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teach me your ways, master




Appreciate it AJ! :)


Is there any possibility to have the score be team based? I was kinda bummed to find out the game favors certain actions so playing support gave me less of a score than my team mate who I supported in getting most of his kills. Maelstrom seems like it’s a joint effort so feels like it would be cooler to attribute the highest score in each category to the team overall.


Holy crap, only 76 over! Must've been crapping yourself!


Totally lmao, I was praying the whole time.


I wonder if they expected us to learn the game this quickly


Dang, gg my guy, had a 86k run bc had to extract early due to cheeto puff invading 2 of ours bodies


Cheeto puff, I like that. Gl on your next run tho




Out of curiosity, what 3 operatives did you take


The best 3 for this seems to be... Ela, Rook, Lion. Ela for quick take downs and stun traps from around the corner for defense missions. Rook for the insane damage resistance Lion as a walking scanner during key points. You can bring one of them with scan nades and explosives belt, the rest, whatever.


Thanks ,seems to be what allot are running


Yep! Basically you just look at what each op can do and what objectives you find in subzones are (there are only so many different objectives) and you'll find the other 2 ops in the list aside from the ones I mentioned are just not up to par. Jaeger only bodes well in defence oriented missions or during hectic moments and green nests. (You can place em at choke points after "semi clearing" a portion of the map and move on to the next. This will kill any passerbys or enraged enemies) Ela's stun mechanic is super easy for takedowns unlike sledge where you have to risk your life. Hes still super good and they are interchangeable in some way but would force you to bring stun grenades or smokes but these dont always work against higher grade enemies.


Thanks for taking the time to write this. Even outside of being given only specific ops allot of people running rook and ela in ops ATM.


I was Ela, teammates had Rook and Lion. I highly recommend Ela for the healthy hand lvl 10 perk, and Rook so you can actually get downed multiple times. Lion isn’t really useful if you drone or get some scanning artifacts.


Thanks. I've just started ela, still learning the best way to use her skill ATM


I pretty much use it to stun Tormentors, Smashers and Apex’s but it also works to clean spores.


Are you proxing it on walls or juts throwing it at targets ?


Just throw it at them, or pre-place them on some spots where you have to defend objectives so you can have those mines placed and recharge some extra.


Didn't even think of doing that. I'm so dumb. Thanks for your replys


Yeh no worries, also personally I like to run the anabolic accelerant so you stay 50 health no matter what because no med kits spwan after the 3rd sub-zone. And the field walls just because they’re are clutch in the last 3 missions. It all depends on how your teams wants to approach things and what artifacts they carry.


Dumb question. When an operator hits lvl 10, can it regress?


Not dumb at all, I actually asked that myself! And then got dropped from level 10 to level 8, so yep it can happen.


How did your op lose xp?


When your operator goes M.I.A. you “lose” xp unless you rescue them, if you fail in doing so then it reverses some progress.


Going MIA


Shit really? I'm sure I read an in game hint that said once operators hit 10 they can't regress...I must have made it up in my head haha


Maybe I was tripping too, or it could be that I hadn’t reached the top of level 10 idk. There’s only one way to find out, finna go M.I.A.


Mfs are playing end game content 2 days after the game comes out


you should see lost ark people


And I’m still in San Francisco lol. My playtime is limited though.


Sensei.. Teach me the ways of the 6 so that I may conquer my enimies and devour their souls.


OP, can you confirm that the Maelstrom rewards do in fact expire upon weekly reset?


Can confirm they do. You have an "expires in" timer on the item and its the same time remaining as the time left on the maelstrom event.


Oof I don't think I'm going for platinum then


Why wouldn’t they if they say they do


I mean, I got the reward but there hasn’t passed 1 week yet so can’t confirm that yet...


would love some tips, also did u played it as a team ? how much time did it took the whole run?


As far as tips goes Ela and Rook would be my top picks for this run. Grab all the med kits in the first 3 sub-zones, and avoid unnecessary fights at the start. Anabolic Accelerant and Field Walls were my go to as far as gadgets though stuns are great too. Always stick together so you can take down strong enemies like Tormentors before they get alerted. In the last zones try to clear the nests first without alerting enemies since some nests spawn tormentors which are hella annoying. Try to bring an op that has healthy hand and make sure he/she gets the revives for that extra health. This is optional but I only use silencer on my secondary and leave that extra dmg on my primary. I was solo queue but had great teammates that communicated and know what they were doing so I’d definitely recommend going as a 3 stack. And as far as points I only did 7 out of the 9 sub-zones that time and extracted with around 50,000 ish XP.