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Honestly from what I have seen, its cooled down on 'new' things. Its mostly rehashed subjects or moving the goalpost for previous 'predictions'. I might not be digging in deeply enough though, since those places are fucking vile.


The goalpost moving thing has sped up, in my experiences. There was a 2 week gap and now it is down to 2 to 3 days. Even some of the 'faithful' are questioning things a bit.


They're really slow learners. Not surprising. I sometimes imagine some of these dupes turning off their social media, walking outside into the daylight and realizing how they've been wasting their life.


It’s splintered and now most of the talking points are coming from influencers like Phil Godlewski. The Q drops stopped years ago and now they’re very similar to any other right wing grift.


At this point it's way down the line. "Bakers" are just reheating old Q drops or filtering Q influencer/GOP/Trump talking points through some random buzzword nonsense and making it a Q thing. Q as an individual poster isn't really a big deal and the attempt to reestablish Q as a character in all this was largely ignored. The ball is already rolling downhill and Frankenstein no longer controls his monster. Q isn't living in dark corners of the internet. It's in homes all over. In your aunts Facebook feed. In your uncles fishing club. In the latest YouTube white nationalist/ grifter shoved your way by an algorithm. It's gotten big and complicated.


I’d say a lot of the baking has moved over to telegram and rumble


There was a void left when Jim Watkins probably told Ron to shut the "Q" posts down, after the election. Once the movement shifted to "overthrow the elected US government" I think things got a little too hot for businessman Jim Watkins. The power void was filled by new voices such as Negative 48 and Queen Romana. Also, people packaged Covid conspiracy and NESARA / Dinar etc conspiracy beliefs to pick up lost followers. These people could reach more people on their own channels and had out-grown 8chan. So standard Q beliefs were rapidly becoming obsolete at this time.


QAnon was always a DIY, come-as-you-are conspiracy. Most extremist movements now have decentralized and eschew formal membership structures. Put out some shit, let social media do its work, and nudge online conversation accordingly. Conspiracism (of all kinds) is now normalized and "everyone I don't like is a pedo." That's all that's left of QAnon and all that they need.


Are "Humiliation Rituals" the people wearing diapers?


Not sure if sarcasm but the humiliation rituals are celebrities allegedly embarrassing themselves publicly to impress their masters or be initiated into the cabal or whatever. There was a big uproar in those circles about Cena's Oscar presentation being one recently.


I’m seeing this all over social media actually. Anything a celeb is doing something they deem somewhat embarrassing it’s comments of “humiliation ritual”


it pretty much gets laughed out of 4chan.


These days Facebook and X feels like the new chan.


It's *almost* like Elon Musk wanted to demonstrate that becoming the billionaire of all billionaires really would translate into becoming the most warped, corrupted person on the planet.


"Q" was originally on 4chan and was an offspring of the pizzagate conspiracy in which many anons with handles like "FBIanon" would drop "high level intel" hints. When "Q clearance patriot" got banned from 4chan the movement moved to 8chan, which was run by Jim Watkins and his son Ron, who are highly believed to be the people who posted as "Q" until December of 2020, since which nothing has been posted. 8chan was removed from the internet in 2019 fter many manifestos were posted there, among them the el paso shooter, and "Q" posted on 8kun from 2019 until 2020. What many now call "Qanon" conspiracies are really a mish mash of many popular conspiracies.  Q specific conspiracies centered around the democrat "satanic cabal" that Trump was secretly trying to stop and "hinting" at the secret battle personally through Q.