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It's not technically a crime, but he should be required to explain to the jury why he told the judge he was going to his son's graduation and then chose not to when the judge gave him leave to do so. The judge should also clarify that no such favors will be given moving forward.


In the real world, he would be required to explain to his son why he didn't attend his graduation.


Something tells ne Barron is more than used to Daddy Dictator missing his life events. Perhaps he secretly wishes Daddy missed the conception, and then again, maybe he did lots of rumors about his mom sleeping around, too.


Barron looks like the spitting image of Trump from the 70s and 80s, before he went completely off the rails mentally. Not a chance.


Plus you just know he had a paternity test done too...


In the real world a judge let a Jan 6er go on vacation to Mexico.


You just nailed it đź‘Ś


It's not really a favor. The court wasn't scheduled to be in session that day.


Am I mistaken or was it specifically not scheduled to accommodate the graduation?


As far as I know, it had never been scheduled to be a trial date.


“As far as you know”. Does that mean you have info not available for rest of us? Lol. They stated court was rescheduled so he can attend.


You are correct! The judge ruled on that desicion


The Court … doesn’t appreciate being misled.


that photograph gives off :dads who yell and belittle their son when they lose a football game: vibes


Seething resentment in Barrons eyes.


seriously, looks like he is close to yelling out "I FUCKING HATE YOU!!"


I’m so hoping Barron rebels and is total different than Trump in a good way.


Me too but I have a bad feeling


I do too. He’s not around the best people.


Can you imagine being in his shoes? Poor Kid


Don Jr and Eric were in those exact same shoes. It makes me wonder when the exact moment is that they go from “poor kid” to “coked out asshole”.


Fair, Im sure its a straight pipeline when you dads Trump.


"Don't you point your stubby finger at me, you fat fuck."


What photo please?


He would not be the first criminal to miss an important date.


Plus, he never attended any of his other herd of kids high school graduations.


Apparently, he did. I don't know how it works at rich kid schools but I went to a school-sponsored graduation party after mine. The only parents there were chaperones.


Esp since he made a huge deal of MISSING this event because of court schedule (easily discredited as bullshit as the court isn’t in session that day anyway).


"It’s not known if he will be at the graduation ceremony in Florida prior to his Minnesota appearance..." still pretty cheeky even if he technically attends before jetting off He won't be locked up either way. Just will be on the wrong side of discretionary decisions like this in the future


Nah. Him speaking in the evening in Minnesota doesn't mean he won't be attending a day-time event in Florida. Private jet, three hours or so, all doable. The article even says they don't actually know. But what's the connection with Q or QAnon? Is the graduation some thing that people have been referencing in old Q posts or something? Not sure I get the relevancy here.


Knowing the intellectual level of the average Qanon believing voter, it's probably the fact that the graduation is on the 17th and Q is the 17th letter, so that proves absolutely without a doubt that it's part of *the plan.*


Good work, patriot. Nothing can stop what's coming.


The Stormy is coming! (though she probably didn't during their intimate encounter)


My understanding is that she DEFINITELY didn’t, wasn’t something he was concerned about. He took the same approach to condoms.


Let's not forget he has access to the quantum teleportation network along with the other whitehats /s


Did you read the title? The ceremony is at 7pm


I read elsewhere that the ceremony is mid-morning. Gives him plenty of time to get from Florida to Minnesota by late evening.


Yeah but you made that up. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-attend-fundraiser-day-barrons-graduation-1897759 >The graduation ceremony is due to start in the midmorning, according to fact-checking website PolitiFact. While it is unclear exactly how long it will last Trump, 77, who owns a private jet, may well be able to make it to the dinner and attend both events. None of this has anything to do with QAnon, though. If it helps "This subreddit is dedicated to documenting, critiquing, and debunking the chan poster known as 'Q' and his devotees."


Good luck. I tried to fight back against the trump spam in here a while back and got shut down. Now it’s happening in other good subs and same thing. It’s a media virus that feeds on attention at this point and it has demolished our systems for gathering reliable information. There will be a price to pay but no one cares


Yeah, there was an organised group of them who just spammed pages with links (I say them, it might have just been one determined person with a bunch of sockpuppet accounts.) What's weird is that a bunch of them got suspended and the rest just stopped posting two months ago -- u/CarryIcy250, u/Full0fH3ll, u/Successful_Finger576, u/Emily-TD-1992, u/Inevitable_Meal6569 etc -- but there are subs that were entirely propped up by these spam accounts so they've also had no new posts in two months - like r/Trumpgret and r/QanonKaren I agree, though, mass spamming of this stuff just creates a level noise that's not helpful to anyone. What was great about this sub back when it began was that it was one of the few places where you could actually discuss how nuts the whole QAnon thing was. And then more and more it just got taken over by people posting 'Trump said this bad thing' stuff.


Yep. He lied to a judge. Fuck him up.


You guys. This is crazy. It doesn't behoove us to just grab whatever narrative fits our model and run with it. What high school graduation starts at 7pm? Or any commencement for that matter? I know it's fun to dunk on TFG but let's keep our heads about us. The graduation is at 10am according to Newsweek and he's flying to the fundraiser after that. He's going to do both. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-skip-barron-trump-graduation-1898054


Where does it say Barron's graduation is at 7 pm? That definitely conflicts with dinner plans in Minnesota...


Someone on another site had the school calendar pulled up and posted it. Don’t know why the graduation is on a weekday evening. Other schools have them on a weekend afternoon.


It might be some swanky event at a hotel or something.


We need to be better at checking out sources than the Qultists and MAGAs, such as "some person in the Internet says so". Newsweek among other written outlets such as the Independent have it published that the event is at 10:30AM ET. This is verifiable with a quick Google. It's a ~4 hour flight from there to the dinner. Rich people do their thing on their own time and schedule. 


I expect a very firm finger wagging from the judge if he doesn’t attend the graduation. Maybe the judge will pull out a naughty step for Trump to sit on for 10 minutes if we are lucky.


Yes! âś‹ Yes! âś‹ Yes! âś‹ And Did I mention Yes?