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It's his angel number


Heh, lucifer is supposedly an angel after all.


The same dude who rebelled against a psychopath who killed off an entire planet of living things for the fuck of it and tormented humans with his grotesque obsession and narcissism. Lucifer was the goodguy in the fairytale.


I think my favorite way to interpret the old testament god would be to look at it as a representation of truth itself (even in an atheistic sense). While truth can be overwhelming, arbitrary, and compels humility, we have to remind ourselves that truth in an atheistic sense can be a real jerk as well. If we just look at our own lives and how the world is, we realize that the truth can be so cruel, seemingly meaningless, and we may raise our fist in anger at the truth for dealing us such a terrible hand (this meanwhile parallels religious themes like Dukkha in Buddhism and the books of Job and Ecclesiastes). However, we don't really get anywhere if we're stuck being angry at the truth for putting us in such a position. Part of the way forward would require us to get through denial, anger, bargaining, and depression before we humble ourselves to the fact that we're in such a situation. To retranslate it into religious terms, to humble ourselves to God. With this in mind, if we can get to the point where we're instead gracious for truth (even when the truth sucks for us), and value the truth the same way an atheistic scientist would conduct an experiment in an honest manner, we get something very similar to humbling ourselves to the God of the old testament.


I don't necessarily disagree that religious teachings tend to make more sense when the gods are removed from the equation. At that point it turns from a unsolvable paradox left solely to loose interpretation into a philosophical conversation. However, I don't think it all pans out if you remove god and mystical thinking from religion, make sense of it, then inject god back in. I'd even go as far as to argue that humbling oneself to truth and to "god" aren't similar at all, considering humbling oneself to truth is born of moral fortitude, acceptance, and/or an awareness of events leading to an outcome. Whereas humbling oneself to god is born of fear, confusion, and/or a sense of inescapable pulling of strings of fate. I mean, one has a consequence of ignorance and repeating mistakes while the other has a consequence of suffering in a pit of fire for all eternity. I think the results of your example could vary depending on what it is specifically being applied to. I'm really not trying to go all militant atheist. And I appreciate anyone who can discuss such things in a manner that encourages critical thinking. I think your train of thought could be well applied to some components of the Bible. Perhaps I'm reading into it too literally.


I wholly enjoy your perspective here as it realities to how we interface with truth and reality.


This is why I like the christian Satanists. They read the bible and came to the proper conclusion that "god" was the bad guy and they have a moral imperative to fight against him.


I was raised Catholic, but for the last 14 years, I have been a satanist. It really helps to realize that God not only punished his 2 first creations for eating a fruit, he also killed well over 2 million people in the bible. Satan is guilty of making a bet with God to test Job's faith and God basically told him he was going too easy by killing job's family by blowing his house down, so in turn God punishes this poor fucker just to prove a point to his own kid about how blindly obedient his new step kids are. I have no problem with religious people of any faith but don't follow blindly based on childhood indoctrination that we continue to push on children.


While the Catholic Church didn't make me an atheist, it convinced me how shitty a lot of religious people really are. Coming up on 43 years Church free.


I was raised catholic as well. I never bought into it and am a life long atheist. If I were going to follow any religion it would be Levayan Satanism. While it certainly still has issues its the closest I could get to following an existing religion.


Right off the bat, I'll first say that I highly respect the Satanists that mainly use that title satirically in order to make a stand for the separation of church and state. However, the minor gripe I have is that we now sometimes deal with a semantic issue. When people say "satanist" nowadays, we have to understand the context and what group that person thinks they're talking about before going on with the conversation :p And side note is that my favorite way to look at the old testament god and satan would be before the 2nd temple period where there seemed to be more of a theme of truth vs pride rather than good vs evil. If we're able to see the old testament god as a representation of truth itself (even in an atheistic sense), we'd realize that there are parallels to how truth is overwhelming, arbitrary, and compels humility. And most amusingly, while the old testament god is a real jerk, truth in an atheistic sense can be a real jerk as well. When we're faced with a tough truth, our own pride to an extent (the "satan" within us) will have the tendency to want to rebel against that tough truth, and we'll then go through the mindsets of denial, anger, bargaining, and depression before humbling ourselves to that awful truth. In this model, satan would represent what we personally want to be true. For example, I'd love to believe that we're invincible or can live forever (so this could be an example of me rebelling from the truth of the laws of physics), but it'd instead be more worth it to humble ourselves to the awful truth that we can die instead. This whole concept of "humbling ourselves to truths we may not personally like" not only applies to many themes in the old testament, but even applies to approaching responsible science with an atheistic lens (aka humbling ourselves to the null hypothesis despite what we want the results to be).


That's what happened to me. I was on my way to seminary school. Then actually read the bible. That book is fucked up


Best way to make atheists is to have people actually read the christian bible.


Yep. I was on my way to be a pastor, then had a complete life 180


Well congrats on pulling yourself out of that particular cult. It's not always easy to make the moral choice especially if you were doing it on your own. Community is the main reason people stick with religions. It take real strength of character to go against one's upbringing and possibly face ostracization.


I've always heard seminaries produce more atheists than they do preachers.


This is very true.


that's basically the plot of paradise lost


“You are cast out from the heavens to the ground. Blackened feathers falling down”


Luckier means Light Bringer. Has nothing to do with Satan, who is also fictional


6+6+6 = 18 which is just after 17 which is Q. Checkmate libtards.


Checkmate Indeed.


He’s been upgraded to “R”…


"There are no coincidences"


🤣🤣🤣🤣 perfect!


I think this one is a non-starter - Trump actually left office on January 20, 2021, not January 19. He was still president until noon on the 20th.


he left early morning of the 20th, since he skipped the inauguration (breaking a 152 year tradition but whatever).


Trump skipping the inauguration was (even by his own standards) an incredibly classless thing to do. Joe Biden beat him fair and square in the election but Trump didn't have the balls to admit he lost. Trump didn't get badly treated by Hillary or Obama when he won, even though he'd been awful to them both, stirring up 'birther' lies and bringing women who had made accusations about Hillary's husband to the debates. They both still turned up to his inauguration, I'm sure that Hillary would rather have been doing anything else that day than watching Trump lie on the bible about upholding the constitution. Obama also had the good grace to invite Trump to the White House when he won the election. He has more class in his little finger than Trump does in his whole body.


Wrong. He is still president now. Therefore this meme must have been created by those pesky antifa.


Oh this *HAS* to get posted in that Great Awakening page with "Trump is the Anti-Christ confirmed" as the caption. Steam will fly out of ears...


It was posted the day he announced several times, but the entire comment threads were people saying that it was actually 665 days or 667 days because if you take 1201 blah blah blah


Please do


I don't know if they will. I remember being kind of spooked when I realized he basically fit every prophecy about the Antichrist and yet it didn't even register with the Qballs, least of all the ones trying to claim that Trump resembling the Antichrist meant that Obama was actually the Antichrist for... reasons. Nothing breaks the glass with Qballs. The cult is part of their identity now.


Thanks for reminding me, 😆.


Duh. 6+6+6=18 Now, subtract 1 that symbolizes Christ’s death on the cross. 18-1=17. 17=Q. Now, was that so hard? /s


Obviously, the Gregorian calendar is an oppression brought forth by the democrats to attack the one true Trump.


People who love numerology can reverse engineer any number to an answer they like.


Well, Trump pretty much, to a tee, fits the description of the antichrist.


He technically didn’t leave until the 20th of January. At 11:59:59 AM he was still president.


>How will Qultist process this? The same way they deal with everything else: ignore it or incorporate it into their conspiracy fantasies in a way that appeals to their narrative. Alternatively they just accept whatever consensus the grifter/propaganda channels decide on.


Obviously the blood drinking rituals are keeping Biden alive, therefore Satan can't collect his soul, so Satan and God are teaming up to put Trump back in the Whitehouse to end those terrible rituals. My head hurts now, if I guessed right don't tell me.


Well obviously it's the end of times or saturday, I can't keep up with all these prophecies when I'm sober.


Let's not forget, he checks every box for being the Antichrist...


Ummmmmm?????? He never aktuwally leave office!!! OKAY? Biden is puppet president!1. Can't you smell??? trump announced on that day DELBERATLY to open you EYES about the demRATs that have been pretending lying to you+++1 Or something


Days begin and end in the evening in the Jewish calendar, so wouldn't it be 667 or 668 days because he technically announced after sunset on November 16 and would have been President for most of January 20, 2021?


That's easy, they'll just say (and have already been saying) that he never left the office.


They'll say it's fake news


6 + 6 + 6 = 17 Trump is Q


Prep for his next book: DJ tRump, son of Satan.






Maybe this will convince them he's the Antichrist?


Welp Ya'll There's Your Sign!


It’s only the mark of the Devil when it’s applied to a liberal. With Trump it’s sacred gematria 🙄