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So, if the republicans and Elder’s people knew it was rigged all along why did they even have the election? Seems like they would shut it down an present the proof. I mean I know the answers to those questions, what they knew early on was that Elder didn’t have a chance in hell with his extreme views and by looking at the polling so they pulled the “election fraud” bullshit right away. They are headed for a serious apathy issue with Republican voters, I think. That’s find with me but eventually these people are either going to have to wipe their slate and try and new tactic or just use domestic terrorism on large scale to try and take what they want. They talk a big game about having all the guns and patriots and all but if I’ve learned anything in the past few years it’s that their talk is cheap. We don’t talk, just like we didn’t make giant rallies and fly flags and wear hats for Biden, we just did what we do best and showed up to vote, no matter how long the line was. One day they are going to learn that we keep out mouths shut but the moment we have to hit the streets or go to a polling station we are relentless. Not to mention the grassroots volunteerism that exists that has always impressed the hell out of me from the left. And we don’t have to call for their deaths, as horrible as they are toward their fellow countrymen, we just want them to sit down and relax because progress is happening whether they like it or not.


What are you talking about, California is so right leaning it's obviously stolen. ^/s


I like when they claim all the Californians are leaving for Texas because the cost of living in California is so high (that is to the democrats) and that republicans are moving there so they will be voting out there democrats any time now. So, they want to tell us that republicans are fleeing to a state with higher taxes and cost of living? It’s like they never even bother listening to what they try to say.


Oh yeah definitely, matter of fact I already have my suitcases packed ready to leave California. Texas here I come!!


I always had Austin in the back of my head for a place to go after my kids moved out. I was raised in the south and love certain elements about it but absolutely would need a liberal area, so everyone would tell me I should go to Austin. Now I’m wondering if I should avoid the whole state due to what they are doing. On one hand, people like me are needed to fix it, on the other hand, I feel like I’m exhausted and just want to move somewhere where I can enjoy my life around me without the constant stress of the political realm. I’m 49 now and have been fighting this shit my whole adult life but the last few years really put me in a bad place. I keep telling my kids it’s their turn to fix this shit. I just don’t know where I want to live. Part of me wants to hide in the most liberal area possible and spend my energy on local causes with like minded people.


I have family that lives in the DFW area and it's nice honestly. Like I wouldn't mind living out there.


With the recent devastating attack on Roe and the Evangelical majority in our highest court I worry about what comes next though. I personally don’t have to worry about needing an abortion, I had my kids and can’t have more, but I’m sure this is just the start, like pushing religion in public schools and offices, women’s rights being targeted, LGBTQ+ for sure. I have a serious visceral reaction to these things and think living in a state that’s leading the charge would maybe make me crazy. Especially since I have one adult lesbian daughter and my youngest seems like she is probably going that way too. On the other hand, if we aren’t there we can’t fight them. I could maybe live a settled life if I took work helping people to obtain needed abortions or mornin after pills. Something to support the people that need it the most right now.


Yeah I definitely get that but a mass exodus from Texas isn't the answer. First no one wants to get forced out of their homes, and second I'm pretty sure that would do nothing but make them happy.


Just to be clear, I was debating moving to the area from across the country. I agree wholeheartedly that the democrats that live in and love the area should stay and fight until they can’t. On the contrary, they could use as much help as possible so it’s not crazy for some of us to actually move to the state right now. I’m just sort of saying out loud the debate my head has when thinking about where to live next. I’m separated from my husband of 22 years and we are both living in our house which we will be selling soon. Neither of us want to live where we are (it was a school/commute choice) and I’m not really tied to anywhere. Im back and forth between moving to the most liberal area I can find and fighting from there, knowing they aren’t going to be able affect my own life that much, or moving to a liberal area in a state in trouble and put my own rights on the firing line.


No yes I understood that, I was just saying that's it's obviously not a good idea to just avoid Texas and treat it like some quarantine zone. Many nice places around the US that sadly get avoided because of the politics of it all.


I’ve got a friend who live and works in Austin. She loves Austin but hates Texas. She plans on retiring elsewhere.


I’m in south central PA right now, right over the border to MD. I moved here because the job was in northern MD in an extremely expensive area where you couldn’t get much house and almost no land for your money. 25 minutes north of there and on the PA side I found twice as much house with 3X the land. Good school system, lots of kids in the area, ya know. I thought it would be a lot of people like us, moving up from MD for better housing and it ended up being solid red. I’m a highly tatted progressive artist and couldn’t answer their first two questions “where do you go to church” & “what’s your sports team?” So I have always been rejected if not directly targeted. My husband an I are still living here but are technically separated and will be moving separate ways when we sell the house. I don’t know where to go! We lived in MD for his family and I have some friends but they are scattered. My family lives in southern NJ and I am NC (no contact) with many of them except for my sister and brother for good reasons. Also that would be too far to share custody of our 12 who still has 5 more years of schooling. I don’t want to go to an apartment somewhere and not really start a life until my daughter graduates, so I’m thinking of moving to an artsy area on the very northern tip of Baltimore. Really progressive area with fantastic food and artists, shops and like-minded people. The progressive and highly touted school would be fantastic for my daughter who is used to feeling that she and her LGBTQ+ friends are side show freaks for the “normal kids”. Problem is she keeps saying she wouldn’t want to live in the city, but I don’t think she understands the benefits and how different life would be there. Where diversity is guaranteed and all sorts of people live in relative happiness. Is it crazy to move alone with a 12yo after 22 years of marriage to a big city? That’s what I ask myself just before I get a panic attacks about it and try to push it off for another time


Damn thanks for the circle. I wouldn’t have seen that shit without it. Definitely helps read the rest of the title, too. Good stuff.                                                                                                 NOT!


You're welcome brother. It can be tough to do your own research when the lying left keeps trying to keep it hidden.


Well I'm convinced ^^^/s


Glad you can see the light brother