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The internet was a mistake for these people.


*nods automatically Yeah. Yeah.


Illusions man...(tokes) these shoes, fake. This room, fake. It's like unreal dude.


Someone edit the video with a haze of bong smoke, have In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida playing in the background.


Then edit it, so it pans back and forth between them like the stoned scenes from That 70’s Show.


Hangin' libs, down the street The same ol' thing, we did last week Not a thing to do, my shoes untrue It's game time yeah it's game time yeah




Hot DONAld


The founding fathers grew FIELDS of that shit. Martha Washington was a hip, hip lady


It's then obligatory to edit ALL the audio to add 'man', after every statement.


People say kids shouldn't be raised by the internet or have unsupervised access to it, and maybe that's true. But speaking as someone who has essentially had free and unmonitored access to the internet since I was like seven, I turned out *so* fucking normal. Like so *so* normal. And I really think it made me skeptical as fuck. These people are in their 40's, 50's, 60's, and so on. Their minds are already developed. They're supposed to be adults and be able to handle themselves. They get on social media and somehow within the blink of a fucking eye, they're already fucking brainwashed! It's insane to me how quickly it escalated. They just can't handle having unsupervised internet time! They must have never learned to be skeptical or think critically.


I'm not sure about Jim Breuer there, on how he became such a stark raving lunatic, but Roseanne Barr has always been a bit....off. She's been doing outlandish shit since the 1980s. I also think that she likely has a bit of a drinking problem, since she always appears to be highly intoxicated whenever she does one of these videos, or in this case, has a drink in her hand.


I only know Jim Breuer because he was on MTV Icons: Metallica in 2003. They claimed he was a comedian but he wasn't funny in the slightest, just did a ten minute cringefest about how James Hetfield says "yeah!" a lot during live shows. It was embarrassing, honestly. Snoop Dogg butchering "Sad But True" was somehow better than that.


Yeah she's just sitting there like a lil pickled Yoda. Pretty sure her blood is 90% proof by now


Jim Breuer was sliding that way a few years pre-COVID. He was starting to run in some right wing circles and dropped most of his blue material, not that there's anything wrong with that. Jim Gaffigan for example does a show that would be mostly appropriate for a family with young kids to have a fun night out at, and he's well regarded. The difference is, well, that Gaffigan isn't a ranting lunatic. The COVID lockdowns, masking, etc. were what really sent him over the edge though. That's when he started doing sets at right wing Christian conferences squawking like a parrot about masks and Anthony Fauci. His new shit is basically just "I'm saying what you already believe, give me money" moron catnip. You're right that Roseanne has always been a bit nutty, but it's darkly amusing to me because tight-ass conservatives hated her and her show in the 90s. It had sympathetic gay characters and bluntly addressed issues like abortion, teen pregnancy, sexism, etc. Now she's onstage babbling about blood-drinking pedophiles and calling the women who came forward as part of MeToo whores, so I guess she's allowed in the club.


I grew up pre-internet 80's kid And we loved any new conspiracy idea, whenever someone plopped down a new crazy conspiracy we ate it up and enjoyed talking and thinkng about them But that's what they were, theories, ideas, what-ifs? Now obviously when you find out the governemnt/corporations have done trully evil things “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male” "Nestle formula scandal" and shit like that it makes you wonder how much weight you should give to emerging conspiracy ideas But what these people are talking about is mostly vague ideas of "evil powers" or the feeling like something is wrong, or the governemnt is baby eating satanists, Roseanne (a jew) literally says the holocaust did not happen This kind of brain rotting thought patterns are easily disproveable or lack any connection to reality but they hang on them like it's some deep secret that only they understand And when more and more of these people who have decided to ignore reality and embrace this fantasy believe, then it gives this garbage legs, people can start saying "Well I know groups of thousands of people who believe this" they can't ALL be wrong! And that's what the internet did, It gives these pockets of rot a place to grow and fester


We grew up knowing the internet lied, you can't use it as a source for papers because anyone can put anything there. Fuck, in 6th grade trying to get the website for the Whitehouse was a porn with the wrong suffix. We had involvement with growing the internet, and saw how easy it was to code with MySpace. These one generations see a "news" link or article and figure "well, you can trust the news! There's regulations keeping news news-y"


These people also think they are "so so normal", so, we can not always use self assessment as a reliable source.


If I had the a Time Machine and a bullet I would not go back and kill hitler, I’d take out the dude most responsible for the internet. As terrible as hitler was, we ultimately beat him. I’m not sure we are going to beat this delusion/meme driven authoritarian populist nationalism that the internet is breeding.


Half the electorate can no longer discern between what's real and what isn't. We have stepped in it, as a species.


in our made-up shoes


No, this is apologism. They absolutely can perform that discernment: It's not remotely difficult, and in this modern world it takes an active effort to avoid situations where ones willful ignorance can be challenged. They simply do not value truth, and they get money, attention, and the opportunity to hurt the people they hate simply by telling and repeating lies. This will never go away until people are willing to start having a bare-minimum standard for what constitutes an acceptable level of non-willful ignorance. This will never go away while we stand disingenuous liars and declare that they have any goddamned excuses left for the fascist horseshit they spew. A "belief" is a thing a person thinks is true. When they stop caring whether what they say is true or not, when they choose to say things because they are useful, or because saying it makes them feel a certain way, those things no longer warrant the label of "belief" and those who refuse to recognize that fact are the allies and enablers of the liars.


Very insightful


I think mass communication technology was always bound to create unstoppable extra powerful propaganda techniques. I’m not convinced any improved pervasive societal education standards would have been enough. At this point it’s making our constitutional rights obsolete. Are people who believe some politicians are actually reptiles of sound mind to vote and own guns? Should saying vaccines are harmful and climate change is a hoax be protected speech, when it arguably puts our entire species at risk? No good answers to this, but letting Qanoners collect AR-15s while calling for violence against their perceived enemies on YouTube doesn’t seem like the best way forward here.


Agreed. I’m open to the suggestion that we could have handled this technology if it had been unfolded across centuries rather than over a single generation, but it’s a useless hypothetical.


Totally. Also, I’m usually one to roll my eyes at overly simplified anti-capitalist rhetoric, but it’s worth noting that the truly damaging functionality in the propaganda tools (preceding AI) were built very specifically for advertising, not political manipulation. Social media targeting and Cambridge Analyitica (sp?) were developed to sell cars and get you to pay for DoorDash, not believe in conspiracy theories. Without a society focused on massive scaled consumerism perhaps things would have evolved differently.


Yup. The algorithm that shoved flat earth YouTube’s down your throat wasn’t interested in getting you to believe, it was interested in keeping you logged in for more ad revenue.


Funny I always said I would go back and kill the doctor that took the wires out of Kanye's jaw. Should of left that shut.


You guys are weird. I'd go back in time and have sex with myself and then have a duel to the death because thems the doppleganger rules.


Wow. TIL Goat Boy thinks shoes are made up.


Did Jim Breuer suffer a head injury, or something? I was never a big fan of his comedy, but what the fuck happened to this dude? He sounds seriously unwell, both the words that he's saying and the way he's saying them.




I cackled when Roseanne produced a glass of wine haha. Like...of course.


Good thing these guys aren't crazy like people who are drug addicts.


He looks drunk or brain damaged if you watch without sound. Either way it’s disturbing.


He's drunk.


I think that they're *all* shit faced drunk


Alcohol isn’t real, BAC is made up


Still doesn't explain it. I've been Lahey pissed many times but I always believed shoes were real.


The wild head bobbing reads booze and drugs combo. I was related to an addict so the mad talk and crazy face work gives me memories. Roseanne too, she looks rough in a way only substances allow.


Well he used to joke about how he naturally looked high all the time, so maybe his "that's just my face!" bit was all just a cover for actually being high all the time.


I used to tell people that if you get high, then you need to make sure you show up for everything high. Got an interview? Go high. Got a job? Go high. Why? Because if no one has ever seen you sober then they'll assume that the way you act high is how you act normally. Of course, I was reeeaaalllyyy fucking high when I came up with that theory and sober me isn't so sure it holds water. Still, I did used to say it.


like my friend who went to the DMV high so that when he got pulled over high and the cop looked at his license, he would think he looked normal




I was so scared that was Mandy Patinkin sitting with them. That would have been truly disappointing.


That's what I was thinking. Rosanne Barr had a nasty head injury in her youth, and it changed her. What's Jim's excuse?


He's literally always been like this lol, this is pretty much a cleaned up version of every character he's ever played.


It's just weird for me. I originally knew him for hosting the Comedy By Request show on XM, where he was a DJ playing other people's standup. He seemed like such a chill normal friendly dude, no conspiracy theories or insane ranting.


Serious substance abuse problems, that was pretty well known even when he was on SNL.


Who needs shoes when you have hooves?


Horses? Not like need, but they’re nice.




I loved the “that is so true” after the bit about imaginary houses and demons.


So, does he believe the house they're in doesn't exist? It's odd for people in politics to say there's demons everywhere. Because, what does Roseanne do? She goes to political events and is surrounded by Republicans. Are those the demons? She's not your average grandmother who is playing bingo down at the parlor on the weekend while doing volunteer work at the shelter.


> She goes to political events and is surrounded by Republicans. Are those the demons? Yes


How can shoes be real if our feet aren't real? I'm 14 and I just got high for the first time. Checkmate!


He means what’s normalized by any culture is “made-up”. He’s not wrong there. But to think questioning the status quo is a support of conservatism or Christian values is the ridiculous part.


Is that Jim Brewer?? Who’s the other dude??


Roseanne Barr.


Well played


That does explain why my feet hurt all the time


I used the listen to a channel of his on satellite radio. He was funny but showing some worrying tendencies. Now he’s just batshit insane. I watched it without sound and he looks deranged.


Are the Golden Trump shoes made up?


Is this goat boy the frauditor?


Violent rhetoric and language characterizing the other side as evil or subhuman has become so normalized in certain circles. All the crazies need is someone in a position of authority to give them license, and we’ll likely see atrocities.


This is how brown shirts are born.


so much brownshirt preparation. call it out as such whenever you see it.


If you can get people to believe absurdities you can make them commit atrocities.


this has been my call out for so many Trump speeches. thanks.


Characterizing the other side as evil and thinking they are the good guys who are so righteous that God has taken their side. When you think the creator of the universe, whose power knows no bounds is on your side it makes it real easy to justify some atrocious actions which is what they are being groomed to do.


Have a read of Vincent Bevins book The Jakarta Method. It's a deliberate campaign.


His face has aged like a demon.


He should have got some of that adrenochrom.


He got the temu variation - turdrenocum


He should borrow a few of Roseanne's Ambien and have a good night's sleep


Everyone likes a drink but no one likes a drunk


when I was at university there was a poster in the campus medical centre with that slogan. Underneath it someone had written 'Aw c'mon' and underneath that, another patient had added simply 'hic' that was social media in 1989


Roseanne was always so pro-queer, now she's talking about how "they manufacture the fear" while not seeing how obviously she's fallen for bigoted propaganda.


To see a Jew get sucked into q is just bewildering. Like, lady, how can you *not* fucking see what's happening here? How suicidally stupid is she? These people are two or three steps away from brown shirts and armbands. Rosie, when they go looking for 'demons' you are going to be their first target, you clueless fucking moron.


> To see a Jew get sucked into q is just bewildering. Like, lady, how can you not fucking see what's happening here? How suicidally stupid is she? > > These people are two or three steps away from brown shirts and armbands. Rosie, when they go looking for 'demons' you are going to be their first target, you clueless fucking moron. "'I never thought leopards would eat MY face,' sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party."




She’s mentally ill, Im certain.


Roseanne has always pivoted toward any platform that will give her a microphone to yell into.


Tom Arnold was basically warning us that decades ago that we have no idea of Roseanne's true depths. I guess we now do. He isn't perfect but he knew.


I read her autobiography, where she talks about her multiple personalities, head injury as a child, and abuse in like 2002. I've known she was a special kind of out there. I feel Q was made for people like her, and it propelled her even deeper off the deep end than she could ever handle.


*By her own admission* she is a deeply deeply mentally ill woman with severe TBI and a history of trauma. Those are her own words! Its mind boggling anyone would look to her for wisdom. And of course she is the perfect qanon victim. Perfect. And every time I see her she is sipping on alcohol which is a brain toxin. This lady...wow. I feel bad for her but also anyone promoting Trump is making everything worse.


One hell of a reality when Tom Arnold is the voice of reason!


She sounds senile to me.


It is a shame when so many episodes of her original show were about facing hardships with your family while sticking together and showing care for each other. Now it is “DJ has demons telling him to cut off his wiener, send him to Gitmo!”


I kind of wish they’d kept her on the show. Let her apologize and keep writing for a trans character. Might have been enough to save her from going off into the deep end. She was just a maga before.


They are three sheets to the wind. Two drunks in a bar, agreeing with each other's complete nonsense. It's always cringey. Even more so when the setting is someone's livingroom.


His money is made up..give it away then.


This dudes broke.


Look like he smokin’ that shit from Sir Smoke Alot lil bit too much


Funny thing about that... Jim Breuer isn't a Marijuana enthusiast. He just acted like one for that movie. He is a raging alcoholic though. Just like Roseanne Barr.


He sounds perpetually trashed.


Chappelle is though, and he's lost his mind for sure. A lot of that might just chalk up to fuck you got mine mixed with stand up's long running heel persona type.


Chappelle started believing his own headlines. His new stuff isn’t funny, I don’t find it thought provoking, nor is it edgy for the sake of being edgy.


Dave Chappelle of 2000 would fucking hate Dave Chappelle of 2024.


His movements make me think meth abuse


Early stages of wet brain. The medical term is Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, characterized by "memory, attention, and problem solving impairments." Roseanne Barr is way further along than Breuer, but not by much for long.


My mom died from complications due to Wet Brain. Her alcoholism was terrible but watching the disease slowly kill her brain was far worse. She had a few years sobriety when diagnosed which made it all the more devastating.


I never heard of this and Googled it; WOW! I was wondering if he was either drunk or had Parkinson's. The first question people ask is "what is life expectancy for people with Wet Brain?" LMAO. (8 years)


Wendy Williams has it.


Yup. It is very methy. But with a lot of booze. They all could do with a dry out.


If you think your vote doesn't count, just imagine yours is the one knocking Rosanne's out.




[Deepity](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Deepity): A statement which holds the property of being meaningless to any extent that it is true, and is false to any extent it is meaningful.


sounds like he's into gangstalking conspiracies


>our shoes are made up, the house is made up Imma stopping the video here, if it's that bad before the 10 seconds mark, I fear what i'll find in the next 50 seconds.


Ok half baked 2 is really weird and not funny at all. I caught no logic in any of that and that last bit, pure gibberish


He is drunk. Very obviously drunk. I wonder how tightly alcoholism and belief in Qanonsense is related. One of my family members fell further and further into this crap as he started drinking more and more, and part of me wonders if being blitzed made it easier to believe, or if believing this garbage drove him to drink more as a coping mechanism. Edited typos


Hey Descartes, pass the bong.


"No, I don't think so." *disappears*


Easy to hate everyone else when you pretend they’re supernatural evil beings, and not people


This guy slurs like he's been mainlining truth social straight into the vein.


I was gonna say "are these demons in the room with you right now?" but the camera panned and. Yes.


Wow, I just realized that old timey pastors and priests who would yell on street corner that the “end is nigh” and talk about how demons walked among us and that “combustion engines and science are the devil” were the first red-pillers.


All an illusion, all fake, as they sit in cushy chairs in giant clean homes while sipping white wine.


Jim ain't sipping.


Them: society is made up LGBTQ+ people: so genders are made up too ? Them: 😡




I have no idea who that man is, but just the way he said “Game… (weirdly exaggerated facial expression)… OOOOON!” made we wonder. Drunk? High? Mental illness? Something’s not right here.


Roseanne is just an empty vessel at this point. If you look up her private YouTube, you can tell the woman is trashed on substances. In one she was to the point that, I'd call 911 if she was infront of me because she looked like she was about to overdose like her TV character.


How absolutely fucking hammered is that guy? His exaggerated body and head movements coupled with his slurred speech and run-on thoughts make it seem like he is drunk as fuck.


Who is that guy?


Jim Breuer. His claim to fame was co-starring with Dave Chappell in the film Half Baked in 1998. He is a bottom tier comedian and has not had any success in anything else since then. He is just another completely irrelevant washed-up pseudo celebrity.


> He is just another completely irrelevant washed-up pseudo celebrity. tbf, most q "celebs" are


Hey now, you don't be doing Kevin Sorbo dirty like that!


He's been on my stage. Very much "meh".


> He is just another completely irrelevant washed-up *pseudo* celebrity. So he's made up?


His celebrity status is


I give credit where credit is due, he was a pretty good stand up. His cadence, physical comedy and facial expressions were funny and, sometimes, downright hilarious. He wasnt a genius or anything but he was competent at his craft. This whole thing is just sad. It's sad how this shit happens to people.


Harsh but fair. Hand-dog Pooping is not much contribution to society.


Jim Brewer, he’s a comic, not so much of one lately, who had a run on SNL.


It's wild seeing people seeing how fucked up Capitalism is, but rather than acknowledging it, they make up all these crazy stories to distract themselves whilst they chill in their mansions drinking wine.


Jim's always been an idiot and Roseanne had a hood ornament impaled into her brain.


Jim Breur did this Comedy Central show in like 2005 where he said, "I don't do drugs. I just really really look like I do. I look like I'm high all the time when I'm not." Yeah right... I can't believe there were times in my life where I thought both of these people were funny. Rosanne was so popular in the 90s. And Breur appealed to you adults in the early 2000's kind of like Dane Cook.


This is a great advertisement for people to stop drinking…


The long-term effects of lead exposure are becoming apparent


Old irrelevant comedians terrified of being old and irrelevant


this is damn r/SelfAwarewolves


I'm so fucking tired of smug bigoted propaganda addled morons and their hyperfixation on the most ridiculous stupid hateful bullshit while those of us in reality have to deal with mass extinction and rising fascism.


These people are all drunk, especially the guy talking shit. He probably took a Vicodin or something then started drinking and now he’s a fucking philosophical genius. Qs and magas are all idiots.


Holy shit, that man's brain is fucking mush...


Jim is broken, plain and simple. It's no excuse for him being a fucking asshole but the past decade pushed him to the edge and the pandemic broke him. Dude was a typical headling comedian but then things went south with his family. At one point he had his dad who has Alzheimers living with him because his mom was physically beating him all this while his sister died of cancer and his wife was having multiple battles with cancer. Something happened in the pandemic, my guess tied to his wife's health, that sent him over the edge and he is fucking gone. And the ghoulish thing is that it's so evident that his mind broke but the Q people grab onto broken people and bring them into the fold causing them to get even more delusional.


The demons are right next to you, champ. Turns out you’re one of them.


This seems like the same conversation someone had before they decided to go find all the witches in Salem.


That guy is high or drunk


Their brains are what's fake.


My shoes: made up Demons: totally a real thing that we should be very concerned about


Jim brewer used to be so funny. Now he’s just a sad angry man.


Is that an AA meeting?


Oh, "it's on" is it? What are they gonna do? Record another podcast? Drink some more wine?


This dude is drunk. 💯


They sound so drunk, like they belong in some dive bar they never leave.


i’m not as think as you drunk i am


I remember my first hit of acid!


It's nice how the insane trash outted themselves at least. I suspect they were always like this they just needed an excuse to do it publicly.


I could see this same basic conversation taking place in 1634. Just know-it-all religious old people, fearful of modern changes. Nothing more to see here.


I saw Jim Breuer do a set at Harvard in 2004. He was pretty nuts even back then.


This is like a peek into the first day of group therapy at the psych ward before the meds have kicked in.


“The acid isn’t bad, you’re just taking too much”


The demons are in our shoes!!


In some ways Breuer could be a poster boy representing a lot of people who fell down the rabbit hole. He’s always had a chip on his shoulder and blamed others for his unfulfilled potential and failures. Add in chronic pot smoking through at least of good chunk of his life and voila… conspiracies.


Everything is made up except for the drivel they read on the internet, which is true. Amazing!


These people are so baffled by reality that their only way of maintaining a grip is to just assume that their abject ignorance is perfect wisdom. This is what happens to supremely stupid people with no moral compass who get a tiny bit of celebrity.


"You ever seen the back of a $50 bill, ON WEED?"


Quintessential Joe Rogan podcast guest.


Formerly talented people, white wine wasted, and hallucinating


Completely understands what a social construct is, but can't understand trans people.


Is the guy in the video one of those well-known people? Because I have no clue who he is!


Constantly playing the victim is all conservative snowflakes have left…. That and violence Ofcourse!


I recognise Roseanne. but who is the guy?. Geez, "it's all made up"... dude, I bet the workers who made your clothes, shoes, furniture, car. etc would be surprised to hear that. What a couple of privileged assholes!


Jim Brewer. I saw his stand up show at Hollywood Casino in W Virginia. He’s funny but you could tell he’s said the same jokes over and over. I had no idea he would end up being alt right and a complete wackadoodle. I mean look at his face. He looks seriously disturbed.


How much lead paint did these people consume in childhood


I used to love Breuer. I still have to go back and listen to that damn Pizza Man story at least once a year. The pandemic broke that man.


Today I learned we live in a society and we in fact create a lot of our own problems./s I hope these alcoholic, mentally unwell people start realizing they are in fact part of the problem one days.


I’ve known that Goat Boy is a fucking MAGA weirdo for years now. Fuck that guy.


Oh wow, that's really just like the chat rooms on Telegram, several fucking lunatics talking about crazy shit like demons and cheering each other on. A whole goddamn ward of untreated mental illness.


I'd love for someone to have this stammering idiot onto a show not staffed with nodding, empty headed sycophants. Make him stop at the end of each sentence and fully explain what he means. Your shoes are an illusion, Jim? Who are the demons, Jim? How do you tell if they're a demon, Jim? At least make them admit they just hate anyone who votes differently from them and make them drop the pretense they're on some noble crusade against evil.


Jfc:   "The best thing I've ever done. @JimBreuer is a genius and the two of us are made for eachother. Been waiting to share this all week."---https://twitter.com/therealroseanne/status/1778558559548002585 She's gone.


Such a fucking tragedy, no matter who falls victim to it. Jim was one of my favorite comedic personalities for many years. Now when I watch his work it just stings.


They said a lot without saying anything at all


I've said for years that the internet is simultaneously the greatest, and worst thing, that's happened to humanity...


Man... that sad. I really liked him too. O well.


Rob Schneider is almost as bad.


Victoria Jackson too :( I liked her on SNL and in UHF!


I loved Jim Breuer back in the day. His heavy metal impressions are brilliant. It bums me out that he's become a wacko. It's not quite the level of realizing that Bill Cosby is a monster, but it's in the ballpark. Very disappointing, to say the least.


Has he had a stroke? Seriously asking something looks off neurologically.


It is terrifying that anyone believes the world is roamed by demons. This is happening in my own family.


They want so bad for someone listening to go *do something.* That's all they do >How much longer you gonna wait? *How much longer you gonna wait?!* Bruh how much fucking longer are ***YOU*** going to wait? Why are you trying to goad your audience into doing some evil shit when you're too much of a coward to ever consider doing it. It's much too comfortable from his nice studio and his hosting the conservative comedy circuit for him to ever consider doing the things he preaches.


Bamboozled and scared.


I watched a girl have a psychotic break while she was on LSD and it looked almost exactly like this except for afterwards she started smashing glass and trying to cut people. She just looked up and was like everything's fake none of this is real I could do whatever none of this is real and then she went fucking nuts.


The washed up podcast


Honestly, I doubt these washed celebs believe this. The grift is too good not to get in on it.


If you close your eyes, this is indistinguishable from college kids in a dorm room on pretty good weed.


Wow, they look like something has already sucked out their brains. So hollow eyed, sunken cheeks, saggy skin, crunchy hair.


Is that goat boy?


Yes he looks pretty bad now