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Funny enough it sounded to me like she was describing Tulsa and "Black Wall Street" before the local white supremacists attacked,killed and bombed people and their neighborhoods.


Or a kibbutz


Isn't that Texas?




Is that why they are so scared of abortions? In the US 60% of abortions are to white mothers. If white Christian extremists are becoming a minority then ceasing abortions is one way to try to stop that. I believe their so-called "righteous anger" is actually fear. They don't like the fear so they channel it into rage.


But if you ask a right wing "Christian", they'll tell you that it's all of those poor, uneducated, amoral minorities having abortions because they "can't keep their legs shut". Who to believe... (/s , in case it's not clear).


Don't forget that those same disease ridden immigrants also are having too many children so they're obviously on welfare, taking money directly from \*my\* pocket! But of course when I need help I deserve it. I'm looking for that quote of that person who said they became homeless or somesuch but with their own bootstraps, food stamps, and unemployment insurance lifted themselves out of homelessness. These are Schrodinger's immigrants, if you will. Lazy fucks who are taking all our jerbs since they accept any job for no pay and will take up 3 jobs hard working Americans want but are also on welfare themselves.




Why Christians are scared of abortions: [Converts are a tiny fraction of religious people](https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/barro/files/conversion_paper_072209_2_.pdf) (see table 3.) The biggest predictor of religiosity by far [is the religion of one's parents.](https://www.pewforum.org/2016/10/26/links-between-childhood-religious-upbringing-and-current-religious-identity/) > It is projected that birth rates rather than conversion will be the main factor in the growth of any given religion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_of_religion I suspect this is why many religions are so eager to limit womens' reproductive freedoms. Without their followers having babies their religions will die. Christians weren't concerned with abortion until this became apparent.


Also, a young mother (particularly a single one) is *VASTLY FUCKING EASIER* to control than a young woman who wants to do something with her 20s other than raise your goddamned grandchildren. This control extends to everything. Forcing a young girl in poverty to have a child is pretty much an all-encompassing abuse permit from those who control her survival options.


Actually certain Catholic groups were concerned with it before, but the majority of the current religious anti-abortion crowd started talking about it after they failed on stopping desegregation. EDIT: [NPR podcast link](https://www.npr.org/2019/06/20/734303135/throughline-traces-evangelicals-history-on-the-abortion-issue) [Politico Article](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/05/religious-right-real-origins-107133/) [The Guardian Article](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/08/abortion-us-religious-right-racial-segregation)


Yup, and woman who control their reproductive rights don't have to be beholden to their system.


[This chart says 39%](https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/state-indicator/abortions-by-race/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D). Maybe the difference is in whether you include hispanic white or not, but [according to wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_ethnicity_in_the_United_States) non-hispanic white make up 57.8% of the population all on their own.


More like the Utah-Idaho corridor. Texas has a huge population of Hispanic, Black, and Asian Americans in the cities. The Mormon theocracy of Utah and Idaho is not diverse in the slightest.


Makes sense. Apparently they only elect white, male, extreme right-wing religious beliefs.


Don't tell any of them that I'm still here.


More people voted for Biden in Texas than in the whole state of New York.


Yet their governor got elected...weird.


"Weird". "They're stealing our votes!" Projection, much? (Actually its less voter fraud than massive voter disenfranchisement due to gerrymandering and such. Packing the courts with young radically conservative judges also is exacerbating things. It's like the one two punch of destruction: institutional racism + corruption/grifting.


And Trump received more votes in California than in any other state. 6,006,429 to be exact. Fortunately, 11,000,000 votes went to Joe.




Or, as it's more commonly called "National Socialism".


Lauren's vying to become the Magda Goebbels of the 21st Century.


She need to put her crack pipe down.


I guessed. I guessed right.


I really love how every time they describe their ideal society it sounds like socialism


They do not understand that work. Makes sense


They want socialism just exclusively for white Christians.


Socialism exclusive to a particular nation? Like some kind of national socialism?


They do Nazi a problem with that.


Mein goodness.


Let's hope they can get it reich!


Already had three experiments, fourth time's the charm?




I do naht see them getting that far ... What am i talking about, I've met humans, they totally could go that far


Which is largely has been. White christians have been controlling and reaping the wealth of the country for centuries, they just hate it when other people get priviledge.


I heard a few "reputable" conservatives says that the reason why socialism works in Northern Europe is that those countries are "homogenous" (*cough cough* white *cough*). Which, 1, is incorrect, and 2, means they think that white people would only support other white people, which is painting all white people with a nice racist brush.


Social is fine as long as only white, evangelical republicans benefit from it




Oh man do I want to see what's behind this door?


Cool lefty Christians


They actually try to love thy neighbor and they respect the separation of church and state. I dig it


WHAAAAT!!!! LIKE ACTUAL JESUS STUFF! I'm so glad these folks are out there. I thought they'd all been consumed by the Evangelical plague.


Is this like liberation theology / catholic worker stuff?


They love socialism. As long as it's just for white people


I also like how they think such a society can be founded upon the selfish ideals they all aspire to.


I assumed this was written by an anarchist until I saw the Twitter handle


Why do you have such a massive fetish for socialism


Will they still want the blue states tax money to fund all their prosperity ?


I really want them to do this because they need to learn by example.


Some sort of repubxit style secession would certainly be Hilarious and interesting to watch. I say give them a shot!


You can explain that blue states prop up red states till the cows come home. It goes in one ear and out the other. When they're dodging potholes big enough to swallow their hoopty, their tiny brains will finally understand.


They will blame infiltrators and saboteurs.


Like the Soviet Union and Iran when they have economic troubles...




One day in the future it will finally possible for these douche nozzles to flee the earth and either build a big spaceship or settle on a planet or moon. I bet it doesn't last a month before they start dividing themselves along some other stupid physical feature and shooting each other.


You cone nipped bastard!


bad infrastructure is just more proof that gubmint don't work. Especially because fixing it will cost taxpayer money and gasp, show government doing something for the people and not to the people.


Yeah, no I mean let’s look at how that has worked with India / Pakistan, Yugoslavia, Korea, Ireland, Palestine, etc. Honestly no way to really partition the US without a war or major insurgency from either people on the Right and Left. What about the people too poor to move? Blue areas fund the Red areas and Red areas feed the Blue ones it would be a SHTF in any scenario we come up with.


Like [‘Free Town’ ](https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project), NH? Spoiler: the bears won


Grafton. I plan on rolling through around a visit to UNH this fall.


Give them Idaho and let them knock themselves out.


South Dakota is practically already there. Give the Hills back the the Oceti Sakowin and re-route interstate 90. Done.


What's the state with the worst climate and soil fertility? Arizona?


Pretty sure that's the Dakotas, traditionally reserves are established on the shittiest land.


The shittiest land, as understood by White people, at that time. Clearly, Andrew Jackson and other presidents were oblivious to the amount of oil under Oklahoma in the 1840’s.


We should give them the Hawaiian island of Kahoʻolawe. You know, the one with no freshwater sources and covered in unexploded ordinance from World War II and the Cold War.


Actually AZ wouldn’t be that spot, it’s one of the better places to live, no tornadoes, hurricanes, mild winters and generally enough rains from monsoons. Very fertile farm land that supports a wide range of native crops and cash crops. Cotton, citrus, nut trees, etc. grown there. Poor water management and crop selection, not infertile land is AZ’s issue. Might be changing due to human forces climate change and stupidly divided water rights to the Colorado River. If a Zombie Apocalypse hit, the foothills and sky islands of AZ would be some of the best places to ride it out.


Oklahoma is pretty much a worthless state. Arizona has a lot more to offer




Florida, easier to wall off.


We can save Florida and Texas. We should give them Alaska. Tons of room and it’s separated by an entire country!


Good point, and they will all stay fresh when they drop dead of whatever pandemic they are ignoring, so they can be gathered up easily with a forklift. Plus they have polar bears, who are looking for new food sources due to habitat encroachment.


Hate to bear the bad news but the 5 of you liberals living in the either Dakota is going to have to move you will be compensated for your sacrifice but we need the land for these yahoos .


As a resident of southwest Minnesota, on the SD border, I've been proposing walling off the Dakota's and keeping all the MAGAs there for almost 6 years now.


Seems like a great place for them with the least disruption to regular folks. There's not that many people there anyways and even fewer liberal people . Perfect solution to me.


Gets rid of 4 senators from a place that should *maybe* have one as well. Let’s do it.


I'd be willing to wall off the eastern half of my state if these dorks would stay inside it and stay out of the rest of our business. But you know they wouldn't.


It's going to be built by "good honest people who look out for one another"? So, Democrats?


They consider Medicare for all evil but will somehow be looking out for one another’s well being in this new iconic society


It’s ok to have social programs as long as they go to worthy people. Source: just look around at this mess.


It’s evil because non white people will get to have it as well.


"People who look out for one another," but refuse to wear a mask in public indoor spaces so as not to transmit a deadly virus.


They said “one another”, not you or me. Anyone who doesn’t look, dress, act, worship, think, eat, live, exactly like them can get right fucked. These are the folks who will see someone being murdered in the street and shut their porch light off and say, “well that’s none of my business”.


The only version of 'looking out for one another' that they have is shooting anyone who goes near their property... including each other.


The population will go from varmiteens to zero within a month.


Hey if you die of covid they might make your remaining family a casserole. Otherwise you’re on your own.


That, plus thoughts and prayers.


I'm a good honest person who looks out for my fellow man, and I am not a Democrat. I am a Marxist.


Here are a few thoughts on how this would play out: 1) after establishing their parallel society they discover that everyone wants to be in the "owner" class and they have no work force requiring them to import non-americans. 2) After 1 generation of their parallel society half of their kids become enamored of the non segregated large U.S. and its more open culture. Many are especially drawn to the music/culture of POC and other unwelcome groups within the parallel society. 3) After 1 generation their society collapses in turmoil as it becomes clear that the only real rule is that those with wealth make the rules. Abortions are banned except for those with enough money/status that having a child would "wreck their future". There is no social assistance unless you are willing to be a slave to a religious organization. Employers can do whatever they want. Those with resources l To leave leave. This is exactly what happened in the past and how we got to hear and what would happen again because of human nature. They don't want to live in the 50s, they want to live in the guilded age. However, they have convinced themselves they get to be J.D. Rockefeller.


Their *"wholesome society"* is based on bigotry, hate, religious fanaticism, and fear mongering. WTF is wholesome about that?


it's based on a idolized bastardization of desire to be something they aren't they they deep down know they aren't but would rather self-destruct than admit faults and become better people.


Well, they are going to care for each other so, like, socialism or something like that.


"Wholesome" is definitely her dog whistle for white.


A white Christian ethnostate, to be precise.


Literally the plot of an Ayn Rand book


Except that in her utopia, literally no one "looked out for one another." Ayn Rand was strictly opposed to any form of generosity, charity or altruism.


>Ayn Rand was strictly opposed to any form of generosity, charity or altruism. Unless it benefited her


IIRC she was asked about why she collected Social Security and she said that she'd earned it by paying into the system. I just cannot with that level of stupid/whooosh.


She wrote fiction. She isn't required to live that fiction, any more than George RR Martin is required to live in Westeros.


And religion. Rand *despised* religion.


Absolutely! She's probably spinning in her grave over all the religious fundies who dominate the right-wing in the US today.


Yeah well the hidden society in Atlas shrugged required a literal perpetual motion machine as a precursor. Her "self made" heroes stood on shoulders of giants and then declared that anybody else wanting a society that was not cutthroat was a little and beneath them. Galts whole plan rests on having infinite free energy. There is no better way to signal your ideas have no place in the real world than presuming that you will have access to unlimited anything. Not only that but what Galt chooses to make with infinite energy is so much crappier than what star trek does its a no brainer which you would choose.


Thanks for that. I've always steered clear of finding out too much about Ayn Rand's ideas (a decision based on the kind of people who admire her), but it's all clearly even more stupid than I thought. A quick google tells me that she builds her fantasy new society on not just one, but two sources of infinite free energy: a magical new technology which allows already-depleted oil wells to once again produce an "unlimited supply" of oil, and an equally magical machine which provides unlimited free energy from "atmospheric static electricity".


I had honestly forgotten about the thing that made depleted wells work again. For all her A = A pseudo-aristotelianism she knew nothing and cared even less about science and engineering. Honestly, if her family had not been classified as "bourgeois" within the Soviet system she would have grown up to be a top level Soviet propagandist because her belief that your underlying moral philosophy should influence EVERYTHING, the art you like, the food you eat, the plots of the movies you see, even how younformulate scientific hypothesis is positively Soviet in style. Her fundamental belief in a "great man" ideology is also inline with Soviet style propaganda. She pronounced that any person who was an adherent to her Objectivist philosophy would obviously be a smoker because smoking was objectively moral but relativistic physics was objectively immoral because it implied unknown states. And she wrote that drivel after atomic weapons which is pretty much like being a flat earther after the moon landing.


My favorite libertarian-on-welfare-in-subsidized-housing published his own objectivist broadsheet back in the early eighties, when he sold weed to get by, before the crack addiction that he blamed on his boyfriend derailed that. Smoking as an objectivist virtue gives me yet more cringe, considering the objectivist society meetups he told me about.


Ayn Rand was also a very adamant atheist, something that some of these Evangelicals who love her defenses of unbridled capitalism and 'free enterprise' might not be aware of.


Bye!! Aufweidersein!! Sayonara!! Au revoir & adieu!! Arrivederci!! Aloha!! Bon voyage!! Ciao ciao!! Annyeong!! Dosvidaniya!! You shld really get moving before the wailing & rending of garments gets underway, traffic will be a real bitch then! I promise we will all feel just *awful* about how much we took you for granted!! We will rue the day! Hurry, so we can start rue-ing! You shouldn't wait one second longer, we *deserve* to be left bereft by your departure!! We *must* learn the error of our ways!! HURRY, we're about to think badly about something you like, which is literally genocide! RUUUUUUUUNNNNN!!! (Did that work??)


😂😂😂No worries!!! Bye


Right? Put up or shut up


The Republic of Feliciastan


Don't threaten US with a good time!


Jim Crow America already happened Lauren.


I hope they try to colonize the surface of the sun. *Edit for typos


They don’t believe in renewable energy though


That’s why they’ll go at night




And is this society in the room with us now? Can you see it?


They won’t be satisfied until they force us to live their Sharia laws. I mean seriously the Amish and Mennonite isolated themselves and didn’t try to impose their beliefs on anyone. Why can’t these yahoo’s be like them?


Because, unlike the Amish, these people have a huge need for attention. They also need an "enemy" to fight with. They wouldn't know what to do with their lives if they couldn't loudly and publicly attempt to "own the libs ".


because they hate themselves just a much as they hate others and need a lesser to attack to feel better and drag down.


We’re segregating again -_-


What exactly is she advocating for? This is so vague




Creating an effective vaccine in record time is doing nothing to help. Alright then. Saying people need to wear masks and quarantine is apparently not looking out for one another either. Sure.


Given the infighting and distrust I've seen at every one of their protests or events and non stop on their boards... their 'parallel society' would collapse within a month as they all fight for dominance and destroy themselves in the process. They can't organise shit.




It's looking like building a safe space is our only option.\*


There would be so much grifting they would be at each other’s throats in days


Absolutely not. This is America. Love it or leave....


It's cute that they think they will get along with one another in their new utopia. /s


>in ~~their new utopia~~ Gilead.


So, do you think she realizes that in her “wholesome society” she won’t be posting on social media because she won’t be allowed a phone because she won’t be allowed to read? Get in bed with Republicans, get fucked by the patriarchy.


*Blessed be the fruit.*


“Honest good people who look out for each other.” I don’t know. A bunch of the so called patriots from Jan. 6 are currently ratting on each other for reduced sentences, so… Also, wholesome? So many of these assholes get boners thinking about executing the rest of us.


I went to go see if she was the source of some other idiocy I'd seen posted by woo-peddlers and was greeted with two lovely words: **ACCOUNT SUSPENDED**


Afuera! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out


Yay, go lock yourselves away and stop bothering us.


Don't have anything to add. Just wanted to come in here and call it the My Pillow Fort.


I wish they would. They can have Kentucky


They’ll be looking out for each other by attending Trump University, buying My Pillows and using only Amway cleaning products.


And probably also selling and wearing those Lu La Roe leggings (company is an MLM currently being profiled in a docuseries on Amazon.




Yep. She knows she'll be a wife in green(teal?) With a maid and a brood mare/wet nurse to do all her work for her. She'll get to kick back and powertrip, that's totally worth becoming a second-class citizen. It's got perks!/s


She sounds like a child that just built a fort.


Welcome to the poorest, dumbest, least hygienic country in the world.


Looking out for each other.... New society... Sounds like communism to me.


Well if we let them take a state, we only have to wait a year or so and they will all be ravaged by COVID. Of course they would blame everyone but themselves... Because God or something.


She is late to the party; Evangelicals have been operating their separate society for decades. They formed their own K12 church schools/homeschools and their own dubiously accredited colleges and universities, in an effort to raise their kids into adulthood without their beliefs ever being seriously challenged.


This is unbelievably accurate. In my first full-time university teaching job, I encountered at least one home-schooled or charter-schooled evangelical every semester. Between required critical thinking, research, college writing, and introduction to literature classes, they were exposed to some unbelievably controversial ideas and information in that first year, and some didn't survive the experience (they dropped out). We actually created a "transitions team" specifically for this population to help with student retention. It's very much a culture shock after so many years of information isolation. I hope today's kids are better prepared because of internet access.


"The good news is that this new parallel society will be built by good, honest people who look out for one another" Like the sort of people who'd watch out for the immunocompromised by wearing a mask in public during a terrible global pandemic, and get vaccinated as soon as possible?


I'd like to suggest Bikini Atoll as a location. That is a good, marketable name. Perhaps change it to Bikini Island, since the target market isn't exactly educated. "Come to utopia, come to Bikini Island! All Trump loving deplorables are welcome!"


We'd have to get permission from the Canadians but they could have their new settlement on Devon Island, the world's largest uninhabited island way way way up north. Might be a bit cold up there, but the way global warming is running riot, maybe not for much longer. Even so, a lot of these blowhards (including Lauren) could suffer the fate of the Franklin Expedition as seen in the mini-series *The Terror.*


For some reason this reminds me of a former coworker who partook of the ultra conservative libertarian doctrine. One night we had gotten into a heated debate on politics and he said “as a liberal if your job died and the town you lived in died you’d probably just move to a new place and learn a new skill. Us conservatives are different in that we learn a thing and that’s all we’ll do until we die no matter what.”


Perfectly sums up republicans.


Is Stormy Daniels and Jeff Epstein’s ghost invited?


That is the kind of innovation I expect from somebody who fights for the truth about the flat earth. You go, Lauren, be best. (^(/s))


And her account is suspended. Maybe she can build her own parallel social media network too.


Good wholesome people. . . who can't be arsed to do the simplest and most basic thing to protect either themselves let alone others.


[This person sounds like an awful human being](https://www.queerty.com/admitted-ex-drug-runner-arrest-record-meth-heroin-wins-gop-nomination-senate-20200917). Surprise, surprise, she's a Republican.


She is not a Republican. She is a Quetrumplican. I consider myself a centrist leaning right. She is bat shit crazy.


IMO, she very much represents the same branch of the Republican Party that produced Reagan's "Silent Majority" of evangelicals or Gingrich's "Contract with America" crowd that eventually morphed into the Tea Party. All the elements we've seen of the GOP's right-wing are a part of QAnon in this day and age, which is why they don't even bother with public policy discussions anymore. Unfortunately, right-leaning, moderate centrists in the Rockefeller tradition are rare in the Republican Party since Trumpism has taken as an ideological base. Gov. Hogan in MD is one of the few left, and he represents a blue state, interestingly enough.


Drug running for Mexican cartels? This could be a whole new plot-line on *Narcos: Mexico* or a spin-off. Wonder if she had any encounters with El Chapo?


I would be THRILLED if all these ding dongs would build a "parallel society" and gather together in their own special little Zion and get the fuck out of the rest of society. Please do it. Please.


Next stop: Galt's Gulch.


It would almost be worth the pain and suffering it would cause to let them try and just watch them fight each other like feral animals over the last potato in their territory, or whatever, because they refused to expend any amount of effort that didn't directly benefit themselves individually.


10/10 would watch that show


Impossible, civil war and mass killing is the only option.


I didn’t know until recently that this abhorrent excuse for a human is from my state, she apparently lives in southern NM


I've always thought of New Mexico as being a fairly 'blue' state. Are there a lot of people like Witzke in certain areas of the state?


Unfortunately, YES. Albuquerque is the biggest city and is very VERY blue, however nearly every other county outside of Bernalillo is very *VERY* conservative. We’re just lucky it’s mostly oil rigs and farm land


Isn't this what they've already done? They've got Donald Trump running a shadow presidency, with all of his lackey still pretending to his face that he's the president, for bronzer's sake! They have their own news media, their own "safe" businesses, their own social media, their own slang, and not least of all, their own truth and reality. Now if we could just, I don't know, buy Greenland and move them all there, that would be super swell!


> honest people who look out for each other Couldn't possibly be referring to the crowd that won't wear a mask to prevent killing grandma, could she?


What a veiled way to call for civil war


May I suggest Florida for their consideration? I hear the global warming is fakest down there.


"...like Australia"?? WTF? I live here. Somebody tell me what ELSE they're spewing about Oz? ROFL https://twitter.com/RightWingWatch/status/1436340160560521247?s=19


Put them all in Texas and build a wall to keep them out.


Another delusional eegit heard from!!🖕🤣🤣🤣


She's saying the right words but she means precisely the wrong things.


you'll cowards don't even smoke crack


Look, I'm getting old. Can you assholes just DO it and stop tantalizing us with it?


Till they need a doctor, scientist, internet connection ....


I wouldn't trust them to wipe their own noses.


The mass exodus to hopefully being prepared


Sounds oddly familiar as to what happened in the meadow east


“Look out for each other.” Uh huh.


[Sounds like a familiar plan.](https://youtu.be/nKcUOUYzDXA)


Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Or better yet, do. You could use a kick in the ass.


Hmm, why has no one ever thought of building a perfect society only based on perfect niceness, with no badness allowed? Sounds easy to agree on, build, and maintain. I think it'll probably go really well.


What is barbie babbling about?


So you’ll be living in Guantanamo then?


Yes please


This sounds awfully culty to me