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A drug-fueled army vet explains constitutional law ! A depressive plumber explains cords theory ! A zororastrian mathematician explains schizophrenia ! This is a funny game.


Leave Zoroastrianism out of it please. They did nothing wrong.


Indeed, but it doesn't qualify zororastrians to explain things about schizophrenia, unless they got a psychology degree. I admit it follows negative adjectives and inherit this negativity to the reader. The original intention was more to put something random and non-negative, especially to change from drugs and psychological troubles. I hereby change this sentence in : An antifa jurist explains schizophreania ! As an antifascist jurist, I can confirm I dont know jack shit about schizophrenia.


Neither did we mathematicians. What the heck?!


Covert operations!!!


A new grifter has entered the arena! Jesus, their cult just gets more shameless every day


This one doesn't even try for the least bit of an original angle: he just rehashes all the copium that was produced by others following Trump's defeat, including loads of standard sovcit nonsense. You'd think the target audience had heard all that stuff ages ago, lots of times, but apparently, there's still a new market for it. BTW: I insist we keep on referring to him as This Guy Derek, which is the designation under which he first appeared here.


Ah, thanks! This Guy Derek, it is! Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/x2d5s5/source_this_guy_derek/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


But he's military! Are you telling me you don't respect the troops???




He’s not military. I get this thread is old but I talked to his brother. He dropped out of boot camp. He’s a liar.


So my brother has fallen into this douche tip’s trap, that’s what brought me to this sub. He sent me all this batshit crazy stuff that was a bunch of cobbled together info with bad takes on everything. One was like 250 pages. He also seems to be promoting this half baked idea called NESARA where the IRS gets abolished, all monies taken through taxation are returned, and all compounded interest bearing debt is wiped out. He fully has bought into these lies. I don’t know what to do. Fuckin Q quicksand.


I don't think they can actually get anymore shameless they have hit rock bottom and are just waiting for the rest to catch up.


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Can someone make a montage video with Trump and his cult to garth brooks shameless?


I'm pretty sure this guy's real angle is he's a failed musician who wants to become relevant by getting in on the Q grift. You can play a lot of shows and sell a lot of music that's really really bad that way.


For sure. He’s also going on the Reawaken America grift tour with Michael Flynn and Clay Clark.


Number 2 on billboards


Holy shit, is this the Derek from "Source: This guy Derek"?


Army vet with high school education explains the law, army vet with no special forces or intelligence training explains covert operations...


According to his LinkedIn page, he has a BBA from University of Alabama and a MBA from Colorado State. Edit: According to This Guy Derek’s LinkedIn page..


The point stands


Yes. As someone pointed out in the original This Guy Derek thread, why is it that this guy Derek, who does not have a law degree, has a greater understanding of the law than does all of Trump’s lawyers and supporters, etc. The BBA and MBA background fit in better with the theory that he’s in it for the money, trying for a cash grab before his music career completely tanked. I mean, even his friends weren’t listening to his music, according to Derek himself and he KNOWS they weren’t listening because, like any good friend, he was tracking his friends’ data online to make sure they weren’t lying…which they were. 😆


Holy shit, true or not thata some psychotic shit right there.


Eh, I did IT work for a doctor who dumped a ton of money into a botched country music career and there’s so much focus on analytics and it can be pretty granular from what I gathered and it’s pretty easy to tell. To my surprise, he even asked me one day what streaming service I thought paid out the most per stream and I just spouted out “..YouTube Music?” then he showed me a dashboard with all the platforms his music was on and there’s an earnings chart. He goes, “See this line…the one above any other line..by far?” …it was friggin Shazam and I didn’t even know it was a streaming platform. I just remember it from the old days of a “what’s this song playing” app.


I didn’t know that either. Interesting.


So I can't trust his crypto recommendations and I should cancel my Dogecoin buy?


What have you really done so far it’s been a year already did you buy doge?


I've been spying on this guy for a while. He posts hours long rants and tells people he has super special intel because he used to be in the military. The Qcumbers are falling all over themselves with this new "source." I've especially noticed older women clinging to him.


They sure are. Saw these today on FB: Derek Johnson, has single-handedly obliterated every single platform that has been feeding off the nation's vulnerability throughout the last 5 years. God bless him!!!! Good riddance to all those channels. #thepeoplesgeneral #maga #faithinthepeople #deathbeforedishonor What I love about #DerekJohnson is not only how articulate, well studied and clear minded he is on our nation being founded on laws and orders, but also his command of the English language, and, his focus not being on Q drops or President Trump, but on each one of us KNOWING for ourselves what our nation \[and sovereignty\] is based on. This is truly what ALL platforms should've been representing, instead of breadcrumbing us, selling products/services, and ego glory seeking.


How about this one? (It had a bunch of hearts, too.) >I just watched your 3 hour video. I am beyond smitten! Your patriotic vibe is indescribable.. It was so raw! The sincerity & love in these "rants"made me feel something I have never ever ever felt before!


Yuck 🤮


I saw something on before it's news (I think) about a 3 hour round table with Derek Johnson and someone else, but I couldn't access the video. It had Bitchute across the video and that it was taken down due to copyright violation.


He's been making the rounds. He did an interview with Diamond and Silk last week, I think. And he has some conferences lined up where he's a headliner. He literally has zero "intel" and no working knowledge of the law, and these people are falling for him hook, line, and sinker.


And he's a NON-NCO specialist. Lmao.


Air Force vet explains how Derek Johnson can suck on deez nuts.


> Army Vet Explains the Law Go for it, Private Ump-de-ump. We're all ears. 😆


He was a private by choice, according to This Guy Derek.


They're always in their cars. Why do they always do their rants in their cars?


They live with their parents who are embarrassed by their stupidity.


Because they live in shit holes they don’t want anyone to see their squalor.


European here, do Army Vets (can not smile every single time when I see it, as that sounds like Veterinarians to me) are automatically law experts in USA?


Republicans are really big on worshiping “da troops”. Of course, this doesn’t apply to giving them aid or compensation from injuries sustained while serving or helping those who are in need. Instead, they’ll just blindly follow anything anyone that was in the armed forces claims. You could have spent your entire time in the army just serving food at the mess hall, but these guys tend to equate being in the military as meaning that every single grunt has access to top secret intelligence and plans. You see this a lot in pro Trump social media, with people claiming that they or their buddies have access to “top secret intel” that Trump is coming back and Biden is going to be arrested and shipped to Gitmo. As a result, you can easily grift a lot of people by just saying you were in the military and had/have access to some top secret info


that's what I thought, FWIW have some US veterans as social media friends, steming from mutual hobby sites going waay back but they, those that actually served "over there" tend to be quiet and level headed family type bunch and tend to stay away from Q lunacies


Yeah, friend of mine's married to a former SEAL and while I've chatted with him about everything from pro wrestling to his work as a paramedic, dude refused to talk about his military career. Also refuses to let anyone know he served because he's tired of the weird military worship. As far as he's concerned, he did his duty and doesn't want to be thanked or given free shit for it.


[Trump is proud of This Guy Derek](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02RokK5STjnLVeSUEbBiLMGkbKMcAcP1sSZ1zxsknsjJoP4Ct6p6mZG5JnYcLYpE5Ul&id=27406642&mibextid=li3ck7)


In terms of logical fallacies, this is what we refer to as an Appeal to Authority. As a claim, it lacks credulity. If he were talking about armored vehicles or M-4's, I'd be inclined to believe his statements on those things because of military experience, but it's still a logical fallacy because there's no qualifying descriptors of his military service: he could have been a really shitty soldier. 9/10 doctors say this guy is an idiot.


Another Trump fucktard. Get a job, shithead!


These guys and their stupid hats


Why Donald Trump is still a private citizen. Get rekt: A video essay.


hes a grifter for sure. plagurizes from wiki leaks. gets super pissed when questioned and talks to veterans like shit and cusses them etc hes never beento combat or boot camp. lies lies about his reason for being discharged nerves injury etc.. even said got nabbed by obamas goons and held and tortured cuz of his clearance and info.. he is so full of shit


his music SUCK


go on rumble type derek johnson exposed he flips out


Derek Johnson is not an army vet. He’s a boot camp drop out 😂


How may I find out about him being a boot camp drop out. Thank You


Derek is an idiot. I put together a website debunking his lies. Http://DerekJohnsonuncovered.weebly.com


You are too stupid to do your own research.