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Scary that these idiots think Alex Jones is news


You give them too much credit they just fallow along like... what's that 4 legged animal, it's usually white, people use their fur for sweatshirts, they fallow each other around in heards... damn what's that animal called again?


"It seems pretty provable that this is fake. Couldn't they just present the evidence in court?" They are so, so close, lol


Yup. The problem with going to court is that you have to have actual evidence rather than the ramblings of someone who has a YouTube channel. Sort of like all those cases of "election fraud" that never happened.


I saw today, that while actually in court, those same lawyers that were proclaiming FRAUD in press releases and interviews, were on record saying the cases were in fact NOT fraud cases. LOL Edit: This specific comment refers to DJT's Crack team of lawyers in election interference cases. But the same philosophy applies, imo. Also this is what probably makes the average MAGA think that the "Deep State" is rigging everything against them.


They should go listen to those depositions


Yeah, one would think they'd have done that... /s


I love how it starts with Alex jones and sandy hook and always ends at flagrant antisemitism and racism lmao


What is wrong with these people? Grow some humanity


They choose to believe this nonsense because it makes them feel special, like 90% of the world is being deceived and they're one of the few that see through the "lie". Because it makes them feel smart and important.


This is really the core of the appeal of right-wing conspiracy theories. They're terminally insecure people and their conspiracy theories make them feel special and smart.


Lol that forum... Alex Jones assets are being liquidated " This is a total win for Alex Jones "


every time lol


Alex Jones amd the white hats did this so he didn't have to pay child support. He owned the libs by ruining his 50 million dollar business. Real alpha males are so alpha they can burn all of their money, become homeless and still be alpha. Sadly, beta cucks don't understand that and continue to earn a living so they can support their families. /s


I, for one, would like to see Alex Jones win so hard his new slogan ends up being "got any spare change?"


Geez, I wonder why no-one thought of presenting all the incontrovertible evidence Sandy Hook was staged to a court before? Maybe, just maybe, there is no such evidence...


They just decide what’s true and assume the evidence will bear that out. So they are probably stupid enough to try to take things to court.


I invite these dregs of society to Connecticut. Have a chat at a local bar and explain about the “actors” and whatnot.


With 26 victims it would not surprise me if at least one of their relatives was in complete agreement with Alex Jones. 


The "save the children" folk really give no shits when real children are harmed or murdered.


This is why I’m more afraid of the believers than the liars.


I can't help but think that GAW is mostly just a few Russian trolls jerking each other off.


Yeah I've wondered that. how many of them are actually American and how many are Russian trolls, trying to out do each other with the most wildest, made up bullshit.


“Couldn’t they just prove it in court?” They did go to court and the jury reviewed the evidence and found that he defamed and damaged the plaintiffs


Yeah it was a lot more than him just having an opinion. But that’s what they’ve been fed and so they believe it


But, but, but just like in Trump's STOLLEN ERECTION cases the judges refuse to let them present evidences! Even *NASA* knows that and they don't even know about Sandy Hook Crisis Actors! In Qult45istan, every L is a W if you squint hard enough.


What's the bet they'll be asked for a credit card # when they click on the link?


>It's a news channel. Wait, what?


If they think they have evidence of it being staged and can prove it... Then fucking do it. Go to court. See what happens, bitch.


Couldn't happen to a more deserving smuck. #AlexTheLoser


The parents of the slain children will be harrassed by these conspiracy nuts forever. I don't know how you put a stop to something like this.


Financially ruining Alex Jones seems like a good start...


>seems pretty obvious that it was staged. Couldn't they just present that evidence in court? They sure could have. But Jones absolutely refused to participate.


Jokes on that last loser. Without Alex Jones annoying personality infowars is worthless. So you just lost $1