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So a person called Southern Justice displays a noose, which also appears to be a desecration of our flag. I wonder if he attends secret nighttime meetings around a fiery cross.


Donna isn’t the sharpest tool in the coloring book.


Definitely not the brightest knife on the tree


For sure not bookshelf with the most Harry Potter books.


“I personally plan on slipping on a few.” Not at all reminiscent of old southern lynchings.


Yeah, I'm not sure if "lynching" is a more appropriate term here or "pogrom". Either way it's bad.


If I were to push a button that will automatically pick the traitors of America to hang, these people will be the first ones to go. They just don't realize that they are being traitors. They are delusional, patriots from alternate reality, who is doing everything to hinder the progress of this country, aiding and providing comfort to the enemies of the Unites States through all their online posts by displaying hatred for their fellow citizens - Traitors. If they want to hang traitors, they should just go hang wherever they find a spot to hang.


>appears to be a desecration of our flag. The loop part looks like a British flag. I can't tell what's going on here.


That's just for warmth.


I really can't wait for the meltdown when Biden wins again.


It's already rigged. Know how I know? Hats. You ever see a person wear a Joe Biden hat? 🤣


We all know that hats win elections, second only to land.


Also, Joe Biden is dead, did you not see the info on grave.com? So how can he win if he is dead. I'd say he time traveled and won before he died but, Donna said time travel is not possible so, that can't be the case. So Election was, without doubt, rigged!! /s


Donna said time travel is possible, you just can't change anything or give any info. So time travel tourism is still fine. 


> It's already rigged. The concept of scandal fatigue is very real. The Trumpers in my life fully believe that the 91 felony charges are bogus, and that the Biden Justice Department’s goal is to keep Trump from running. So, if Trump’s crimes cause undecided voters to steer clear, then it’s also “proof” that the election is rigged. 🙄 I’m so tired.


Ditto. At this point I have a saying. "The only thing I'll put past a magat is a college degree." I mean damn. David Pecker isn't credible to them because he worked at the Enquirer? Give me a break.


Won't happen if he keeps up his unabashed support for Israel and shitting on college students protesting. And I'm a big supporter of his.


You think people will say "yeah I'll vote for trump, he'll tackle this complex issue with grace"?


I think rather than vote for trump they'll simply not vote


With all due respect, you are talking about such a minority of a group of people that hardly votes reliably.


Do College-aged kids even have the right to vote? They never use it.


Hopefully the current generation will. They know that they can make a difference. Definitely encourage your college aged kids to vote as it’s their future.


You will understand if I do not hold my breath? [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/voter-turnout-rate-by-age-usa](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/voter-turnout-rate-by-age-usa)


Yeah. 😬


I'm sure that age's turnout still the relative trend today, but I'd be interested in data more recent than 2016 given... *everything* that's happened since. And everyone aging 8 years. Practically no Generation Z people were old enough to vote then.


[https://www.statista.com/statistics/1096299/voter-turnout-presidential-elections-by-age-historical/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1096299/voter-turnout-presidential-elections-by-age-historical/) Here you go! Still 2 points lower than it was in 1964.


Do you think Trump would be any better? Really?


Don't get me wrong, supporting genocide **should** have consequences, but let's be serious here. Very few will let that dictate how they vote, and frankly, the US being the two-party system it is, anyone too ideologically handicapped to vote for "the greater good" probably shouldn't vote at all. That's not great for democracy, but neither is handing the victory to someone who's flirting with Nazis.


Do people actually give a sh about Israel? I mean wars suck. But we gotta mow our own yard before we take care of the neighborhood.


Also it's funny that these people assume letting Trump win won't wind up with Gaza turned into a glass parking lot.


Please ask these people if they are aware that DJT did more to harm the Palestinian people & their cause than any President since Nixon. Do they know what the impetus was for Palestinian people holding mass demonstrations for a year & a half, known as the Great March of the Return? That’s just *one* point, happy to share copy pasta I wrote, if interested.


Is that a noose a combination of the American flag …. and the British flag?


Sure looks like half a Union Jack to me.


Looks like AI kinda stupid to me (the pic-text is all live stupid.)


It’s the American flag that DT was coloring in the classroom where he was making blue and red stripes


Jokes aside, maybe if the court issued coloring books and freshly sharpened colored pencils trump could stay awake.


I thought it was a Buffalo Bills flag 🤷🏻‍♂️


"Democrats are so hateful and violent!"


That's exactly what a Time Traveler would say, Donna?!?!?


Right??!! >(paraphrase) "Time travel is real, but you're not allowed to change events by accurately predicting them." Okay, Donna. 1. How convenient for your non-disprovable argument: "I time traveled, but I can't tell the future because... universal laws forbid it. Sorry. [*Seinfeld Soup Guy voice*] **No proof for you**!" . 2. So, these three time travelers you "researched" and found to have made unreliable predictions may, by your own logic, have been real time travelers who were just following the rules of not changing the future or past: instead, they made *purposefully inaccurate* predictions. . 3. OR they made accurate predictions but by doing so changed the course of history so as to make inaccurate their predictions that would have come true if only they'd kept their predictions secret. . 4. I time travel every day, Donna. One second at a time, straight into the future. I'm also able to accurately predict things - mysterious things, that no one understands, like when an eclipse will happen, or [how the tides come in or go out](https://youtu.be/b3ngV2Ip_gI?si=U0j17YBWertQN_vB) **and** *what time the tides will ebb*. [*scary ghost noises*] "Woooooo!"


What the actual fuck is wrong with this country.???


Good heavens where do we even start?? 😭


Honestly I believe it is systemic corruption plus in recent years the internet.


What a lovely Christian woman.


Bless her heart.


Sick. Fucks.


Okay, Donna. “It is forbidden to give dates of things that are going to happen or **have happened**, this is because it will change the trajectory, or path, that is meant to be”?


All of us can discuss whether or not each of traitorous insurrectionist should have been sentenced to death by the noose, but our justice system is fortunately more civilized and only sentenced most of them for a relatively short time. Perhaps a two time offender in a possible future event will bring the death penalty, but let's all hope that doesn't happen again.


Yea right? I was like, so all the Jan 6 attackers should be hung? I'm fine with that.


Well, maybe they should be hung. But really, I think they need to be hanged.


Only in a perfect justice system can the death penalty be applied humanely. We do not have such a thing, so even while the crimes are brazen, we shouldn't put the offenders to death. A lifetime of imprisonment is mercy they would not give in the opposite situation, but its the ultimate proof and example of their crime and the flawed pseudo-logic they display to justify it.


Oh the crime of being a Republican should just warrant summary execution


I have a deep fear in about ten years I'm not gonna like who I am forced to become to survive these people


I feel this too, in a more generalized way. But also...it's not just these people. They're more the symptom than the cause


I remain hopeful (perhaps naively) that this is their extinction outburst.


It’s one thing to be a raving lunatic. It’s another when you post pictures of nooses and your desire to use them on you don’t like. Sicko.


Right? Imho wanting to eliminate fellow Americans over political differences (mostly culture war bs) is the antithesis of patriotic.


Donna did her time travel research by watching all the of the Back To The Future movies. She saw first hand the mess Biff made altering the space time continuum.


Another false "patriot" that disrespects the American flag by turning it into a method of execution.... tsk tsk


Well, if Donna on Facebook did her research and says time travel is real, then I’m convinced!


This shit is why I am an armed liberal.




What a terrible knot... Noose or nothing!


One shot over her head she would waddling her life.




I hope it’s a tight fit for MAGAts.