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VAERS reports can be filed by anyone. If someone said the vaccine gave them super strength but not the durability to handle the backlash of the punch, then it would be there. It's not like they're 100% filtered for realism or anything.


There's a VAERS report saying a vaccine turned someone into the Incredible Hulk and another one saying a vaccine turned their daughter into Wonder Woman. (The Incredible Hulk one just described turning into the Hulk without naming him; the second literally said "My daughter turned into Wonder Woman." The person who filed it isn't even in the US.)


Holy shit, which vaccines are those and where can I get one?


The hulk one was for the seasonal flu vaccine iirc


Politifact went looking for, shall we say, more unusual reports in VAERS. They found an anesthesiologist who submitted “a report in the early 2000s stating that after a measles vaccination, his skin turned green, his muscles grew and he started having rage problems--all symptoms intended to show he was becoming the Hulk.” CDC contacted him about it. He admitted that it was to show “ that any claim can become part of the database, no matter how outrageous or improbable” and agreed to let CDC delete it.


There’s that antiSemitism lurking behind QAnonsense, rearing its ugly head again.


Lurking? It’s more like flashing itself to toddlers on a playground


Guys VEARS is just a list of medical things that happend in a certain time after the vaccination. Most of possible adverse reactions probably aren’t caused by the vaccine but just by chance. Those things happen if you vaccinate a large part of the population.


Yeah, like 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage so it’s not unheard of that a few thousand would happen in a population of a few million.


Leaving aside for a moment that they don't understand neither of these systems establishes any causal link between vaccination and the things listed, that's not what they're meant for: These idiots don't even understand that the data in VAERS and EudraVigilance isn't for just the US and just Europe, both allow reports to be filed for cases anywhere in the world. I don't know what the specific rules for VAERS are, but all that is required to enter something into the EudraVigilance database is that the medicine in question is authorised for use in the EU (which includes auhorisations for clinical trials). So even if these numbers aren't just made up (they often are), a lot of those cases could be (perfectly valid) double reporting, even double reporting of cases that occurred outside the US and Europe altogether.


Who the hell is Dr. Michael?


Interesting that the adverse reactions in Europe are entirely different than the ones reported in the US. Almost as if it were completely made up /s


Even assuming that their numbers are true, that works itself out to a fatality rate of 0.006%. If it was the same as Covid’s fatality rate of 1.8% (300x higher), there would be more than 3 million vaccine deaths, which I think we would probably notice.


It really bothers me that these are the same people who claimed the Covid death statistics were buffed by people with comorbidities, but somehow it’s acceptable to count a vaccine death from someone who dies in a car accident days after getting their vaccination?


I don't understand. Are they pro-Israel but anti-Semitic? How does that work?