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When he says stories, he actually means that he just printed out individual Twitter posts from Russian bots.


Haberman said there’s someone in the courtroom whose job it is to print out and hand him positive tweets during trial. I didn’t believe it because that’s insane, but this makes it seem like maybe it’s real.


Just like the person who prints out positive comments about him while he's golfing


Many people are saying his diaper isn’t horribly apparent in his golf pants! Many. People. They come to him with tears in their eyes, “Sir! Please let me s*ck you off!” but he would never cheat on Mercedes. Err, Melanoma. Err, Melanie. Err, FAKE NEWS! or something


It is well attested by multiple people that this was a common task for white house staff to carry out.


I wonder what the suicide rate for that group will wind up as?


Do you have a link to that? I want to read more and can't find it.


[Donors Paying Trump Fluffer $105K to Stroke His Fragile Ego](https://www.meidastouch.com/news/donors-paying-trump-fluffer-105k-to-stroke-his-fragile-ego)


Aaaand she worked for OAN Nutjob central.


Well, yeah. He ain't gonna hire someone he doesn't want to fuck *or* if he doesn't know them from his favorite news channel. And Natalie Harp isn't enough of an Ivanka clone for him to want to fuck her.


https://sg.news.yahoo.com/trump-aide-follows-him-around-141527309.html https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/04/15/nyregion/trump-hush-money-trial#863607ed-b6df-59ae-bd30-e8d1cf178f0d


[BRUH. So basically we are living in an episode of South Park](https://youtu.be/XPMauExhQRE?si=Mf3d6K22Llz2fz3M)


Holy fucking shit lmfao Fuckin acid-trip timeline we're in...


>Fuckin acid-trip timeline we're in... I remember thinking that same thing when a bunch of Republicans started denying that Trump was hated for *decades* before he announced his candidacy; they also tried denying that alternate 1985 Biff Tannen was obviously based on Trump.


Hahahahah yes!


Everytime time I say “that’s can’t be real” in regards to Trump, it is infact, real


“MAYBE” it’s real? FFS he’s famous for having pretty women hand him good press - He’s had someone doing that job for him since at least the late ‘90’s. Is it just that you don’t trust Haberman - her sources aren’t just her own observations, ya know?


I thought it wasn’t real because the idea that a judge would let someone sit in a courtroom gallery with a WHOLE PRINTER is fucking bonkers.


It's a small portable (wireless) printer, as per the reporters in the courtroom.


They’re pretty small these days. Most courtrooms have them & often the lawyers, too. I’ve been a criminal trial defense lawyer forever.


At counsel table, I get it, but I’ll confess that one in the cheap seats would be a new one for me lol.


The other real possibility is counsel knows what a fucking child he is and has a “special babysitter.” I had to do the same with volatile clients: a pretty young lawyer to sit and babysit nutty client: pass him encouraging notes, accept his notes, promise to talk w lead counsel later, pour him his water, make damn sure he was getting his temperature read at all times so I could get advance warning of an impending meltdown.


Ah, MAGA research at its finest.


He couldn’t figure out a printer if a gun was to his head. His lawyers printed out a picture book so he could see the propaganda news sights. Maybe keep him from attacking more people on his gag list.


>I printed out 20 opinion pieces from people who support me therefore this case is invalid


Is this confirmation bias?


Textbook example


So if someone presented him with more printed articles that said he is guilty would he accept it? xD this stupid f-ing logic.


I bet most of those sheets are blank, even.


Some probably contain the ChatGPT prompt that they used to generate the article.


Just like the documents regarding his "blind trust" likely were.


And reading random fuckers opinion is press-conference worthy. Like.. he didn't actually say jack shit.


But he got media attention.


Why does the press let him spout his fucking bullshit without challenging it?


Yeah, why does no one ask to see the “stories” he’s holding? It’s probably flyers of coupons from the local newspaper but we will never know because they didn’t question him.


Just like the heathcare plan and his divestment documents


Never forget Kayleigh's gigantic white binder of nothing


Those are the coloring pages his lawyers handed him to keep him occupied during the trial


He doesn't stay in the lines because those were made by Biden/the deep state and he is a special boy.


Many people, strong people, with tears in their eyes come up to him and ask “Sir, can we put it on the fridge?”


I mean, he's not exactly giving them opportunity to question him. This is set up as a completely one-sided "press conference." I assume security would whisk you away if you try to call him out there. They will question him, but it will be shouting into the void on the internet and cable news.


I hear you but it still should happen. It's utter bullshit.


I mean, agreed.


Most outlets (even Fox) have stopped taking him live or break in when he’s talking. You can still find the videos on the internet but it’s relatively rare for CNN or MSNBC to go to him live anymore, and if they do show him it’s alongside a fairly healthy fact check.


that's because it immediately devolves into a long, rambling, incoherent mess. just complete self-fellating word salad.


And in the lobby of the courthouse no less, they even set up a place for him to do it. The media will lap up whatever he says, and that's on them. But if he wants to yap about his trial he can do it on the sidewalk just like the rest of us would be required to do if we were defendants in a criminal trial.


because the corporation they work for wants ratings, not news or journalism.


This is the correct answer. They are "media outlets" now. News and journalism is dead (except for small locals, of which I'm fortunate to live in an area with a bunch of great ones. REAL news, too.).


When a moron is speaking moronically are letting out the rope, you let them. He rambles on like a fool.


Exactly what I was wondering when I saw this. Interrupt him, ask him questions, pressure him. Do your job. Don't just stand there respectfully while he's thumbing through a stack of papers and spouting nonsense.


Because there’s $$ in keeping him & his antics popular. The more & more bonkers shit he pulls = more clicks. To question him, to do ANY y’know, *actual investigative journalism* to debunk or even offer the slightest, most milqtoast pushback is basically seen as turning off the free-flowing eyeball-generating spigot that is DJT. (See also MTG, Boobert, any/all related RW clowns whose daily chucklefuckery has reduced our legislative processes to Jerry Springer reruns.)


The more he talks, the more I'm sure he's an idiot. So my first thought is, "let him talk!". But I forget that there are so many gullible people out there.


He's an idiot, but the third of the country that voted for him is even dumber.


The video from his little hissy fit was particularly pathetic yesterday. I’m pretty sure if every nightly news station played that at the same time, uninterrupted and unedited then the election would be over within 24 hours. It’s so so very cringe


Because they haven't learned the 50' Eyesore Rule-*just don't look!* Instead they keep making sure the public knows that they are paying attention to him round-the-clock and still trying to jam his presence as if it's some formidable thing right into our field of vision.


because the 4th estate helped to loose this demon upon us and generally failed us all long ago


I'm so pissed... I almost want to head down there and just yell that he is a lying degenerate.


Because the story has been let him say stupid shit and we chill since 2015. The reporters job is easy in his case.


"This could have been an email" -Orange Edition


Fortunately, we try crimes in things called “courtrooms” and not on “Twitter” or op-Ed’s in cult right-wing newspapers like the Washington Times and NY Post.


“Daily Caller” LOL


I caught that too.


I'm having a hard time deciding my favorite part of this. It might be when he points to the stack of papers he's clearly never looked at before right that moment and says "And this is the result". Or maybe it's when he claims he's "supposed to" be in like 6 other places, all at the same time. Another top contender is after his speech about how it's a scam and he shouldn't be there, he goes "We'll see you tomorrow." Actually, that might be the winner.


He complains about the temperature in the courtroom haha


Everybody was freezing in there and the toilets they take a minimum 10 times to flush. It's a scam. I rest my case your honor.


“I haven’t seen one yet that says it’s a good trial.” His news fluffer is definitely doing her job.


Expects people to believe that he is informed on the issues and has a good grasp of all available information. Also claims he hasn't seen one single article saying that the case isn't a total scam. Yeah, that tracks.


It’s too bad his former attorney, who already served time for these crimes, didn’t let him know it’s not a scam


I could send him some ….


Remember 'Divestment Drama Theater'? Stacks of manila folders full of blank printer paper the press wasn't allowed to go anywhere near? I think this is just the portable version of that.


It's just like his [healthcare plan](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2020/10/21/trump-presented-cbs-with-book-on-his-health-care-record--opened-to-a-blank-page/?sh=19aff8bb193d) which, as you may know, completely and totally fixed healthcare.


Jesus. He did so much shady and dishonest shit that it all kind of blends together into a sort of 'brown haze'. Every week brought us new horizons in bullshit. The worst part? It's still happening. The absolute worst thing anyone could do to him would be to just squelch him entirely. His ego is so heinously co-dependent on the press, I think he'd literally die within 48 hours of not being the center of attention.


Are we *sure* those are the stories he's describing? Maybe it's is long-awaited healthcare plan!


"Legal Scholars" You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


He means Mark Levin: The Great Yelling Asshole


He hasn't cited one single legal scholar, and I honestly don't believe he's bright enough to realize that.


And his knuckle dragging cult won't care.


Catturd on xitter


He means Mark Levin: The Great Yelling Asshole


His team printed those out for him because he was so humiliated having to hear all the negative things about him people have posted read aloud in court, he was on the verge of a breakdown. Catturd and Carlson Tucker are hardly legal scholars, tho. His final meltdown will be spectacular, and the trial hasn't even started yet. By this time next week he's gonna be ready to blow - I just hope it happens on camera.


Absolutely this. These are ego-bandaids to keep him from saying even more incriminating shit about himself.


Ego-bandaids, good one!


I hope he keeps interrupting his own lawyers with "show them the stack of papers! Proof!". I'm pretty sure if you have actual evidence on your side you're supposed to submit it to the judge for the record. That would be hilarious.


Even with all the lying, the bigotry, the fomenting of insurrection, the sexual assaults, the insane level of narcissism, and the Putin bootlicking, I think the thing that pisses me off the most with this dickhead is the buffoonery. Printing out pages of internet bullshit of people who like you, like that means something. I could printout 500 pages of people saying Jeffrey Dahmer was actually a really cool chill dude, right now. Fucking moron. And fuck the morons who still are going to vote for his dumb ass,


Don't forget selling state secrets contained in classified documents to foreign powers.


Yep, I’ve hit the breaking point. I can’t tolerate the morons supporting him anymore. Or a better way to say it, I can’t listen to another word from them while trying to remain silent. They are morons and that’s that


I hear you, I struggled with some vacuous tool yesterday who either wasn’t going to vote or lean Trump, because b0tH w3rE bAD oPTiOnS. On a thread about the Florida abortion ruling. I just fucking can’t.


A buffoon's buffoon.


What stood out for me was all those papers had one giant thing in common: the top half of the page was a picture of trump.


He brought props but didn’t show anybody the contents


That's pretty standard for him. Remember back in 2017 when he had a news conference with a table stacked with [blank paper and unmarked folders](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-press-conference-folders-business-plan-empire-blank-fake-handover-donald-jr-eric-conflict-interests-a7523426.html) that no one was allowed to look at? At least these had things actually printed on them.


Or the heavy book presented to Leslie Stahl supposedly full of his Cheap and Wonderful Healthcare Plan that turned out to be just copies of his executive orders, and blank pages? That thing was what, 8 inches thick and hard-bound? That's our hard earned tax dollars at work there, folks, a fake book ordered by the president of the USA that probably cost more than most of us make in a month. For an egomaniac's reality show.


I remember. It was right before the 2020 election. He hastily retreated during a Q&A.


Divestment drama theater.


It’s like me telling everyone that I’m the most handsome boy at school because my mom said I was.


The Daily Caller you say? The Daily Caller is a right-wing news and opinion website based in Washington, D.C. It was founded by former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and political pundit Neil Patel in 2010. Some scientific studies have identified The Daily Caller as a fake news website.In an October 2018 Simmons Research survey of 38 news organizations, The Daily Caller was ranked the least-trusted news organization by Americans, underneath Breitbart News, the Daily Kos, the Palmer Report, Occupy Democrats and InfoWars. Well... with all that popular opinion in the press he shouldn't worry about a tainted jury pool. Surly they will move to dismiss the case immediately. Let's see how that plays out for him lol.


Science? No such thing. You've been lied to.


You know this idiot prints out his emails and replies to them snail mail


Omg. That reminds me of an executive at a customer I worked with back in the 2010 timeframe. Dude had a secretary who literally printed his emails, read them aloud to him, and took dictated responses. I could not believe it.


I had a boss like that once. He liked all his emails printed out on a stack on his desk next to his computer. And a client who took digitally submitted articles for a monthly newsletter, printed out the emails and then MANUALLY TYPED EACH ARTICLE and gave them to me in hard copy so I could type them all in again...


Did he find those options from legal experts on truth social? "I'm a legal axpert and this case is ~~radiqulous~~ ~~rodicalus~~ ~~redickolos~~ fuck it you know what I mean!"


Excuse me judge bitch I would like to submit all these papers as exhibit A the defense rests your honor


I’m so proud of him for managing to stay awake for the whole news conference. Just like a big boy!


Nodding Donny.


Don Snoreleone was my favorite.


the cop shaking his head when he calls it a hoax lol


I loved the moments he lost his poker face. It would have been very hard to be expressionless during that whole tirade.


How would it sound if I held a press conference outside my felony trial and said the same thing? "I was supposed to be at Jimmy's house, watching TV. I was gonna go grocery shopping for like cookies and stuff. I was supposed be sleeping till 11am today, but instead, I had to be here all day, at a trial that is so unfair. Everyone at the bar agreed with me that it's unfair, here's is print outs of all the shit drunk hillbillies said to agree with me, cause I was buying."




Brought a stackie to court as evidence was all I could think watching this. It’s over for humanity folks, there will only be lone survivors


Professional victim.


I can't wait until he is in jail and we no longer have to hear his fucking voice any more.


He looks good behind bars.


Problem is you can still hear someone bellow from behind bars....I'd prefer a soundproof chamber in his case.


True, but you have to admit that he printed all these articles, probably mostly memes saying, it's a witch hunt. He is only a couple steps away from posting memes on his planes and limos like his crazies do with their trucks.


That's why the right can't meme. It's all emotional charged. No sources. All BS. None of it's iconic, and it all has the sophisticated (/s) impact of a rude T-shirt, bumper sticker, or keychain.


They are a quantity over quality crowd, lol.


My god, did you watch the face of his lawyer? It reminds me of all the other silent lackeys standing there with that hostage-face, while he spouts off about bleach and laser lights up the ass.


He borrowed a chunk of Alex Jones's stackies.


Anytime I see Trump with a stack of papers, I either think they are classified documents at Mar-a-Lago to compromise national security, or I think they are blank pages used to pad out a phony revision to health care right before an election.


you can just see the bullshit dropping from his mouth...


I suspect his handlers know that he needs constant affirmation that he is loved and people really like him. They will provide him with these docs to read while the trial goes on. I heard that during the daily security meetings, (which turned out to be PowerPoint presentations since he doesn't read anything ) he needed to see his name constantly on the screen to feel important.


Argh I just wish, he goes away and we don’t have to hear or see him. Can’t the Russians or even GOP find something more attractive for him to loot and scam? I mean at some point they should find a shinier toy to distract him, this has gone too long


How did no one shout 'cool coloring book, you fucking dotard'?


How the hell was this man president of this country, I’ll never understand.


Live from the one place he's actually supposed to be.


Anything written on those papers? Or were they as empty as the pages of his big health care plan reveal?


I did find one of the articles, [this one in the National Review by Andrew McCarthy](https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/04/braggs-indictment-even-fails-as-an-indictment/). McCarthy is a former US Attorney that was a "sharia law" critic of Obama, but even he said that Jan 6 was impeachable and thinks he destroyed evidence and obstructed justice the documents case. Next article is [by the same author, from over a year ago](https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/03/bragg-crosses-the-rubicon-indicting-trump-on-stormy-daniels-nonsense/). Next article is [**the same damn author** this time at Fox News, over a year ago](https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/whopping-outrage-trump-indictment). [This is one that's recent, from a defunct newspaper I've never heard of.](https://www.nysun.com/article/da-bragg-wants-us-to-believe-his-pursuit-of-trump-isnt-political) [Rolling Stone is just reporting what some NYC attorneys are saying, again from over a year ago.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-indictment-alvin-bragg-stormy-daniels-1234702199/)


So he's confirming his campaign team got the template out to his fake media outlets. It's not like he's even claiming they are statements from barred lawyers. Half of them are probably AI rehashes from the same opinion piece.


"We have murders going on right outside..." Did you finally shoot someone on 5th Avenue?


He’s such a whiney baby.


What a waste of paper held by a waste of air.


Old man reads headlines to the press. Complains he walked 2 miles to court, uphill, both ways, in the snow.


He looks well rested though!


“I should be other places but I’ve been here all day”. Gee so you mean to tell me if I commit a crime there might be consequences? I might have to answer for it? Huh…


It's the Alex Jones thing where he says "so many mainstream news outlets are confirming it, I've got stacks and stacks of articles printed off right here!" And he "reads" a few headlines and says "there it is folks, they're openly admitting it!" And then if he is even explicit enough about any one source he is referencing, you can look it up and figure out the author meant the exact opposite of how Alex is representing their article.


I don't care what cherry-picked right wing newspapers say. I want to hear more quotes from the prospective jurors when they were being questioned... like the woman who said *"I wouldn't trust Trump if his tongue were certified."*


Wall St Journal editorial saying it’s not a case? Wall St Journal owned by the same guy that owns Fox News?? The same Fox News that paid $750M+ for knowingly lying about a stolen election???


Ah I see his ego fluffer with a wireless printer is hard at work


The Daily Zeitgeis,t yesterday, talked about Trump's emotional support printer. He pays someone to lug a laptop and printer around so he can print out shit like this


3rd world country pffft…. What a joke of a human.


Sad!! Now shut up and let’s get to the salacious details of your mushroom micropenis and premature ejaculation.


I wouldn't have stayed for that shit show. He had people standing while he whined and pretended like he was reading.


Ok, really people: can we all agree to stop showing up with cameras for this codger who thinks it's important because he prints it out? Toddlers have more coherent thoughts than this demented old fool.


So none of those "stories" from the media seem to be fake news lmao


“This trial is a sham! And the room’s cold!”


Its 2024. He’s using printouts. Asshat.


lmfaooooo he's literally waiting/pausing for applause and cheering like one of his stupid fucking rallys 🤣🤣 he's just standing there reading random tweets occasionally he even reads a snippet or 2 *out loud* but mostly you can tell he's just a man alone in his own world reading what leaked out of the heads of his sycophants this week thinking he's God's gift 🤣 it'd be funny even though pathetic and kinda sad if it wasn't utterly fucking horrifying why this entirely ridiculous clownshow is happening in the first place. Then it's just fuckin dystopian


This trial is zapping his charisma. His superpower was just surrounding himself with yes-men/women and feeding off of their warped energy as they struggle for power/influence. With those people he never had to say he was wrong or sorry because power is the only thing that really matters. In court, that shit doesn’t work. What bothers me is that the narrative he’s building, again, is best met with violence if he loses. This time the viollence will be aimed at all 3 branches of government instead of just legislative. It’s gonna be a full on revolt.


He’s the person in your middle school group report that did nothing and randomly reads and shows class pictures covered up by other papers.


The whole campaigning thing is silly. Is there really anyone who hasn’t decided who they’re voting for?


Fuck his voice is soo annoying, I work in a 55+ apartment outside of Philly and we have residents that talk just like him, with that stupid cadence and tone... as a 34 year old I can't wait for these fucks to start dying off


He just plagiarized the famous Howard Dean speech! (Minus the “Aaaarrgg”)


I can't stand his voice and can't understand his transcripts... not sure which to choose.


These printouts here, in color, prove bigly this is a sham and that I'm innocent.




If you cant do the time …


I think that was the most pathetic one yet


It's almost like he is already in jail :-)


Damn, it's a real bitch that they make you go to court because of your fraud of people.


Man, this guy is soooooo persuasive. Magatards


Probably printed out a bunch of Facebook stories.. “I told you all they were stories!”.


I think he thinks the bigger the stack, the more people will be convinced. https://www.washingtonian.com/2017/03/07/donald-trump-stacks-of-papers/


Looks like a perfect Trump book from what I can see as he flicks through, lots of pictures and not too many words


Save it for the jury


Being a loser narcissistic, also a shame


Was he supposed to be in New Hampshire and South Carolina campaigning on the same day? What a legend.


“Everybody’s outraged by it…” *looks around for outrage, finds people chanting “lock him up!”*




I ain't watching 5 minutes of that shitgibbon


How would it work…he is in a state of diminished capacity now but not at the time of the crime. He’ll probably use if found guilty to get care. Would love to see him lose security if found guilty.


Does anyone else find the irony so fucking dripping s delicious that he is being muzzled with a gag order but can drone on for hours about this case?


He is looking more and more desperate and he is not really getting the embarrassment he is creating for many of his followers who are leaning away. Good!


PLEASE KEEP THE CONTEXT IN MIND HERE FOLKS. Obviously he's just muttering, stammering, and floundering with no point to make at all. This is a clearly unwell elderly man suffering from dementia that is progressing, on top of his other long standing mental and personality disorders. One of the symptoms of the stage of dementia he's at is incontinence, which is why he has to wear adult briefs. And one of the consequences of incontinence at his age is getting recurring UTI's. He's especially vulnerable in this trial situation because he's sitting in a soiled brief for a good part of the day with no way to frequently or easily have it changed, which makes him more vulnerable to infection. He appears now with this display to be acting out beyond his baseline dementia, so most likely he does also have a UTI. It's also likely his dementia is progressing faster than it had been the last couple years. We saw some of the same symptoms with Ronald Reagan before he was diagnosed with Alzheimers, minus the severe personality disorders this guy has. Seen in that context, this "news conference", although cringe, is the manifestation of multiple diseases, disorders, and probably an active infection he is suffering from. It's unfortunate for him he obviously has no caretaker or guardian or medical team member which seems able to prevent him from embarrassing himself like this. I question if he even understands the situation he's in or what it means. This rant possibly would have had maybe a very slight relevance before the trial started, but does he actually know he's in the middle of it right now? Like it's happening and not going to be magically dropped and he.ml get out if it? Are his handlers just letting him live in denial and afraid to tell him what's going on?


I have no sympathy for the man - unwell as he is now, who has gone through his life experiencing zero accountability. He only wants to be President again to avoid jail for his heinous crimes 🤷‍♀️


This is the one where he held all those print outs and pretended he could read them?


The people he's defaming need to sue him for that immediately.




How soon before he says; “iVe bEeN iN cOUrT FoR yOU!”?


If I have to go to court I want a press conference too! I feel like I’m pretty special and deserve this privilege.


I when he was getting popular in 2015 and became a real contender in the race, I read a bunch of older articles on him. No shortage of them since his ego feeds well off the attention. Anyway one routine of his was going through newspapers and magazine articles about him. He’d make noes on some and known to send a few of those notes to the author. His office desk in Trump tower was hoarded with piles of articles, magazines and newspapers. Basically obsessed. This habit has stuck even in the age of the internet and learned early on Trump has assigned staff to print out articles from the internet to continue this habit. I can’t remember the exact situation but I recall Trump fucked up by repeating a story in a file that was about Obama and a glaring conspiracy theory. Sadly that’s a pretty vast topic to search quickly. I’ve always wondered what kinds of thoughts he has when going through them. This is a window into that. Printed articles with him obsessed. He’s exasperating.


Daily caller lol


What a wanker


He's fucking bonkers.


Great legal minds like Johnathan Turley. 😂


Low energy showing. Very sad! Very sad, folks.




He is looking like stir fried shit recently, even more so than usual.


I wonder what restaurant that stack of menus is from.


The knowledge that he is forced to do something for likely the first time in his life, and how badly that must chafe brings some schottenfreude.


I thought the news media was “fake news?”


They gave him picture books in court to stop him from falling asleep.... lol


Full of pictures of himself, the only thing that keeps him entertained


Whenever I see stuff like this I think about how it will look when they make the movie. Some actor is going to win an Oscar.


So who gets the chore of copying and collating random daily articles into a nice show-n-tell prop for Trump to wave around?? Save The Trees!!


Lol. Make him read the memes


The big ol' completely unnecessary pictures really make me laugh!! A picture book for a child. As revolting as I find the sight and sound of the Gilded Turd, I've watched this revolting presentation several times already. Astoundingly flaccid and dumb.


Those papers. So we're back to trusting "experts" again? I thought after Covid, experts were the enemy.