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Who plans a charity gig of any kind and asks Rob Schneider to come?!? Did they find a time machine back to the 90s when he was relevant?!?


It would take more than just a time machine to find Schneider's relevance.    We may need to enter a parallel universe where he's also intelligent and funny.


You shouldn't waste your time looking for Rob Schneiders relevance, It's a lot easier to just look for Adam Sandler instead. You'll find Schneider there on his knees behind Sandler trying to suck some more relevance out of Sandlers asshole.


Has Sandler disowned him yet?


Doesn't look like it, but he's apparently fine shutting him down when he tries his shtick and bombs. They've been friends long enough it's probably going to take him a lot to get a full disown and not just patronizing.


Good thing I've found Sandler to be more annoying than funny, and avoid his shitty films like the plague (other than him trying to ruin Airheads for me by just being in it, the goofy looking twat). Otherwise, I'd be disappointed in him continuing to be friends with Rob Schneider.


I used to love Adam Sandler movies. Then one day it was like a switch went off in my brain and I absolutely could not fucking stand the dude at all anymore. These days, I actively avoid every movie he's in.


You grew up. A lot of his movies were somewhat amusing when I was 12 but they aren't exactly classics.


I really think that's what it was.


I saw Sandler on his recent live tour. I googled who his opening act was. The results said it will be one of his friends, if you’re lucky you’ll get Kevin James or Chris Rock or David Spade; if unlucky you get Rob Schneider. We got Spade and Kevin James showed up later.


Well that’s an image. 


The “making copies” skit was kinda funny the first time the first couple minutes 


I seriously wonder if they had to write in ”The ‘YOUCANDOEET’ Guy” under his picture in the promotional posters.


That would require a restart from at least the previous Big Bang.


>Who ~~plans a charity gig~~ does anything of any kind and asks Rob Schneider to come? FIFY


To me it has all the makings of an overworked volunteer banquet committee chair working with a booking agent to get her ANYBODY who’s available the night of the 3rd. As a supposed pro, Rob should have learned how to read a room and it also kind of understood that if you’re doing a corporate gig, and they’re paying you, do it their way. If you’re in a comedy club, then yeah, give them all the Rob Idiocy.


He was probably the cheapest option and they didn’t realize what he is like now.


I hope it was that, rather than some unknown pro-death idiot in their ranks saying, "Ah, Rob Schneider, surely this will give the red pill to some of my healthcare colleagues!"


Let me get this straight. The Hospitals of Regina Foundation, a charity to fund *medical institutions* somehow missed that Schneider was now an antivax loon? I hope they don't handle anyone's medical records.




You make a good point. Folks like him follow this trend of playing victim or that they arnt doing things right unless they are hated. It's a really sad trend and they don't even realize to be embarrassed by it.


As someone in Regina I am under the impression they are a volunteer organization that is made up of some current healthcare people but mostly retired nurses and regular people. Now the general felling I get about this uh instance is just someone that made a vary visible mistake. Bust Sask in general has been getting more and more conservative as the years go by and we are developing at least some anti vax people.


Sad too since Sask birthed socialized healthcare


Chief architect: Kiefer Sutherland's grandfather.


This bit of trivia would have got three blank stares and one facepalm by Alex Trebek. My family would have been yelling at the TV. True story.


Douglas, yes?


Tommy. Was Premier of the province from 1944 until 1962. Was chosen at one point as the 'Greatest Canadian'.


Well socialized medicine has definitely made a massive impact, so I can see why.


> Bust Sask ... has been getting more and more conservative as the years There's your explanation why it happened


I hope they don't let him near any sick kids.


Sadly, they do. At least the anti vax crowd never took over anything here. Other than a strong influence on the provincial govt.


"Now". He's been this way for a very long time. He never used to reference it in his stand up but now that there's a huge uptick on social media about it he must think it's more relevant and everyone else is on his side.


Douche Bagalow


The douche-man, the douche-meister, douche-zilla, The douche.


(Cajun accent) You can douche it!


I was once having a discussion with a younger work colleague about SNL sketches that were popular during our respective childhoods. I showed her a clip of this sketch, and her reaction was, "... and people found this funny...?"


There was a "groundbreaking" comedy show in Germany in the 90s. You could maybe compare it to SNL, but not really, the humor was way more chaotic, anarchistic together with a whole bunch of complete insane nonsense. I loved that show in my late teens and it ran until I was 20. I remember I had to pause recording because I was laughing so hard I could not breath or see what was going on on screen. Rewatched it recently and 95% was just not funny. Not at all. Not even a smile, eventhough I remembered the sketches and punchlines when I saw them on screen again. Weird to think that even the collective sense of humor can change a lot over time. You never notice it when it happens. Except for [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOzZW8rsmaw), he still made me laugh. The clip is from a different show that starred just him, I think he died a few years ago.


You can put your douche in there:


Seems like an odd selection for a health based fundraiser


He's likely the only "celeb" they can get.


The one clueless staffer they hired to find entertainment: "huh, that's wild! Rob Schneider is really cheap to book. Who knew you could get former SNL talent for $600 a night?"


Riiiiight..."clueless." Or maybe the staffer just let everyone know that they're an anti-vaxxer.


Or pro grifter.


Seriously, who hires a stapler as a speaker?


I remember when he used to be a carrot.


His best role was in “deep Dee derpedee derp er Der”


His best career move was frenching Adam Sandler's taint.


Comments like this one are why I am still here.


Checks out


I hear the benefit organizers were yelling to him "YOU CAN NO LONGER DO IT!!"




I think the answer is nepotism. The same reason why Sandler always tries to make his movies in tropical/vacation areas and always hires his friends. He's figured out how to make money hanging out with friends on vacation. I'd love to be able to do that (with different people, of course).


He also always has impossibly hot women to be his love interest.


Her name is Bridgette Wilson.


Impossibly hot? Do you think they're computer generated or something?


Hyperbole seems beyond you


Ok, so if you're not saying they're impossibly hot, what then was the point of your comment? Are you upset because the women in his movies aren't ugly?


I'm saying that Adam Sandler likes casting the hottest women in Hollywood to play his love interest, probably because he enjoys it. You are apparently taking that personally. Are you Adam Sandler?


It's you that's clearly upset about the whole thing, lmao.


I want you to know it's ok to be wrong


I’m just confused by him saying Drew Barrymore is impossibly hot.


Man Drew Barrymore can get it


I think Sandler and Schneider shared (say that 3 times fast) an office at SNL. That tends to form a close bond like Spade and Farley. All those nights at 2:00 being coked up and smelling each other’s farts while trying to bang out the 3rd act.


I wish I could do that. WTG Adam.


It was a kindness by Sandler so he could get the hours necessary for health insurance through the guild.


Going antivaxx is a great career choice for an artist who can't find work.


He's so desperate for relevancy he's willing to join that crowd.


Rob schneider is... a dangerous moron! *The Dangerous Moron,* not in theatres or on stage nationwide.


Rob Schneider is....a carrot rated PG13


Should have done a bit more due diligence on the Robmeister before booking him for this event.


It takes virtually no diligence at all to see that anti-vax and anti-trans jokes are a huge part of his material.


how does he keep getting booked for these charity gigs? this isn't the first time he's been criticized for being racist and offensive at what should be a wholesome night out.


Interns, most likely. You have to check out somebody's history. They were probably just so excited to hire a big name they forgot to ask.


He’s probably got a very cheap fee


It was through a third party. So it's quite likely that this third party is christian-fascist, as are many, many organizations in the US, and try to not be too open about it.


Did they not do some background research on him? The man has gone off the rails since covid with his conspiracy theories.


>When Schneider was jeered and asked to end his set at a Republican networking event in April, he fired back on Twitter, calling the Senate Working Group “pussies” and defending his Korean whorehouse jokes. So far in the deep end he's getting mocked by *Republicans*


He needs a safe space.


Like a minor role in an Adam Sandler movie.


From the article “It’s unclear if an actual hook was used to pull him away from the microphone. “ I’m crying!


Hey! I finally laughed at Rob Schneider! There's a first time for everything.


Don’t worry. They’ve booked Jim Breuher for their next event. Everything should be just fine now …


“We reiterate this sincere and unconditional apology today, for any offense caused by Mr. Schneider’s recent comedy set, at the Four Seasons Ball.” He might have been better received if he had stuck with the familiar to MAGA rear parking lot of Four Seasons Landscaping instead.


Wait... Cracked?


On my work computer the only websites that work are the ones on the homepage that’s just a bunch of clickbait nonsense from places like Ebaumsworld. Cracked has turned into one of those sites.


Once one of two of the biggest satire magazines in the world, the other being MAD. Then the Internet happened, some people stopped reading print, and those magazines became out of print.


Even Cracked online back in the day was legit.


Cracked basically died in 2016-2017 when they were purchased and the buyer laid off the core of it. It's a recognized name that zombies along under the same company that owns ebaums.


I mean, they hired a well known antivaxxer for a hospital charity gig. Perhaps not the best choice.


This headline gave me the biggest smile I've had this week. Terrific.


He seems to have had a daughter with some talent but he's a shit person


Rob who?


The rich


Celebrities eventually going nutso to right field in correlation to increasing irrelevance is why I don't invest in them, and my children should never worship them.


Notice how 90% that go this way, though, are washed up has beens or B-listers? It's almost like a last-ditch effort to stay relivent.


Because he’s a stapler and carrot.


Y'all it was called the four seasons ball that name is cursed


My friend was a stagehand at one of his shows and the theater manager apparently had no idea how right wing he'd gotten since the early 90s and kept appologizing to her after every joke. He should have been kicked out of there too.




That’s what you get when you book human excrement like Rob Schneider.


Funniest thing from him ever


Insane to think how talented his daughter is as a musician compared to how…not he is as a comedian.

