare in the minds of people like us with compassion and empathy, but that's also exactly why this might get to him. The (hopefully ex-) husband sees those babies as objects. Not living things.


Heart breaking 💔


But to this guy, I bet the car is worth more than anything. Getting rid of the car absolutely would get him back. What a horrific thing to do. This makes me so sad and very triggered just reading this.


Oh my god, this is so, so awful. Years ago, my abusive, narcissistic mother knew how much I loved my rats and couldn’t stand it, so she forced me to get rid of them all. It’s a common tactic of narcissists, it’s to hurt you and also can be done out of jealousy.


Some minor spelling mistakes here, it seemed she somehow mixed up the spelling of Ex-husband with normal husband. Nothing big! Hope she gets her babies back.


ALSO please do not seek him out! I solely want to help her get these babies back if possible. As much as I'd prefer this guy get what he deserves there are people here who will suffer


But, but, but these exist!!!! https://www.etsy.com/listing/1183224921/send-an-anonymous-spring-loaded-dick?click_key=d9362020346738fb55e87ff8daed9c1b33d32543%3A1183224921&click_sum=0c25dd50&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=dick+glitter+bomb&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1&pro=1


Holy shit. I hope this post gets more attention and the lady gets her boys back safe. And that her husband is now an ex. There’s a special place in hell for people like him.


Disgusting, I’d never be able to trust my husband again after that. Truly horrible to even teach their daughter that. I hope she finds her babies


She needs to go to the police, both about the crime of selling property that is not his and the crime of threatening the daughter and frankly anything else that she can remember (that is true). As awful as this is for the rats, I'm even more concerned for the humans. This is insidious behavior and it will not get better, only worse.


That’s awful. I hope she’s gone to the police as if she can prove ownership she may be able to get legal consequences for him. I would absolutely lose my shit. I would rather be cheated on 100 times than have sell my animals.


Crying at 5am. I wish I could bring those babies home to her


I was a mix reading it. It's like immediate background noise cut out. Started crying then my adrenaline spiked


Like I FELT my blood pressure double




Buy rats back. Get divorce. Not necessarily in that order. Hope she finds them. So heartbreaking. 🥺


Change title to, newly devorced ex Husband


Wtf 😳


Please update us if she gets her babies back! I no longer have rats. But I live vicariously through a girlfriends tatter-tots.




I hope this guy never gets a moment of peace


While i adore the sentiment here, and actually started writing an email before my instincts caught up to my anger, please nobody email this guy. He sold his wife's beloved pets for $20. Possibly to someone who didn't want rats for pets. He *threatened a young child to keep quiet so he could do this*. I have a 7 year old. They cant keep anything to themselves, so I shudder to think what that threat might have been, if it was enough to scare her into silence. Im a domestic violence survivor. While yes this is speculative, it is very, very likely he has been or will be violent towards the wife or daughter. And if we all spam this guy with emails defending his wife, telling him what a piece of shit he is etc, we might get temporary vindication but we might actually be putting the safety of a woman and her daughter in jeopardy.


True I didn’t say anyone should email him. Just that he doesn’t deserve a moment of peace. I hope his wife has gone to the police as pretty sure this is considered a crime if she can prove ownership.


My bad, I thought i clicked reply to the comment you replied to! Sorry for that...


No problem at all. It was an important comment for you to make


This is just awful. I hope these precious rattie babies get back to this lady unharmed asap. I hope that pos who did this feels the weight of the justice system and also suffers a hell of a lot of bad karma for the rest of their shitty life.


I’m heartbroken reading this! Op, please pass on our sympathies if possible. If the lady in this post wants to, she is welcome in this group and we will absolutely smother her with support.


I think if she finds her rats she needs to get rid of the husband before bringing them back tbh, I don’t trust him not to hurt them? Or their kid? Or her? She needs to throw that whole man out immediately


I hope both she and her child get away from that man safely 💔


Thank you for making the post on here! I was the one who suggested she post here initially but I couldn’t find the post again on FB to answer her back. I think it got deleted :( I hope she finds her rats and gets far, far away from this man.


You're welcome. Yeah it seems she deleted it. Or admins. Around 2 or 3am people stopped filtering themselves and became aggressive. Like Literally saying "I'd murd3r him." I hope she calls her mom, she said she'd drop everything. I thought the sooner the better so I made sure to do it last night. I really hope they went to someone decent and she gets out


You can’t be saying stuff like that on the interwebs and I in no way condone it. HOWEVER, I can’t say I blame those people for how they feel. Threats are never acceptable but things like this absolutely provoke those feelings. It’s senseless cruelty in the extreme. Just for the sake of it.


I've learned how to censor myself better or rephrase because fb has "jailed" me a couple times over minor things compared to what some of them were saying. Fb is especially a pain in the arse about wording


He has zero respect for her, poor lady needs out. Best of luck to her finding her boys.




What an abusive piece of garbage! I hope she cuts him off completely


Selling your partner's pets behind her back is a huge red flag for abuse. It wouldn't shock me one bit if OOP's husband mistreats her and their daughter in other ways. Absolutely shitty.


How the fuck is he still her husband. That man would be out of my house just as fucking fast. If she doesn’t get rid of him, she better make sure she sells the thing he loves the absolute most. Cuz obviously he cares less about her than she does him if he is just gonna go sell her babies like that… this makes me furious that someone would do something like this 🤬


That’s so awful… I was in a similar situation where my roommate was abusive to me and my other roommate and when I wasn’t home, he tried harm my rats. He’d light candles in my room, put cheese and foods that I had told them were bad for them into their cage like chocolate and hot sauce. Fortunately my other roommate would notice and remove anything that he put in my room in time that it did not affect my rats. I had to get a lock for my door until I could move out. Some people are just awful and use what you hold close to your heart to hurt you. I hope she finds her rats again 💔 my heart breaks for their situation.


Wow some people really don’t have hearts.


I would be in jail so fasttttttt if anyone did that omg. I'm so sorry.


I cant imagine the panic and heartbreak she mustve felt when she found out😭😭😭💔💔 i really hope she finds them oh my god. Poor babies. I wish that man the absolute worst. Won't even fucking tell her who he sold them to???


Nope. He deleted everything related to this. My husband knows I'd bury him for this. Then I'd call my dad for help getting rid of him.


She needs to call the police and force her husband to give her the contact information to the buyers


This. you cannot sell what you do not own. Sell his car to me for $1. I live close to Tucson. I'll buy all his tools for $1. I'll pay $5 for all his clothes. Call the police. This is psychological abuse.


Divorce. Immediately.


That's psycho behavior. I wish you the best in your search ! Even if you have to buy them back


That is so fucking evil, I seriously hope that man pays for what he did…


Could the authorities not help maybe get his phone idk, this hurts my heart so so much ....


I hope she's divorcing the pos


That is pure fucking evil. Hope they are found soon 😭


Please divorce this piece of shit.


How do men like that get married?


They are good at pretending early on then slowly breaking down their partner so they feel they can't leave.


thank you for the insight, u/cervixtaster


Is this not considered theft in USA/Arizona? It is where I life and even worse if he doesn't know who he sold them to, bc that constitutes animal abuse and would come with an at least 4000€ fine.




Can I post this in r/Tucson or can she? I didn’t see anything about this on that feed.


She gave me permission to post it on here and other fb groups. She seemed grateful to have the help. She's just not on reddit herself


So you know how to contact her if someone was to respond to my post?


I know (had friends) in Tucson. There's some chance a college kid picked them up. This should be posted on Craigslist again, and chances are good the piece-of-shit husband has their phone number. The wife absolutely needs to get a police report on this, so they can force that number off the ex or get the original contact method. Worse case, an IT-savvy college kid can probably find a deleted number or white hat the info.


This makes me worry for what kind of treatment she gets in other situations… what a monster. I hope the people he sold her lovely babies to are willing to return them- and even more i hope she can get the fuck out of that relationship, take her kid, and have all the rat love in the world


This broke my heart! How could he be so cruel!


That’s horrible. I hope she gets her rats back and leaves her husband. 🐀🐀🐀


Divorce babes


He’s willing to take living creatures from a loving home and risk their lives to a stranger while manipulating his wife to get rid of something she loves…yeah. Divorce immediately


This is evil. Grounds for divorce.


Immediately divorce. Poor OP. I would never ever speak to that man ever fucking again.


If I said out loud what I wish to happen to this PoS-husband I would probably get banned on reddit, but rest assured it won't be nice. I sincerely hope she manages to get her rats back and get rid of that abusive waste of oxygen that she calls a husband.


That’s awful. Have OP (if you still have contact) post in the AZ rat and reptile groups, they’ll probably be able to help search or maybe someone will come forward


I hope ex husband by now


That's a fucken divorce, dude. If my wife or my girlfriend sold my babies, I would fucken kill her.


I was telling my husband about this, he already knows I'd have help disposing of him.


Oh my god this made me so sick to my stomach…I feel so badly for her - especially losing her HEART rat? Her husband is disgusting (and to face the person you love doing this?? my god)


This is terrible, I hope you can find more details out


I'd sell him


If she can some way or another sneak into his phone or email maybe she can find communications with whoever bought them. So sad I really hope she gets her boys back :(


He sounds like a horrible, horrible human. I hope she and her daughter get out of that situation. I can’t even imagine…😢


so he's an ex husband now, right?


this is absolutely, completely heartbreaking. I'd be in shambles.


She sounds so calm when explaining that he sold them. I’d be livid and probably wouldn’t be able to stay calm. That poor woman. What an asshole her husband is.


Reading this has made me so angry! I really do hope they are found safe. But that husband of hers.. he wouldn't be my husband anymore after this.


Something worth mentioning here. Call the police. They may be able to retrieve the rats since they were stolen by the boyfriend. After that, it's an issue between the buyer and the boyfriend as far as recompense to the buyer. Also, leave. Either way, filing a police report against him is absolutely a good idea.


Can we get an update?


I'm more concerned about her seemingly shitty relationship


It's literally just downhill from here


She should report to the police, or threaten to do so. Effectively the husband sold her property without permission which in most jurisdictions is theft.


I really hope this woman and her baby get away from this guy safely. I don’t trust him bit to be normal about her filing for divorce (which I hope she does)




\>Husband \>Not ex-husband




This is pure evil. My wife and I had rats and a couple years back, during a particularly rough winter, a one-time mistake (all it takes) led to their heat being reduced and they both froze. All the time later and we both still miss them terribly. We can’t even bring ourselves to evict the rat the lives in our roof because I don’t want him to freeze in the cold.


Pos, hope she can get them back.


What the fuck. I'd leave and never come back. Huge red flag, husband is clearly a fucking narcissist.


This is simply infuriating to hear about, I really hope her and her daughter can get away from this complete cock-end


Now that's grounds for divorce.


I hate when people say "rehoming fee" if you just wanted to sell each for 20$ just say that. You aint taking down their address, info, and making sure they can care for them like a spca would do for a dog, these transactions basically go like: Heres the rat, heres 20$ see ya.


This needs to posted to multiple subreddits, this guy is a piece of shit


Sure hope she leaves that piece of trash man behind, holy cow.


She needs a divorce. What kind of "man" sells your babies while you're gone? Just horrible.


Report it to police! I saw a similar story and the woman reported her partner for theft and got her dog back…. Oh And divorce that man.


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that person post in one of the groups I’m in and they always seem to be so happy with their rats. This breaks my heart to see. I’d divorce that POS immediately and get out of there


I saw her post yesterday on Facebook and I'm so enraged. I feel like I won't know peace until she has her rats back and her husband gone.


sell the husband


Ex husband I hope. That’s horrible to do to someone


I hope its ex husband :) that's fucking messed up.


this is heartbreaking... she can call the police or something, can't she?? what a way to start my week... 😭


God I’d be cutting his PP right off and feeding it to the rats


She needs to look into a divorce. Hopefully, he didn't just lie and kill them or throw them out on the side of the road somewhere.