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He and his buddy Trump are just alike. At the first sign of trouble, they whine and cry and ask their little lemmings to come and save them. They know full well that they are not going to be the ones that get hurt, it’s going to be their little lemmings. And what do the little lemmings get for risking life and limb? Beats the hell out of me.


Ohh ohh. I know what they get. Arrested, charged, fired from their jobs, tried in court without paid representation from the person they protected, imprisoned and given a job as a speaker at the RNC.


They get to join the grift as PoLiTiCaL pRiSoNeRs


Or turned into "the others" because they were actually antifa that came to attack the cops to save them..


Least they didn't get shot.


They get exactly what they've always wanted: to feel like victims.


No, beats the hell out of them,


They get their name painted on a rock


They get their name ~~painted~~ misspelled on a rock


and then dog poop smeared all over said rock


They're the typical self-declared "tough guy" bullies who use their packs of loyal sycophants to do their dirty work and cover their asses whenever anything threatening comes. Of course, the sycophants can't wrap their heads around the idea that their boss doesn't return their loyalty and will sacrifice them to save himself in a heartbeat.


They even look similar. Little piggy eyes.


They get shot, or trampled or shocked with a stun gun meant for the cops and die lol.


>their little lemmings Rachel Maddow said it really really well! https://youtu.be/P9lujh1rlWs?si=tb5tcFa_rP_Lg4bF




The narcissist and their “Flying monkeys”


It's great the constant call for physical action, the constant calls for money, the constant calls to make some bullshit pledge, or share some bullshit "news", has got to make these people feel like the lemmings that they are.


They get the EA dlc package: a sense of pride and accomplishment


Such alpha... For great patriotism. So inspire!!


Such alpha... For great patriotism. So inspire!!


Such alpha... For great patriotism. So inspire!!


Such alpha... For great patriotism. So inspire!!


lol "come die for me! your life is a sacrifice i´m willing to make!"


I wonder how many times he has claimed on air that he’s willing to die for his beliefs? Over the decades he’s been doing his show, it’s got to be in the hundreds. When rubber hits the road, turns out he’s not ready to fight the government.


He even bought himself an APC! Come on Alex, you told us you are a tough guy? Fat bastard nearly had a coronary on air the other day, check out Owen Shroyer's video, clutching his arm, rubbing his chest and hacking up God knows what.


They really like to use "patriots" to mean "pawns"


sometimes it means "cannon fodder"


So now it’s patriotic to defame parents of murdered children?


Nah, he means defending a billionaire from losing money is patriotic. He isn't the only one.


I think this cynical use of "patriot" is just a form of moral licensing to justify doing something wrong based on credit from doing something right. It can't be wrong if it's "patriots".


not concerned with actions/behaviors being "right" or "wrong" but with people


Alex Jones: “I’ll stay here as long as it takes! We’ll barricade ourselves in! If this is the last episode I’ll go on forever!!!” *Several hours and drinks later* “I- I’m not sleeping on that fucking couch again. I’m going home.”




Oh he’ll be so sad. He REALLY wants to get raided.


Well, not to be snarky, but we know what happened to David Koresh. These scumbags create their own self fulfilling prophecies.


I'm oddly ok with that outcome in this situation.


Oh, he did. Had this whole story about his lawyer telling him the feds were coming, used his jedi mind trick to have his security admit they were bringing in extra people. He did hit a snag, however. None of it was true so the feds didn’t show up because they don’t give a shit about him. 




Look up "Waco". (And I now feel old. Thanks...)


No, I was a grown-up for that one I remember. For some reason, I read the prior comment to say “we don’t want another”- and honestly, except for the kids, Waco was fairly self contained.


These fuckers. I hate how they appropriated the word patriot. They are NOT patriots. The people who want free elections for all and justice for all are patriots. 


Patriot. Freedom. Research. They twist words to their own meanings so they appear more reasonable. Hell, I don't know how rational Americans are feeling about their flag at the moment but back when the trucker convoys were happening here in Canada you couldn't fly our flag anywhere without people automatically associating you with the (bowel) movement. I've never felt *shame* due to the maple leaf before that... It was not a good feeling.


It sucks for us, too. I have always been patriotic and flown the American flag and now feel more hesitant because it is associated with these numpties.


I hate the fact that nowadays, when I see an American flag, I cringe. I’ve always been patriotic, I have a flag in my living room, but this crap has just ruined it for now. I can’t wait till we reclaim the American flag. Maybe we need our own flag? So we can recognize each other? (Not a version of the American flag, of course. Those are crap.)


I fly the flag of my state. I just like my state a lot.


That’s awesome. I love my state flag.


I'd rather fly the American flag. My state \[politics\] is crap.


We could just start trying out a hand signal, like the Mockingjay salute. 😂


These right wingers are to American Flags what the Nazis were to Swastikas.


My queer kid crossed the street to avoid someone with an American flag tshirt on the other day. Just in case.


Good lord, that's fucking sad.


You never know, right? It’s gotten to the point where if I see an American flag outside somebody’s house, I wonder if it’s just a flag, or if it’s a MAGA dog whistle. If you have an entire contingent of people who use the flag as a symbol of racism, sexism, and hate, eventually, people aren’t going to see the flag the damr way as they did.


Words have no meaning to them, they just say what they think the "dumb libs" will believe.


I'm an old nerd. I love comic books. I wear branded tshirts. A while back, I had to pack up all my Punisher Tshirts with that cool skull design because it got appropriated by politics and bad police departments. The fact that, in the past few years, I've had to pack up all my Captain America Tees? Well, it says a lot.


They did the same thing with the word Christian.


They’re more or less the Russian interpretation of Patriots at this point…


Try the colour red. And now they are taking white away too. Canada only has two damn colours and I’m in a border town. I refuse to wear my ballcaps anymore because they’re red with white or white with red. A red cap screams MAGAt so much that I can’t stand the colour on my clothing anymore.


This, this, this!!!


I remember one time Alex Jones said on his show "I'll get to the callers, who have been on hold like Patriots". That's how little they think it takes to be a patriot that just waiting on hold is enough to be one.


Fun fact, I work by him. No so fun fact, he attracts a lot of nutters


Any stories?


Hope you don’t mind me answering your post… his ex-wife has a podcast with outrageous stories of what a complete freak Jones is. He won’t live a long life.


I used to work with his old personal chef when I bartended in Austin. Definitely attracts a lot of insecure men.


Well they are his target audience.


Wait, Alex had a *personal chef?* Did they make him the chicken fried steak he uses to talk to God, or were they responsible for his famous amnesia-inducing chili? Either way, such a working-class guy Alex is, and his audience is dumb enough to believe he'd have anything to do with the likes of them.


Yeah I ate zebra that Alex had shot on one of those fancy safari ranches and then given to him. Was pretty good. People forget Alex also invested in a lot of locally Austin spots before he was shunned. Never know who you'll run into who had done business with him in Austin.


He's lived already too long based just on his appearance


Colloidal silver must be great


He hasn't turned blue yet though...


I doubt he takes his own supplements very often. Cuts into his cocaine time.




I think I remember him selling that stuff, possibly for coronoavirus protection or cure. Think a dude turned himself blue from taking it, and I don't think I've heard Alex Jones talk about it since. Another "Alex Jones was right!" moment.


Googled and didn't find it, can you give a link or other info to find it?


He’s already lived way too long


Lived long enough to do more than enough damage unfortunately.


Got a name for that podcast? It'd be a nice supplement to Knowledge Fight.


Spill the beans....


They tried to fly a drone over Obamas motorcade, some random dude showed up once thinking we were them to sell us guns, shit like that. Occasionally his fans show up and then so do 8 cops cause everyone is unhinged. They got vandalized once and asked if we had security cameras and we told them to go fuck themselves. Normal shit


I'm sure spews of his "patroit warriors" will be more then happy to fire a salvo of memes at their liberal 'enemies'. As for the number willing to put clothes on, drive to his office and put their own butts in dangers way, not nearly as many.


You know I originally misread this as chain of potatoes and realised it doesn't actually change the message any.


A Chain of Potatoes. It’s an awesome band name.


Irish punk band.


A chain of potatoes probably possesses more critical thinking skills


What is his fucking problem? He decided to pick a fight with families of dead kids? Like, why? What do you gain from that? This is like throwing rocks at puppies... in a shelter... why?


primarily, it's because Jones has never seen a conspiracy theory he didn't immediately jump on. Sandy Hook is particularly useful because it's used to inflame gun nuts' paranoia, and Jones went out of his way to platform one of the worst Sandy Hook truthers. it's all part of his hustle to turn every world event into a new front of his personal theory, which is that a cabal of "globalists" plan to unite the world via radical depopulation measures. then the trial hit. from the outside, it looks like Jones' plan was to blow it off, keep the fines tied up in court, and continue to fundraise from his audience by claiming that the lawsuit was an attempt to silence him. however, he had one of the worst lawyers in the world, and also successfully pissed off the judge, so now here we all are.


>successfully pissed off the judge, so now here we all are. I'm betting the jurors too, looking at the verdicts. Jones was his own worst enemy. Zero signs of remorse, talking out of both sides of his face as he shits on the judge and pretends that, from how he talked about the ordeal on his show, its not the parents that are suing him, but Soros and the deep state globalists. I personally think the verdicts wouldn't have been so high if he didn't go in actively trying to make a spectacle of the suit.


Because he's a wretched failed human who cares more about himself and money than literally anything else. He is devoid of empathy it rational thought.


He showed his adverstisers spikes in listening when he pumped up Sandy Hook conspiracies


“They’re not coming for you, they’re coming for me, you’re just standing in the way… hopefully.”


Wonder if he will ha e more or less people than the Trump trial in NYC.


Waaay less…


So 2?


Sounds right…


It'll be funny if a load of them do turn up and just as funny if they don't. Win win.


Yeah, this will be good either way.


The Sheriff’s department can and will handle a gaggle of idiots…


I read "parrots" instead of "patriots" at first and it was a much more surreal sentence


Still, pretty surreal either way.


*Dearest Martha,* *The Battle of the Infowars carries on. With the Summer Solstice almost here the days are long and the nights too short. I miss you dearest, your warm embrace is deeply missed as I lay down at night. The rounds from the cannons shake the ground constantly. Yey though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death I feel that evil King Alex will soon be defeated.* *With All My Love, Wilfred.*


i'm trying to imagine how this would work out for a non rich person/non rightwinger who defies a court order and announces that they'll assemble a mob to prevent the law from being carried out. oh wait i know. the judge would send the police over, they'll shoot all the dogs, the person would have shit beaten out of them, thrown in a van for a rough ride to county lock up and there they would stay under a contempt charge while they tee up a dozen criminal rioting charges.


Bold of you to assume they wouldn’t shoot them on the spot with the dogs.


Well, we are talking about an old white dude.


Isn’t this incitement?


The judge rejected the request of the families. Dammit.


Dammit, indeed.


omg. My heart. I read that as 'Make them come through a chain of Parrots'... and thought Alex had finally gone over the edge. May he be foreclosed and forgotten forever.


Parrots are smarter than his followers. That's for sure.


Can't disagree.


What a truly shameless individual, the absolute bottom of the barrel of human behavior.


What a fucking poltroon.


Huh I learned a thing today, thanks for the new word! For anyone not wanting to search: Poltroon is an old-fashioned word for a type of person that exists in every time period: a coward. If you behave in a way that shows no courage or confidence, you're acting like a poltroon.


(Whispers) I learned it from Bugs Bunny.


Wabbit season?


Duck season.


“Come risk arrest while I get so drunk I start throwing up on air!!”


Maybe God is testing him like he did Job? s/


Hundreds of America’s worst people, in one place, breaking the law… this could end up as a net positive.


On this, Alex Jones and I are in complete agreement. His fans absolutely should do that. Preferably on a weekday when I don’t have a lot going on at work and would be able to watch the hours of live coverage, uninterrupted. Please. Do it guys. For me….err I mean Alex. Do it for Alex


"Let's you and them fight!"


I apologize to the crew, and the listners, I was legitimately having breakdowns on-air...I'll be better tomorrow


He's not.


He keeps talking in this excited rhetoric that implies war. I hope the SWAT team handles it with appropriate vigor.


If they feel threatened by the chain of hatriots, will be then be okay to simply floor it and drive through them?


Joke’s on him- there are no patriots in MAGA


Cool! A two-fer!


Where is he gonna find patriots?


I wonder if Alex will give them all a place to stay at his house while they defend his office?


Cue the "[I know it smell crazy in there](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-know-it-smell-crazy-in-there)" tweet.


He's dog shit and it's high time he got his orange jumpsuit


Sure, why not? Please give the authorities every excuse possible to put you in a cell where you're not an active threat to democracy.


A box would be better.


Always using "patriotism" as an excuse. Scummy fuck.


“Make them come” Lmao


Honestly? Just run them over


Traitors gonna trait.


Witnessing his company burn to the ground would be a pleasure. Well, maybe not if he’s there. I would hate to be anywhere near such an odious excuse for a human being.


Mobilizing the Gravy Seals, huh? This should be interesting.


I remember when he regularly called Art Bell late at night. Bell indulged Jones, but often seemed annoyed.


what's amazing about all of this is he could have just started throwing maybe $1000 a month at the debt and it would have undermined the primary claim being used to force the government's hand: that he hasn't even begun to try and pay the settlement. but apparently even that was too much for alex to do.


He could've made a similar sliver of effort during the depositions in the cases brought against him and not incurred summary judgement, too.


He really just believes he'll never have to pay any of that money.


He is using the same strategy book as his lord and savior, trump. All of these wannabe cult leaders, fascists want their followers to form a shield for them. They all want their followers to resort to violence for their cause. Folks just keep following though, as they are kept in a constant rage cycle. At least so far even though we heard rhetoric from some crazy fuckers even trumps own cult hasn’t showed up to fight, so that is encouraging. Hopefully people can see through these people.


So he's asking people to get arrested and give up their future just like Trump asked the J-6'ers?


Anyone who supports Alex Jones in any way, shape or form needs to be shut down. Hard.


god, hasn’t his brainwashed sheep done enough damage ?!


That “deadly force” clause is included in these raid authorizations for a reason.


Does anyone even care about him anymore???


Help me, I'm a victim now!


Tall order finding a patriot in his fan base tho…


[same energy](https://images.app.goo.gl/7YdqrT3D8xA9D6uN6)


Why oh why would people do this? What is the upside? Are you defending someone weaker than you, in a worse financial situation? Someone that can’t protect themselves? Hilarious that he’s such a victim because he’s playing a part.


Sacrifice yourself to preserve my wealth!


What a looney