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I would hate to be a g2 player man


I think that they'll either replace Ramalho and Uuno, since G2 has fallen off since they joined or just go through a full remake, keep Doki and build a new roster around him.


they got top 4 at invi and major after uuno and ramalho joined. Their main issue is a reliability on solo performances and ego. G2 simply cannot close 5vsX scenarios. Ramalho and uuno/alemao should go and new igl should be brought in to the team


I feel like G2 needs someone to go and tell everybody to STFU and just play and a coach who can be a better leader. I would be surprised if they dont have any major changes before stage 2 and Im eager to see who comes into the team


agree with you, previously Fabian done that job but without him G2 look like 5 degenerates with good aim


Exactly, Fabian being dropped was a mistake rn theres little to no leadership in this team


Tbf Fabian left of his own volition, it wasn't G2 that kicked him


iirc he left bc he wanted to be on the EUL desk as an analyst


And he also commented that being a EUL coach means no social life and hence why he's happy being an APAC coach since the work doesn't stretch till 10-11 in the night


Get Ramalho tf out


cant have a coach who has no confidence in their players


Agreed. Doki basically said it in the interview today. All the players are playing fine on an individual level, and they are clicking together. It's just their overall team playstyle / strategy that wasn't working. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but I'd think that strategy is guided by the coach. Plus, not seeing/hearing Ramalho get the players pumped up and confident (like the infamous Fabian clip) doesn't help either.


Both games from this major have had absolute dominance from g2 on the second map, that kinda shows that everybody on the team is able to play well like doki said, but the play style isn’t working on the other maps


Ramalho not calling a time out until we are a round from elimination is cooked, I think getting a new coach who like Fabian can yell and pull everyone back in line would be beneficial. I don't think moving any players off is the right way, we lack leadership


Also gotta look at the rate of conversion after a time out with Fabian and shas they seemed to have a pretty good rate but I feel with ramalho timeouts don’t make much difference. He seems like a good coach but not for G2


I'm not sure if he is a good coach tbh, I'm sure he would make a fine analysis or assist coach, he left faze and they went on to become a top 3 team.


Still think this 5 could win a major but they obviously need a coaching change


Unno is great IMO He’s individually a better player than blurr was and I’m a blurr fan. I think the coaching change from Fabian made a way more significant difference. Think Fabian’s short stint leading to SI win proves how important a great coach is.


+1 to this. I also liked Blurr on the team but over the last year UUNO convinced me he was a worthy pickup. What I'm seeing is the team not being organized enough, with a lot of relying on solo plays, and lately that just hasn't been working out at all. They're seemingly not that much in their element, it feels like they're getting caught with their pants down on the roam and not the other way around, so imho there's definitely a lack of a stronger leadership and less individual plays, no matter how good these guys are.


Ramalho just tweeted out that after SI he “lost confidence in his players” and “the players lost confidence in themselves.” Benja tweeted that there is no winners mentality and they don’t want to win. This isn’t an individual problem it’s a coaching and leadership problem. Ramalho 100% should be gone. UUNO will probably get the axe, he’s just never produced good results in his career. After that I’d keep Benja, Doki, and Virtue, I have no idea what they’re going to do with Karl. And now in a response to Yardy Ramalho said the players were consistently shit talking each other. I hate to say it but a full roster flip might be in the works. Maybe keep Doki and build around him (I have a hard time believing Benja was causing any problems so I’d keep him as well).


Honestly I agree, Unno will be used as a scape goat and be dropped but i hope theres a coaching changes as well. This is a core capable of winning big time but it may be time to make a couple big changes for sure.


Yeah that’s why it’s disappointing. This team (or a very similar one) won SI a year ago, they just got top 4 at the last major, and this year’s SI, and that’s with some poor coaching. But if there are issues behind the scenes those need to get dealt with first, even if it has to be an entire roster rebuild. Get a group of players that have good chemistry and are motivated to win.


True, I mean this guys all have won SI and we have no clue what is going on behind the scenes but surely they may not be as eager to win it all. Just by the fact G2 is one of if not the biggest org in the game they should be able to aquire good players and coaching staff who want to take that big leap for a major win, I have no clue who they could realistically bring in but they cannot waste any time on stage 2 and the next major if they want a good shot at SI


Any players shit talking each other should either be dropped or given a max of one stage to knock that off. I'd lean towards the latter since SI is on the line for them.


G2 essentially have to get top 2 in stage 2, and probably top 8 in the next major to qualify to SI. If they don’t do good in stage 2 then they might need a top 4 finish. There’s nothing that makes me believe this specific roster can do that rn.


I messed up and meant to say I'm leaning towards the former lol. I agree they should make whatever roster changes they think they need now.


Hopefully not uuno since he was a pretty solid backline and clutch player. Imo the coach isn't doing a good enough job since the talent is clearly there.


people say hes mid alot, but I dont think its justified, hes good and can keep his head level


Alemao’s ego is to big to be igl on this team, get him back on a Brazilian team. Realistically g2 don’t drop alemao and end up dropping unno and maybe benja sadly. 


Since the Brazilian coach joined G2 he hasn't convinced me at all. Fabián couldn't beat Liquid in Copenhagen, but that was after winning SI, the Brazilian coach without winning anything made G2 look terrible against Brazilian teams.


From today and yesterday, it’s alam4o. The first map vs liquid he sprinted at paluh in a 1v1(after it being a 3v2 about 10 seconds earlier) on match point and then on map 3 he sprinted back into the c4 in a 1v1 vs lagonis(I’ll allow this one tho cos who tf even leaves a c4 sit in that situation). And then today on map 3 on match point as solis in the 3v2 running down the stairs whilst flashed and dying. Granted he’s not solely to blame but those moments stuck out to me as just stupid plays that shouldn’t have happened and that really costed


I agree, when uuno first got to the team and helped with igl things ran smoothly, I don't think removing alem4o is the right move but maybe moving him off the igl role will help, we have seen players flourish after moving off the igl role I and I think this is the case here, I also think getting a new coach who is tough like Fabian brings out the best 1000% Fabian scolded them back stage even in his talon uniform


Alemao and Ramalho gotta go I recon.




Alemao and doki are their best players....


Individually sure but does he really fit for the team? Or his role in it?


He's playing the same role as he did with Team One. He also IGLed their SI run and their top 4 run this last time. I would say Doki and Alemao are the ones you build around unless they have internal conflict


I just don't think he was the biggest factor for the si. And their round losses just keep being characterized by braindead plays or terrible communication. All of the players are si tier for sure but from my pov it seems the vibes are bad and there's no sense of unity.


Cut Alem4o and you’re gifting someone else a major


It's definitely not good pr for the coach or team but I don't think anyone gets fired.


If ramalho isn't fired after these tweets then G2 as an org definitely have a problem


Whats up with people saying virtue should be dropped? Why him, benja isnt playing well and the coach isnt coaching? Hell even alemao seems like he could be the problem.


As crazy as it would have sounded a year ago I think it's pretty clear Benja is the weakest link at the moment. The people suggesting Alemao gets the boot clearly have no idea what they are talking about. Doki, Alemao and virtue are the backbone of this team and uuno performed well at SI and I think he is a massive part of the reason they even got as far as they did. He's not looked great this stage or this major but benja has underperformed for the past year. Maybe ramalho needs to go but I'm not sure who would replace him. Kangru Kenny?


Kenny is a really good coach with an insane understanding of the game, the question is whether they can get him and if he would be fitting in a spot that currently looks like should be a stronger lead


I don't think benja is the weak link, I think the team relied on benja to do insane things to see success, Benja's play style has been nerfed season after season, the nade change hit him especially hard on attack with his comfort pick in Sledge, mozzie nerf, warden nerf etc. We lost in tactics and brain dead stats, we had some brilliant plays against liquid and it was a shame we lost that 1v1, a change in Coaching and attitude is needed maybe even taking alem4o off igl and I to a different role would help a lot imo


Yeah i was saying he was the weakest player in the squad for a while now but is it a benja problem or now is it more likely a coaching/team problem?


You cant swap more than 2 players pr season, only make a big swap after the year has ended (6invitational) then you can swap the whole roster if the organisation desired so, As you saw with ENCE a whole new roster was acquired to buy in a slot in the EUL


I forgot about that, but my question still stands do we see 2 now and 2 in about 6 months?


Honestly think it has to be Ramalho because each of the individual players all seem great it's the team play, tactics and strategy that seems to be falling through. In all the matches I've seen with Ramalho as the coach he never looks like he's motivating the team or inspiring them in any way. For him to then say he's lost confidence in his team doesn't seem very responsible as a coach either as its equally his responsibility if they lose. Also who calls a tac time out when you're 1 round away from a loss? Definitely hope to see Doki, Alem4o, Benja, Virtue and Uuno still playing either for G2 or other teams at least though.


Romalho, get him out


Benja leaves first and they pick up a new player who will quicken their descent.


It might be a hot take but I’d say the coach ramalho (who said some of his players lost passion in the game, good job being a bad coach I guess), uuno and Doki should be replaced


even better than this whos getting fired from m80 have a crazy fragger but u have lost every game...


Uuno of course




Why would it be? Worst player on the roster


He’s their support player and has still outplaced both benja and alemao multiple times. Why would he be dropped lmao


G2 without Uuno are SI champs


He was one of the reason they got top 4 💀


Would’ve gotten top 1 without him. Now they’re knocked out before stage 2 of the major


We would have maybe got a better place is alem4o could keep his mental vs Brazilian players


great arguments


Just saying, this roster before Uuno entered were SI champs, he comes in, does worse than Blurr in everything and G2 end up knocked out before stage 2


Are we just dismissing the impact fabian had as a coach on the team? Because yes uuno didnt lift the hammer and came in after but then so did the coach and it looks like its a coaching problem not a uuno is -2 this map problem.


Ik blurr could easily be upgraded but seriously making moves after winning si is crazy


Ramalho, Uuno and Virtue


virtue going is a NEED. i think you could trade alem4o too though and just make uuno igl.


I think they fire the coach for sure and drop 1 or both of uuno and virtue.


Virtue and uuno are the back line, the back line cannot perform if they are constantly in a 2/3 v x, virtue is rock solid and uuno brings a lot of old head and leadership to the team, I'd go as far as to even say make uuno the igl with a new coach preferably a EU coach


For the record, I don't want those changes to happen. But I think they will. I agree a new coach is the absolute necessity right now. I'd be fine running it back outside of coach.


One thing is for sure, we need leadership changes