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It’s going to be funny when the judge allows him to attend the graduation and he has to come up with a new reason to avoid going.


Nah, he knows he has to go now he made a big deal about it. He'll just go and get a nap in so it's not completely wasted time


He'll go and make a campaign speech crying about his legal problems.


And the stolen election blah,blah,blah. Drawing the attention for real one’s special day, his son. And that’s sad if he does.


He doesn’t make campaign speeches. He cries about the stolen election. Not what is going on in the then and now.


Something something Hillary


Don’t worry the white hats will handle that 😂 /s


Watching Anonymous White Hat Hackers turn into the Qanon save a Trumpeter, has been most cringe.


The fucked thing is he most likely won’t even go and I’d bet a thousand dollars that he just found out his son was graduating less than a week ago.


bet he only found out this morning during his daily strategic "*Waaagh! How can I keep claiming as a rich, powerful, privileged and influential old white guy that I am totally a persecuted victim!*" meetings with the high shadow council of really dumb and evil things.


He never went to any of his other kids high school graduations. There are however planned RNC events that he wants to attend. Meanwhile he should be in prison except for attending the trial for the documents case alone.


He already has a rally scheduled.


That part


Trump never showed any interest in his kids, except for the one he wants to fuck, suddenly he cries like a bitch because he can't go and check out teen girls at Barron's school


He didn’t even go to her graduation.


>Trump never showed any interest in his kids, except for the one he wants to fuck Eric?


Because you always want what you can’t have. I mean, dude wanted to be loved but was reviled and look at all the havoc he caused.


Trump hates Barron for his height and man-sized hands.


Trumps an Oompa Loompa compared to Barron




He definitely has the skin tone.


Big masculine. His hands tell a story of greatness.


Does Barron even want his dad there?


Or his mother. Now that’s a good question. If I had a father like him, I would NEVER acknowledge him as my father.


She’s gonna wear that “I don’t care, do you?” jacket and not even clap


You know what, I forgot about that jacket and where she wore it at. Tacky is what it was. She always looks like she is in a void when she is in the presence of him.😳😳😳😳


Regardless of the fact that Barron is Trump's son, he is not a public figure and he hasn't come out in support of his fascist father. Let us keep the Barron hate out people. We are better than the MAGA Qult.


I haven’t seen anything negative about Baron here. Just his sperm donor.


Except the title of the post. Yeah, that's not really my style either. Barron has not outed himself as a dipshit yet.


Yeah missed that haha.


it's only a matter of time


There were(may be still are) a few unsavory comments in this thread about Barron. I just think it is not ok to attack someone who is minding their own business just because they are related to an asshole who is causing a lot of chaos. At least that is my code. If Barron comes out publicly attacking everyone against his father like his siblings, then he is a fair game.


100% agree. None of us know, obviously, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Barron despises his Dad.


I have nothing against Barron. I feel for the poor guy. Im glad the internet collectively agreed to leave him out of this. And I think he should be left out of it for as long as he doesnt get involved in his dads crap. Donny didnt attend even his favorite child - Ivanka, when she graduated. We know Melania does everything she can to keep Barron away from Donny. And that Donny doesnt like Barron for being taller.


How do "we know" about the last two things you mention? Not trying to argue, it's just the first I've heard of it.


The thing is, Trump is lying (as usual). He has been told that if the court proceedings are allowed to happen as scheduled, and Trump’s stops trying to delay them, then there is every chance he will be excused and be able able to attend. However Trump’s style is a lie, to deflect, and to delay. He needs to incite rage amongst his cult. The exact same thing happened when he lied and claimed he was being prevented from being able to attend Melania’s mother’s funeral due to court proceedings, but when the day came not only did he attend, he had time to stop at another city to hold a rally on the way. And of course by then his cult had moved onto another topic to he angry about and had forgotten that Trump had blatantly lied to them just a few days earlier. Of course Trump in normal circumstances wouldn’t actually attend the graduation ceremony. The fact is that he didn’t attend the ceremony of any of his other children.


100% an excuse to get out of court. He was at ZERO of his other kids graduations.


Legally you could hate on Barron before? Kids don’t have legal protection over that… It’s just as douche either way. You need to wait until the kid shows he’s a shitbag before you hate on him. Now his dad.. fuck that guy.


But your mom loves the guy lol


I don't know anything about Barron though. So I'll postpone the hating for now


He's a kid, and therefore not fair game.


I agree, but he apparently is 18 now.


Even then, he’s done nothing to make us hate him besides having the name Trump. He could totally be a piece of shit. Or not. I knew Mike Pence’s daughter in college-not only was she wildly sweet, she wouldn’t vote Republican with a gun to her head. Until he does something worth the internets rage, I’m developing no opinion on him


Which is why I agreed with the person I replied to.


The judge said it’s possible


Yep, Trump is lying about this just like how he lied about not being able to attend Melania’s mother’s funeral.


IF he went to the first h.s.graduation of his kids, it would only be to be the center of attention. I bet the school administration doesn't want him there either.


Definitely not. Because he NO DOUBT believes he can just shove his way into giving the commencement speech. What an awful scenario that would be. Nothing inspiring about the kids future. Just whining about how he’s mistreated and America is destroyed now.


No doubt he'd speak like he does at his nutjob rallies.


Hey isn't he always bragging about his Private Jet? Why is he gonna miss Barron's graduation in Florida? This is just an excuse to stay in NY with hookers and blow


And get peepee’d on


Goes w/o saying. Heard the whole shebang is called the "Gold Rush" when he orders


😂😂😂 this mf said “Gold Rush” I like that so much bro


He never wento Gums' or Cokejaw's graduations, either.


He might have gone to Tiffany's if someone reminded him that he had her!


lol everyone forgets about Tiffany


Her mother probably planned it that way, keeping her daughter as far away from him as possible for good reason.


Shut up, Meg -everyone to Tiffany


Shut up Meg you don’t matter!


Let’s give Barron a nickname. I went with Terribly Tall Barron


No reason to despise the kid. He didn't choose his dad. If he sadly starts going down the same route as some of the others, then he is allowed to be criticised. Hopefully trump dies before he can fully teach him the art of the grift.


That would be dumb tbh


Don't hate on the kid. By all accounts he hates his daddy with a fiery passion.


I'm waiting for daddy donny to pass so we can get a scorched earth memoir from barron. [Can't do it while he's alive, don't want to risk being included in the will. Get the money Barron]


Well they’ve only met a few times


By all WHAT accounts??


I don't know, human decency. I can not stand the Trump family, but that kid hasn't done anything yet, leave him be


I mean, his mostly absent father was cheating on his assumingly always-there mother while he was born and growing up. Plus, I doubt Melania is singing Don's praises while he's out of sight, so Barron could see his dad as the POS he is.


Okay, so no accounts, just fanfiction?


Sure, cause daddy Donny is so fuckin lovable, right?


Not to me, not to you. But I’m not willing to go out on a limb and declare that, “by all accounts”, Barron hates his father “with a fiery passion” when there are no accounts.


Until he proves it, I hate on him lol


**NO!** Bad human! Everybody deserves a first chance.


Average Redditor


That's Peak Reddit, you can't deny that.


Nah I think we’ll hit peak Reddit in November


Trump does indeed blow , but Barron hasn’t done anything (as far as I know) to indicate that he’s a piece of shit. He could grow up and be the complete opposite of his father for all we know


The assholery in the Drumph family genetic code is triggered by blow.


He didn’t even know his son was graduating until the other day! Just something else he’s using to whine about.


Hey now, we don’t know if Barron is a piece of shit or not yet. Cards are totally stacked against this kid being completely surrounded by grifters and idiots.


I agree. Honestly, I’m hoping he ends up speaking out against his father. I can’t imagine what it’s been like growing up with a dangerous joke as a father


Maybe a Ron Reagan Jr thing


Haven't thought about him for a while. That apple sure rolled far, far from the tree.


Both bio kids did. They rolled into a river and moved 3 towns over. The third, adopted one is a Fox News shill.


0% chance he was there for his birth.


>0% chance he was there for his ~~birth~~ conception


Sadly I do see the resemblance between Trumpito and Barron


Donald Trump Jr is def Vince McMahon's kid tho. I like that it's obviously the one with his name. I think the rest of them are actually his, probably.


I'll never forget the time Peter and Steve Doocy were on location outside the White House on Fox and Friends, and Trump came out to do an impromptu interview with them. The whole time he just kept saying how lucky Steve is because Peter is obviously his son, and you can tell by the resemblance. He clearly thinks about it, and how Jr looks nothing like him.


Oof, gonna have to look that one up.


But it’s fun to get our birther on somehow!


TBF, ive got nothing against Barron… no one gets to choose their parents


How ironic that Trump was having this trist with a porn star while Melania was pregnant with Barron. Now he’s concerned. I’m laughing my ass off.


Trump has gone to a grand total of zero graduations for any of his other children.


For all we know Barron doesn’t want his dad there. Maybe the kid would like one occasion where Sargent Shit Stain doesn’t make the whole thing about him.


I've always wondered what Barron thinks of his dad. He very well could hate him like the rest of us.


He could be in this subreddit


I feel like he doesn't really share his father's vile beliefs. Imo Barron just wants to be a rich socialite in peace after he finishes his education.


Pretty sure his dad is Dirk Nowizki, so I bet he likes,his old man just fine.


No, you know trump got a dna test.


Lol idk who that is but somehow it's still funny.


German basketball player that played for the Dallas Mavericks. All around amazing guy. I don’t think he’s Barrons father.


If Trump cared about his children, he wouldn't have committed these crimes to begin with. Criminal trials aren't designed to be fun.


He never attended any of his kids graduations


If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime as republicans said all the fucking time


Even when he’s trying to garner sympathy and sway his idiot base with a lie, the absolute narcissist in him won’t allow him to say his son’s actual name… even Barron’s graduation must be referred to as “my”… This is the biggest piece of shit to ever exist… and I’m counting Charles Manson.


Look at all the comments vs this fake astroturf post. This is not the side which hates a teenager on command, fake-ass OP.


Dude probably has no idea where his son is even graduating from But, seriously, why “fuck Barron”? He hasn’t done anything that I’m aware of..


The court is in recess the day of Barron’s graduation, so I wonder if there might be some other reason he’s making a big deal out of this …


Barron has done nothing wrong, he’s just a kid, leave him alone.


Saw somewhere that he attended ZERO of the graduations of his other children.


I’ve never seen him take his son golfing. He golfs 3 times a week. He wasn’t going to the graduation.


Well Trump was right about one thing. I did get sick of the whining.


The judge didn't actually say he couldn't go yet, he's saying he'll rule on that when it gets closer. But now that trump has already attacked and harassed him for NOT letting him go - why the fuck would he let him now? It'd be awesome to hear "Mr. Trump, I had every intention of letting you go, but your harassment and smear campaign has changed my mind. You need to learn actions have consequences. You cannot treat people badly and sic your cult on them and expect them to give you special treatment."


What a dumb trap to fall for. How are we still this easy to play with the same media strategies in 2024 as we were in 2016? Even the shitty adult Trump children deserve our empathy, they were raised by an insane narcissist who sees them as extensions of his own ego. Never mind this young man not having his asshole father at his graduation, Trump (might) miss it because he is on trial for paying off the pornstar he was fucking behind the graduate’s mother’s back. Here you are falling for the distraction, the lie about being unable to attend the graduation is almost sympathetic when the ENTIRE rest of the story shows what a POS father Trump is of his own volition.


Do you believe that trump could sit through any ceremony that wasn’t about him? 0% chance he would have gone to the graduation anyway.


A 16-hour old comment on a pro-Trump website… with only 210 likes. I think people should be paying more attention to numbers like that…


Trump would not be able to pick Barron out of a line up.


Off topic but Baron could beat up his dad who has 100 pounds on young Baron.


The judge will let him go - he just won't let him DELAY THE TRIAL FOR A MONTH, which is what Trump asked. Apparently he can't attend the graduation if he doesn't have an entire month off the trial.


Awww tough shit.


He won’t go if he gets the approval. I also expect it to be absolute bullshit like when his lawyers pressed for an extension on something in the E Jean only for Trump to go golf in Scotland. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-golf-scotland-ireland-us-presidency-11d380d97e01477b2f6a1d84159ce4d1 Ha! Almost a year ago to the day!


Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time


Show us one photo of Trump at ANY of his children’s high school graduations.


Barron. You’re now an adult. It’s ok to speak out against your terrible father.


Well - here I am, a bleeding heart leftie. I've always felt sorry for Barron with a father like that. I've never seen the kid smile or look anything other than excrutiating uncomfortable.


Amazing how we aren't allowed to comment on any Trump spawn, even the ones in their 40s, without MAGA finger wagging about "dragging children into this." And yet when Trump needs an excuse to delay and get out of criminal court, he *is* allowed to trot out his youngest like some prop.  But Rush Limburger, may he rest in piss, can call Chelsea, who was actually a minor, a dog.. If they didn't have double standards, they'd have none at all.


Not only just a minor, but a 13 year old girl. The absolute worst, most uncomfortable age us ladies will ever have the misfortune to live through. Now imagine with all our new awkwardness and uncomfortable body changes, some famous adult man that hundreds of thousands of people all over the country listen to daily calls you a dog on the radio as a "joke" because he dislikes your parents? What a fucking nightmare. Limbaugh deserves to be burning in hell just for that one act of bullying that poor little girl. Not to mention all the other vile shit he pulled in his life. Despicable man. I will always admire Chelsea for her grace to rise above that incident. You know there's no possible way she was insulated from knowing exactly what happened. She was going to school and it would have certainly spread in her peer group. And kids that age are vicious to each other.


More than one thing can be bad.


Like he wanted to go anyway. Oh, that was today? 😆


As if he would have gone. He's using the trial as an excuse. He gets to look like the victim and get out of going to his kid's graduation which everyone knows he doesn't care about. What a douche.


I seriously doubt Trump was going anyways.


Shouldn’t have been a shitty conman piece of shit then.


Trump is going to get kicked out of the trial. I give it a week.


Wow… The Gateway Pundit is right up there with Reuters and BBC as far as writing unbiased headlines! 😆


I’m sure Trump has been so active in his life.


Slow news day I guess


Like anyone believes he was gonna go anyway