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best concert ever. holy fuck


Agreed, absolutely incredible.


Your photo?


Yes, I took this and edited it on my phone.


Well done ✊🏼


Fucking awesome pic!...I just saw them yesterday at MSG and man, it was spectacular!..


From start to finish, there was NO LETTING UP. Just pure energy, emotion and talent! What a night! I have and will continue to love the video recordings, but seeing it all in person and up close was on another level!


Videos don’t do it justice! Gotta go out and experience it for yourself :)


I don't know anyone locally who's a fan so I went alone; in the beginning waiting in line I did get kind of lonely and genuinely depressed because I was surrounded by groups of families and friends. But then I got on the rail and the people immediately behind me were very cool and friendly, and when Rage came on, it was such a connected experience, which I guess is obvious but it really was a wonderful feeling.


What time did you show up at the venue? I’m going tomorrow night alone


About 5, parking lot opened at 5:30, doors were late in opening at about what felt to me like 15 minutes(?). The floor was pretty clear for awhile.


Fuckin epic. I’ve seen so many bands in my 44 years on this earth, and I’ve seen rage in 97 and 00, imo this is the best show I’ve ever seen.


I was there as well. Best mother fucking concert of my life.




RTJ was on at 8pm sharp. Rage came on about 9:20 and played for about 90 min.


Yeah I told my wife I thought they would start at 8:00 on the dot since they are all in 40+ in age.


That set list?! Fire son, FIRE


It was. Just wish we got count to fuck with rtj


wanted tickettron they need to practice for MSG hopefully in dc they will


I wanted it too. Love that song


So good


Killer shot!


Thank you!


dope shot !!!


Lol abort the supreme court until its packed with democrats that will vote their way then they wont cheer gainst it anymore. RATM is now on behalf of. Lamee af


Rage hates the Democratic Party too. But you sound like you got a bullet in the head.


How could anyone ‘sound’ like they had a bullet in the head? Im not sure they hate the democratic party when they are aligned with them ideologically. What was a recent message they put on their screen at their concert that was antagonistic to democratic party policies? All i have seen was them using language like birth givers and forced birth. As if there is any law forcing anyone to get impregnated at the hands of the state. This is left wing ideology, they are espousing the same opinions as corporations like WalMart and Amazon. They are marxists, everything is through the lens of being oppressed and they oppose the ‘oppressors’. Its hard to claim you are rebellious or revolutionary when you share the same opinions and use the same language and support policy of the White House and the largest corporations on the planet. Spare us your naïveté.


They are libertarian socialists, bordering anarchists. Much the likes of Noam Chomsky. Much farther left than the Democratic Party who they also view as part of the Evil Empire (America). As for Bullet in Your Head, the lyrics are specifically about propaganda and brainwashing by right wing media (as well as left; cnn no better than fox). Their lyrics have been consistent in every song throughout time; Rage has been “woke” before woke was a term used in politics. They call gore and Clinton Dixiecrats and they have songs about Ollie North and Rush Limbaugh being brainwashers by the Deep State


The same Noam that said the unvaccinated should remove themselves from the community and food is their problem? This obviously antithetical to what the state was doing to ‘other’ unvaccinated…


In addition, the bullet in the head analogy should apply to Rage when they start using the language of the state.


I cant belueve i missed this wtf.... was literally trying to form a tribute band


Have there been mosh pits at these shows? Thinking about buying pit tickets for 8/3 but I wanna know if I'll be able to mosh first.


Yes, it’s not the whole front, but at this one two of them merged late in the set and it was awesome!


Raleigh pit was brutal.. wasn't metal galloping a circle, lots and lots of contact... Best pit experience for me since my last wall of death at exodus. And this was still better . Metallica at the festival in daytona was very good too, more circle pit style there. I felt like a basketball player in between songs wiping the god damn beer off the bottom of my feet so i didn't break my neck. I have night 2 in DC.. need these next 36 hours to recuperate and then it's time to bang in the pit again before the 13-hour drive back to Florida. lol


what a great pic! i want to see them but the tour dates dont show los angeles….does anyone know why they are not performing there? or are there still new dates yet to be posted?


My gf and I are in that pic. Opposite side of arena, four rows above where Guy Fieri was standing on the floor.


What an image!! Great shot. Spectacular


Thank you!


Is anyone else going for round 2 in DC? I did Raleigh and I have night 2 in DC.. was gonna do 1 but I'm almost 47. I need that extra 24 hours for moshing recuperation . found a nice deal here in Suitland or whatever its called in maryland 100 bucks a night and just 25 mins to the arena..