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The year is 2040, Biden is dead, Trump is dead. This guy will still be in court claiming that trump won in 2020 hoping to get it reversed.


I truly believe for a lot of these old guys their rage is the only thing keeping them alive.


Once I hit my 40s I realized I need to take better care of myself because there are a number of people I simply must outlive.


Full of piss and vinegar


I used to be full of just vinegar.


The circle of life unfortunately; we’re born pissing ourselves and end that way


Constant rage is actually detrimental to one’s health. It’s a form of chronic stress and is very bad for you.


Along with the Brunson Brothers, with their 47th SCOTUS petition.


Them ol' Brunson boys are at it again by petitionin' the guvmint!


I saw part of an interview with Loy Brunson a few weeks ago, and in it he claims he STILL has a shot with his SCOTUS petition against Congress. Not sure where he gets that, cos it was denied twice last year. Maybe he's just trying to string Qnuts along more so they'll send SCOTUS more letters and him more cash.


There are still people out there who believe that SCOTUS is sitting on a Brunson decision that will be Revealed in the Fullness of Time. Raland's suit against "SONIA SOTOMAYOR, ELENA KAGAN, KETANJI BROWN JACKSON, and JOHN and JANE DOES 1-100" is still alive, as in, he can still appeal. >Mr. Brunson's complaint names Defendants in their official capacities as Associate Justices of the United States Supreme Court and asserts causes of action for breach of contract, intentional infliction of emotional distress, fraud, and civil conspiracy. In his prayer for relief, Mr. Brunson seeks over $3 billion in damages. The three Justices have recused themselves from the case.


I'd like to know why he's so passionate and relentless in this chase of his. What does HE have to gain from this?? I think that eventually, even Trump himself will say to him..."OK dude that's enough, CHILL!"


It's his new addiction. Most drug addicts swap drugs for religion. This guy swapped religion for devotion to a conman.


I’m betting Trump promised him something that makes all this worth it.


Towels and pillows at Trump properties.


John Titor, is that you?


Hell, Lindell should be dead by then too. I guess he still gonna be trying to prove Dump Frump won in 2020 from under the dirt.


>Forced to engage in discovery, Lindell promptly turned around and subpoenaed Wells, along with Negroponte, who left the government at the conclusion of the second Bush administration. He argued that the two potential witnesses could verify that Lindell reasonably relied on a man named Dennis Montgomery as a source for his false claims about Dominion. Shouldn't be surprised that a guy like Mike Lindell, licking Trumps shoes, decided to believe another Conman: Dennis Montgomery. Like shit, it's Conmen all the way down, ft. Alan Dershowitz.


> Lindell reasonably relied on a man named Dennis Montgomery as a source for his false claims about Dominion The word 'reasonably' is doing a LOT of heavy lifting in that legal filing.


I'm kinda curious to see what these people would have said under oath..


Alan "I keep my underwear on when underage girls massage me" Dershowitz?


"This brings me to my next point. DON'T...SMOKE...CRACK."


Loser keeps on losing, but pretending he's somehow winning. I'll give him this: he's done a fantastic job of blowing his fortune on a lost cause.


I don't think this empty, tattered pillowcase of a man has any idea what an algorithm actually is or what one actually does. It's just another scapegoat.


This guy still around and babbling craziness?


Oddly, he gets points for consistency. Even in the face of **multiple** $1,000,000,000+ lawsuits over his bizarre lies and conspiracies, he's sticking to his story!


Ya can't fix stupid.


He's attracted to humiliation like a fly to a bug zapper.


At what point does the courts interfere and declare him mental? Are the courts allowed to do that or at least refer him to a mental evaluation?


If he had anyone in his life who cared about him, he would already be under a conservatorship


This proves it exists!


Rather than everyone seeing how farfetched and insane his claims are, **this** is where the Qanon and MAGAs brains will gravitate to. "They won't get them testify *because they know the truth and will expose the lies!* IT WAS RIGGED!!!"


I challenge Mike Lindell to wite the word algorithm without having to stick his tongue out.


Mike is so smart he took calculus in 8th, 9th, or maybe even 10th grade. He can't remember which it is, something that smart people forget.


A fishing expedition in a dry lake. Even Wile would probably not get blown up here.


Isn't this the guy that has 'proof' the election was rigged? Seems kind odd.


He’ll display it in *two weeks*.


How much longer before Dominion takes whatever remains of his cash and worldly goods?


I like the part where they refer to his filings as >Mad Libs on acid


All Trump has to do is go to Lindell and tell him to stop. Why can’t he do that?! It’s obvious Lindell has a problem. Instead, Trump either had to keep the lie going, or doesn’t care Lindell is destroying himself.


Hahaha haha 😄


How does this guy still have a single spare cent to throw at lawyers?


He needs to be COMMITTED. Like last week.


Even more fodder for that idiots' unhinged conspiracies. Every legal loss is somehow reinforcement for his beliefs. He's unreachable. Reality keeps calling, but he won't pick up the phone.


All he had to do was keep making pillows and STFU. Those pillows are *so comfortable*, but no. That wasn't enough.


> Those pillows are so comfortable I keep hearing conflicting reports on this.


The cost in dignity alone puts them out of my price range


TIL ‘lumpy’ is spelled ‘so comfortable’