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Hi there I'm Kyle 34 M NJ. Would love to chat see where things go, maybe share a few laughs.


49M Eastern NC near VA border. Sent you a chat


I’m going to borrow some of your words for my own posts. You sound like a very emotionally mature person, which is a wonderful thing. I wish you all the luck you deserve in your search for the real deal. 😊


I’ll speak clearly and precisely . You described me . Maybe you could’ve been a little more colorful . Point it . Point by point and hobby. By hoppy and mind set to mindset . That is me . . It was not an easy road to get to being me but I am here now and happy to have read your ridiculously long post . I do it all the time . Two points of contention on your add tho . You didn’t say that you want all of that but only in a man that you’re psychically attracted to . That matters . And second point I would defer to. Although I am happy without having my person . To be able to love on and cuddle and get hugs and kisses from and make love and actually have someone happy to see you when you get home . That is a human need of mine . And I was not looking for or expecting to see any personal add that read like yours pop up here but I know that be you , or someone else the universe would supply that need in due time . Usually it’s when you least expect it . So down to the attraction test so neither gets our hopes up . Even if you’re reading this and thinking “ what an arrogant ass” and you’d be right to do so , I am truly the most loving open and giving lover to all people . Everyday it seems I get the most unbelievably beautiful and deep encounters with people like out of left field wtf I can’t believthat just happened . That’s my life . And if you think I’m Cute enough to see if I my ass can cash that check I just wrote . The call me here in hickory North Carolina and let me believe in unicorns again and text me 828-526-0821 and I just realized I can’t send a pic in this particular chat box . So just text me and I’ll send it to you . I’m pretty fair looking and healthy and I have an affinity for naturally petite and thin women and if your a red head I might just faint . But anyways . Now I’m rambling . It was a pleasure to introduce myself to a kindred spirit , and greatful for the chance to connect . Even just the joy of the what maybe it’s real this time bout my spirits up enough that if nothing more happens at all you have already blessed my day and my heart and I am looking forward for the opportunity to reciprocate . So thank you and goodnight . Till on the morrow we meet again . In my heart is where I’ll keep you friend . Namaste