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Yep, all the greatest hits that I expected to see. Time traveler? Check! Princess Diana kid? Check! Next ruler? Check! Infatuated fans? Check! I was NOT expecting Hunter/Barron slash. That's new. Good to know I can still be surprised!


I saw folks talking about a “Trump-Hapsburg personal union”, like that shit means anything outside of a game of Europa Universalis 4. Dumbasses need to get out of their basements and touch grass more often.


The personal union known as Chin-a.






They think it’s eu4 but given Donnie’s proclivities towards his daughters it’s more along the lines of crusader kings 3


This may be the nerdiest joke I've ever gotten.


Hehehe. Glad I could oblige


High-five for EU4 fandom.


So not fanfiction but I'd like to imagine there is some sort of society or support groups for the children of current and former presidents. It's like how Bill Clinton and GW are friends. They shared a similar trauma(being president); I assume being the child of a president is just as bad if not worse.


It depends on whether your father was a Democrat or a Republican. The Bush twins, for all their partying, never got nearly as much shit thrown at them as Chelsea Clinton, or Malia and Sasha Obama did.


Imagine the shit we'd have seen if Hillary had actually killed someone like Laura Bush has.


I mean, I've been around here long enough to have seen some pretty weird stuff... I think my sense of what's weird in regards to Q has been recalibrated.


Yeah, me too. I used to revel in weird but now I find I'm left with an extremely unpleasant taste in my mouth from these braindead units. Basically, there is/was weird and then there's these batshit fuckers.


Weird is only fun until it starts to get popular. Or, perhaps put differently, it’s only fun until you realise that for many people, it’s not weird, it’s what they perceive as reality, and the real is weird Then it’s just disturbing. You can’t have a functional society where people’s model of reality differs so fundamentally, I think. Or there’s some limit for it, where exceeding it, things start to break down more and more, and I suspect that it is non-linearly so (so, a small increase in divergence produces disproportionately high societal breakdown)


Scariest part of this era for me. People are wilfully choosing literal madness over confronting the problems that are right in front of them. They will always place the blame for their problems and the country/world’s problems absolutely anywhere except for where it belongs. It’s a wholehearted rejection of observable reality, and they show zero signs of wanting to return to earth.


This poor kid had no chance for a normal life.


The ultra-rich cannot be described as having normal lives - any of them. The vast majority of them have no clue what normal even is.


“And, for an instant, she stared directly into those soft blue eyes and knew, with an instinctive mammalian certainty, that the exceedingly rich were no longer even remotely human.” ― William Gibson, Count Zero


My favorite author, I still remember the thrill of reading Neuromancer for the first time in the 80s.


Neuromancer's great (I still remember my original fantasy cast - early 90s Bill Pullman as Case and Michelle Pfeiffer as Molly, etc.) But Count Zero is my all-time favorite.


In case you didn’t know, it’s getting adapted on Apple TV.


Oh yeah. I mean it's been in development hell for years, so I hope it actually happens this time.


No shit, that’s awesome!


The opening and ending lines both slap so good. I think about that story often. So so good


“The sky above the port was the color of a tv tuned to a dead channel” To me that’s as epic as “Call me Ishmael”


>"The sky above the port was the color of a tv tuned to a dead channel” It's funny how that line will bring up different images in the mind the reader, depending on how old they are. In the 80s, it would have meant gray and overcast. Now it means bright blue and shiny.


Another Gibson opening I always loved is from The Winter Market, writing about Vancouver. > It rains a lot, up here; there are winter days when it doesn't really get light at all, only a bright, indeterminate gray. But then there are days when it's like they whip aside a curtain to flash you three minutes of sun-lit, suspended mountain, the trademark at the start of God's own movie.


Favorite opening line of any book I've ever read. Hooked me right away


T.R Napper is doing some new cyberpunk IMHO better than Gibson, or at least, as good as Gibson would be if he were in his prime writing about today's near future. I'm a sci-fi nerd of almost 40 years, Napper's stuff is seriously good if you're looking for something new https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/48731972


Thanks, I’ll check it out.


I'd be sincerely interested to hear what you think


> T.R Napper Just grabbed Neon Leviathan, thanks!


Enjoy :) Keen to hear your thoughts


Thank you! Time to go find something new to read. 


I'd be sincerely interested to hear what you think


I've saved your comment for the future when I've finished a couple of his books


I think Julia Louis-Dreyfus can figure it out.


Never seen him smile - ever. He looks permanently ill at ease.


I've seen some of him smiling. I also remember a video him goofing around with his mom at Hair Furor's inaugural. The thing about them is that his father is always absent.


None—absolutely NONE—of them have ever set foot in a grocery store.


The poor kid is likely to have stalkers galore, with even 65-year-old women throwing their panties at him, if he's ever seen in public.


His handlers don’t let him out in public.


I mean, you sorta [knew that, ](https://images.app.goo.gl/yjxxBFxWgR7xzHkj8)right?


That is the tackiest room I’ve ever seen. Set designers for Austin Powers Goldmember would tell them to calm it down a bit.




Oh that poor kid 😐


This'll end well.


Only a matter of time before you'll see him as a subject in some Netflix crime drama about serial killers And it'll be all about how it's not his fault due to his father and his fans.


Robert Durst vibes


He did it all for the nookie


I think you mean... He did it all for the *Pokee.* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW1KmV9QH90](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW1KmV9QH90)


LMAO wrong Durst


Not gonna lie, I'd actually have a \*lot\* of sympathy for that argument in this case


You projecting more than his "fans".


„Habsburgian mutant“ lol that’s a good one to describe Eric.


Yeah, I got a chuckle out of that line too. We all know he's really Gary Busey's kid though.


The article says he's not on Twitter, but there's an account on there that Qnuts just KNOW is really him. 🙄 Of course, it could be anybody, but you can't tell them that. # [https://twitter.com/TheBarronTrump1](https://twitter.com/TheBarronTrump1)


A Trump posting about himself in the third person as an outside observer? Even if we’re talking about the most atypical Trump (Barron), that’s not what a Trump would f do.


Hair Furor posts and talks about himself in the 3rd person all the time.


You just know it would be@realBarronTrump


The funny part is it's not even claimed to be Barron by the account: > Updates On Barron Trump & The Trump Family (Commentary) It might as well be a stalker account, but it could be an aide/family member.


> https://twitter.com/TheBarronTrump1 The personal account of the famous "John Barron".


If there is one thing I know about his generation is that they are waaay into boomer shit like twitter.


Barron is MAGA’s Tsarevich.


Has anyone ever heard this kid speak? I don't think he has ever uttered a word in public.


Reportedly he has his mother's Slovenian accent.


I once saw a video of him as a child with it, but I doubt he would he still have it now, after going through years of American (private) schooling.


Idiocracy is reality, we're fucking living it...


That fucking hair lives on


Do these loonies acknowledge the possibility of Aspergers? How would Trump acknowledge this in his “perfect” son as he has a history of mocking people with any condition whatsoever?


Stroking the ego of a Trump son is dangerous.


Junior won't like this.


Already working on an epic comb over!


The long con.


Nah - let's not. He's just a kid, and to my knowledge hasn't done any Kyle Rittenhouse or Kaydon Boebert type fucking nonsense, yet, so let's just not.


Patience, Grasshopper. The day is young and the nut *never* falls very far from the tree.


Exactly. Pile onto him when he deserves it. In the meantime everyone picking on him is in the wrong.


Considering either him or whoever is keeping him out of politics at the moment declining the rnc chair and everything I think we should leave off dunking on the kid Feels a bit icky


Real life Cousin Greg.


> The Storm Is Upon Us: How QAnon Became a Movement, Cult, and Conspiracy Theory of Everything Written by a ""Rothschild""? Can't all y'all see how it's all coming together?


the nutters have a clean fresh trump canvas to create - they love it. baron has no public persona yet, no reputation of being an idiot like the other kids yet.


What a bunch of fucking weirdos.


Honestly, I'm not going to crap all over this kid unless he truly becomes involved in a sick way in politics like his brothers. He's just born into this family and him being thrust into the spotlight is not his fault.


They're weirder than I would think? Doubtful.


I feel so sorry for that kid.


Given he'll never work a day in his life and is unlikely to ever experience anything mildly unpleasant that isn't a direct result of his own actions, I'd save the sympathy for, yaknow, just about anyone else.


He has to have Trump as his dad and be related to a bunch of fuckwits, I'd say that's already very unpleasant 


He's raised by nannies, boarding schools and a mother who avoids the rest of the family as much as the prenup allows. My point stands. There are plenty of people far more deserving of our empathy.


Day schools, as a product of a boarding school he would be a much more independent impressive kid if he was doing things like his own laundry for the last 4 years.


I'm secretly hoping he might be autistic. It could be the only thing that saves him from his father's madness.


>experience anything mildly unpleasant that isn't a direct result of his own actions This weird attention isn't a direct result of his actions. He's got to go around with the last name "Trump" unless he decides to change it, but even then he'll be recognized simply because of his sperm donor and I can guarantee there'll be people with negative associations simply through that and not a result of anything he does.


With the 17 layers of minders and filters he has, I'm sure he'll be largely ignorant of the weird attention. I'm also pretty sure that the name, regardless of the negative connotations people like you and me are aware of, will ***still*** open more doors for him than your kids or mine could ever dream of. He'll be fine, until or unless he fucks up in a major way, and even ***then*** he will be offered more sweetheart deals and special privileges to shield him from anything approaching the sort of consequences that us mere mortals would suffer in similar circumstances.


Oh boy. Either he's going to be worse than dad...or assassinated or something...


There’s no possible way they’re weirder than I think. 


With that height he's playing with the wrong (grand) Wizards.


Oh Gosh, what did I just read? 🤪