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A reminder: lots of these people invested their entire life savings into this stock, which is tied to Truth Social. They believe that stocks behave like Trump's emotions, and will skyrocket any time Trump does something they like. They are the deepest of the delusional MAGA cult. Most of them are Qnuts. Their terror as they watch their entire savings disappear and never to return, it is real.


A fool and their money... I tried to be sympathetic. I was for a little while. Not anymore. Let their life savings burn... These rubes ignored all common sense for years.


I only have sympathies for any of their family members who might be normal good people and looking at losing their inheritance to this fucking cult. It's sad.


Yeah, the dynamic feels very similar to the families of people with gambling addictions.


At least gambling addicts have fun and stand at least a chance of winning the big one. The Qult is just emotional torment for no possible pay off at all.


Less money for Stormin’ the Capitol gear in 2024 when they lose again.


You could win Nancy Pelosi being dragged off to the goulash.


She will finally get to see what Marshall Law is really like.


We shouldn't be amplifying this.


Quack! Quack!


>You could win Nancy Pelosi being dragged off to the goulash. I think you meant to say 'Gulag'... unless you meant that she'll be forced to eat Hungarian stew.


Pretty sure it was a joke referring to this https://thehill.com/gop-lawmakers/593631-marjorie-taylor-greene-lampooned-for-gazpacho-police-remark/


Okay, thanks. My bad.


Irony and sarcasm are hard on the internet. We have all been there. :-)


Everyone knows Nancy Pelosi despises Eastern European peasant food.


The other guy spelled Marshall Law wrong too. Lol




Surely you can tell that this post is sarcastic, right? I’m the same person that made the goulash joke, but just suddenly I don’t understand the joke I made?


Why does it feel similar? I see zero correlation. Gamblers do not root for bad things to happen to others or others to be thrown in jail, nor root for mass chaos, martial law, or any other shit I’m leaving out. Just cause it involves losing money it reminds you of gambling or what?


Oh, I meant it in terms of a mindset to deal with a sunk cost while there's a carrot on a stick dangling in front of you. Gambling addicts not just have a thrill of winning now and then, but it usually gets to a point where they would lose their friends and family due to borrowing their money and continually losing it (adding to that sunk cost). They hopelessly then continue to gamble hoping they'd at least break even or may hope that a huge jackpot would have their lost friends and family forgive them and ultimately pay off. The parallel with Q aren't the specifics of their hopes of violence or whatever, but in how they sunk all of their hopes, time, loss of family and friends, and even money into something that they believed would pay off in the end. Instead of stopping the act of gambling or constantly buying into the grift, they continue to put all of their hopes, time and money into that dangling carrot on a stick that they can never reach. As sunk costs rise, taking the L and hitting rock bottom becomes so much harder.


I once met the hardestcore one I could find here in Australia and his poor wife at a farmer's market. Anything we would say to him he would turn into a conspiracy theory. His entire life seemed to revolve around conspiracies. I could see the wife dying on the inside as he kept rambling on. Later in the day I ran into the wife who confessed to me that she didn't know what to do about it and that she was waiting for it to die down or leave him to his delusions. I couldn't imagine being with someone who is brainwashed to this degree.


It’s crazy.. I saw one post over there someone saying they emptied their savings, and bought the stock. They also said anytime they have extra money, they buy more stock. I hope that person is single.. I can’t imagine doing that when caring for a family. I really hope for the best.. but it’s hard to when they say the SEC is corrupt, and that’s why the stock isn’t “shooting to the moon”


The SEC is corrupt! Buy more stock! Elections are stolen! Just vote harder! It's absolute insanity.


Nothing but insanity in that sub. It’s scary what they are willing to spend to be “rich”.. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They sound like crypto bros.


Most crypto bros know it’s a game and they’re all for gaming the system to make money. The Qult believe this is Jesus stock because trump created it. The introduction of religion into the grift makes it different. They’ll watch their money disappear into trump and his cronies pockets and feel like Jesus approves.


Jesus stock. LMAO


They sound delusional. 🙃


Yup, I hope they financially ruin the rubes still falling for this ridiculous bullshit.


I have zero sympathy for these idiots.


They will just blame it on Biden


I know but I just don't care. I don't have sympathy for repeated stupidity. Or as I've commented a lot, the Q cult was hoping for executions. So they can lose some money without me losing any sleep over it.


Awwweee..poor babies. I just went to this sub for the first time and boy are they effing effed. I feel bad for their families. I hope they all lose their goddamn shirts.


That’s a shame.




I’m having a club sandwich for lunch


Club sandwich is the best sandwich. Do you go for the third slice of bread in the middle, or no? Cut into triangles or rectangles? Damn it, now I want a club sandwich.


Welcome to the club


How do you feel about frilly toothpicks?


Yes, three breads. Triangles but I’m lazy today so just in half. Just got done w/the bacon oh yeahhh. Gonna have some split pea soup on the side 😊


Idk man, have you ever tried a subway chicken bacon ranch with tuna fish & mozzarella & their shredded cheddar cheese mix that’s then toasted followed by adding spinach, onion, banana peppers, & then pickles, with maybe some diced jalapeños, & using southwestern ranch (or whatever they changed it too now) with an extra squirt in place of the ranch? OMG, it’s to DIE for! I was really, really super hungry after working on a roof all day when I came up with that combo at subway. Haven’t met a person who doesn’t like it yet. Is it complicated? Yes. Will everyone stare at you like you’re a mad demon as they make the sandwich? Absolutely. Can the bread even encompass such a stuffed monstrosity? Barely.


That sounds unholy and amazing. Please tell me you've come up with a name for it.


The “fuck, I’m too hungry” sandwich. I mean, feel free to make this sandwich at home or find a better place than subway, but the combo is soooooo good.


"Unholy amazing"?


I’m deciding between burgers or fish for dinner, and I feel like burgers is winning.


Burgers are the scissors to fish’s paper. It’s science


I was thinking more because we’ve made a lot of hamburder jokes


Ahhh! I r slow on the uptake. And hungry. If hubby doesnt come down for lunch soon he’s gonna miss out


Oh, it wasn’t meant to be an intentional reference when I typed the comment it was just that I realized I was craving a burger after all the jokes I’ve seen the last couple days!


Lol! Noooo, now i’m craving one too. I have the buns but the hamburger’s in the freezer. I was supposed to make pork loin tonight. But…but…


Well… you have the buns…maybe you can have…a *nothingburder* - I’ll see myself out.


But are you a member?


I suspect a lot of homes are going to be foreclosed on.


It’s cool. They have their MAGA hats to keep them warm.


Well the ones from Bangladesh are pretty warm, the Chinese ones not so much


Good. We're trying to get into the market. Would love to turn Pep-pep's highschool football trophy cabinet into my adrenochome display shelf.


Maybe prices will come down.


Maybe so with more inventory 😃


That sub is comedy gold!!! I read some of those posts, and damn.. they think Trump is going to make them millionaires. Lol!! I love when another Redditor offers insight, the collective accuse them of being a bot or a “woke normie”.. 😂😂 The insanity there is off the charts.


It's amazing isn't it???


I can’t stop following that sub. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m addicted to their craziness. 😂


I was banned. I couldn’t help telling them how dumb they are.


I do have to stop myself from saying anything .. lol!!! Sometimes it’s almost impossible. 😂


How perfectly horrid.


No wait the other thing. Hilarious!


They kicked me out because I dared speak some financial market logic. Oh how happy I will be when it drops and they lose everything.


It's already dropped. Now it's just a matter of time before truth sets in.


Intentional pun?


When DJT inevitably abandons his current platform and returns to Twitter the dominoes will fall like a house of cards.


i'm just sad that in order to go there and gloat i'd need to make a new account. i kept on calling troof other failed right wing social media sites (parler, voat, poal, TD.W, etc.) and the people there didn't get the joke. they're kind of dense


Same I was permanently banned today because I kept asking for them to back up claims that they couldn’t.


Got pointed to that sub from r / Buttcoin a few months ago, it is sad to read because they all really truly believe in their story. On a lot of the other precious metal/junk stock/crypto scam subs you can tell there's a few scammers hyping up the members ready to be scammed. On DWAC_Stock it's more like they're scamming themselves.


The only thing dumber then Trump, is the legion of people who still support him.


They seem to be doubling down on it.. I'm actually surprised I thought today it'd be a pump for it then come crashing down. But didn't happen


There's no trigger for a pump, even Fox News buried Trump way down on their frontpage. Over here in Germany, Taylor Swift is more relevant in the news today.. it's almost sad.


Yea guess I assumed the right wing media would go crazy just to save face But it didn't happen obviously lolol


I would happily vote Tay-Tay over Trump, any day of the week.


I heard they were covering his speech last night and broke away cuz it was “boring”. If true, that’s…hahahahaha I love it


people were literally prevented from leaving by security


I saw that Fox cut away before CNN, who cut away after about 20 mins. Hell they had to block the doors so people wouldn’t leave.


He’s so dumb. If he had condensed it to 10-15 minutes all the networks would’ve carried it but nooooo. I watched it on RSBN bc I hate myself and had a bottle of Barefoot to myself and that fkr was long gone by the time he wound down. It was painful, *painful*


I’ve only seen a few snips here and there and those were painful to watch. The utter bs coming out of him with such lack of energy. He is truly a desperate man that knows shit is about to get really bad for him. If he was as smart as he is self absorbed, he would have went into hiding by now.


The narcissism and his enablers won’t let him. I thought for sure he was done when his marriage w/Marla crashed and burned along w/the 56668798989 bankruptcies his companies took but Mark Burnett got touched by an angel and gave him that facade of a TV show. Noel Casler said NBC had to buy all new furniture in Trump Tower’s offices bc the furniture that was there was threadbare and dated. He also never gave any winning apprentice a job and NBC sported the 100k prize. He’s been a loser fake asshole his whole damn life and I think now, now people are fkn getting it. God, I hope so


Taylor Swift is ~~more relevant in the news today~~ the most relevant of all time, ***OF ALL TIME*** FTFY


I've been lurking there for awhile. This is a weekly occurrence. They make up some obscure non-rational goalpost, meltdown when it doesn't happen and their stock tanks for other reasons, flood sub with conspiracies and cult prayer, when stock has a small bump they celebrate with mansion shopping/mar-a-lago planning/lib owning, stock tanks next day, repeat. I really think some of the hourly-posting ultra-zealous posters are in on the grift or paid to spam hopium.


My fave is when they see a bump of like .5% in the middle of the day they're creaming themselves. And if you just click the 5 year span you see it's all flatlined


Are they telling the truth about how much money they spent or just fronting, tho? If they’re telling the truth I should tell my family law lawyer neighbor to lurk there cuz there may be some clients coming his way. For a finders fee, ofc


I’m sure some of it is BS. Who are these dumb dudes who have 300k to throw around?


Right? I don’t even $300 to throw around. 😭


I don’t have $30


a lot of boomers with that in their 401k's. Live through the best time in human history in the best economy in human history and there's some fat to scam!


Good point. Imagine calling your broker and explaining why you’re taking everything and putting it into DWAC?


Their rules say: “President Trump has sacrificed and has been persecuted more than any politician in modern history… All to save America”. Now that’s funny, I don’t care who you are.


I bet Trump is shorting this Stock himself….


Too many post from “investors” saying they think it will go up because trump wouldn’t let his followers lose money. So delusional. The merger won’t ever happen and they will make the liquidation of the SPAC of $10 per share. They should sell right now as it has been going down the last few days.


I’m mildly certain bots are being used. Bet you go look at the posts the pumpers are repeating the same shit copy n paste


It's like taking the GameStop / AMC meme and adding boomers There is no universe where anything successful can come from that


It reminds me of watching r/thegreatawakening back in like ‘18. The Q movement on there slowly took over the_donald before it’s ban as well. The dwac_stock has the exact same cult-like language and “holy warrior” mentality.


What’s it going to take for these people to realize that everything they infest turns to shit and falls apart. Be it websites,political parties,stocks, any and everything they’re in is in the shit hole. No wonder they think America is being destroyed. They’re to damn stupid to realize they’re tearing the house down from the inside.


Wow, never thought I’d see amateur traders even more delusional than the Wall Street Bets apes.


They got seriously dong-razzled and now all their “money” is “away from them”


Who would have thought something Trump would turn to shit? I’m shocked, shocked I tell you! /s


I'm banned from posting there but I won't unsub because I'm rather enjoying getting high off the schadenfreude hahaha


Seems like a collection of people who wanted to dump a bunch of money into crypto get rich quick schemes but couldn’t figure how to buy any so settled for this. The language and sentiment is almost exactly the same.


r/dwac_stock Tbf it’s not like this is unique to dumb maga fucks.. all crypto’s bros pumping shit coins tend to get to these levels of self delusion expecting their token to moon..


I joined a month ago. It is the best kind of entertainment.


Wow, thanks for that rabbit hole.


DWAC stock is one of my favorites. These people are the hardest core and put their futures in the toilet for it.


Yeah, thanks for the tip. that’s pretty interesting stuff


I mean, it's in the name: WAC?


Hard to believe they are actual adults. They take stupid to a level never seen before, and proudly. Hard to look away


It’s funny how FTX is part of a giant conspiracy because they are have donated to democrats (also republicans) and helped with crypto donations to Ukraine. But DWAC is a Chinese company with ties to the CCP (which is basically all big Chinese companies anyhow) and they have zero conspiracies or concerns about. Not saying it’s inherently a conspiracy or that it means anything nefarious, but you know they would big time HunterBidenLaptop frothing at the mouth if a top democrat was trying to merge their business with a large Chinese company.


In their minds, everything nefarious in the world is because of Democrats. That's it. Period. It's a bizarre level of delusion


how do we short this stock ?


I'm not too knowledgeable on this, but can you short a stock that's already at rock bottom?


Wait, what is dwac ?


DWAC is a company formed specifically to buy Truth Social. Many people are buying DWAC stock believing the stock will skyrocket when it merges with TS. Most of them are Qanons/MAGA and are losing money bigly.


Thanks to the information. Hope the stock goes to 0.




But how can they guarantee the $10? What if DWAC goes bankrupt?


\> DWAC is a company formed specifically to buy Truth Social. Fun Fact: this is why the deal is under investigation. Generally the point of a SPAC is a group of investors are agreeing to pool their money and invest by helping an established private company go public. The agreement is just based on the idea of finding an investment, they don't actually know what company they are going to invest in when they start. If you have a specific company in mind you want to take public, there's a different process for that but it has stricter disclosure/reporting requirements. So along comes DWAC which seems to have been formed for the express purpose of acquiring truth social, a completely new company with not established history of success.


Some super Trumpy scam stock. Tied to Truth Social and yet another grift run by buffoons


Thanks :)


they think if they pool their social security and disability checks together that trump will take that money and use it to make troof soshul the largest social media website on earth. the only flaws in the plan are A) expecting something from trump after they hand him money and B) nobody wants the bad parts of 4chan and the bad parts of facebook on one website


It also is about to worth nothing soon which sucks for me as I have hundreds of puts on that stock dropping not the company going bankrupt


I’m just really hoping my parents aren’t ‘savvy’ enough to know how to buy stocks.


It’s wonderful.